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I Need to Tell My Story Pt. 02

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Venturing out, good vibrations, and meeting Carlos.
2.8k words

Part 2 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/09/2024
Created 10/05/2023
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Manny, here's more about my new, improbable life:

After that deep sleep, I awoke the next morning to resume being Jackie. I had learned not to try to pee standing up (!).

I began thoroughly checking out everything in Jackie's apartment (my apartment). No diary, but some old scrapbooks showing her growing-up years. A prom picture with a date. The dude was short, and looked a little rogue-ish. Maybe a jock. Jackie herself wore what looked like an expensive light-pink gown with a classic scoop neckline that ever so nicely displayed the beginnings of her boobs my boobs). The gown fit her tightly around her waist, and had a few pleats in the lower portion as it expanded to her knees. God, I must be absorbing some of my new hormones to be noticing things like this!

Now, I looked more intently at Jackie's face as it looked 10 years earlier, when she was in high school. With a somewhat longish face, she had kinda thick eyebrows that showed little sign of plucking or manipulation. I liked that. Her lips were classically shaped and quite fetching. Her blond hair was pulled back, not into a bun, but falling back behind her shoulders. Her eyes were brown. Her expression seemed to say, "so, bud, whataya got for me?"

And that's much the same as I saw in the mirror now, except my hair wasn't as long, I wasn't wearing any makeup, and I had a couple wrinkles along with a minor scar on my face from the accident. I realized that as a guy I would've loved to have made out with this lovely girl, and then I remembered that I'd kinda done that when I masturbated the day before.

As her sister said, Jackie was deeply into books, with four long shelves of them, mostly novels, with some travel guides and science books relating, I suppose, to her work. One book type stood out -- the 50 Shades SM and domination books. That certainly gave me pause. Had she actually been into that with anyone?

In a drawer in her bedroom, there was a drawer with condoms and a vibrator. No handcuffs.

Now it was time to check out all of her clothing. Of most interest to me was her chest of drawers with a good collection of lingerie. A nice assortment of panties, ranging as expected from cotton everydays to sexy briefs and thongs, some with lace (my favorites). I even tried on a thong -- couldn't quite figure out its orientation at first! Fit very nicely over my cute, shaved cunt. Wow. And now, was I supposed to be wearing this little tease to get guys aroused? Well, it aroused me enough ..... especially its feel as it slid between my butt cheeks.

Another drawer held several slips, three nightgowns, and some pantyhose and nice, tight leggings.

Then, her impressive collection of bras. More variety than the panties. All the different styles. Pre-formed, utilitarian types probably to wear to work without any ornamentation -- don't they call those T-shirt bras? A couple strapless ones (I had to try one on). And then, some of various colors (I hate red and blue bras), with black predominating. She had exquisite taste in this department. I tried on one fancy number -- black with white embroidery, and enjoyed carefully placing my boobs in the cups after I managed to secure the clasps in back. Wow, I really had great tits, Jackie's tits. I wondered if she was up in heaven somewhere, watching all of this.

I wandered around the apartment in bra, panties and a blue bathrobe, before deciding I was hungry.

So, I looked through the refrigerator and was about to make an omelet when I remembered I wasn't supposed to remember how to do things like that, so instead I microwaved some frozen waffles and slathered them with syrup and butter, like they'd served me in the hospital a couple times. Taylor had shown me how to manage a microwave. That was going to do all my "cooking" for me.

My sister Taylor returned later, ready to tell me more about the old Jackie. This time she filled me in on family dynamics -- my two brothers and her. Taylor was an account manager for an ad agency, specializing in social media advertising (she explained what the internet was all about to my bored ears). My two brothers together ran a trucking company which, she said, was quite successful. One of the brothers and Taylor were married, but neither had any kids -- yet.

"And now, how about lunch?" she cheeringly asked. This was on a weekend, so she had some free time.

"My first foray as the new Jackie?" I joked. "My god, I won't know what to do, I'll be a total klutz. But let me figure out what to wear, and you tell me if it's ridiculous. Also, help me with a little makeup. I look so plain in the mirror compared to some of my photos."

"OK, dear."

Actually, I tried to pattern myself after the way Taylor was dressed, as best I could. I found a wide-leg pair of beige linen pants and topped that with a crisp cotton white shirt over a white bra. I've always loved fitted shirts on women. I found a casual necklace to accompany some dangling hoop earrings, which Taylor helped insert. My shoes had small heels -- there was absolutely no chance I'd venture out in high heels!

Then, Taylor showed me how to apply some foundation and powder (now I know what these things are!), and how to do my eyes with mascara, eyeliner and a bit of eyeshadow. I could do the lipstick myself. God, Froggie lipsticking himself. Manny, I wish you'd been there to see the sight.

All the while, when Taylor was expertly showing me how to do makeup in the mirror, her warm body next to mine was getting me aroused -- her hand lightly touching my face, and so on.

When I finally stood up and went over to view myself in Jackie's full-length mirror, with Taylor standing next to me, the image took my breath away. Here were two broads, sisters, thoroughly looking the part. My breasts pushed healthily against my white shirt, my hips and butt were all-American rounded. How did I ever get to this place?

I hugged Taylor and profusely thanked her.

"Oh, it's so good to be able to do something with you again, sis," said Taylor. "I'm glad you weren't disfigured, or crippled, or something -- after the accident."

"Yeah. Or paid the price like the guy."

We headed for the biggest, most expensive mall in the county, with Taylor driving. My own BMW had, of course, been totaled. I was looking forward to buying a new car with my insurance money. As I mentioned this, Taylor insisted I pay more attention to driving and the rules of the road.

"Maybe you should go to one of those driving schools," she urged. "And

we won't let the DMV know that you forgot everything you ever learned about driving. We do want to keep your driver's license active."

After parking in the mall's expansive lot (nearly full on the weekend) we proceeded into a Nordstroms. My god, I was so self-conscious. I thought everyone must see me as a too-masculine girl, considering my gait and movements. I soon learned not to look at men approaching, because that invited their darting glances. How did they see me? First-date material? Fucking material? Wife-providing-children material? I had to inwardly laugh. Again, I fell back on mimicking Taylor.

What was disconcerting was my feminine voice qualities. Every time I opened my mouth to talk, I still halfway expected Froggie's voice, but a woman's voice came out. A nice, soothing woman's voice.

I enjoyed feeling my ass move around a bit as we walked. As Froggie, I had automatically zeroed in on asses when walking behind young women. I knew that when we returned home and I was alone, I'd have to parade around in front of the mirror, seeing how my new ass behaved .....

In Nordstroms, Taylor helped me pick out a new pair of shoes, a stylish and warm jacket to help with the upcoming winter, a pair of patterned nylons, and a dark turtle-neck sweater. I insisted on looking for a new bra, "just to celebrate the new Jackie."

Then, a pair of earrings.

"My, your taste has changed," said Taylor. "Sexier than you used to wear. Congratulations. Maybe now you'll socialize more, date more."

"But what about dear old Carlos?" I asked. "Aren't I supposed to be loyal to him?"

"You shouldn't just see Carlos, Jackie. Don't just settle on one guy. No hurry. You're very attractive and wouldn't have any trouble meeting great guys."

"Well, maybe now that I'm unemployed I'll have more time. But I do want to spend some time with Carlos to get re-acquainted. He is kind of cute."

"Remember, Jackie, you are a very attractive, smart, single woman with no bad marks on your report card."

I laughed. But inwardly, I needed that kind of confirmation about myself.

After lunch (I now watched my calories -- something I NEVER did before), Taylor dropped me off at home, and left, after showing me how and when to use Jackie's tampons (the dates for their use was an unknown at this point).

Being in Jackie's skin and being her at the mall had made me horny, and it wasn't long before I was down to bra and panties and masturbating again. I stuck my finger briefly up my vagina and wondered how it felt to be fucked, with a guy hovering over me lasciviously, hot to use me, hot to own me, hot to cum.

The evil sister part of me flashed on playing with Carlos, keeping him at a distance because I couldn't remember him, but not telling him to go away. Seeing if he wanted me badly, seeing if he was the courting type or the animal type. I should know, I used to be the animal type. One-night stands, or even less.

It seemed like most of the women I had sex with wanted to get married. I never led them on that way, you know. And that limited our relationships to a couple weeks.

This time in bed, I found Jackie's vibrator and it instantly came to life, strongly humming. First of all, my nipples demanded some attention, so I touched the tip of the phallic-like thing to them. After just a little initial jolt, the vibrator didn't do much there, so I brought it down to my cunt, inserting it into my vagina. It felt good to be "occupied" with something like a cock (I moved it in and out), but the vibrations didn't turn me on there.

My cunt was getting wet as I nosed the toy around my labia. Eventually, I just lay its nose along the top of my cleft, alongside my clit. I had never used a device to cum before, but there's always a first time! It's amazing how the insistant vibrations transmitted slowly but surely into my warmth. I was feeling the first stirrings of arousal. Soon, I changed the position of the thing, and kept moving it around a little, and that brought me to the next level. It's amazing how a thing like that can get you going.

It wasn't long before the vibrator's purrings were taking over my entire body. I twisted my legs together to catch and contain the plastic phallic shape tightly within my cunt, and bam! Oh, my god. So that's what an overwhelming female orgasm is all about! I lay back, looked for a moment at my classy boobs in my bra before briefly falling asleep.

A week or so later, Taylor accompanied me while I returned to the pharmaceutical company where I used to work. We thought we'd touch bases with the team I used to work with.

The team (a dozen people) and Taylor and I met in a conference room. I was wearing a simple, gray flare dress down to my knees, somewhat tailored in at the waist, with an open sweater jacket with stripes on top. I had also chosen a long pendant necklace, and my hair was pulled back into a ponytail. My shoes were sensible, short-heeled pumps. Underneath, the tight feel of dark-toned pantyhose. This time, I'd applied only minimal facial and eye makeup.

They, of course, had heard about my amnesia, but didn't seem to want to accept it. They kept referring to our fun and success as a team before, and kept saying how much they missed me.

"It's so nice to hear all of this," I said. "I really wish I could return, but my whole biomed education and work experience here has gone out the window. That really makes me sad."

They continued to find it hard to accept that someone who appeared to be as healthy as I did could have lost a big hunk of her memory.

There were two young people there I found attractive. One was Susan, who gave me a big hug when I entered. She had a nice, roundish, Slavic-looking face, and kept herself up well, with long brown hair. Her breasts made a nice impression under her lab coat. She was just very nice and friendly.

The other one was Min-jun, who introduced himself as an émigré from Korea who did the university thing here and stayed on. He was well-built -- I guessed he worked out. He had a strong jaw and seemed extremely confident, though relatively quiet. He was definitely more serious than the others, and got kidded about that from time to time. I looked to see if his trousers showed any signs of a big cock, but his lab coat hid all of that. However, he did sport one of those really techy-looking, stainless-steel watches with all sort of dials and displays.

After trading stories, and catching up on changes at the lab, I bowed out, saying, "You all know I'll get back in contact if my memory starts to return, right? In the meantime, I'm out on disability leave, cooling my heels, and trying to learn how to live again."

What I didn't add in was, ".... And getting used to living in a female body."

I left with all the phone numbers of my former team.

Two days later, after intense curiosity, I visited the grave of Froggie Szarachan, all by myself. Very strange. That was me, six feet down. In a way, I thought, Jackie had died, too. And I was the result.

The inscription on the tombstone read:

"Always enjoyed life.

Taken away too soon.

Beloved by family and friends."

Really, I was beloved? Seemed to me that my life had been more about me, having fun, and not taking anything seriously. And now, there I was, a woman, Jackie, shedding a tear or two over my former self. For no reason at all, I took a photo of the gravestone, which had a few artificial flowers attached.

After another week or so, I figured it was time to meet Carlos again -- this time just him and me. He hadn't made any effort to reach me, which I appreciated. Maybe he'd already taken up with someone else! I didn't want him in my apartment, so we agreed to meet at a burger and beer place, where we could sit outdoors.

Oh my god, what would I wear for this important get-together? Something provocative, something mild, something goody-two-shoes, or some sort of power ensemble? Would he believe that he was speaking to the real Jackie, or to an imposter?

I arrived via Uber. I was hungry, and reminded myself that I would only have one beer. As Froggie, there was no end to the amount of beer I could put away.

Being that it was warm and sunny out, I wore Jackie's sleeveless, light-green summer dress (almost hippy-ish) with deep-V neckline and floral patterns. It reached nearly to my ankles.The waist was nicely gathered-in, which nicely emphasized my boobs, and was pulled tight by a drawstring. With it I wore leather sandals and a white-shell necklace like women wear in Hawaii. My makeup was minimal, but I did do my usual mascara and subtle lipstick trip. A couple days previously, with my sister's able assistance, I'd painted my nails and toenails. Kinda fun, actually!

Plus, some stylish sunglasses. Might as well play the part to the hilt, I thought.

My hair was flowing freely as I entered, looking for Carlos. He wasn't there, so I had to wait 15 minutes. I wasn't going to give him more than 20. Finally, he showed.

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StrappySandalsStrappySandals6 months ago

This chapter seemed nothing but filler... Maybe the interesting sexual realization will start with Carlos...

KatiwantsKatiwants8 months ago

Mmmmmmmmm strange but very interesting!!

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