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I Never Saw It Coming

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Marriage is never what it seems.
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Hi everyone, this is my third effort in writing a story I hope you enjoy.

As with all my stories this is mostly fiction with a little bit of my personal life thrown in, all characters are fictitious as are place names any similarity is purely coincidental. I have set this story in the UAS but being a Brit I have probably made a lot of mistakes, please forgive me as this is my world and I make the rules.

There is no sex only betrayal, revenge and violence in this story so be warned, having said that this is not a stroke tale.

To the nit pickers:

This is not an English exam paper it's just an old codger writing for fun I did put it through Microsoft's word editor so blame them.


My name is Frank Bishop I am a middle child with two elder twin [not identical] brothers two years older than me Peter and Shaun, I also have a younger sister Grace. My parents Andrew and Sam own and run a logging company in Oregon just twenty miles outside Alberta, they also own a traditional log cabin building company.

From the age of thirteen us boys were expected to help out at either the logging site or at the log preparation site scraping bark off of the logs, this was hard work, but dad said it was character building to work with your hands, it also put muscle on your body and gave you a broad pair of shoulders.

By the time, my brothers were sixteen they were over six feet tall and nearly as broad as dad, both brothers loved football, and both won a scholarship to Washington Pen.

Peter studied law and Shaun studied computer science. I on the other hand barley reached five foot ten I was just as broad owing to working for the company. My sport was swimming and Kick boxing I represented state at both sports but failed to make the Olympics. My parents were well off but not rich even, so they sent me to Washington State pen to study engineering and computer science.

Whilst at college I met the love of my life Terisa aka Terry she was from a working-class family and was very conscious of her perceived social status and quite materialistic, we dated exclusively in our final year, and everybody thought we would marry after graduation, but I had other ideas. My grandad had been a ranger in Nam and my dad had been a ranger in the desert storm and I wanted to serve.

My mom tried to talk me out of it, but dad was so proud I thought he would burst.

Terry was tearful and didn't want me to go, as we said our goodbye's I told her not to try to be faithful as it would be a long five years and we should go our separate ways but should keep in touch.

I reported to Fort Benning for my nine-week basic training and a further fifteen weeks for specialists' course, on completion of this I did a further three weeks paratrooper course and a further eight weeks fitness training. I was then sent to my first Ranger battalion as a second lieutenant.

Six weeks later I was in Iraq. Three years into my service the Humvee I was in was hit by an IED. I remember a flash a deafening boom then the world started to spin as the vehicle rolled over several times. I crawled out of what was left of my door, my legs hurt like hell, I looked at the driver not much left he took the full blast, but the top gunner was still alive and moaning. I managed to pull him out and get us behind some cover as bullets were hitting the wreck and the road beside us.

I looked around the second vehicle in our convoy was under fire and fighting back the big 50 cal was spitting tracer at a building about a hundred yards away. All I had was my 9mm pistol and a knife our rifles were somewhere in the wrecked hummer. I hunkered down trying to make myself as smaller target as possible. I became aware that my right leg was hurting like hell one look, and I saw why there was a piece of shrapnel sticking out of my thigh but not too much blood, so I left it in there. About this time, I heard voices behind me I had learned a little of the local lingo and realised they wanted prisoners. As they approached me unobserved by the other vehicle occupants I unholstered my 9mm side arm. I waited until they were no more than twenty feet away and shot all three. Shortly afterwards I must have passed out.

The next time I opened my eyes I was in hospital; my left leg was in a cast and my right leg was heavily bandaged. I had broken my ankle and had a ten-inch cut in my right thigh. The doctor told me that my right thigh would be as good as new. But that my broken ankle would prevent me from any more parachute drops. Three months later I was given a medical discharge and awarded a purple heart and bronze star for pulling the gunner out whilst wounded myself.

I returned home to a hero's welcome. I now had to decide what to do with my life. I asked my parents about Terisa and if they knew what she had been doing since I left. And was informed they knew little. So, I tried phoning her cell, she picked up on the fourth ring, and seemed delighted to hear from me, we arranged to meet at the Old Barn bar and grill.

When I walked into the bar I saw Terisa sitting in a booth and as soon as she saw me she ran over and threw her arms around me. I ordered drinks and we sat and caught up on each other's lives. She seemed concerned about my wounds but was happy that I was getting over them. She said that she wasn't seeing anyone at the moment, and we just sort of picked up where we left off with the proviso that we would not talk about the lovers we had while we were apart and that this was a new beginning.

Six months later we were married. My grandparents had died some time ago and had left me a ranch house property and with two hundred acres. So, we moved to Texas. The house was a bit run down but had plenty of potential. We moved in and started the process of getting the house the way we wanted it. It turned out that Terry was a keen gardener and was soon out the back preparing the soil to receive an abundance of flowers and vegetables.

Terry had always wanted to be a nurse, and so we decided. She would go to night school to qualify, to help with this she got a job as an auxiliary at the local hospital. I bought her a three year old Toyota to give her some independence. Three years later she was working as a junior nurse at the local hospital.

At about this time my sister Grace had finished her law degree and asked us if she could move inn until she found her own place. We of course agreed. She stayed for a couple of months then found her own apartment and moved out. She was now working at a local law firm as a corporate lawyer.

I had in the meantime borrowed money from my parents to buy out a small engineering company specialising in pumps and injectors for the aeronautical industry. It seems the owner was selling up after find out he had cancer and wanted to see some of the world before he died.

When I asked my parents for a loan they insisted on a post nuptial agreement which we both signed.

All was well when we found out Terry was pregnant with twins. Nine months later Mike and Jerry were born to everybody's delight. Terry took three years off to look after the boys. At about this time the hospital opened a preschool nursery, so Terry went back to work.

During those three years I suppose she got bored and seduced the pool boy. I caught the action on our internal security cameras. The next time the pool boy came to clean out the pool I made sure I was at home and Terry was out. I called the boy into the house and sat him down. He looked very nervous and would not meet my eyes. The conversation went like this.

''Tom, I know that you had sex with my wife, but I also know that she instigated it, so I don't blame you. I can see that you are a bright boy why are you doing such a menial job?''

Tom now had tears in his eyes and couldn't sit still.


''I'm so sorry Mr Bishop I didn't want to have sex with your wife but she was so insistent and I need the job to pay for my education I'm working my way through college I want to be an engineer.''


''Ok tom I understand and I'm impressed with your work ethics however I want you to do something for me. Close your eyes and picture yourself getting married to the most beautiful woman in the world then having two wonderful children. Now picture yourself coming home and finding your wife fucking somebody else. Do you get the picture?''

Tom was now openly crying.

''I'm so sorry I never realised how much pain I would cause you Mr Bishop What can I do to make amends?''


''For a start tom you can promise me you will never get involved with another married woman can you do that?''


''I promise, and I really mean that Mr Bishop.''


''Ok Tom, I believe you and despite what you have done I would like to help with your education. Here is my card the company's address is on it go to the HR department and tell them I sent you. I will arrange with HR to give you some part time work in the engineering shop and that should be enough to cover your college fees, if not come and see me ok.''


''I don't know how to thank you sir this means a lot to me, if ever I can do something for you just ask.''

I found out about her second affair from a friend who played tennis at our country club. He told me he had seen Terry getting into the tennis pros car and leaving the club to return a couple of hours later. I engaged a PI to get the evidence I would need to divorce her, although I had no intention of divorcing her until the children went to college.

The PI showed me the evidence and informed me that the tennis pro was also fucking two other wives at the club and had photos to prove it. One of the wives was Mrs Mary Galino the wife of Frank Galino the local crime boss.

I sent both of the husbands the photos from the PI with a message.

''I thought you mike like to know what your wives get up to at the club, from a well-wisher.''

Two weeks later The tennis pro failed to show up for work and was never seen again. Mrs Galino had a lengthy stay in the hospital after she fell down some steps.

Nothing much happened in the next ten years apart from Terry now being the senior theatre nurse. And my Little company had grown to the point where I had to build a new factory, owing to having picked up several lucrative government contracts.

One thing that did happen that should be mentioned. I had just completed a contract and received a large balloon payment at the end of it. I thought it would be nice to take Terry on a round the world cruise, it would last three months so she would have to request a leave of absence. This was granted by the hospital administration as she had not taken a holiday since she started there.

The cruise was fantastic and as we were on our way home Terry said she had a surprise for me waiting at home. I could hardly wait. Imagine my utter disappointment when the cab stopped in front of what should have been our drive. There instead of my grandparent's ranch style house stood a concrete monstrosity.

My daring wife having seen her dream house on tv decided she had to have one the same. So, while we were away, she had the ranch house I loved full of so many memories flattened, and her dream house built. I was furious and she knew it. And spoke.

'' Well, it's done now so you best make the most of it.''

''Anyway, it's not finished yet so we will have to stay in a hotel until it's finished.''

She was so upset that I didn't like the new house there was no sex for a month. We did stay in a hotel for three months while it was finished. But after a month of no sex I took the children and moved in with my sister until the house was finished. Terry knew I was pissed and tried to make it up to me. We moved into the house and the sex was great for a few weeks then it tapered off again.

Terry the gardener took over the rear of the house landscaping it to her requirements. There was a formal Japanese garden, a formal English garden with maze and a Roman garden complete with statues of Roman emperors.

I thought it was garish, but Terry loved it and invited her friends to visit whenever she could.

The boys were now thirteen and we had been married for sixteen turbulent years. Then things started to go wrong. Petty things at first, I didn't cut the grass the way she wanted, I was late putting out the trash, I had not washed her car properly. And the big one I had tied up all our capital in the new factory so she couldn't afford a new car or new furniture like her friends had. Didn't I know as senior nurse she had a social position to keep up? And other such bullshit. After this went on for over eighteen months, I realised our marriage was in trouble. I suggested we see a marriage guidance counsellor. She said I was being hysterical and to grow up.

I saw this was the beginning of the end of our marriage so I started taking steps to protect myself financially. I had two patents pending and was working on a third I decided to sell the patents abroad so as to keep the money out of the country. I set up bank accounts in the Keymen Isles and where I could hide the money. I made sure that the post-nup agreement was up to date and sat back and waited to see what would happen.

I would play the loving husband until the boys left for college in two and a half years' time.

About this time a new neurosurgeon started at the hospital Mark Wesley. Over the next few months her whining and bitching became less and our marriage started to pick up a little. I thought perhaps it was her menopause and things would get back to normal. I did notice that Mark Wesley's name came up frequently, as in Mark did this or Mark is getting an award for that, Marks shit doesn't stink. I needed to meet this, Mark Wesley.

Until I could I met with my attorney to discuss my options. And it was decided to employ a PI to not only follow my wife but to dig into Wesley's past, I wanted to know everything about him that I could.

The opportunity to actually meet him came at the hospital Christmas party. I was in my tux and waiting for Terry to make an appearance. What a shock, Terry came down the stairs dressed to kill, short black cocktail dress no bra and cfm pumps. I knew this was not for me as we hadn't been intimate for over a year. This should be interesting.

I drove us to the venue a really delightful hotel on the other side of town looking out overlooking the lake.

When we entered the ball room we were announced.

''Mrs Terisa Bishop and her husband.''

WTF I don't even rate a name. I looked at Terry and she just grinned I knew then that the slight had been deliberate. So things weren't getting back to normal they had just got even worse.

We walked round the ballroom and I was introduced to some of her co-workers as ''my husband [no name] some of them looked rather embarrassed and made their excuses and moved away.

We walked up to a rather imposing man about 6'4'' 200pounds and at a guess about thirty-eight years old.

''Hi Mark, this is my husband Frank, Frank this is Mark Wesley who I told you about.''

As she said this she switched from my arm to his and grinned up at me.

We exchange a hand shake [I couldn't resist squeezing a bit harder than necessary and saw him wince] and the usual pleasantries.

''Frank, Mark and I have to do the walk round and speak to everyone why don't you get us a drink and catch us up?''

I went over to the bar and ordered our drinks, a martini for Terry and a coke for me. When I looked for Terry and Mark I spotted them chatting to another couple and noticed Mark had his arm round Terry's waist with his hand resting on her hip. I walked over to them gave Terry her drink. I then walked behind mark lifted his hand off Terry's hip and whispered you shouldn't touch what isn't yours.

I then went and sat at a table and waited for terry to join me. She came over to me looking truly angry.

''What the hell was that all about you embarrassed me in front of my friends and colleagues not to mention Mark you asshole.''

''Well I wouldn't have had to if you didn't let another man touch you inappropriately.''

''We are just friends nothing else.''

''And I believe in the tooth fairy.''

''Fuck you if you don't like it go home.''

''Good idea, get a cab back see you tomorrow.''

I walked out of the hotel and drove home. When I got home I sat and thought about our marriage over three fingers of scotch. At that point I decided I would speak to my attorney about a legal separation.

Terry eventually arrived home at twelve thirty in a furious mood and started on me as soon as she came into the bedroom.

''You bastard you ruined my evening and everybody asked me why you left.''

''I hope you told them the truth because if you didn't I will when I next see them.''

''Oh and what exactly is the truth, that you got in a snit and walked out?''

''You know verry well that is not what happened, I complained about you letting another man fondle your body and you said if you don't like it leave, so I did.''

Things were strained for the next few weeks but that was nothing new. Then she started coming home a little bit later than usual stating that there had been an emergency or a meeting all crap of course.

Then one day I was at work and Terry called my office to ask me to lunch at Frenchie's a high class restaurant. This particular restaurant was very exclusive and difficult to get reservations for , you had to book at least a week in advance. So sensing a trap I called my PI and asked him to set up surveillance for me.

I then called Frenchie the owner of the restaurant. He and I went back to the rehab centre at the hospital I was in after my run in with an IED. He had the same experience only he had lost a leg and was learning to walk again and we had stayed in touch. He had called me one day about three years ago asking if I was interested in going into partnership with him in opening a restaurant. He put up his GI retirement and I bankrolled the rest with him buying me out over a ten year period. I told him about my problems and he readily agreed to my PI wiring his table and agreed to provide security coverage. At the same time he informed me that the table was booked for three persons.

I arrived at the restaurant on time and walked into the dining room. I immediately saw Terry sitting at the table with Mark Wesley they were both looking very pleased with themselves. I took the seat opposite them and smiled, at this point my wife looked a bit uncertain of herself and glanced at Mark. I didn't offer my hand and ignored his offered hand. I thought I would take the initiative.

''What are you having? I hear the lobster here is amazing.''

That caught them off guard and after a quick discussion they agreed to the lobster and a salad. I then knocked them back a little by calling the waiter by name and beckoning him over.

''AR Mr Bishop nice to see you again how are you?''

''Very well thank you Raymond I'll have my usual and my guests will have the same thank you.''

As he left Frenchie came over to our table and I got up and gave him a man hug. The look on their faces was priceless.

''Frank it's been too long we must keep in better touch, who are your companions if it's not too forward to ask?''

''The lady is my wife and the man she is with is her lover Mark Wesley he's a surgeon at the hospital where my wife works.''

Frenchie looked at my wife and Mark like they were dog shit and turned to me I will have our verry best white wine sent over compliments of the house. Now if you would excuse me I suddenly need to have a wash.

We made small talk While we waited for the food. The food was excellent as always as was the wine. I ordered coffee and waited for one of them to speak. My wife spoke first.

''Frank what's this all about you seem so calm?''

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