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I Turned My GF into a Queen Ch. 01

Story Info
Guy manipulates his sweet gf into becoming a dominant queen.
19.3k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 08/29/2019
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Author's Note: Our story follows a man fed up with his partner for not giving him the opportunity to live out his unfulfilled sexual fantasies. He contemplates breaking up with her but is unable to do so as he still loves her dearly. He instead opts to take a much more radical approach, he decides to play a twisted game of manipulation on her and attempts to subversively coerce her into becoming his dream partner. He is patient and deliberate in his approach as he every single day construct plots designed to push her into slowly, but surely, becoming the dominant woman he's always wanted her to be.


Chapter One: Maniacal Manipulation

Friday: Relationship Problems

"I'm sorry baby but I just can't do it."

"Just a little bit. Come on Olivia, just dominate me a little bit." Robert begged as they both laid naked in bed.

Olivia sighed, her heart shaped face looked miserable, "Robbie, I can't. I'm not that kind of girl, sorry." she said and turned her strawberry blonde haired head away from him.

Robert leaned forward, his fit six foot three inch, two hundred pound body dwarfed her five foot four inch, one hundred and ten pound body even when laying down.

"Please baby, you've never even tried to do it how do you know you won't like it if you've never..."

"I know because it doesn't turn me on Robert!" Olivia said impatiently and crossed her arms, "In fact, it turns me off knowing that you would even want me to dominate you." she said and gave him a sad look with her light blue eyes.

"But it's hunny, it's just us playing around a bit, it's nothing serious." Robert insisted.

"Robert, stop asking me to do it because I won't." she said and frowned.

When Olivia frowned she drew her tiny nose upwards and little wrinkles formed around it, Robert had always felt that even when she was upset she looked cute.

"I like when you dominate me Robbie, I like when you hold me down and make me feel small, I can't be the dominant one."

"Can't we just try one time and see how it goes? Just once."

"No. Stop! You're always doing this to me." she said and pouted with her full, naturally red lips.

"Doing what?"

"Making me feel bad about not wanting to dominate you. You keep bothering me about it all the time. When have I ever let on that I'm that kind of girl Robbie? When?" she demanded to know.

"Well, everyone has a dominant side baby." he said encouragingly, "You just need to let that side come out."

"But I don't want to! I don't want to be dominant, why is that so fucking hard for you to understand?" she asked fiercely.

Her normally sweet voice had cracked and become harsh.

It always did when she lost her temper and Robert knew he wasn't going to be able to convince her once she got like that, he sighed and sunk his back into the bed. 'Why did she have to be so damn stubborn?' he wondered.

A couple of seconds went by before he felt her slim fingers around his muscular arm, he turned his head towards her and saw that she wore an apologetic look on her face.

"I'm sorry Robbie, I shouldn't have been so harsh." she said and rubbed his arm soothingly, "I know you're not trying to upset me it's just...when you don't let me say no I just sort of lose it sometimes. Sorry."

Robert sighed and patted her hand with his own, "It's okay, if you really don't want to I can't force you to do it." he said with resignation in his voice.

"I'm really sorry, but we can do something else if you want..." she said with slight playfulness in her voice.

"I don't know, I'm not really feeling it right now." he said and turned away from her in the bed.

She sighed and rolled over to the other side of the bed.

"Why does everything have to be so difficult?" he heard her mutter quietly.

Robert found himself wondering the exact same thing as he pulled his cover up further over his body and prepared himself to go to sleep. He laid there for almost ten minutes before remembering he had forgotten to brush his teeth.

He groaned and swung himself agilely out of bed before heading towards the bathroom. When he got there he lit the lamp and had to squint while searching for his toothbrush and toothpaste in the far too brightly lit bathroom. It took him a while to get used to the light but eventually he did. He gazed into his own tired dark blue eyes in the mirror as he brushed his teeth.

'She's never going to agree to dominate me, no matter how much I beg.' he found himself realizing. His biggest fetish, the fetish he'd had since his late teens, was never going to get fulfilled.

He spit out the toothpaste angrily into the sink, 'Does she really even love me if she's not willing to do anything for me?' he wondered. He felt a pit form in his stomach as he suddenly didn't feel so sure if his girlfriend of four years cared as much for him as he cared for her.

"You stubborn bitch!" he whispered angrily.

Just once. To see if she liked it. That was all he had asked for all this time and she had now made it perfectly clear she wouldn't even do that. He locked eyes with himself in the mirror and stared into the abyss of his own eyes. 'Is it even worth being with her if she isn't prepared to do anything for me?' he wondered. 'Maybe I should break up with her and find someone who wants to dominate me instead?' he pondered as his heart rate increased.

It had gotten that far, he was now considering breaking up with her. The only problem so to speak was that he still loved her. He loved her scent, her smile, her voice; everything about her was intoxicating and addictive. He felt cold and lonely just imagining not having her in his life.

No, he could never do it. He could never break up with her, not when she still made him feel the way that she did. The ridiculous thing was that he knew she had a dominant side to her, she showed it whenever she lost her temper, it was there, hidden underneath her sweeter, friendlier surface. Unknown to most people who ever met her and only surfacing when she was too upset to hold it back. He felt she'd be amazing domina if she just let herself get angry in bed.

Something suddenly dawned on him and he froze. 'What if he were to bring it out of her 'forcefully'?'

'What if he annoyed her to the point where she lost her temper 'on purpose'?

His slack cock twitched as he imagined his girlfriend coming after him angrily.

"That would be hot." he mumbled as he grabbed his cock and began to stroke it.

Maybe he could encourage her to eventually become dominant in bed by frustrating her outside of it? He could do all the things he knew she hated when he did and not stop doing them until she had lost her temper. He would then effectively be encouraging her to lose her temper more often. She'd have to get angry if she wanted him to stop being annoying.

'It could work.' he concluded, 'I'll bring her dominant side out of her whether she wants to or not!' he thought and closed his fists.

It was a risky idea but one that might end up working and give him what he's always wanted. He had never thought of manipulating her like that before and as much as he felt bad for even thinking about it he also felt it was justified.

She had done nothing to help him live out his fantasies so in a way she had it coming. And he wasn't really hurting her by doing it, if anything he was probably hurting himself as he was about to draw her ire repeatedly without fighting back. His cock twitched excitedly as he imagined it in his mind.

One problem he knew he had to overcome would be her guilt. Although he felt sure he would be able to get her to snap if he really tried to he also knew that Olivia was not the kind of girl who ever lost her temper without feeling bad about it.

If he was ever to get her to embrace her latent dominant side he'd definitely have to get her to stop feeling guilty about becoming angry. He knew she'd be trying to apologize to him after losing her cool and it was crucial that he didn't let her do so. Instead he should be apologizing to her and insist that it was all his fault for upsetting her.

If it worked out the way he thought he figured he could not only steer her towards becoming angry more often but also slowly get her to not feel bad about doing so. Which was absolutely necessary if he was ever going to get her to open up and become sexually dominant. She'd have to want to do this, and in order to do that she'd have to first be okay with being dominant outside of the bedroom.

It was quite the task Robert had set for himself but he felt determined to give it a try. Starting tomorrow he would do everything in his power to draw out her fury and then reward her for letting it out. He spit out the remaining toothpaste and went back to bed where he fell asleep, smiling as he thought of ways to trigger his girlfriend.

Saturday: Bathroom Fight

Robert woke up the following morning in a good mood, it was Saturday so he'd have the whole day to get under his girlfriend's skin. He knew she hated it when he ignored her so he decided to treat her like air until she hopefully snapped. He rubbed his hands together and smiled, he felt like he was playing a prank on her.

He rolled out of the bed and went to the bathroom, it was in there that he realized his first chance to frustrate her would be to hog the bathroom. He felt like a kid playing a prank on his parents as he sat down on the toilet and patiently waited for her to arrive outside of it and demand to be let in. He knew she never ate breakfast before going to the bathroom first so he figured she would get quite angry waiting on him, especially if he didn't reply to her when she told him to hurry up.

It took at least thirty minutes before he heard her bare feet walking outside the bathroom. The footsteps stopped and he could hear her sigh slightly before continuing towards the kitchen. He smiled and rubbed his hands, this was what he had been waiting for.

Another five minutes went by before she returned, and this time she knocked lightly on the door.

"I really need to go Robbie, could you hurry up please?" she asked sweetly, though he could hear it was forced sweetness.

He didn't let out as much as a peep in response.

She knocked again a few seconds later, this time more firmly, "Have you fallen asleep in there or something?" she asked, now much less sweetly.

He again said nothing.

"Why are you ignoring me?" she asked without knocking.

He gave her no response.

"Hello?" she said poignantly and knocked hard on the door.

When he again didn't reply she grabbed the door handle and shook it, "Answer me! I know you're awake in there." she said, now using her serious voice.

He instinctively stood up from the toilet and had to force himself to sit down again, he was unsure of how he was going to play this, he had already gotten her a bit angry but how angry was angry enough?

He heard her trample impatiently outside the bathroom door and just as he decided it was time to get out she gave him another salvo, now while hissing.

"If you don't open this door right now Robert I swear to God..."

Robert immediately flushed the toilet and went to wash his hands. When he stepped out of the bathroom Olivia had her hands on her hips and was shooting daggers out of her eyes. Though she looked mad, Robert didn't feel she was angry enough yet so he wasn't going to reward her.

"Why didn't you answer me?" she asked him.

Robert looked down at her condescendingly, "There was no point in answering because I wasn't done." he said nonchalantly.

He could see her grinding her teeth, he knew she hated when he got nonchalant with her.

"Well next time maybe you can make some sort of sound so I don't have to stand outside here wondering if you've fallen asleep?"

He didn't answer her but simply walked straight to the kitchen. Though he couldn't see her he could feel her eyes piercing his back and imagined being ignored like that had just pissed her off a lot more.

When Olivia joined him in the kitchen a few minutes later she was tight lipped, she didn't say anything and gave him the silent treatment he had given her. He could feel Olivia just wishing he'd say something to her so she could show him she was ignoring him but he didn't say anything so she never got the chance. As he left the kitchen he could feel that she was still fuming with anger.

He knew she'd always lose a contest of who could be silent the longest as she was the more talkative of two and he wasn't wrong, as he was browsing the computer a few minutes later she showed up behind him and had something to say.

"What's your problem Robert?" she asked confrontationally.

Robert turned around in his chair, he thought she looked ready for a lengthy fight.

"What do you mean?" he asked, trying his best to look surprised.

"Don't give me that, you know exactly what I mean!"

"If it's about the toilet then I've already explained." he said and returned his eyes to the computer.

"You haven't explained anything!" she said, now raising her voice slightly.

"Yes I have, you just didn't like the answer."

To his surprise he felt her hand slap against the top of his head.

He turned around and saw that Olivia had tears in her eyes, he felt a pit form in his stomach, this game he'd been playing all of a sudden felt very real.

"I'm sorry baby." he said excusingly and grabbed her arms.

She immediately shook his hands off, "What the hell is wrong with you?" she whispered with a broken voice.

Robert felt a deep pain in his abdomen watching his beloved Olivia in so much emotional pain; he hurried to soothe her.

"I'm so sorry! I...woke up on the wrong side of the bed and I...I took it out on you. I'm sorry!" he said and looked lovingly into her eyes.

She calmed down a little and nodded her head while rubbing her eyes. A few seconds later she had recovered enough to speak without her voice breaking.

"I shouldn't have hit you." she said and looked up at him with tortured eyes.

"Oh no no baby, don't blame yourself. This is all my fault, I was being very rude to you." Robert said comfortingly.

Olivia still looked inconsolable, "It doesn't give me the right to hit you, I snapped...I shouldn't have..."

"You did nothing wrong baby." Robert said and wiped a lone teardrop off her cheek, "You didn't hurt me, you just woke me up a little." he said and smiled playfully.

Olivia let out a relieved yet nervous laugh and looked gratefully at him. She kissed him on the cheek and they hugged.

"I was worried I might've hurt you...I hit you in the head of all places." she said and sounded miserable.

"This big ol' head can take a lot of slaps like that." he said playfully and rubbed her back.

"You're too nice I shouldn't have..."

"You did the right thing Olivia, you did what any normal person would if they were being treated like I treated you. In fact I'm the one who should be apologizing!" Robert said emphatically.

Olivia looked at him lovingly and petted his face, "Thank you for...understanding me and not being mad."

Robert patted her slim back supportingly, "I have nothing to be mad about hunny, I started it, I'm just glad you've forgiven me for being such a dick."

Olivia chuckled at his self deprecation, "You're so sweet Robby, nicest guy there is." she said and planted a loving kiss on his forehead.

Olivia then walked out of the living room and returned to the kitchen, leaving Robert alone to process what had just happened.

"Wow!" Robert voiced barely audibly as he sunk down in the computer chair.

He was shocked by how easy it had been to get Olivia to snap to the point where she resorted to violence. That slap had taken him by complete surprise, she had never slapped him in the head like that before. He had thought she would get angry and yell at him a bit but never in a million years thought she would slap his head for what was basically a couple of mean comments.

On one hand it made him feel wary of manipulating her any further but on the other hand it also had an encouraging effect on him as he realized he could influence her quite easily. It also helped fuel his belief that she was deep down a quite dominant little lady.

Though she had never slapped his head or face before she had punched his arms on rare occasions but he honestly thought it would take a lot more effort to get her to be physically violent. He knew she hated to be ignored and treated like air but he must've seriously underestimated just how angry it made her. He never did it on purpose normally, at least not to the extent he had just done it.

He realized he had to be careful going forward though, the tears he had seen in her eyes had not been crocodile tears. For a short moment there she had looked absolutely devastated and had he not hurried to apologize and soothe her he feared she might've resorted to talking about taking a break from each other or something like that.

The rest of the day went by without any further provocations as Robert stuck to his plan of rewarding her for losing her temper by being nice to her. They ended the day with having sex but it was the normal vanilla kind that barely gave him an erection.

She had asked him to be more physical with her as they were having sex but he only slightly obliged her as he didn't want to encourage her submissive side. He still came however but doubted she had, when they shut off the lights and went to sleep he heard her sigh and figured their sex had left her feeling unfulfilled. Something he thought was not all that bad as he desired to move away from their normal, boring sex.

Sunday: Dish Fight

When Robert woke up the following day the thought of hogging the bathroom just like yesterday occurred to him but he chose against doing it as he wanted her to feel like losing her temper yesterday had produced a lasting result. And if he did the exact same thing that had caused her to get mad at him the very next day he figured it wouldn't have much of an encouraging effect on her.

So he just peed really quickly and went into the kitchen to make himself some sandwiches. She soon joined him, she wore her white nightie and looked sleepy eyed. He thought she looked super cute in her little night gown and Robert wanted to tell her so but halted himself just as he was about to give her the compliment.

'It's not the right kind of compliment.' he concluded. He shouldn't be complimenting her for being cute and passive, he should be encouraging her to be either active and confident or angry and violent.

She walked up to his kitchen chair and kissed him on his cheek and he kissed her tamely back. He heard her sigh as she went to make herself breakfast.

They small talked at the table as they ate breakfast and when Robert was done he set off to the gym. Olivia had told him that she was going to visit her best friend Annie after breakfast for a few hours but that she would be back before dinner. She had politely asked him if he wanted to do the dishes before then so that when she got home she could get started with dinner. He had said yes but had no plans on keeping his promise.

He knew she hated if there was a lot of dirty dishes when she was about to start cooking and that she hated it even more when he didn't keep his promises, so naturally he was about to do both.

Robert had a good workout at the gym and when he came home he felt relaxed, he lounged in the living room sofa and watched more than a few episodes of a TV series he'd grown fond of as he waited for his girlfriend to come home and get angry about the dishes not being done.

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