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Idle Hands Ch. 05

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A succubus as a house guest? Sparks fly!
22.8k words

Part 6 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 02/09/2020
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Forbidden Fruit

Part Six of The Succubus

Copyright 2016 Alana Church

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~~ All characters in this book are over 18. ~~

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Warning for the Literotica version:

Despite the title, this is part six in an eight-book series. The first two parts were listed in "Sci-Fi and Fantasy," the third in "Erotic Couplings," the fourth in "Incest/Taboo," and the fifth in "Sci-Fi and Fantasy." This one is going into the "Sci-Fi and Fantasy" category, as well. However, if reading about taboo sex disturbs you, I suggest you stop here, because there is some.

As always, I hope you enjoy this story, and I welcome both your votes and your comments.



Our story thus far...

In "Idle Hands,"Althea, first among the succubi, was torn from her body by a foolish mortal. In desperation, she sought refuge in the mind of Rachel Wainwright, a successful attorney. Weakened by the ordeal, Althea knows the only way to return to her own body is to restore her power, which she receives by tapping into the sexual pleasure of others.

With this in mind she begins a slow seduction of her host, nudging Rachel towards a more sexually adventurous lifestyle. At the end of "Idle Hands" she has seduced her intern, Jeremy Edwards, and has also attempted a reconciliation with her former husband, Joshua. Meanwhile, her children find her attitude towards them softening, as Rachel becomes resigned to the fact that Sarah wishes to attend culinary school, while Alex wants to become an actor.

The story continues in "The Devil's Playthings." In a heroic courtroom scene, Rachel makes an impassioned argument for the future of the earth in a case involving corporate pollution. In a stunning verdict, the polluters are fined an astronomical sum, one third of which will go to Rachel's law firm. She decides to use her bonus to semi-retire from her work as an attorney, instead choosing to do pro bono work as she sees fit.

At the same time, sexual urges are beginning to manifest in Rachel's home. Driven by a compulsion she can't explain, she makes a full-time job offer to her maid, Maria, with the caveat that she must dress attractively around the house. Maria, for her part, looks on the offer (with a substantial increase in salary and the prospect of a rent-free apartment above Rachel's garage) as the answer to her prayers. When Rachel's husband, Joshua, returns home, he finds his daughter, Sarah, strangely flirtatious. The only person who seems immune thus far is Alex.

During dinner one night, Rachel and Joshua agree to let the kids pursue their career goals without interference. Sarah will attend culinary school. With the help of his parents' connections, Alex will transfer from his dead-end community college into the theater department at Northwestern University.

"The Devil's Playthings" ends with Rachel and Joshua reconciling. Driven by admiration of Josh's artwork, which graphically depicts their love for each other, including the night Alex was conceived, Rachel performs oral sex on him. Later that night, they make love for the first time in months. At the moment of her orgasm, Rachel falls unconscious. When she wakes, she finds herself in a beautiful, pastoral scene, where she is greeted by a gorgeous woman who introduces herself as Althea, a succubus who has been sharing her mind.

In "Dark Reflections" we learn about Althea and her history. She is the firstborn of the succubi - a scion of Lilith, Adam's first wife, and one of the Fallen, an angel named Imriel who refused to fight for God during the War in Heaven, when angels rebelled against the Almighty. Exiled to Earth, Imriel and others like him mated with human women and men, siring the lines of the succubi and the incubi, who were charged by God to remain vigilant against the Forsaken, those demons who fought against God and were cast into Hell.

Rachel, now aware of the immortal being who shares her body, learns to live with the fact, and indeed, to revel in it. Her reconciliation with her husband is a joy to her. At the same time, she notices that Althea is having an effect on all the members of her household. Maria and Alex, recognizing the compatibility of their natures, make love for the first time in Maria's apartment. And Rachel learns that her husband and daughter are drawn to each other as well. Rather than being outraged, she considers how to bring two of her loved ones together without damaging either.

The story continues in "Bright Shadows." At a family cookout which Jeremy attends, Sarah finds herself strongly drawn to the attractive young intern. She tries to seduce him, but her advances only succeed in driving him away in confusion. Young, hurt, and frustrated, she is consoled by her parents. Driven by love rather than lust, Sarah and Joshua make love that evening, their incestuous relationship given approval by Rachel herself.

That evening Rachel makes a frightening discovery. Her body is beginning to change in order to conform to the spirit it is hosting. The first change manifests in the appearance of a tail. Rachel is horrified at first, but is counseled by Althea, who demonstrates some of the benefits of her new appendage. The following morning Rachel confesses Althea's existence to Josh. Confronted with physical proof in the form of the tail, her husband accepts the truth, but is suspicious as to whether Althea's spirit is as benign as she claims.

Later that day Rachel, Maria, and Alex go to the hospital in order to check in on Althea's body. They find her well-cared for, but her body is growing frail after weeks in a coma. Driven partly by Althea's aphrodisiacal presence, partly by their own desire, Maria, Alex, and Rachel make love in Althea's hospital room. They are interrupted in the act by Dr. Yasna Marafi, the physician who has been caring for Althea. They return home to find a strange man trying to break into their house. Rachel confronts him, and she and Althea discover he is a servant of a demon-spawn named Mortimer Kincaid, the unholy offspring of a male human and a female demon. What is worse, Kincaid knows of Althea's injuries. It is only a matter of time before he finds her body and kills her.

Or, even worse, finds Rachel and her family.

In "Sacred Sins," Rachel and Althea confront the consequences of their actions. Bringing everyone together, Rachel confesses to Althea's existence, and proves it by showing them her tail. With Jeremy's assistance, they concoct a plan to kidnap Rachel's body from the hospital. Later that afternoon, Jeremy and Sarah become lovers.

That evening, they drive to the hospital. But the rescue attempt goes horrifyingly awry, as Kincaid has also deduced Althea's location. In a terrifying scene, they are barely able to escape, fleeing the hospital with Althea's body while Kincaid chases them in demonic form. By the time they reach home, Josh's truck and the trailer they used to transport Althea's body are little more than shredded wreckage.

Later that night, they enact a ritual designed to return Althea to her body. Giving selflessly of their sexual power, they at first think they have failed. But just when hope is lost, Althea stirs and wakes. Over a meal she confesses her love for all of them, and expresses her hope that they will not be stupidly jealous or possessive when (not if) she takes one of their lovers as hers.

The story continues late that night.


Althea stood in the shower, letting the hot water run over her body. For long moments she was content to let it play over her golden skin, washing away the faint, acrid scent of her own sweat. She wrinkled her nose in distaste. The staff at the hospital had done their best, but no one, however dedicated, could keep someone who was in a coma completely clean. Now that she was restored to her body by the efforts of Rachel and her family, she could indulge herself. She slowly soaped her body, letting her hands play over the large firm swells of her breasts and the lush curves of her buttocks.

Of all the inventions mankind has come up with, she thought, I think I like indoor plumbing and running water the best.

Well, after central air. And vibrators. And internet porn. Bless them, they are clever, she added with a smile.She squeezed a generous dollop of shampoo into the cup of her palm, then started to wash her hair, her hands kneading the foamy lather deep into the blond strands.

When her arms began to ache from the effort of holding up the sodden mass of her hair, she rinsed off and stepped out of the shower. She wrapped a towel around her head, trying to soak as much water she could out of her golden curls. Another was draped casually around her hips, more for her host's sense of propriety than from any innate modesty. She leaned towards the mirror over the sink, eying her reflection critically.

Too thin, Althea, she thought. Granted, modern ideals of attractiveness now often favored those with an almost waif-like appearance, with slim, shallow curves and small, high breasts. Althea would never attain that standard of beauty, not did she want to. The curves of her breasts, thighs, and hips were far too lush and bountiful. But even by her own standards, she had lost too much weight in the past few weeks. She blinked at her own face, one hand tracing the prominent line of her cheekbones. Her skin, while still golden, looked unhealthily sallow, almost translucent, as if she had spent weeks cooped away from the sun.

Which is all too true. Good thing I'll be able to do something about that soon. Dismissing the thought, she opened the door to the guest bedroom where Yasna was waiting for her. Silently she thanked Rachel and Joshua, her hosts, for having the good sense to give her a room with its own bathroom. At this point, the last thing the members of the Wainwright household needed was to have her parading up and down the hallways half-undressed.

Tera's Sweet Titties, Althea thought as she stepped out of the bathroom and into the bedroom where Yasna was waiting for her. The last thing I thought I'd be doing with this girl is playing psychotherapist. Especially when we could be doing so much more.

She frowned down disapprovingly at the nude young woman who was kneeling on the floor. Her hands were clasped in front of her. Her eyes, when they looked up, were openly adoring, almost frightening in their inability to see how she was debasing herself.

"Mistress," she said. "Command me. How may I please you?"

"Stop this foolishness immediately and stand up," Althea said. She had already decided to nip this particular problem in the bud. "You don't have a submissive bone in your body. Don't think you can fool me.

"Now," she said, as Yasna scrambled to her feet. "What's the meaning of this little charade?"

Yasna's mouth opened and closed rapidly, reminding Althea, she thought uncharitably, of a recently-caught fish. "I..."

"You thought that since I am a succubus, I have some sort of need to be the dominant in my relationships?" Althea kept her voice cool. "No. I do enjoy being dominant at times," she stated. "But only when my partner is truly submissive." She tried to keep one corner of her mouth from curling up, but was unsuccessful. "Which you aren't.

"What you are," she stated flatly, but without condemnation, "is elf-shot."


"Beguiled. Obsessed. Infatuated." She shook her head, the towel loosening and falling to the floor. She ignored it, and blond hair spilled down her back in a damp wave. "You know what I am, right?"

Yasna nodded. "You're a succubus. The daughter of...an angel?"

She nodded, glad that the dark-haired woman did not seem to be too far gone. There was certainly nothing wrong with her mind, once she pulled it out of the rut of unthinking worship. "And a human. My mother was Lilith, the first wife of Adam. Unfortunately," she said, her lips quirking with old humor, "they had a bit of a falling-out. She left him and mated with my father, Imriel.

"I'm powerful. Sometimes, too powerful for full-blooded humans who are unprepared. When one of us spends too much time with one of you, you risk becoming obsessed.

"Usually, this is not a problem. We have ways to lessen our impact. To keep humans from being overwhelmed by our beauty." She smiled with grim amusement. "However, when you spend a couple of weeks in a coma, you find out that your options are a little bit limited.

"But now that my mind is back where it belongs," she sighed. "Come here, Yasna."

The young woman stepped forward at once, transparently eager to please. Althea took her in her arms. She closed her eyes against a frustrated stab of desire as Yasna's warm brown breasts pressed into her own golden globes. When is it going to be my turn? I have spent so long drawing power from the sexual experiences of others I've practically forgotten what it's like to have it first-hand. Her fingers twitched, aching to heft the sweet weight of Yasna's breasts, to taste her mouth, to spread her thighs and not emerge until she had brought her to climax after loving climax, a fitting end to a night when she had finally reclaimed her own body.

Instead, she wove her consciousness into the shining elegance which was Yasna's mind.The key to her obsession was easy to find. Frustrated desire, years old, bent back onto itself by the dictates of an uncompromising religion and the desperate urge to please a much-beloved father. With practiced ease, she undid the bonds. She was tempted to attempt a full healing, but instead withdrew quietly. Yasna must find her own way through that tangle.

Physician, heal thyself, she thought morbidly. When she opened her eyes, the young woman was looking at her with awe, and a touch of fear. But not, she was happy to note, with the mindless adoration which she had showed just a few moments before.

She took a step back, her forehead wrinkling in consternation. "What..." She shook her head, as if trying to dislodge an errant thought. "Wow. That was...weird." She looked at Althea, then down at herself. "Why am I naked?" Her voice was adorably confused. "I didn't...I'm not..." Her fingers were trembling slightly. "What did we do?"

"We didn't do anything," Althea reassured her. "And you're naked because you thought I was a sex-obsessed immortal who was going to ravage your tender young body," Althea said. "Most of which is true," she continued cheerfully, as Althea blinked at her in confusion. "But not tonight. I am whipped. And not in a good way. What I want to do is go to bed and get a good night's sleep.

"But I wouldn't mind having some company," she said, lowering her head and looking up seductively through her lashes. And it was the truth. Although her constant, boiling need for sex had been turned down to a low simmer by her complete exhaustion, the thought of a warm body sleeping next to her had its own comforting charm. She reached out, trailing a finger down Yasna's arm. "Sleep with me tonight? I've been..." her voice caught, almost breaking. "I've been alone for too long."

She removed the towel from her hips, ignoring the way Yasna's eyes followed her hungrily, and slid between the cool sheets of the bed. There was a moment's long hesitation, then she felt the mattress sag slightly as Yasna climbed in beside her. She closed her eyes and rolled over on one side, her back to her companion, her head sinking into the comfortable down pillow. With long-practiced skill, she stretched her consciousness outward, warding the house and all who dwelt within from mystical attacks. She had fallen out of the habit years ago, to her regret.

"You can relax, you know," she said conversationally. Even with her eyes closed, she could sense how tense her companion was, ready to leap out of bed if she made one false move. "I'm not going to do anything you don't want me to do."

A long silence answered her, then a slow, gradual loosening of the tension. The bedclothes shifted as Yasna turned over. Just before she drifted off to sleep, she felt an arm hesitantly rest across her waist. A warm pair of lips kissed her, right between the shoulder blades.

"Good night, Althea."


As Althea slept, she dreamed. Dreamed of the three pairs of lovers who shared the house with her.

The children had left, still stunned by the events of the night. Rachel had even managed to chase Maria off to bed, sending her to her apartment over the garage with Alex. The black-haired Latina had made only token protests about needing to clean the house, disappearing with her boyfriend.

"So. What do you think of Althea?" Rachel asked, trying to keep her voice casual.

Josh hesitated as he dumped cold onion rings and leftover french fries into the trash. Used napkins, empty soda cups, and burger wrappers were tossed into the recycling bin. One good thing about fast food was that it was relatively easy to clean. Though his doctor would have something to say if he had seen the recent Feast of Doom he had introduced into his cardiovascular system.

"Truthfully? I think she's gorgeous, intelligent, opinionated, dangerous, bossy, and sexy as hell," her husband said. He paused for a beat. "Which is a relief. I can't tell you how long I've been waiting to get a Type A personality around here. Everyone else in this household is so meek."

She laughed and drew him down for a quick kiss. "Ass," she said fondly. She picked up a roll of paper towels and headed back into the dining room, Josh following her. She tore off a sheet and started wiping down the table, brushing crumbs into her cupped hand and dropping them onto a waiting plate. As Josh cleared the table, pausing occasionally to eat a leftover onion ring, she could feel his eyes on her. She pretended not to notice, but allowed her hips to sway back and forth as she slowly made her way around the table.

"You love her, don't you?" he asked suddenly. "Althea. You love her."

"Of course I do," she said, smiling over her shoulder at him. "And I love you. And the kids. And Maria. And I think I am coming to love Jeremy, too. And Yasna is so sweet she makes my heart ache." She covered her belly with one hand. "And I love the babies you are going to give me, my love."

He looked at her, his eyes wide. "Babies?"

"Babies," she said firmly. "I stopped taking my birth control pills. I want more children, Joshua. Your children." She finished cleaning the table, dropping the paper towel into a litter basket. With a naughty smile she shrugged out of her loose shirt and hiked her skirt up over her hips. Leaning over the table, she spread her legs wide. "Come on, baby. I know you're horny as hell. And so am I. No time like the present to get started, huh?"

Josh came to stand behind her. His strong hands were on her hips, though he kept his jeans on. "I don't recall you asking me if I actually wanted more kids," he said. He snuggled in close and she shivered as the feel of warm, worn denim brushed against the sensitive skin of her thighs. She sagged down, letting her chest rest on the table, and she gasped as he kissed the tip of her tail, set flush with the skin of her spine. "What if I decide two is enough?"

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