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All Comments on 'If Only For a Day'

by darkoverlord6

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

One of the more powerful stories i've read here, well done.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

Wow! That might be your best one yet. It made me think of how I met my wife of 41 years.I am thankful for our time together and yes it was her sparkling blue eyes that I noticed first. Five stars!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

Awesome story - thank you for sharing it with us.

markellymarkellyabout 5 years ago

Such a beautiful, amusing and heartbreaking tale of love. Well worth the read and thank you so much for writing it.

CooperEssCooperEssabout 5 years ago
Sorry no rate

What a story, first I was fascinated by this story...

A great start, a Real nice couple...

Then there was this sadness, still a great story Bit I can‘t rate it too much emotional

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
memories of a lifetime

Damn, Damn, Damn Your story brought back memories of my loss 50 years ago. Here I am 70 years and crying. You have done your job as an author EXCEPTIONALLY WELL.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
I really enjoyed that

A longer piece than I usually read but it turned out to be very well worth the effort.

Everything was there, a strong believable story line, humour, well developed characters, pathos, emotion and nicely written. I look forward to your next story with enthusiasm.

SimonWolfeSimonWolfeabout 5 years ago
Incredibly written

How can something that hurts so much make me feel good? I am at a loss for words. My heart wants to find resolution but my mind feels that any more would cheapen the impact.

Thank you.

Rocket081960Rocket081960about 5 years ago
Great Story!

Very well written. I truly enjoyed reading it. Thank you!

burningloveburningloveabout 5 years ago
Sad But Uplifting

A very profound story written by a master storyteller!

What a lesson learned!

5 *****!


AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Damn you

You made me cry

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

Loved it!

tangledweedtangledweedabout 5 years ago
Extreme tearjerker warning!

Oh, that one stings the eyes. Another great romance from darkoverlord6.

The only wrong note was the Casablanca reference. It was Ingrid Bergman, not Lauren Bacall, starring with Bogart.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
It kind of makes you think

The first time I saw my wife is burned into my memory as though it happened yesterday. I can’t say it was love at first sight or that I was thinking of making her my wife at that first encounter. I don’t remember having any romantic thoughts at that moment in time. What I can tell you is that I didn’t want to let her out of my sight. In a few short months we will have been together for 60 years. I thank God for every one of those 60 years with her and hope we have many more together. Thanks for your story. It makes my life with her feel even more precious. FIVE STARS!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Excellent sad story...

.and yet filled with hope. Masterful.

Only one almost unforgivable mistake : Casablanca stars Bogart and Ingrid Bergman, not Lauren Bacall.

Other than this, a beautiful story

johntcookseyjohntcookseyabout 5 years ago

Tragedy as the catalyst for rebirth.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Ingrid Bergman

The movie Casablanca stared Humphrey Bogart, and Ingrid Bergman. Lauren Bacall was not in the movie

I like your story.

MushyguyMushyguyabout 5 years ago
Very well done

Thanks for a great story. A tear jerker for sure, but with both a sad and happy ending. Cherish the moments and lean on them when times are tough. Not a bad message.

woodmanonewoodmanoneabout 5 years ago
Excellant Job

The story is heart warming while being very sad. Readers just have to feel for William and what might have been. Thanks for the hard work.


fafhrd09fafhrd09about 5 years ago

CASABLANCA did not have Lauren Bacall in it.

Crazy2WheelerCrazy2Wheelerabout 5 years ago
Excellent throughout, a realistic yet oh so quick snapshot of life

Superbly written, so many emotions and very well paced.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Truly Inspired

By far one of the best reads in ages. You are one of the special ones. A very gifted soul indeed!


BogartsBossBogartsBossabout 5 years ago
Well done

You had me caring about William and Fiona, and then Karen and John.

Fiona's death did come as a shock, but for this story. absolutely necessary.

Well done.

darkoverlord6darkoverlord6about 5 years agoAuthor
Casablanca Mistake

Sorry folks, you got me I did screw that up, I was thinking Bogarts wife when I wrote that part, and forgot she wasn’t in the movie. What’s sad is I’ve seen Casablanca like a dozen times and I knew it was Bergman. It was just a total brain fart on my part. I plan on editing that and getting a corrected version out ASAP.

tazz317tazz317about 5 years ago

using the present and future, TK U MLJ LV NV

NewnotsureNewnotsureabout 5 years ago
Thank you

A story That has a happy but painful ending, maybe a fulfilling one as well.

Thank you good story

bbwlover812bbwlover812about 5 years ago

By far one of the best stories I have read on this site. Romance, suspense, and a great ending made this one hell of a read.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Well done!

Very good in every way!

darkoverlord6darkoverlord6about 5 years agoAuthor

FYI I submitted a corrected version to fix the Bacall vs. Bergman mistake.I apologize and hope it didn’t ruin the story for anyone.

tangledweedtangledweedabout 5 years ago
Bogart and Bacall did have that classic May December romance

I can't complain too much about the mix-up of Bogart movies when it reminds me of another favorite. In 1944's To Have and Have Not, 19 year old Lauren Bacall pretty much makes the movie by driving the 44 year old Humphrey Bogart crazy with her antics.

Her delivery of these lines was flawless:

"You know you don't have to act with me, Steve. You don't have to say anything, and you don't have to do anything. Not a thing. Oh, maybe just whistle. You know how to whistle, don't you, Steve? You just put your lips together and... blow."

If you don't fall for her watching that movie, you may not be human. If you are thinking of movie romances, Bogart and Bacall's first movie should be on the list.

calgarycamperscalgarycampersabout 5 years ago
Thank you.

You have made me think of my personal relationships, in a new light.

Richie4110Richie4110about 5 years ago
Well done nice finish

Love your writing skill and this one put an exclamation point on it.

Thanks for sharing and I remain one of your admiring fans.

TheKrrakTheKrrakabout 5 years ago
Amazing story

Wow, you take the "dark" in your pseudo seriously... killing off Fiona like that, but it did drive home the theme of the tale. Quite an enjoyable take on the whirlwind romance.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
It doesn't matter ....

.... if it was Bogart and Bacall, or Bogart and Bergman. Love is what matters.

Thank you for a wonderful love story. Fiona's fate may have put the "dark" in Darkoverlord6, but it transformed a good story into a great one.

I was married for 22 years. When she died, I realized I wasn't done learning about life and love from her. I needed 22 more years, at least.

In her new capacity as my guardian angel, she sent me a girlfriend. We had torrid, passionate sex, like William and Fiona, for one year (not just one day -- but again, not long enough).

I recently attended a high school reunion. Some old friends had passed away, but many others were in attendance. Who knows what the future holds?

Please keep writing. You keep getting better and better. Thank you for doing what you do, and providing your readers with laughter, tears, and orgasms.

Bravo, DO6!

dauberdauberabout 5 years ago
Best story I’ve read in many years

Words like poignant do not do this justice. I think you’ve got all of us doing some serious looking over our lives.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

You wrote a really dark romantic piece.But in all fairness it was a great story.

technofrog2002technofrog2002almost 5 years ago

That was a very powerful and emotional story. You never disappoint me with your stories.

PowersworderPowersworderalmost 5 years ago

That was a lovely story. So sad about Fiona...

teedeedubteedeedubalmost 5 years ago

poignant, tragic, all those things. Very well written. Thanks for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
I had 2 weeks...

We'd met in high school. I was smitten, but neither of us had a clue what to do. A few months later we split up. For 6 years she had gone to other cities, other countries. We met periodically over that time, but she wasn't ready. Now she had finally reached the point I had been waiting for. She was prepared to be mine. For 2 weeks we were together. We planned. We confided. We didn't make our engagement public, but our families pretty much knew. One Sunday evening at the end of October, a man decided to drive home after spending the afternoon at his local watering hole. His blood alcohol was .3. He turned the wrong way getting on the highway. My Yamaha was no match for his station wagon. She was gone, and I almost joined her that night. A couple of minutes longer getting to the hospital, and I wouldn't be writing or remembering. I have always wondered what might have been. Funny, my name is also William.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

This actually brought me to tears. Your writing is always powerful, but this is especially well done. Thanks for sharing your talent with us!

BobbyBrandtBobbyBrandtover 4 years ago

An enjoyable story with only a few technical flaws (You can use commas. I checked), but they were minor distractions from a very romantic tale.

I look forward to reading more of your work.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Some times you really need a small loving push

I very much loved this story because it showed so much how love between people could control the future, regardless of the past. Sad and sweet it was so good and so close to my own story I could laugh and cry at the same time. Good on ya! Keep doing this because it is needed so much. Thank you!

LilacQueen15LilacQueen15about 4 years ago

Bittersweet but beautiful story.

Ravey19Ravey19about 4 years ago
One of the most touching stories on Literotica

What a twist before the conclusion. Fantastic storyline and extremely well written.

far_wanderer1984far_wanderer1984almost 4 years ago

Was a very enjoyable read just wish it had s happier ending for William.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

I didn’t see that one coming. But I must say, I think the author’s name is quite apropos, at least for this story. Well written, and a truly good story. Just...dark.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Just wow

Awsome story and such a bitter sweet ending. Great characters and lovely storyline.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Thank you

Nice remainder to keep ones perspective in the proper place. I enjoy your ability!

Bigguy731Bigguy731over 3 years ago

Very well written but too too sad. Brings up a lot of regrets from times past.

InfosaugerInfosaugeralmost 3 years ago

Shit, why is my face so wet?

Very good but also very sad story..... I would have preferred Fiona to survive, maybe just in coma for some time or something like that.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Thanks for writing this! It is an amazing but sad story! You have to make the best of every day of work and play and love your girlfriend or wife and family like there will be no tomorrow. P

BR Cajun Guy

DarknsDarknsover 2 years ago

You seem to have a penchant for a little dark tragedy. Heck, it’s even in your pseudonym, lol.

This story as well as one of your other ones I’ve just read were both sad but I enjoyed them, nonetheless. Thank you.

bleeepbleeepover 2 years ago

Damn that one hurt. 5 stars. Hit close to home, my Janelle stories chronicle my situation. Sadly, mine actually happened.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Wow! Beautiful. I was moved. Sad yet uplifting.

Thank you for sharing such wonderful work.

5+++ stars is not enough.

rbloch66rbloch66over 2 years ago

You made my heart hurt.

shadrachtshadrachtabout 2 years ago

This was glorious, and sad, and I hate you for writing this so well. I did *not* expect to be tearing up with this.

Well done.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

YearsI have been reading romance stories on Literotica for at least six years with my favorite author being DreamCloud. This week, while recovering from an illness, I stumbled on one of your stories while searching for “the top romance stories for the past 30 days”. Yesterday morning I read my first of yours, then the second, read several more, quit at midnight, read one more before breakfast this morning, and four more today. All were rated at 4.80 or above, my threshold for selection. Midnight is approaching again and am in need of sleep. Everything I have read of yours has been of Dream Cloud quality! This one is my favorite, so fa

Rex0naRex0naover 1 year ago

Talk about punch in the guts. Thank you for the story.

TheOldStudTheOldStudover 1 year ago

Wow!! This one hurt. Stories don't get any better than this. Thank you!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

This one needs a "tissues needed" warning, and not for the usual literotica outcome.

tsgtcapttsgtcaptabout 1 year ago

Even after this many reads, it's still a great read!

snathsnathabout 1 year ago

Why it is not one of the best 10? A classic tale, indeed!

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

This is not romance!! WTF

vanyevanye11 months ago

Fuck, this one hurts. Beautiful.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

A great story. A truly great plot and good writing.

MwestohioMwestohio9 months ago

Very sweet. Fiona dying was a surprise

Boyd PercyBoyd Percy8 months ago

I'm glad he decided to become a teacher!


AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Excellent writer but if I wanted reality I would look in the mirror. I read these stories to see people’s lives have a happy ending. Just reminded me of all the loves I lost in my lifetime. Which is why I read these stories to forget. LM

OvercriticalOvercritical4 months ago

A sad fairy tale - something I wasn't expecting and didn't want. The last story I read was colored by a touch of the supernatural and I didn't want that either. Isn't there some sort of guarantee that you can get a happy ending when you're in the mood? 5*

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New Writer with interest in Science Fiction , Fantasy, and Horror genres. Grew up on Godzilla and Ultraman back in the Seventies. I guess Im kind of a nerd, love Star Trek, Star Wars, Doctor Who, and watching classic 1950's sci fi movies. Got into writing on Literotica as a...
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