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Illicit Honeymoon


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I went back to our cabin.

Over an hour later, a naked Laura appeared, mahogany in the open door, the moonlight baring the white triangles of her breasts, and the line of her absent bikini bottom, right to her white cunt. Water was dripping down her body. Something else, thicker, and creamy white, was dripping from her protruding labia. Thai cum.

"Hi," she said. "I hope you enjoyed the show."

It was still early, not yet ten, but it had been a long day. To catch the tourist speed boat that had brought us here we had had to get up at six, having gone to bed late the night before, the same night that we had talked into the small hours about the group sex and the fuck buddy flat mates, and that same night that we had fucked twice, once before she had told me everything she had, and once when she was on top and still telling me the details of how she had let those guys fuck her one after the other.

So I was tired from lack of sleep, from the early start, from snorkelling, from following the turtle, and even more so, from watching my wife with those two guys.

I guess that she was tired too. She had had just as little sleep, the same early start, the same snorkelling, following the turtle, the same afternoon on the beach, sunbathing naked, more snorkelling, fondled and fingered as she was swimming by those guys, and she had also just been fucked, not once, but twice, and for all I knew in the hour that had just passed they had taken second turns with her. That was enough to tire out anyone.

We were both tired, too tired to talk. Laura dried herself down, lay down on the bed beside me, and fell asleep. I lay awake, thinking, coming to terms with what had happened, all of it.

What Laura had told me about her flatmates and their friends might have been true, or it might have been a tease. Even if she had made it up, it was not the way I wanted to be treated, to have doubts thrown into my head, to have my wife playing mind games with me, only two weeks into our marriage.

What had happened on the beach was not something made up. I had seen it. It had happened for real. That was how little my new wife felt about having sex with other guys, and how little she felt about me. I was tired, but I was also angry. Our marriage was a sham.

Looking back, I am amazed at how rapidly I made decisions and acted on them. This kind of marriage was not for me I needed to get out, and I knew just what I would do, that night, the next day, and when I got back to London.

The Thai boat crew just want to see your ticket, and at two the following afternoon I showed them mine. They did not ask about my wife. I was not entirely sure that she would not appear, but when the boat took off with no sign of her, I breathed more easily. Our boat was the last to leave, and the next boats returning from the island would not be until the following day. Laura would spend one more night at least, on our dream island. By then I would be on my flight home.

It was strange boarding the plane alone that night, sitting with a vacant seat between mine and the guy sitting by the window. As the crew prepared for take-off, he commented about an obvious no show. I said nothing. I was travelling alone. The empty seat was nothing to do with me. We both enjoyed a little more space than flying economy usually provides.

Twenty hours later, I was in the flat that we had rented, unpacking my one suitcase, then setting up my laptop and placing an advert for a room to rent on Gumtree. I would need someone to move in with me, another flat share, to help pay the bills, because there was no way that I would want a woman who fucked around to be my wife a moment longer than the lawyers could file the papers for our divorce.

Whether the way I left her went too far, I am not sure. I guess it was the quiet rage that built up inside me after watching Laura with those guys, that made me do the things I did. Taking Laura's backpack along with mine was perhaps unfair. She had slept naked, and I had shoved all her clothes into her back pack while she had been sleeping. I had left it with mine for the morning by the same tree that was the arrive and depart location for overnighters, and had carried both of them onto the boat when it was time to leave.

No one seemed to have wondered why I was travelling back to the mainland carrying two backpacks and not just one. After the boat had docked, and everyone else was walking on down the jetty, I had lagged behind, a backpack on each shoulder. Half way down the jetty I had let Laura's slip. The splash had been minimal. It had sunk like the proverbial stone. No one had noticed.

Back at the hotel, the manager had accepted my explanation that Laura had gone on to the airport, and he had given me both of the cases containing our main luggage from the hotel store room. I guess the taxi driver might have wondered what was going on, when I asked him to stop the car on the bridge to Phuket, and got him to open the trunk so that I could get out one of my cases, Laura's case. The drop from the bridge to the water was a good hundred feet, and it made satisfying viewing, watching the black case fall, and then water splashing up so high, yet so far below. The driver had just shrugged. These tourists do some stupid things.

Maybe I should have left her passport. How long it took for her to get replacement papers, I do not know. Starting from waking naked, with no credit cards or cash, or even her ticket for the boat ride back, I guess it might have been something of a challenge. Maybe she had to pay in kind for any help that she was given, like the Thai guy's sister, who fucked foreigners for university fees. Maybe Laura had had to pay her way for something to wear, for the trip back to the mainland, and then to the consulate, or wherever she would think to go for help. I still do not know just how she got back, although I know she did.

Maybe tying her to the bed was also a step too far, but I had needed to make sure she did not get out of the cabin until I had left the island. Her two bikinis had come in useful. The fact that our bed was in fact two single wooden beds, basic platforms each supported on four legs, pushed side by side, had been fortuitous. It is amazing what you can do to improvise when you need to.

It had taken a bit of hacking with a pen-knife, to cut the breast and crotch triangles from the elasticated straps of each of the bikinis. The bra and bottom straps from each bikini gave me four loops of elasticated fabric. Two went around her ankles while she was sleeping, pulling the loop through itself to make it tight, lifting the bed that she was on to get the loops under the bed legs. The other two worked to secure her wrists, but using the string neck ties as well, so that she could not et free by just sliding her slender hands out.

Laura had slept soundly throughout, even when I was shifting her gently, moving her until she was on her side of the bed, lying on her back, and easing her legs apart, so that her ankles were close enough to the corners of the bed to let me tie them to the legs of the bed. Of course I had had to do it slowly, stage by stage, setting aside the conflicting thoughts as I eased her naked body into position, admiring her perfect breasts, her slender frame, her hairless pubis, those protruding lips, but eyeing with revulsion the sheen on her inner thigh that was dried semen from her late night fucking on the beach.

The huts were relatively isolated, and ours was the only one in use, but still I had not wanted to risk her being found before I had left the island. Whatever else, I did not want her crying out. I slipped a pillow out of its case, and twisted the thin cotton pillow case several times, thinking I could tie it around her mouth as a gag. Gags work better with something in the mouth. I scrunched up the two lycra crotch triangles from her bikinis. They would do.

If you hold someone's nose while they are fast asleep, they will open their mouth to breathe. I pushed the crotch triangles inside Laura's mouth and released her nose. This time she woke, but not before I had the twisted pillow case tie was between her teeth. Even as she was opening her eyes and taking in what was happening, I was tying a knot behind her neck.

Of course she struggled. She tried to plead with me, wide eyed, head turning frantically from side to side, trying to speak but emitting only dull grunts and squeaks. I might have weakened, but that sheen of semen ensured that I stayed resolved. Now that my soon to be ex-wife had been secured, that was how she was going to stay, at least until I had left without her.

Watching her struggle, I had thought of one more thing that I could do. The cut off bikini straps that secured her to the bed were holding. Her legs were splayed, her cunt available. I could fuck the bitch one final time. I could hammer her cunt as punishment for her not just breaking our marriage vows, but for making them in the first place with no intention of living up to what they meant.

It was the same sheen of semen that made me push that thought out of my head. I did not want to go where those guys had been. She was not worth fucking. Instead, I waited until she had given up struggling, pulled the second bed away from hers, and lay down to get some sleep before the morning.

Walking out of that cabin, carrying our two backpacks, I looked back one final time. My wife for not much longer was awake then too. She had given up struggling. She just looked at me, head raised, her eyes with that helpless look, begging me not to do this, not to leave her.

Sometimes you have to let your heart go cold. Besides, the coldness came from her. She had frozen all the warmth that I had felt for her. I closed the door and slipped the padlock through the hasp, rotating the tumblers to randomise the code.

I guessed, and guessed right, that the same woman who had been serving at the bar the night before also ran the tents and cabins. She was at the bar, ready to provide breakfasts to those who had stayed overnight, making coffee, eggs, bread or toast and jam. She was only too pleased when I said that we had decided to stay on, and gave her the payment for an extra night. I asked her if someone could make up the bed and clean the room. My wife was still sleeping, but if they could do it in the afternoon, after the day-trippers had left and the lunch area had closed down, that would be good. That was fine, she said. I hoped she understood, and that she would not forget.

I wondered, as I sat eleven hours on the plane, who would have found Laura inside the cabin, tied to the bed. Perhaps it was the woman herself, who had disapproved of the foreigner's display of naked breasts. Perhaps she had daughters, working in the mainland bars, having to wear dresses that said that their bodies were for sale and perhaps she resented foreigners coming to her country to buy sex cheaply, or to flaunt their bodies on the beaches so disrespectfully to her culture and beliefs.

Just maybe, she had invited some of the men who worked on the island, preparing the buffet lunches for the day-trippers, to enjoyed my wife before she was released. She had acted like a whore at the bar and had gone off with those two young guys so why not let the rest of the men on the island fuck the foreigner too.

Whatever happened, however she was released, whoever helped her, Laura did eventually get home. I know that now. What happened took place almost a year ago In all that time I have not seen her, but some friends have, a couple who knew us both, and who had sympathised with me when I explained to them why I had come back from our honeymoon on my own. They told me recently that they had bumped into her at a shopping centre only a week or so before.

Apparently, Laura looked well. She had been pushing a pram, and they had admired the baby lying inside, wide eyed and alert. She had looked so cute, they said. She had the beginnings of a fringe of baby hair, jet black like Laura's own. Her complexion, though, was darker, and she had dark oval eyes that narrowed at the sides.

Fucking the Thai guys had been nothing serious, my wife had told me, just a bit of fun.

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FuumayamiFuumayami15 days ago

I'm sorry this story was just way too wordy. There were just so many things that could have been shortened or left out. Not a good read.

HARDUP1957HARDUP19575 months ago

Don't know, I think I would have plowed though the two guys on the beach and beat the shit out of them some crushed testicles tend to deter them from finishing what they started, then taking my wife back to the hut finishing by leaving her tied to the bed naked was a great way to end it. Loved the story.

HighBrowHighBrow6 months ago

She isn’t evil. They are just badly mismatched. They are equallyt responsible for that.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

MC unmanly ass for leaving the way he did. Man up. Realize you're not compatible, talk to her, treat her with respect and go your separate ways.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Hesitation leads to vacillation, which leads to justification which leads to pacification which ends the marriage through humiliation. MC acted decisively AFTER everything fell apart. That's like calling the fire brigade to extinguish the embers and smoldering ash of your home rather than when the fire is still in its incipient stage.

LonesomeBoy60LonesomeBoy60almost 2 years ago

I guess he had to release his feminine energy by taking her backpack, and dropping it in the water. Chump!

lash2718rlash2718ralmost 2 years ago

It’s on the MC. He had every opportunity to define his version of marriage before she cheated, but said nothing.She might have accepted his view.

Regguy69Regguy69almost 2 years ago

Still have trouble processing the hard-on when she is fucking around with some other dude/dudes. for me that would be an erection killer, but I guess some guys like it. At least he finally had enough.

WoodencavWoodencavalmost 2 years ago

Well written, a clever ending, she got everything she deserved.

Qwer12Qwer12almost 2 years ago
Predictable And The Same

Every one of the BTB authors think that have written a great new storyline. But every BTB story is just like another BTB story so they are no different the cuckoos story they are trying to say they are not. Laughable. Cheers

Legio_Patria_NostraLegio_Patria_Nostraover 2 years ago

OP knew that he'd gotten a defective model early in the drive. Less than three weeks married is annulment territory!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Gotta hand it to you....

Was disappointed at the beginning.... another cuck story, I thought.... but the revenge part was delicious!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago
5 stars

It would take a real slut to screw around on her husband on their honeymoon. I think he did exactly what he should have done. Leave the bitch high and dry!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Interesting story but dont you think she would have had an abortion? DNA test would have showed it wasn't his kid.

Hiker66BikerHiker66Bikerabout 3 years ago

For a supposedly erotic story this turned out to be very dark and depressing. Did the author really need to end the story with the cheating wife tied up naked without any means of a dignified exit from Thailand? Yes she cheated, but there was no need for gratuitous cruelty in a dangerous country for a young white woman without any means of support. All he needed to do was walk away from Laura and their marriage. Job done. The ending left me feeling uneasy. However, I’m sure that the BTB trolls will love it. The quality of the writing was 5 stars, but the cruel ending dragged it down to 3 stars.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

I really like your descriptions of surroundings and appearances. You could write a bit more about feelings. After all this situation could turn a betrayed and emotionally abused husband into an outrageously angry and fuming dragon.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Disgusting whore

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

So much wrong with this story. First, she basically told him about herself, if he was to stupid to catch on that is his problem. Second, IT IS HER BODY!!! I just wish we would dump all this legal crap. A husband does not own her body just because they get "married" which is an institution created AFTER the Black Death so the Catholic Church could figure out who owned what to get money from them.

The whole pregnancy thing is a joke, she would have been on the pill or RU496 works well. Sorry.

The way he left was a crime, and he would have been prosecuted for it. Illegal Restraint is a crime under even in the EU. It is akin to kidnapping.

Just_WordsJust_Wordsabout 4 years ago
I liked it more the second time.

Maybe it was too much to... And maybe I went too far when I... I like story telling like that.

26thNC26thNCabout 5 years ago
Your best

Your best work by far.

NonSequitourNonSequitourover 5 years ago

do you need to get up at 6:00 for a 2:00 boat?

danoctoberdanoctoberover 5 years ago
The kind of people...

....you wouldn't have as friends. That chick was delusional.

LickideesplitLickideesplitalmost 6 years ago
Main Grinch

My biggest problem (of thise left uncommented upon) is that is - if I gotta take a whiz while on a small, very sparsely populated island, it diesn’t take me a long walk for ten minutes to go to a barely private potty. Second palm is plenty good enough!

I think his method of breaking-up was uncalled for. He gave Sweetie one clear statement of discomfort with what she had told him. And a bunch of noncommital, neutral comments that she ould interpret as Hubby being on her same psge. But I agree with those who think neither should have married ANYbody! Her pregnancy was ALL on her ... but I really don’t believe she would lt go full term. Probably swept out within 6 weeks.

NVDiceGuyNVDiceGuyalmost 6 years ago
Lost it

I was fine with the progression of the story but the tying her up piece just lost it for me. Plenty of other ways to burn her. And then not to give her the confrontation at the end made it worse.

tkh3nkey2110tkh3nkey2110about 6 years ago
What We Have Here Is A Failure To Communicate

Strother Martin's statement from Cool Hand Luke is very appropriate here. This story was filled with emotion. A 4 Star Rating.

What did these two do before getting married? They had to have life discussions: What they see their future as? What are their values? What are their views on sex? etc. It is obvious they were too busy schtuping to talk about life questions. They were in no way ready for marriage. They in fact did not even know one another.

tazz317tazz317about 6 years ago

how much fun is it now>>>>?????? TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

I'm surprised by ohio's response. If a rapist forces a woman to have sex and she happens to get wet, it's still rape. The husband having an erection, strange though it was, is not the same as giving consent to her fucking around on him.

PowersworderPowersworderabout 6 years ago

I saw several comments blaming Laura's cheating on poor communication and implying the husband was at least partially responsible. In actual fact, when she asked him about permission to play around after they were married, he specifically stated: "but it's not what I married you for."

You could argue that he should have told the two Thai guys to fuck off, but aside from mild flirtation, nothing happened at the bar. Then he left her alone with them for a couple of minutes while he went to the bathroom, so she snuck off and fucked them both. Not only that, but she did so after coming off birth control (without asking her husband first), and inevitably got knocked up by one of the locals. Tacit permission for group sex does not equal an agreement to raise another man's bastard child!

On top of Laura treating him with nothing but contempt on his honeymoon, she admitted to being repeatedly gangbanged the entire time they were dating. Forgetting the honeymoon fiasco, she cheated on him multiple times before they were even married.

I've lost count of the number of different ways the bitch deserved to be burned for the utter contempt she showed him. Laura just being abandoned was actually pretty light punishment after the appalling way she treated the poor guy for the entire time she knew him!

Harryin VAHarryin VAabout 6 years ago
Even accepting her story about having multiple partners before they were married

It's obvious that this bitch Doesn't seem to understand what marriage is. It's one thing to have before you're married a gang Bang With other men. But once the married to allow these other guys on the beach to fondle while snorkeling .. Says the marriage is dead right there. At that point the husband should have acted or said SOMETHING .

it's their honeymoon not her new chance to fuck lots of men at the beach. Of course that woman has every right to do what she wants to do... And marriage does not mean you own or control somebody. But if she thinks it's OK to do that while you're on your honeymoon...when supposedly you are focused on that 1 special person in your life... then she's obviously not a person to be Married.

And I hope she never gets married to anybody else for the rest of her life

Harryin VAHarryin VAabout 6 years ago
While the ending is good the promise of the story says deeply Stupid

The fact that a man or woman has a sexual fantasy with their spouse or about their spouse doesn't mean that it's OK to share or open talk about that fantasy or allowed to happen. The husband said nothing because his sick got hard and apparently any time a guy gets his dick hard... it doesn't matter what the wife does 0r says or behaves

HikingThruHikingThruabout 6 years ago

It's hard to fathom how two people with lots of friends could date and marry without knowing that she had gang bangs a week prior to marriage, and that they'd never talked about fidelity. And he told her "that's not what I married you for" and she did the two guys anyway. It's also bizarre that a woman like that would keep a mixed race bastard from her honeymoon disaster. Thank goodness he decidedly left her.

SpencerfictionSpencerfictionabout 6 years ago
Surrealistic story

I can't get my head around what she was doing. If she thought he would be turned on by watching her having casual sex with others, she should have spec'd him out before getting hitched. To then come off the pill and still practice unsafe sex in a country known for its reputation for provision of male and female sexual services for tourists, is plain stupid. Well written though.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
At least he admits he should have gotten to know her better before marrying her.

Just another shallow distant tepid marriage, where a fool thinks he has hit the jackpot, and doesn't want to spoil it by asking too many questions, getting too personal, invading her privacy.

Would you go into business with a person you hadn't fully checked out as to their honesty, integrity, criminal record, past legal problems, past personal, mental, or physical problems? Then you would deserve to be royally fucked when they cheated you. And they would claim its your fault because you let them get away with it.

A married woman who thinks getting pregnant by another man is just sex, no big deal, is ignorant, and evil. She was fucking other men because she wanted to, not because she thought her husband wanted her to. He married a monster. She never lied. He got what he married. Sounds like her and her bastard are doing just fine. She's a beautiful woman who loves to fuck and has zero principles and self respect. She'll probably end up married to a Duke, or a member of parliament. Her first spawn will probably end up being a criminal, if he doesn't die of an over dose first. Lets hope the gene pool doesn't suffer too badly before one of her jealous husbands kills her and whomever she's having just sex with.

dwbdazdwbdazabout 6 years ago
You can’t turn a ho into a housewife

What a whore. Great payback though. Too bad he didn’t figure out she was such a kunt before he married her,

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Not on Mate

H and W had very different ideas of marriage. W had been secretly engaging secretly in group sex up to the week before H and W were married.She knew H would not have liked it or she would have told him. H was probably in shock that W could do what she did and did not know how to respond when she was telling him. It would be too much for H to think that W would be so stupid as to have sex with strangers while not on birth control he would be reasonable not to think she should do it. I do agree with Ohio (one of my favorite writeres btw). H should have let W know his opinion as soon as he learned she was still having secret group sex a week before they married. That is when he should have told her they were getting divorced.


MbgdallasMbgdallasabout 6 years ago
Ohio is right in a big way.

The story fell a little flat at the end. It would have been much better if we would have had a confrontation when they got back home and we heard why she did what she did. Why was she so stupid as to get pregnant.

So much missing.

gordo12gordo12about 6 years ago
Well written

Nasty BTB ending though. As someone else pointed out he never expressed any of his real thoughts about what she was talking about. But then she screwed her friends a week before they got married and that would have been enough to send me fleeing for the hills. 5*

ohioohioabout 6 years ago
A shockingly unkind story

from a very good writer, whose work I have enjoyed very much in the past.

Every one of the problems here was created by the husband not talking honestly to his wife--and thereby leaving her the completely wrong impression that he was fine with her fucking other guys, and even found it a turn-on. For that matter, he DID find it a turn-on, as his constant erection told her.

To be fair--should she have checked with him more explicitly, before disappearing with the two Thai guys? Absolutely. But is the blame all on her? Absolutely not.

You just married a woman, you love her and desire her, but you can't or won't be honest with her? Then it's on you, mate.

Thanks, ohio

Just_WordsJust_Wordsabout 6 years ago
Good story, but a poor decision.

Leave her? - yes!

Tie her up and steal her clothes? - no.

Walk away, don't turn around, don't answer her calls, get on with your life, but do it with dignity and pride intact. But, run for your life regardless!

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