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Click hereA sincere Thank You to Gamblnluck for his ideas and suggestions to make a decent story an even better one.
Disclaimers: There is no sex in this story. If you are looking for graphic sex, find another story. If you are looking for a nuclear BTB, you will be disappointed. The cheaters get a bit singed, but that is from Karma. If you are looking for a reconciliation, go elsewhere. If you think that this could never happen, you are probably correct. This is fiction. That means that it is not real. I made it up from the dark corners of my warped mind. This is longer than most of my stories, around 19,000 words. I self-edit, and that's not going to change.
Now, a few words from Captain Obvious. There is no incest in this story. Since I already said that there is no sex, it should be obvious that any sex taking place in YOUR imagination as you are reading this would only occur between characters over the age of 18. Please read the title and look at the category that this story is published under. Don't be that idiot that commented on being offended by the content of a story when the title of the story literally stated that the story was about exactly what offended them. (That person was offended by sexual slavery when the title of the story actually had 'Slaves' in it. Seriously, if slavery offends you, why the fuck would you even read a story that had 'Slaves' in the fucking TITLE OF THE STORY?????) Seriously! It's no wonder that they have to put warning labels on rat poison telling people not to eat it. "Hmmm. It says POISON right on the label. I wonder if it's good to eat?"
Anyway, go ahead and leave a comment if you wish. I might even read it. If you don't like the way I did this story, feel free to write your own story the way you want it to be.
"Really dad? Mom is right. You really are an assh" [CLICK] and that's the last I heard of my daughter when I hung up the phone on her.
Oh, she tried sending me text messages over the next couple of days, but I just deleted them. There were even a couple of voicemails, but I just deleted them after hearing the first couple words. It was all the same. It was just my ex-wife's words in my daughter's voice. She made her choice 10-years ago, and she could live with the decision. This so-called olive branch was nothing but an insult. She could take the entire olive tree and shove it up her ass.
So, I'm Tom Williams. I used to be married to Kayla Williams. We had been married about 17-years when everything fell apart. Of course, I got blamed for it. That's what happens to the innocent shmucks in our wonderful divorce courts in this country. Blame the man, then let the ex-wife have full custody so she can tell the kids what a horrible person their father is. I swear, the divorce laws in this country were written by a bunch of man-hating feminazis out to fuck over anyone with a penis.
As I said, we had been married for 17-years. We had two kids, a 14-year-old son and a 16-year-old daughter. I thought everything was going great. I loved my wife, and I was sure that she loved me. Our kids were smart, athletic, well-adjusted, and good looking. Karlie was a daddy's girl, and Josh was a friendly and athletic boy. I was making decent money as a mechanical engineer, and Kayla had a good job working as an accountant. We both worked out to keep in shape and were both fairly good looking.
As I said, Karlie was a daddy's girl through and through. She seemed to idolize me, and I was wrapped around her little finger. She seemed to be good at math and science, so she decided that she was going to be an engineer like daddy. She got her driver's license the day she turned 16. She, like me, loved driving. From when she was 10-years old, she would be out in the garage handing me wrenches as I worked on the various toys that I acquired. I am an unashamed gearhead. I love old cars (mainly GM products) that I can tinker with and build up. She has developed my love for them as well. Some weekends, we would go to car shows together and spend the day drooling over those wonderful machines. It just seemed that we were practically joined at the hip almost every weekend.
I was also pretty handy at home improvement projects. Karlie was always excited about helping me whenever I did a project around the house. I taught her basic plumbing, electrical, drywall, and painting. She was right there with me when I installed new appliances. She even helped me with a new concrete slab that I put in beside my shop.
While Karlie would go to her mother for female issues (which I was very happy about), it was me that she would come to for advice and help with everything else. Homework, drama with her friends, advice on things that she was thinking of doing, boys, etc. We were very open and honest with each other. When she got in some trouble, it was my phone she called for help.
I had my daddy's girl, and Kayla had her mamma's boy. Josh never really got into cars and mechanics like his older sister did. He was a good student, but science really didn't excite him much. He excelled more in English, literature, and civics. He started talking about becoming a lawyer. Sure, Josh and I hung out as well, but he seemed to be more attached to his mom than me.
Kayla seemed to be a bit off for the last couple of weeks. There was nothing overt, but she just seemed to be a tad distant. And she would kind of zone out for a minute or two lately. I asked her a couple of times if everything was OK, but she would just blow me off and dismiss my concern. Usually, I quite enjoyed it when she would 'Blow Me Off', but this was not that type of blow off. Again, nothing really overt, but just a bit off.
It was on a Friday evening. I had just gotten home from work. It was 6:00 as was my usual time getting home on a Friday evening. I saw that Kayla was already home as usual. I walked in the door and called out that I was home as usual. Unusually, there were no smells of dinner cooking. Also, Karlie didn't come down and greet me. Granted, she's a teenager now, but she usually greets me if she's home. She and Josh must still be out with friends.
Oh well. I set my briefcase in my office and went upstairs to change into more comfortable clothes for the evening. When I walked into the bedroom, I saw that my wife had laid out her LBD, sexy underwear, stockings and garters, as well as her 6-inch CFMs. That explained the lack of smells for dinner. Obviously, we were going out tonight instead. I wish she would have given me a heads-up on it, but I hadn't made any other plans anyway. Kayla was still in the bathroom applying her make-up when I walked in.
"Where are we going, Sweetheart?" I asked as I started to take off my dress shirt.
"We aren't going anywhere." She replied.
That was odd. "Well, if we aren't going anywhere, why are you getting all made-up and have a sexy outfit laid out on the bed?"
"I said WE aren't going out. I am."
"Really? And just where do you imagine that you are going, dressed like that, without me? Also, where are the kids?" I had a bad feeling about this.
"The kids are spending the night with friends. I'm not sure exactly where my date will be taking me, but I most likely won't be home until tomorrow morning sometime."
"What do you mean 'your date', and you won't be back until the morning?"
"Just what I said. I'm going on a date tonight, and if it goes as planned, I will be spending the night with him." She said calmly.
"The fuck you are! What the fuck makes you think for even a second that I will put up with that? Fuck that! You want to go out and whore around, you can wait for the fucking divorce to be final."
"Stop being stupid. There will be no divorce. I'm just going to do this once, then everything will be back to normal. I need this night. We've been married for 17-years, and I just need to go out once to prove to myself that I'm still attractive to other guys. If you really love me, you will let me have this night, and it won't even be a blip on the radar."
"Well, if you really loved me, you wouldn't even consider doing this."
"I do love you, but I need this. I'm getting older and I need to feel that I am still attractive to other men. Particularly, younger men. Clarence is about 10-years younger than me. He's been flirting with me over the last 6-months, and I decided to finally take him up on his offer. It's just one night of sex to assure myself that I'm still a sexy woman that is attractive to other men. This is just a confidence booster for me. I've been noticing a few lines and a couple of grey hairs have started sneaking in I need the boost to my ego."
"I DON'T need this, and I'm NOT going to put up with it. You remember that part of the wedding vows about 'Forsaking all others'? You do this and you are breaking your vows."
"Don't be silly. This is just a one-night thing. After I get back home, I will never do it again. I promise."
"Are you stupid, or is it that you believe I am stupid? After breaking the vow you made to me in front of God, family, and friends, do you honestly think that I would ever believe a simple promise from you made in private? Simply put, if you go through with this, we are done. You walk out that door, and I will be meeting with a lawyer as soon as possible."
"Don't be an idiot. There will be no divorce. I will come home and be the loving devoted wife I have always been. If you try to divorce me, I will fight it as long and as hard as I can. You will end up losing the house, most of the assets, and I will get full custody of the kids. Furthermore, I will do everything I can to screw up your visitation, and I will put the entire blame for breaking up the family on you. I will make sure that your kids end up hating you."
I was shocked at her words. "You claim to love me, yet you would do all that to me?"
"Damn right I would. I do love you, but, if you try to divorce me, I will fight you on it. I don't want to lose you, so I'm just giving you the consequences of your actions. Look, I told you that I just need this one night to prove that I am still attractive and sexy."
"Yeah, well what happens in a few more years? What about the next time that you start to think that you are still getting older and wonder if you can still attract a younger man? Let me guess, he has a big cock, and the gossip around the water cooler says that he is a great lover. I'll bet that he's hit almost every slut that you work with too."
"I promise that won't happen. And yes, there has been some gossip that I've overheard. I admit that I am curious, but it will just be sex. There won't be any love involved. You have nothing to fear from him taking me away from you. As I said, this is just a one-time thing to get this out of my system. Maybe I'll even learn a thing or two that will spice up out sex life. A couple of new tricks will liven up our love making."
"If you follow through with this, I already told you the consequences of your actions. If you call him right now and cancel, we can go through marriage counseling and work to save our marriage."
"Don't be stupid. We are going to be fine. If you really insist on counseling to heal you bruised little ego, we can talk about it when I get back tomorrow."
With that, she continued to get ready for her date. I changed into a pair of jeans and a tee-shirt, then left the room. She was downstairs a little while later, dressed in the clothes she laid out. She had her little clutch and was inspecting herself in the mirror by the door. I was sitting in my recliner in the livingroom. I heard a honk from a car outside.
"He's here. I've got to go. I'll see you in the morning." She said as she walked over to give me a kiss goodbye.
I turned my head and leaned away from her. She ended up kissing air. She stood back up and regarded me with a frown.
"Fine. Be that way. Once you get over your little hissy-fit, everything will be back to normal."
With that, she turned and strode towards the door. I made one last plea.
"If you walk out that door, we're done. You better think really hard on whether this is worth throwing 17-years of marriage away."
She turned to look back at me. "I'm not throwing anything away. As I said, I'll be back, and everything will go back to normal." With that, she opened the door and walked out.
Yes, I began crying for the loss of my marriage and the woman I had loved exclusively for the last 20-years. 17-years of marriage, one year of engagement, and two years of exclusive dating. I had no idea how she could do this to me. She had never expressed any dissatisfaction to me. We had a decent sex life, and she never mentioned wanting more. I would have gladly given her more if she wanted it. We hadn't been fighting about anything. Sure, there were some disagreements, as there are with all couples. Still, we discussed things and came to a mutual agreement on them.
I had decided what I was going to do if she went through with this. After half an hour, I finally got up and went to work. I guess I waited that half an hour for her to come to her senses and come back. Obviously, that wasn't happening. I went upstairs and began my plan. It really wasn't much of a plan, but it was the best I could do at the time. It was a fairly large four-bedroom house. Master bedroom, Karlie's room, Josh's room, and a large guest bedroom. The guest bedroom was actually a second master bedroom with a private bathroom. We had used it for when either hers or my family visited. We would also use it for the kids' sleepovers. Now, it would be my temporary bedroom. It took me about two hours to completely move out of OUR old bedroom and into MY new bedroom.
I was under no illusions about what would happen in our divorce. This was a no-fault state. What that means is that the divorce laws in this state were written by man-hating feministic cunts. Basically, unless the wife was convicted of some major felony and sent to prison for at least a decade, the husband got fucked. It didn't matter if the husband was a completely innocent victim, the wife would end up with the house, kids, child support, maintenance (that used to be called alimony), and the husband would be stuck with all the bills. She gets the gold mine, and he gets the shaft.
After getting my new temporary living quarters squared away, I went down to my home office and got onto our on-line banking. I had opened up another account just in my name a few years ago. It wasn't for any nefarious purposes; it was just so I could buy her gifts and she would be surprised. We both had access to our finances, and there were a few times when she went to check on our finances and happened to see a purchase I had made for her. Needless to say, there wasn't much of a surprise for her birthday or Christmas. Thus, I opened a new account in just my name strictly for purchasing her presents and keeping her from knowing what she was getting in advance. I decided to repurpose that account now. She knew about it, but she didn't have any access to it.
First off, I transferred exactly half of our checking and savings into my personal account. Next, using the remaining money in the joint account, I paid off and canceled all our credit cards. I then applied for a couple of new cards in my name only. Yes, I should have paid everything off before transferring any money, but I decided it was better to pay back whatever a court ordered me to than to try and collect anything from her. I would transfer my direct deposit from work into my personal account on Monday morning when I got to work. I would also have to call our broker and have our investments split on Monday as well.
Having accomplished what I could, I got another tumbler of Jim Beam on the rocks and went up to my room for the night. I finished my drink as I got ready for bed. It was not a good night's sleep. First off, I had gotten used to sleeping next to my wife. The bed seemed empty without her there. Then it was that my mind simply wouldn't shut off. I kept going over what I could have done to prevent this. Should I have tried to force her not to go out the door? Physically restrained her? Gone out to the asshole's car with a baseball bat? A gun? Would going to jail been worth it? It was a long night. I did doze on and off fitfully, but not much.
I finally decided to get up as light began coming through the window. I was still tired, so I decided to shower more to help myself fully wake up than anything else. After shaving, showering, and brushing my teeth, I put on jeans and a t shirt and went downstairs. I ate breakfast and drank a couple cups of coffee while reading the newspaper.
It was 9:00 in the morning when Kayla waltzed back into the house. I was in my office on the computer looking at apartments to rent. I had already researched lawyers and made an appointment for Monday afternoon through their on-line scheduling.
"Good morning, Honey. I'm home, just like I promised." She cheerfully greeted as she breezed into the house.
I just ignored her. Throughout the night and this morning, my rage began to build at what she had done. I realized as I was drinking my coffee this morning that I had done nothing to deserve this disrespect from her. I also realized that there was nothing I could have done to prevent what she did. This was all on her. If I had somehow managed to stop her date last night, she would have just done it again another time. There are a lot of people who say you can't stop loving someone suddenly. Perhaps they are right. What you can do is turn that love into hate. The opposite of love is not hate, it is indifference. With hate, there is still emotion involved. Marriage counselors often can save a marriage if there is hate by turning that back into love. If there is indifference, there is no chance at all. All my love that I had for my wife yesterday before I got home had now been channeled into hate. It was remarkably simple to do. All I needed to do was to focus on the lack of respect she showed me. Then I added her threats to me if I didn't go along with it. Adding to that was her dismissive attitude towards my feelings. I had several hours to focus on all that.
"Honey? Where are you? I'm home just like I said. I even cleaned up before coming home for you. Honey?" I heard her calling out as she went around the house looking for me.
"Oh, there you are." She said as she opened the door to my office. "I'm back, and now everything can go back to normal." She continued as she came over to my desk.
She moved around the desk with her arms out to give me a hug and kiss. I shoved her back.
"Keep your filthy diseased lips away from me you nasty slut! God only knows what they have touched or what nasty shit has been in that mouth of yours."
Her eyes sprang wide open in shock. I had never talked to her like that in all the years we've known each other. I continued before she could even think about responding.
"You need to go down to the clinic and get a full battery of STD tests done. I want to see a notarized clean report from you before I ever allow you to put your filthy paws on me again. As far as sex is concerned, I wouldn't fuck your disease-ridden cunt with a 10-foot pole even if I put a dozen condoms on it."
Over the top? Probably. Did I care? Nope. I watched her facial expression turn from shock to anger. I was hoping for realization of what she had done and remorse.
"I can see that you are still dealing with your bruised ego. I'm going to go up to our room and take a nap. I had a long night, and I want to rest for a while. Hopefully you will have calmed down and we can talk later. I expect a full apology for your rudeness this morning."
With that, she turned and stormed out of the room. I couldn't help but smile as I anticipated her quick return. I was not to be disappointed.