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In Service to the Divine Ch. 02

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Breakfast and a work out.
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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 12/30/2015
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A/N: a decent start to the series, looks like i need to post it in humor more cause of its lack of seriousness over its attention to a fetish niche. Onward! Chapter two!


A gentle moan broke the silence of the darkness. Veronica's hands kept moving in hops, trying to find a cock that should be right beside her. But alas there was none, in fact she had even been tucked in. Veronica had never slept alone since her novels worldwide success, she almost expected this was a nightmare.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" She pulled the blanket up with her as she sat up. "Nathan? If this is some kind of joke I'm gonna kill you. You know it's a no-no to mess with me and my studs..."

But there was no answer. Carefully she got up from the bed and dressed lightly, Grabbing a candle stick for self defense, half suspecting a home invasion. It wouldn't of been the first.

Years after her raise to fame and power, an extreme feminist group often took to trying to embarrass or degrade her publicly, even going as far as torching her summer homes and attempting to raid DP inc.

Carefully, with trained silence, she descended the steps, approaching the second floor. The sounds of pots and pans clinking came from her kitchen, tipping her off to where the intruder was, but there was nothing of value in there, perhaps it was just a desperate kid trying to find something he could sell online for a quick buck, getting max dollar for it being "touched by the Divine". She chuckled lightly as she recalled the first time she saw her stuff being sold online.

She lost track of her underwear at a public orgy celebrating the fourth of July, and found it being sold on Kijiji two days after for $10,000. She was tempted to buy them back but cooked up a plan to meet the seller and trade him in labor to get them back.

She approached the kitchen door and leaned over to peek inside, she breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Nathan inside just putting away dishes and cooking utensils.

"God damn it Nathan! You scared me half to death! Why are you in the kitchen to begin with! I have cooks for preparing breakfast." She scolded him waving the candle stick at his face as he raised his hands defensively.

"Easy! Breakfast has been served, The cooks had no need to prepare it, but the maids are keeping it warm for you."

Veronica raised her eyebrow curiously, setting the candle stick down on the counter she sashayed her way into the dining room and gasped at what she saw.

6 studs stood around a table, their cocks hard as rock resting atop the table. underneath them was the maids, tongue, sucking, and gobbling their balls salaciously, choking off any attempt to cum with professional precision. On little paper labels on the table were the names of breakfast foods indicating the flavor pills each stud had taken.

A selection of breakfast sausage was the first one. Veronica gave Nathan a smirk as she identified the irony of it. He just smiled back holding back his own laughter. Next was pancakes and syrup, an oldie but a goody, Veronica hoped it would be as thick and gooey as real syrup to add to the feeling. Orange juice was next, followed by bacon, buttered toast and last but not least, "unflavored" in case she felt like having her usual.

Veronica was overcome with emotion, she is used to men just giving her her pleasure and being on their way, but her butler had always went the extra mile and added presentation to the event. If she was the marrying type this would of been worth a lot of points. She stopped herself from leaping at him and giving him a kiss, knowing he'd simply stop her with ninja like reflexes, but she managed to catch him in a hug and give him a genuine smile.

"Oh my god this is so perfect! Don't tell me you plan on going through this effort all the time?"

He smiled and ruffled her hair like she was his little sister and answered.

"Well i can maybe only do this for special occasions if you feel like it, I'm not sure we have enough studs at the office to rotate them enough."

"Good idea, I can see my throat getting sore if i ate every meal like this."

"Since when has soreness stopped you?" He quipped, and weaved to avoid the kidney punch attempt in retort.

"Remember I can have you fired mister!" She jokingly threatened before she skipped over to her breakfast and went wild on the sausage meal first.

The gusto in which she gobbled the literal sausage filled with figurative sausage could of been mistaken as a glutton mowing down an all you can eat dinner if you were unable to see just what was making the noise. But eccentrics run wild in this near fantasy world, and with Veronica as it's veritable queen, one would have to be insane not to have such fervor.

Slurps, sucks, smacks, glorcks, and gags galore played a symphony even Beethoven would stand and applaud for. To an untrained eye Miss Divine's movements were chaotic, like she couldn't decide what meal she wanted first, But i knew better, She was trying to prime them all to go off at the same time, attempting a flavor overload i suppose.

After a few minutes i was unsure whether the sheen on Miss divine's skin was sweat or precum but what ever it was made her look radiant, in that "pregnant" kind of way i hear those fanatics describe. It was even hard for me to resist joining in, I'd have to thank Agatha for that hormone inhibitor again...

It wasn't much longer before Miss Divine got the first mouthful of her breakfast buffet. Bacon hit her tongue first, and instinct made her swallow right away, taking pancakes and syrup to the face, her wish came through though, as the thick glossy cum splattered against her and hung from her cheek like a horror movie spider web. Wiping it off was a bad idea as it just made long strings of goop hang between her face and hand. The rest all fired off in unison in patterned bursts. She was being glazed just as fast as she could eat, and enjoying every minute of it, i could feel her Vibrating on the floor all the way across the room.

I gave a gentle thrust of my chin to the maids who were standing by, watching the erotic scene with hungry eyes. They knelt down around Miss Divine and began licking her convulsing body clean, eliciting more moans and twitches from the partially sated Empress of Size. Veronica showed some class by sharing her food with the maids, licking off some of the cum from her body and engaging in long deep kisses with the hard working women.

I had put an end to things when Miss Divine was all cleaned up and was attempting to start up an orgy. Miss Divine had a date to keep today, it was her weekly intense workout, and i had booked her a practice boxing match with a rising star in the ring...

Ryan Bader, A raising star if i ever saw one. I wasn't one to watch the sport of violence, but as a man i do get a kick out of watching others beat the pulp out of one another...as long as it never involved me.

6'2", 205 pounds of envy inducing muscle, in both me and Miss divine, but for two different reasons. 74 inch reach, and all American blood made this man sized hurricane intimidating to the bone. The wetness in both mine and Miss Divines crotches were again from two different emotional sources...

I watched him thrust, swing and proficiently flail his arms and legs about the ring in a warm up of shadow boxing. Miss Divine made a sultry approach into the ring, ducking under the top rope to insure the window in her extra heavy duty sports bra gave a good long glimpse to anyone who may of looked...to my shame i did.

Ryan gave her a glance and kept up his practice, slowing down his blows before finally turning to her and extending a friendly hand.

"Good afternoon, I take it you're the Veronica Divine celebrity I'm practicing with? Hope you don't mind me saying but I'm not sure how i feel about a mix gender practice match."

Miss Divine giggled, flirtatiously if my experience with her is still as sharp as it once was. "Oh please, I've had to "beat off" my fair share of "large men" just like you." Ryan didn't hear it, but i caught the lilt in her words that could cause a double entendre.

"Well alright, but i warn you, if i get into it you can't hold me for any bruises or injuries."

"Right back at you stud." They tapped gloves and the match was on its way.

"Greetings ladies and gentlemen! To the first ever mix match MMA fighter practice round! I'm your color commentator Nathan Webster, here with me is none other then Felicia Valday, what are your thoughts on the match tonight Felicia?"

"Mmmng mng mmmmnn, glllullgh."

"Please stop fellating the mic and answer the question..."

*pop* "Sorry, it just looked so phallic i had to try." Clearing her throat she straightened her back and got into the role. "Well as Veronica's close and personal friend i can tell you she has had her close encounters with muscly men, and none of which has ever managed to put her on the defensive, but this will be the first time she has ever purposefully gone fist to fist with another man. I know she could bring him to his knees if she wanted to, but that has nothing to do with the skill she possesses with her hands...well ok, partially it does."

"let's take a look at how she starts off this match then shall we?"

In the ring Veronica had just ducked under a right cross from Ryan, trying to take the opening at his kidney. He defended with a quick block with his knee, dropping his elbow on her shoulder, rather softly, it was only practice after all. The blow still got her on her knees and her face inches from his boxing shorts. Her eyes narrowed, scanning the loose fitting fabric for any sign of a huge cock, but before she could make a guess he had jumped back away from her, giving her a chance to stand back up.

"Doesn't look like she is having a good start Felicia-god damn it quit it with the mic!"

*pop* "You just can't see what she is doing. Like all great martial artists, she is just "sizing up" her opponent, waiting for that perfect moment to strike."

Ryan stepped in to begin his second advance, and came in with a series of jabs and tight swings. Veronica dodged and weaved between them all, except the last one, she deliberately threw one of her tits into the punch, forcing it to bobble out of the window in her sports bra. The plan had worked, the chivalrous side in Ryan made him stop for a moment to let her know her breast was on display, but Veronica only dashed in and got him good right to the nose.

"Oh! Damn, so that's how this game is gonna be huh? Ok kiddie gloves are off Missy!" Ryan growled, playfully mind you.

Veronica only smirked and blew him a kiss, bouncing her tit with one hand.

"Well, i guess ground rules weren't established in the beginning. Miss Divine should have a fair game now that all her weapons are available-I swear to god I'm gonna take that mic away from you..."

*sluuuuurp* "No my mic!" Felicia said depositing it between her breasts for safe keeping. "But i don't know if Veronica has what it takes for this level of stud. She has taken seasoned porn stars to their knees, but they don't get the kind of adrenaline rush a proud MMA fighter does. I can guarantee you one thing though, win or lose, Veronica Divine is walking out of here bowlegged." *pop*

The fight continued, Each fighter trading blows and dodging attacks. Veronica's breasts danced hypnotically but Ryan was focused on the match to worry about watching it's graceful bobbling. It's freedom however came at a price of balance, and that got her a powerful uppercut to the chin, knocking her back and almost off her feet, and freeing lefty's sister. With both bobbling breasts on display Ryan was suddenly having trouble not reflexively watching them dance in tandem.

The bell rang, indicating the end of the round. Both went to their corners to rest for a short moment, Ryan glared at her, trying to intimidate, While Veronica just played with her nipples and jiggled the sweat from her tits. When the bell went again she stripped off her top and slung it out of the ring.

"Wasn't doing much to begin with any way right Hun?" She teased Ryan with a wink.

"I'm gonna make you regret that and speed bag those things." He reached out and tapped her fist and the second round began.

The warm up was over and the speed and force of each punch could almost be compared to anime battles. You could hear the air being cut as they jabbed, Feel it vibrate as blows were blocked or hit solid muscle. The first decisive blow came as the head of Ryan's cock peeked out from under his boxers, Veronica instinctively glanced and cost her reaction time. The wide swing connected with her cheek and made her spin twice in a daze before she planted her feet and got her bearings. She smiled evilly yet flirtatiously as she watched his face contort into a sneer.

"My my, isn't hiding weapons illegal in a match?"

"You're the one bringing missiles into the ring bitch, don't make me use my third arm on you." Ryan threatened.

"Maybe I'd like that stud." she taunted back stepping in quick and starting a flurry of blows.

He blocked all of them at the start before an improvised cross with her right tit threw him off, smacking him hard across the cheek. She kept up the attack, throwing in surprise tit strikes to knock his focus off balance. She had him on the ropes before he side stepped her next tit attack and got her tangled up in the ropes. She was completely defenseless now, tied up some how perfectly in a kind of sex swing bondage formation, her tits dangling like a pair of speed-bags...just like Ryan had hoped.

Kneeling down so her tits were just above his head he proceeded to give them the speed bag treatment.

"Bud duhduh buh duhduh buh duhduh buh duhduh" Could be heard ring wide, put probably cause i was saying it into my mic as it happened, earning me a sinister glare from Mistress Divine.

For the rest of the round Veronica's tits received the abuse of their life before the round ending bell stopped the torture. Ryan assisted her out of her tangled position as she pouted on her way back to her corner to rest.

*SLUUUUUUUR GLUCK GLUCK GLERCH* "Damn, that was a low blow if i ever saw one, I wouldn't want to be Veronica right now! Her tits are gonna be out of commission for weeks with the bruising that had to give them."

"He did say he was gonna do it, i hope this teaches Veronica not to take her opponents lightly anymore."

The break was over, and the third and final round was on. When they tapped gloves they each whispered to each other.

"Lets take this to the finish, knock out only." Veronica smiled as she stepped back from her opponent.

The bell rang and She was the first to strike. The hay maker right out of the gate! Ryan side stepped the easily telegraphed move and went to jab at her, when he felt something tug down his trunks.

the Hay maker was a cover for her true attack, her other hand had quickly moved in and pulled his shorts down freeing that 14 inch muscle filled rod. Veronica moved quick with an unobstructed view of her prize. Wrapping her arms around his thighs to stop a retreat she opened up and sank half of his cock into her throat. Ryan wasn't gonna play this game and decided to go for a blow to her head, but all that did was make her stink further and further down his cock, knocking the strength out of each following blow. by the time she head two more inches to go he had stopped his attacks and tried to pull her off. She took a risk and made a wide, strong punch for his ass to force his hips forward, and got what she wanted. She sealed her lips around his base and giggled triumphantly as she looked up to lock eyes with him.

"Alright babe...*huff huff* if you want to play it like this, prepare to be throat punched!" He grabbed her hair roughly and pulled his hips back and her head back till the tip popped out of her throat, And, before she could get half of her cough out, began his assault.

With the same speed and flurry of his boxing strikes, his hips pounded her lips as his cock jabbed her stomach. Spit and sweat was flying everywhere as the seasoned fighters battled wills. Of course oxygen deprivation was a crutch Veronica had to bare and this battle was quickly being lost. She took a page from his book and moved to speed bag his nuts. She got three good blows in before he backed up and let her fill her lungs after a fitful coughing spree.

"*cough cough* Damn...that was intense!" Veronica shouted with glee...ever the enjoyer of all things sexual. "Let me know if you wanna practice that move some more, no one ever gets that rough when i need them too." She smiled dominantly as she sauntered over to him, wiping a trail of saliva from her lips. With a gentle yet forceful push she sent him back on his ass as she did an acrobatic front flip on top of him, skillfully just avoiding impaling herself on his cock, a single hanging trail of cunt creme dangling playfully above his throbbing head. "Now...time to practice some "lunges"

To go into detail about the final round would require a thesaurus full of words to describe the same thing over and over again in different poses. Veronica was pounded, slammed, fucked, mashed, roughed up, pierced, skewered, impaled, split in half, torn in two, and according to her own words "tonsil fucked from her pussy". The matted ring was soaked with several juices and liquids, and both fighters were breathing raggedly trying to out last the other.

3 hours later the match had turned from torrid fucking to agonizingly slow slams. Veronica rose on visibly shaky legs that looked to be trying to keep her upright in an 8.8 earthquake, before letting them give up and have her body weight come crashing down onto Ryan. Ryan was focusing most of his muscle power onto his cock, as it visibly throbbed with ball shaped pulses trying to keep his cum from bursting forth. This match was almost over, but whose will would break first?

Another hour and the finish line was in sight. Neither could make any noise cause their throats were so sore from their verbalized passion, But their body language told onlookers they were right on the edge. With one final raise Veronica stood up enough to keep just the tip of his cook inside her, looking down on Ryan with the smugness only a seasoned size queen like her can give an athlete with a giant cock.

"Bye bye babe...it's been fun." She taunted him with a lusty purr as she slammed down and keageled full force.

Ryan's eyes opened up in panic as her labia met his pubis, he knew he lost, but he had to take this bitch down too, and he could only think of one last thing to try. Contracting every muscle he knew how, he made sure he unloaded as hard as he could, hoping that the heat and pressure of his over boiled seed would set her off.

And it worked! Veronica gritted her teeth as she lost several of her senses; Sight, hearing, and smell all faded from her consciousness as she felt and somehow tasted his load. her eyes crossed, and her limbs tensed up and made her involuntarily curl into a ball, and she released a noise impossible to phonetically describe. This finishing blow lasted too many moments to tell you how much time had truly passed as they now both lay on the mat, barely breathing, the match an obvious draw.

Grabbing a towel I left my mic and headed down to my mistress and doused her wet skin, she didn't even stir, which meant i had to lug her back to the mansion...The duties of a butler to the Divine...


Done! Finally! Sorry about all the delay readers (and miss Divine) works kicking my ass enthusiasm wise. I feel unappreciated and it kills my writing mood. I gotta get good at this and turn it into a paycheck somehow

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