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Click here"You made a messsss under the chair, sssslave. Clean it. With your tongue."
Without hesitation, Celenithra got on hands and knees and began to lap up the puddle of piss that she'd created under the chair, her white hair dangling down and sopping up some of the mess. She no longer had any dignity to concern herself with. Her Masters had taken her will and made it a part of them. She had no choice but to obey.
"Behold what your matriarch hasss been reduccced to," Plsskl said to the captives with a mocking laugh.
Some of the Slethraans in the chairs cackled in amusement as they watched their new slave debase herself before them. She continued to lick up her mess, seemingly oblivious that she was the source of anyone's amusement. All that mattered was the task her Masters had given her.
Plsskl then pulled out his cock and pissed on his new slave as she lapped up her own piss, aiming for her head and soaking her white hair. She could do nothing but continue to slurp it off the floor, now licking up her Master's piss in addition to her own.
Seraphina thought she was going to faint as she took in the degrading display. She glanced over at Gelda and saw that her breaths were coming rapidly, her eyes darting wildly around the room, looking for any escape. When will I wake from this horrid nightmare? Seraphina thought desperately.
As a Jim Henson super fan, I saw the Dark Crystal references IMMEDIATELY, but I did have one question if you’re still willing to come online and answer. How do the Slethraa reproduce? I doubt the slaves can ever get pregnant again, but depending on how long they live for, how would the preexisting Slethraa replenish their numbers? Are there any female Slethraa or have they all died out? What happens if one of them die, do they crumble like the Skeksis do?
I’m so sorry, I’m hungry for lore on these one-note erotica villains haha
Yes, this story is my homage to that movie. I saw that movie as a child and was fascinated by how the podlings were enslaved by the crystal. I wanted to take that concept and explore it with sexier results than the podlings...
I am getting Dark Crystal vibes from this chapter because in that movie, the Podling got his essence drained and Kira nearly got drained too.