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From Feminist to Fuckdoll

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Marcus desconstructs a feminist verbally and anally.
9.7k words

Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 05/19/2023
Created 07/07/2018
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All characters in this story are 18 or older, and the author does not in any way condone non-consensual sex. This story is fiction and contains, rough anal, pain, humiliation and degradation, and rough oral; if you don't like these themes, please do not read or rate it. This work is purely fantasy, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


The cheers and whistles died down to the dull roar of the noisy bar as I slid my shirt back over my bare stomach. I don't shy away from attention, and surrounded by young single women was no exception. The bar table I stood adjacent to was currently holding the ladies' drinks and purses I had shown my abs to, the closest of whom was still trying to touch my well-defined muscles through my shirt.

"Very nice!" They giggled amongst themselves as I playfully swatted the adventurous hands away and took another swig of my Red Bull. My rigorous workout schedule that I'd adopted early on in college had chiseled my frame into something that a lot of women, both young and old, seemed to be drawn towards. I wasn't so huge that they knew they'd be taking a backseat to the gym, but there didn't appear to be an ounce of fat on me and my proportions filled clothes perfectly.

The bar was a popular one, attracting a lot of the local college crowd with their large dance floor and occasionally good music, and having the lion's share of young college girls usually meant everyone else wanted to be there. I was something of a regular, in search of respite from my graduate coursework and the desire to satisfy my carnal needs. Picking up random girls and the occasional classmate at the bar was also a great way to readily explore my newfound sexuality and boundaries. Tonight, those boundaries were vying on the rougher side, my carnal side desiring a tight asshole to absolutely lay waste to, but with some mental torture to accompany it. So far, this evening was on the right track and I'd be heading back to my apartment with my quarry in under an hour. Of the 5 ladies oohing and ah-ing over my abs, a petite number named Amy could do the trick, but they were all tempting candidates. Amy was the "hot one" and she played it well, her tight dancer body clad scantily in a miniskirt and belly shirt.

I didn't miss that one of the girls had scoffed at my display and was now glaring daggers across the small table at me. Her tight grey skirt and button up shirt gave off a sense of control, but her stockings and heels belied a confidant, wilder side. I had met girls like her before, sharper than their peers but sometimes a bit controlling, resulting in them occasionally getting labelled as no fun by their own friends. If we were lucky, we might see just how controlling this one was; she clearly was the "leader" of the group; her attractiveness, confidence and wit seemed to keep her even ahead of Amy in their group hierarchy.

"What did you say your name was, again?" I casually asked across the table, ignoring Amy and the other girls who kept pawing at my shirt.

"I didn't give it," she stated flatly and looked away from me, sparking up conversation with one of the girls, Jessica, I think.

"Wow, rude," I laughed and turned my own attention to the girls closest to me, Amy and Katherine, "What's she got up her butt?"

"Excuse me?!" She immediately retorted and her eyes flashed at me.

"She's just got a lot of walls, Marcus," Amy interjected hastily, trying to dispel the ice in the air between us.

"No, I'm just not as dumb as a lot of women out there," the ice queen spat out like venom, "This guy is a dime a dozen, preying on women at bars with stupid pickup artist lines and their Abercrombie bodies. Let me guess, you're going to have to start 'negging' me?"

I laughed again, my mind rapidly slicing through the options for the evening and how they might play out. Given her extremely protective stance she was adopting on her part of friends, I might be able to have more fun than anticipated. Sex dominated by physical sensation was good, sex injected with some mental and emotional sensation could be great, I had discovered.

"I don't know what you have against me, Ice Queen, but considering you only know my name and that I don't mind female attention in the first few minutes I've been here, you seem to have made quite the series of jumps to put me in a box you had ready for me since I walked up," I let the statement hang in the air, my dry tone not indicating hurt, but seriousness.

"Wow, Madison, he's kind of right, you know!" Katherine piped up, her eyes glancing nervously at Madison, "Marcus hasn't even been slimy or nothing, and you're already trying to drive him away! Not even a grope like some of them!"

Madison seemed caught off guard by my return and failure to back down or leave, and sputtered out a half-assed apology, "I- I'm sorry Marcus... there are just a lot of shitty guys out there and your... brazenness led me to think you were like them."

"Oh, I could be like them! Hell—I might even be worst!" I said cheekily, the truth sliding right past my target, or should I say, targets. Lifting up my shirt again and flexing my hips like a stripper, I pantomimed out some lewd activities. Four of the girls shrieked wildly and acted like they were tossing money on me, while the fifth retained a cold glare as she watched her gang invite me to their evening.

A few minutes later, I had found a booth for us all to fit in, and we congregated across the bar to chat more intimately as the alcohol kicked in. They were all in their second year of school but had become fast friends during their first year living in the dorms. Amy was pre-med but was struggling due to her commitment to the dance team. Katherine was also pre-med and helped Amy most of the time when Amy fell behind.

"Let me guess, Women's Studies?" I taunted Madison from across the table as we continued to get to know each other better.

"No," She shot back heatedly, "Pre-Law!"

And then sheepishly, "With a minor in Women's Studies..."

I burst out laughing with the rest of the girls, poking a little fun at their friend's cold side. She turned red, and tried to stare some of her friends into submission.

"Nothing wrong with that!" I quipped while raising my red bull in a toasting motion, "This world needs more feminists; perhaps with a little less ice around the edges, though."

Again, the devilish smirk. Madison looked as though she wanted to say something witty, but thought better and we resumed chatting about what courses everyone was in this semester.

Fast forward fifteen minutes, and Amy is sitting very close to me in a booth, her hand lightly grazing my thigh where my cock lay tightly against my pants. Only Katherine and her remained, the rest cutting up the dance floor to some early 2000s hip-hop. She was trying to maintain a conversation with Katherine while knowingly making my cock more erect through my pants. This girl knew what I was packing and got a kick out of teasing me in public. Gotta love a girl who knows what she wants in a guy, I mused as my hand lightly stroked her lower back.

Jessica emerged from the crowd and bounded over to our table, grabbing Amy and Katherine's hands' and trying to pull them out of the booth to dance. Amy resisted initially, enjoying the effect her hands were having on my now-turgid member. But then a Lil Wayne song queued up and she leapt from the booth, her hands in the air hooting. I waved them off, indicating my friends were texting me, and I'd be with them shortly. As planned, Madison slid into the booth within a minute and I pretended not to notice as I scanned my phone. Finally, I looked up and acknowledged her.

"So, Madison. What is it you can't stand about me?" I smirked at her from across the table, attempting to put her on the defensive.

"You think I don't know who you are, Marcus?" She countered, her face like stone, "I've heard stories from some friends and acquaintances... You have quite a reputation."

"Oh good, so then I don't have to tell you what I'm packing," I grinned, piercing her with my unwavering gaze while bringing a hand down to grip my member through my pants.

She glanced down involuntarily for the briefest of moments where my hand lay, and then sheepishly back up at me, realizing I had caught her. Struggling to gain the upper hand, she spat out,

"I've also heard stories of what sex sounds like with you. And how fucking disgusting you are!" She sat back and waited for my retort, my sexual escapades finally exposed. I think she wanted me to be ashamed, but I had nothing to hide.

"Oh, I'm sorry, was it non-consensual? Do you think I'm a rapist, Madison?" I asked flatly.

"No, you just—you just degrade them and make them do stuff that's really disrespectful to women!" her initial offensive had already fallen apart, and she struggled to pin her case to me. She was running out of ideas on how to expose me and rid me from her friends' evening, but I was more than happy to provide ammo.

"Oh!" I feigned a eureka moment, "You mean like how I'm going to pin Amy down to my bed tonight and sodomize her tight little ass again and again?"

Her face contorted in shock and quickly transformed into anger as I fed her preconceptions without a care.

"You sick fuck! I knew you were a fucking Abercrombie douchebag!" She cried out as I leaned back in the booth, nodding in amused agreement as her verbal assault got started.

"Fucking taking advantage of women, of girls, and using them for your own pleasure-"

"You know what, Madison?" I finally cut in, "The sad thing is, you can say whatever you want to Amy, to Katherine, to any of your friends, and I don't think it's going to change where Amy ends up tonight..." I pointed to my crotch below the table before continuing.

"You've seen the way she looks at me, at this! And I know you're a smart girl." I jerked my hand on my crotch, and her eyes briefly shot down again before re-stabilizing in anger at my face. "You could tell her what I just told you, and she will still go home with me tonight."

She fumed at me silently, weighing her next words, her hands balled into fists on the table.

"And I think you already know this, Madison," I dryly declared, "You've been around Amy enough, seen her track record of guys, tried to talk her out of this guy and that, but it never works, does it? She still goes and fucks that douchebag with the ripped muscles, nice car or fucking guitar."

Her shoulders sagged in resignation, no shortage of Amy's drunken escapades running through her mind.

"Perhaps the best thing you can do for her as a friend is to swing by and pick her up in the morning from my place. God knows she's going to have a hard time walking after what I plan to do to that tight little asshole," I licked my lips evilly, "and maybe call in sick for her to dance practice on Monday. If you've heard enough stories from your friends, you know I'm true to my word. This cock can really do a number on a girl..."

"You are fucking psycho!" She fumed across the table at me.

"Nah, just a guy who likes sex," I dismissed her and looked out upon the dance floor. Amy was dancing suggestively with Jessica, and there was no shortage of guys who tried to sidle up to them. Glancing back at Madison, in a more resigned tone, "Guy has needs, ya know?"

"Look, I get you're a horny fucking guy like all the rest of them here," she spat back, but then in a kinder tone, "but Amy is sweet... and naïve, and you'd be doing us all a favor by not ruining her. Just for once, maybe have some decency?"

She locked her eyes with mine and awaited my reaction. I slowly reached down and rested my hand on my cock again through my slacks.

"Touching, but if I'm being honest, she's given me a huge fucking hardon and I plan to satisfy it in her tight little body." I stated flatly while rubbing my cock slowly and deliberately. Her eyes struggled to maintain contact with mine, but she continued pleading for her friend's dignity.

"Please, Mark. Just this one night, go bed some other girl. There are tons of them here!" One hand gestured to the dance floor behind her, but I took the opportunity to stare at Amy and lick my lips. Again, deliberately. In the corner of my eye, I saw her take a long glance down at my lap, turn a slighter shade of red, and then return to trying to attract my gaze.

"Tell you what, I'll let you fuck me instead. I know you want a piece of me, too," she spat out like poison in her mouth, "You just know Amy is easy because she dresses like a slut! Just a lazy fucking sexual predator!"

Her tone turned angry to contrast the implication of her suggestion. This uptight feminist was talking louder and louder at me in an effort to drown out the idea floating in the space between us. I glanced over at her, expressionless, and then back at the dance floor.

"Nah, my heart is pretty set on destroying Amy's little asshole tonight. She's been whispering some pretty nasty shit in my ear all night and I plan to make good on some promises," I licked my lips again while slowly watching Madison in my peripheral, "God I can't wait to bury myself in her little butt."

She turned to look out on the dance floor, and then took a deep breath and in a halting tone, stepped gingerly into my trap.

"I'll do anal if you just leave. Amy. Alone." The statement hung in the air between us, ignorant of the dance music pounding around us. Jackpot.


I pushed open the door to my apartment and motioned for her to enter and she gingerly stepped inside, but not after shooting me another scowl. Flicking on the lights, her scowl turned to surprise as she took in my large and well-furnished living room. I had made a killing on penny stocks throughout my younger years, but honestly, my parents had set me up pretty well when I went off to college. Everything I made now was just icing on the cake.

"How...?" Madison stammered as she tried to comprehend the college apartment that was more reminiscent of a Vegas suite.

"Just good with my money," I said dismissively as I stepped into the kitchen and opened the fridge and grabbed some beers, "You want one? I'm guessing you could use a little assistance with relaxing..."

Her eyes flashed angrily at me as her mind refocused on her predicament. I ignored her and set one down on the coffee table before going into my bedroom to grab some things. I returned without pants to see her sitting on the couch nervously taking a long swig. Her eyes widened when she saw my meat struggling through my black boxer briefs as I walked. I sat down across from her on a couch with my own beer and grinned devilishly. Her eyes were locked onto the shadows my cock was creating on my thigh, and her brow seemed furrowed in worry about the logistics of it entering her back door.

"So... relaxed enough to suck this yet?" I said as I took a swig of my drink and grabbed my leg.

"There is no fucking way that thing is going in my mouth, you understand?" She glared at me as she set down her beer on the coffee table between us and crossed her arms, "I agreed to do anal for Amy, nothing more."

"You know, you're absolutely right, Madison," I lifted my hands defensively and laughing, "And Amy will be so grateful of your sacrifice!"

The ridiculousness of her perceived sacrifice was only going to make my evening that much sweeter, and her pain that much more humiliating. Might as well start now...

"Although... considering this meat rail is going inside your poor 'sacrificial' ass, I expect your ass is going to be taking a beating. And as you've probably heard, most girls can't handle it, and are usually grateful to suck me off in order to expedite the ordeal."

Her face grew worried at the sudden thought, the previous stories she'd heard of me only reinforced by my underwear imprint and devilish grin.

"But, if you want to entrust your ass to the full duration of my stamina, I'm not going to complain..." I licked my lips and slowly began peeling my boxer briefs down. The suddenness of the impending situation dawned on her and her legs curled up underneath her on the couch instinctively. I continued as my member slowly bobbed into view from beneath my shirt and her eyes locked on the head, "So let's get you out of those clothes and get to business. A deal's a deal."

"Ummm, perhaps I could do oral for a bit," she quietly stammered out, her eyes struggling to stay away from my purple helmet that glanced off my leg from time to time.

"Hmmm? I can't hear you," I grinned while holding my hand to my ear.

"I said I'll do oral," her gaze rose to meet mine as she tried to assert her earlier clout.

"Really? You would bring yourself to do such a degrading act? Now?" I taunted her as I laid back on the couch with my hands behind my head.

"Let's lose some clothes before we mount your head on my cock."

"Do you really have to talk like that? Sex doesn't have to be disgusting like you," she retorted flatly, but began unbuttoning her shirt and pulling it out of her tight grey skirt. A black bra appeared, quickly followed by a black thong as she unceremoniously dropped her skirt to the floor. My cock stirred at the sight of her thigh high stockings wrapped around her taut legs that led to an incredibly firm ass. I took note of her black heels she kept on as I tossed a pillow on the floor between us and stood up, my cock semi-erect.

"Let's see what you can do."

She paused for a second, closing her eyes and assuming a pained look before reopening them and kneeling on the pillow in front of me, wordless. I assume that was her point of no return, surrendering completely to the situation in order to prevent some other "worst" situation she was afraid of. She was not going to like my later surprise, I mused as she grabbed for my cock.

"Whoa, we didn't agree to any handjobs!" I exclaimed as I turned my hips away to prevent her from getting a grip. Her eyes looked up at me in surprise, quickly morphing into frustration as I pointed at her mouth with my cock.

"You are really a marvel, you know that? I thought you were bad at the bar, but now—in person, you are truly a worthless sack of shit!" She spat up at me while mounting her hands to my thighs in submission.

"When I want your hands on my cock I'll tell you," I ignored her as I rubbed my cock on her lipstick before prying it past her lips and into her reluctant mouth. I grinned down at her, but she closed her eyes as her lips wrapped around my cock, I assume imagining herself in a different situation.

"I don't know what kind of blowjobs you've given guys, but here they don't include hands," I prattled on condescendingly, "Here they are an exploration of your throat and lung capacity. I think we're going to learn a lot together tonight..."

I don't think she heard me as she focused on the intrusion in her mouth, which may have been for the best. As my tip entered her mouth, I almost forgot how icy her demeanor was, my member blanketed in a warm and wet hole. She slurped unconvincingly as she took more of my cock into her mouth, her eyes locked shut in denial. I relaxed and reflected on the moment as I stood there in her mouth, allowing her to develop a false sense of security that fellatio could be a gentle and passive activity. This poor feminist alpha female, kneeling on my apartment floor, trying to speed up the impending ordeal she had reluctantly agreed to, like an expensive call girl with her disgusting but highest paying customer. Her hands clutched my thighs to give her purchase as she slobbered up and down the sides of my cock, occasionally licking or sucking on my balls.

"Well, this is nice and all, but you clearly don't have much experience at sucking cock, do you?" I taunted as I leered down at her. Her eyes snapped open at the interruption, revealing beautiful blue irises; cold, angry, fearful. As her eyes locked on mine, I lowered a hand to rest on the back of her head, my other grabbing hers on my thigh. The color drained slowly from her face as she watched my hand descend to her head, and too late she tried to pull away. My hand caught her head and kept it firmly mounted on my meat spike but didn't force her deeper. Yet.


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