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Incident at Blue Creek Convent


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"But isn't vengefulness a sin?" Melissa asked. "I mean I'm not the expert here on that sort of thing but-"

"Desk!" Mother Tabitha interrupted with a point in that direction, "Now!"

With a shrug of her shoulders, Melissa then made her way over to the Mother Superior's desk, climbed up onto it's wooden surface and stretched herself out on her back. And having since moved to stand at the side of her desk where Melissa would be pointing her privates once opening up her legs, Mother Tabitha's eyes went straight to the strawberry-blond stunner's chest.

And Melissa knew why too. Even on her back, her self-supporting breasts were still able to dome themselves somewhat far away from her torso. 'Maybe like hers were able to do back in the day too,' she thought to herself. 'Just maybe not so much now that she's over forty.'

Shooting her eyes again to Melissa's, "Now open up," Mother Tabitha said. "Your legs not your mouth for once."

But Melissa instead propped herself up on her elbows and declared, "I love knowing that I'm the first girl you managed to talk out of all of her clothing first before performing your Hymen Test on us all."

With a roll of her eyes, "I didn't talk you out of anything," Mother Tabitha replied. "For reasons I can't even fathom, you had your heart set on getting naked in front of me ever since first waltzing your back-talking-self in here earlier."

Ignoring that statement however, "Here's what gets me though," Melissa offered. "Why did you perform this test on all the girls already living here at the time of your appointment as Mother Superior? They would have already been tested by your predecessor right after first being sent to live here after all."

Again shooting her hands to her overtly curvaceous hips, "If you must know," Mother Tabitha replied. "Not long after my appointment here as Mother Superior, I caught wind of a rumor going around that some of the girls were sneaking bananas into their room at night to use for unholy purposes. So I needed to check them all out like I'm about to check you out to make sure that those rumors were false. Which they were, praise be to God."

At which Melissa burst out laughing. She just couldn't help it. "First that girl in the kitchen with the ladle shoved inside of her habit!" she snorted. "And now this whole banana situation to boot! Oh Mother Tabitha, really, you're just too much. What's really going on here? I wasn't born yesterday you know."

Seemingly calmer than Melissa was expecting her to be after that, "What's going on here now is those two nuns who recruited you into The Order in the first place made a horrible mistake by doing so," Mother Tabitha shot back. "I can't wait to see them both again. They'll be getting a piece of my mind that they won't be soon forgetting!"

Still looking down the length of her reclined body at the convent's beautiful leader, "Know what I think?" Melissa replied. "You're repressed. Sexually repressed that is. It's not your fault though. It's simply a side-effect of living so long by your vow of abstinence. And one of the ways you've discovered to alleviate that repression is getting the chance to touch a pretty girl's pussy every once in a while. That's why you made up that banana rumor, isn't it? To get to touch the pussies of all the girls already living here at the time of your appointment as Mother Superior."

Shaking her head, "And here's what I think," Mother Tabitha shot back. "All of Richmond must have thrown a party on the day you left. There was probably even cake and ice cream and presents all around."

"And masturbation too," Melissa replied. "We can't forget about that. Another way you've found to alleviate your continued state of sexual repression. Deny it all you want but I know that it's true."

With another finger-point in Melissa's direction, "I'll have you know that I'm on very good terms with the local authorities around here," Mother Tabitha declared. "So if push comes to shove between us here today, I can easily have you forcibly removed from the grounds."

Honestly taken aback a bit at that, "Whoa," Melissa replied. "Struck a nerve there, huh? Well before things get nasty between us, here, this is what you want right?"

Still propping herself up on her elbows, Melissa bent her knees and spread apart her thighs nice and wide. And in response, Mother Tabitha shot her eyes strait to the sight of Melissa's neatly-trimmed vaginal mound put on full display.

But for someone who had been so insistent about moving things along, it didn't seem to Melissa like Blue Creek's beautiful leader was in any big hurry to get down to business once she had done her part. Mother Tabitha instead remained in position with hands-on-hips while appearing to drink in the view between Melissa's spread-open inner thighs.

"Now that I think about," Melissa realized. "This whole Hymen Test is really a bit silly."

Although obviously hesitant to do so, Mother Tabitha shot her eyes back to Melissa's before she asked, "What do you mean?"

"Well there's other things beside actual penetration that could be considered sex between a man and a woman," Melissa replied. "Oral stimulation for example."

After giving the matter some thought for a few seconds, "There's a fine line there I'll admit," Mother Tabitha said. "But what you just described is more an act of foreplay than anything else."

"And let's not forget about anal sex too," Melissa replied. "There's no virginity test for that as far as I know."

"You would!" Mother Tabitha almost screamed. "A girl with a mouth like yours, you would entertain the notion of letting someone debase you like that!"

"Maybe," Melissa conceded. "Had I gone ahead and gotten married and let's say my husband then asked me real polite-like, I probably would have let him try it. If only just once to see what it was like."

"Disguising," Mother Tabitha spat back. "Sex is defined as a man planting his seed inside of a woman's vagina. That certain act you just mentioned instead is an abomination before our Lord."

"Same as lesbian sex then too I'm assuming?" Melissa asked. "Really Mother Superior. You're more close-minded than anything else on this whole subject matter. Especially for a woman who gets her kicks by getting the chance to put her fingers on other girls' pussies every once in a while."

At which, Mother Tabitha again wed her hands together in prayer out in front of her bust, tilted her face up towards the ceiling and said, "Father in Heaven, I swear to thee that this back-talking mouthpiece for the Evil One shall not thwart my attempt to do thy bidding. So I shall perform my test as You expect of me before marching her naked-self right out of here in utter shame in front of all of my subordinates. Amen."

"Halleluiah," Melissa replied. "I'm curious about something though. Will my certain lady-button be in your view once your fingers are prying me open down there?"

Having since again shot her hands to her bountiful pair of hips, "Certainly not," the Mother Superior replied. "That useless little appendage that you just mentioned is located a little further north than I'll be needing to open you up."

"Useless?!" Melissa exclaimed. "I beg to differ Mother Superior!"

"I was speaking only as a Woman of the Cloth who has taken a vow of celibacy," Mother Tabitha replied. "So mine is of no use me as you as yours would be too if you were truly serious about becoming a nun yourself."

In another flash of inspiration, "Well seeing how I'm the first girl to get naked for this test of yours," Melissa replied. "I might as well also be the first girl to show you my one of these too."

With a cry of, "No! Don't!" Mother Tabitha turned her head to look at her office's back wall as Melissa laid fully back on the desk and shot both of her hands down between her thighs before using her pair of index fingers to pry open just her uppermost prepuce.

"Oh stop being so immature Mother Superior," she said then. "And besides, you probably won't be able to see my actual little bean itself but only the sheath it resides inside of is all."

Still refusing to look at what Melissa was trying to show her, "I'm well aware of it's physiology as an owner of one myself," Mother Tabitha replied. "Now stop being so immature yourself and move your hands so I can conduct my test."

And still doing her best to expose her clitoral sheath to the convent's beautiful leader, "I suppose it is useless in a sense," Melissa ventured. "If God only intended for sex to be actual penetration, then why did he put us girls' primary pleasure organ on the outside of our pussies instead of on the inside?"

It was tough for her to tell with Blue Creek's beautiful leader still looking off to the side but it seemed to Melissa that show of bewilderment came over Mother Tabitha at that. She recovered somewhat quickly however with, "One does not question what the Lord does. Perhaps He felt it was for the best to leave our vaginal canals unobstructed for the birthing process is all."

"You know what it seems like to me?" Melissa realized. "That it's more perfectly placed for self-stimulation than anything else. Like God intended for us girls to have the ability to receive that sort of pleasure even it meant we would sometimes have take care of that all by ourselves."

And even with the convent's beautiful leader still refusing to look at her directly, it still seemed to Melissa like a show of almost relief came to Mother Tabitha's beautiful face at that. But she recovered quickly enough again with, "So every major religion all across the globe is wrong about that subject matter while only some back-talking girl from Virginia has managed to figure out the truth."

"You said it not me," Melissa shot back. "Now just one quick look please. That's all I'm asking. Then you can go ahead with your test."

With a sigh, "Fine," Mother Tabitha replied. Then she turned her head and shot her glance down at where Melissa was holding open the part of her vaginal folds that would normally be hiding her clitoral sheath within. And when her eyes seemed transfixed on that certain sight, "What's the matter Mother Superior?" Melissa asked. "Cat got your tongue?"

Again shooting her eyes to Melissa's, "Congratulations," Mother Tabitha replied. "All of your lady parts appear to be located exactly where they're supposed to be. Would you like a medal? Maybe I can find one laying around here somewhere that the Army guys who used to live here left behind."

"Look at me Mother Tabitha," Melissa implored. "You have a girl at least good enough looking to be assigned to live here at Blue Creek laying naked on her back in front of you and holding herself open in a way to try showing you her special little sexual appendage. Now based on everything I've managed to figure out about you already today, I refuse to believe that this is doing nothing for you whatsoever."

"Nothing at all," Mother Tabitha vowed. "Absolutely nothing at all."

"Boy I wish I could see your nipples right now," Melissa replied. "Because I'm sure they'd be telling me a different story."

"Enough!" Mother Tabitha shot back. "I can't wait to march you out of here in shame in just a few seconds!"

She then used her hands to shoo away Melissa's before using her pair of thumbs to open up the strawberry-blond stunner's vaginal entrance. The sensation of which sent a pleasant tingle up and down Melissa's spine. But before she could be any further aroused by the raven-haired beauty's actions, Mother Tabitha lowered her head to get a closer look inside of Melissa's neatly trimmed pussy and cried out in surprise at what she saw.

With a laugh, "I tried warning you Mother Superior," Melissa said. "As you can now see, I fit your very narrow definition of what it means to be a virgin."

Having since released her hold of Melissa's certain pair of lips, Mother Tabitha straitened herself back upright, staggered backwards a couple of steps and called out, "It just can't be! I must be seeing things! No girl with a mouth like hers can still be unspoiled!"

Propping herself back up on her elbows, "Ahem," Melissa intoned. "I believe we had a bet?"

Although not quite clawing at the wall she had since backed herself up against, Mother Tabitha appeared to be right on the verge of doing just that as she said, seemingly to herself, "Or maybe I'm instead being punished right now by our Father in Heaven for my sins."

After scooting herself off of Mother Tabitha's desk and moving to stand right in front of the convent's beautiful leader, "And what sins might those be Mother Superior?" Melissa asked.

Mother Tabitha then reached into her robe, grabbed the key to her closet, held it out to Melissa and said, "Here. Please. I beg of you. Get back dressed first before anything else."

But Melissa took hold of the key and instead chucked it over her shoulder, heard it bounce somewhere on the floor behind her and, "The sin of masturbation correct?" she asked. "I knew it! I knew there wasn't a chance in Hell that you've gone damn near twenty years without playing with yourself!"

"I'll say you came at me with a knife," Mother Tabitha declared. "Our local sheriff's office is only a ten-minute horse-ride away so I can have the authorities here in less than a half-hour. And they'll believe me too over some newcomer from Richmond who no one around here knows from Eve."

"Sounds like fun," Melissa shot back. "Now will this be before or after you've fulfilled your promise to show me what you look like while wearing only whatever undergarments you have on underneath your robe right now?"

With a shake of her head, "Melissa please be reasonable," Mother Tabitha replied. "You must realize that I can't do that. Now go find that key this instant and fetch your clothes from the closet."

"Well this is going to be awkward then," Melissa declared. "I'm about to march right out of here to find all the others who live here so I can explain to them about how you made me get totally naked for my test and locked away my clothes in your closet before refusing to give them back for reasons you wouldn't explain. Now I'm sure they'll be able to find me something to wear but, oh boy, are you going to have some explaining to do later!"

Eyes suddenly wide as saucers, "You wouldn't dare!" Mother Tabitha exclaimed.

Without a word, Melissa then spun on her heels and made her way over towards the door. And she made sure to put plenty of sway through her hips to wag her pert and perky ass to and fro just so while on her way there. But just before she reached her destination...

"Melissa wait!" Mother Tabitha called out. "We can talk about this!"

Spinning back around to face the Mother Superior, "There's nothing to talk about until you've done what you promised," Melissa said. "Or are you not a woman of your word?"

After moving stand in front of her desk again, "Of course I am Melissa," Mother Tabitha replied. "This is just a horrible misunderstanding between us is all. You came in here today for some reason hell-bent on putting me in a difficult position while carrying out my test which I'm required to give to all of my prospective nuns-in-training. I was simply forced to say whatever was necessary to get you to comply."

After moving herself to again stand right in front of Blue Creek's beautiful leader, "We had a deal," Melissa replied back. "Now admit it. You would have done as you said otherwise had our bet gone the other way instead."

With a smirk, "I still can you know," Mother Tabitha said. "Nothing's really stopping me."

With a smirk of her own, "Good luck with that," Melissa replied. "If you try it, I'll just have to go ahead and show all the others that my hymen is still intact. And don't think I can't convince them all to have a peek at it either. Then what will your excuse be for walking me out of here in the nude?"

Obviously realizing the predicament she was in just then, "I have access to fairly decent amount of petty cash," Mother Tabitha offered. "It's hidden away in a safe up in the attic. So name your price and you can leave this place in peace. I'll even provide you with a horse to ride out of here on as well."

Laughing, "Oh sure!" Melissa exclaimed. "With your precious local authorities hot on my heels not long afterwards I'm certain. I wouldn't make it twenty miles in any direction! And besides, if money was really that important to me, I wouldn't have decided to become a nun in the first place."

After taking a deep breath, "Well this needs to be resolved one way or another," Mother Tabitha said. "So what would you suggest?"

"Disrobe for me Mother Superior," Melissa replied. "Now please."

"And what then if I do?" Mother Tabitha asked. "Surely you must realize that I can't allow for you to live here after you've blackmailed me into removing my robe in your presence."

"Blackmailed you?" Melissa shot back. "Not hardly. We had a bet. You lost. Now quit stalling. Or else."

Mother Tabitha then again wed her hands in prayer out in front of her prodigious bust, tilted her face up towards the ceiling and said, "Holy Father, this reprehensible creature you've sent me today must be made to realize that she can't be allowed to continue with her-"

"Oh can it Mother Superior," Melissa interrupted. "I don't even think you're nearly as devout as you claim to be. So what's really going on right now? Are your nipples still aroused after touching my pussy? Afraid I might be able to see that fact too through the fabric of whatever bra you're wearing right now?"

Having since lowered her face back down and resumed her normal posture, "I'm honestly surprised that it didn't arouse you instead," Mother Tabitha shot back. "Seeing how you continue to project your obvious bisexual leanings onto me that is."

"You didn't touch me there long enough for it to do anything other than send a tingle up and down my spine," Melissa admitted. "So would you like to touch it again for a little bit longer to see what might happen as a result instead?"

Shaking her head, "And I'm the one supposedly harboring some sort of latent lesbian tendencies," Mother Tabitha replied. "Really Melissa. Not all of us girls have those certain curiosities which you obviously possess yourself."

At which, without a word of reply, Melissa spun around with the intention of making her way off towards the door and beyond. But she only made it a step or two in that direction before...

"Okay! Okay!" Mother Tabitha called out. "You win. Just please first find that key and get back dressed and I'll show you what you want to see."

But Melissa kept on walking and said back over her shoulder, "Not what we agreed to Sister."

And she even made it all the way to the door and had her hand on it's knob before, "Damn you, you bitch," she heard Mother Tabitha grumble.

Spinning back around with the intention of giving the Mother Superior a piece of her mind, Melissa instead held her tongue as she saw how Mother Tabitha was already in the process of removing her robe.

It turned out to be held in place with a zipper running from it's neckline to down to about Mother Tabitha's naval. And by the time Melissa had retraced her steps to again stand right in front of the convent's beautiful leader, Mother Tabitha had fully unzipped it before letting her robe fall completely to the floor in a pool around her sandal-clad feet.

Her body was then only clad in a matching full-coverage bra and panty set just as black and just as shiny as the strait mane of hair that hung from her head. And Melissa was then made fully aware that the convent's beautiful leader was indeed blessed with the very definition of an hourglass figure. Up top, although fully encased within the quite large cups woven into her bra, it was plain to see that Mother Tabitha's breasts were indeed rounded into forms even a bit bigger around than Melissa's own ripened-melon-sized pair. But it was just hard for her to tell how self-supporting they may have been as that garment enveloping their masses was obviously aiding in that respect. Beneath which her waist appeared to be shaped no bigger around than Melissa's quite skinny waist also. Then a bit lower, despite the fact that the Mother Superior's tummy was formed amazingly flat in comparison, her thighs were showing themselves to be built every bit as overtly curvaceous as the pair of hips to which they were attached. But perhaps what impressed Melissa most of all was the way that Mother Tabitha's olive-tinged skin was stretched nice and taut around every single curve in her possession without so much as a trace of fat or cellulite anywhere in sight. And so too were her legs showing themselves to be almost long as Melissa's but blessed with more in the way of curves even there up and down their lengths.

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