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Incident at Blue Creek Convent


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After maybe thirty seconds had passed with Melissa just taking in the sight of all of which in silence, "Well," Mother Tabitha said. "Say something."

"Okay," Melissa replied. "Turn around please and show me your ass."

With a snort, "Such a strumpet you are," Mother Tabitha shot back. "You would be interested in that." Yet she was already doing as she had been told.

And Melissa got her first look at what she wanted to see once Blue Creek's beautiful leader was positioned sideways in profile to her. Below the place where her mane of hair was reaching halfway down the length of her back, fully encased with the fabric of her panties, the Mother Superior's rear-end was showing itself out to be formed every bit as curvaceous as also her hips, thighs and chest. It's outline reminded Melissa of a raindrop cut in half. But despite how overall bulbous it may have been shaped, it still appeared to be sculpted as firm as possible from where it's base was perched nice and high upon the backs of Mother Tabitha's thighs. The sight of which even made Melissa wonder if maybe the Mother Superior's breasts, then shown to be rounding their bra-clad masses quite far way from the front of her torso, might have been formed a bit more self-supporting than she had previously given them credit for.

Then once Mother Tabitha had fully turned her back to her, Melissa could see how both of those firm and bulbous cheeks fully enveloped within those shiny black panties combined together to form the outline of a heart turned upside down. And after taking in the sight of which for a handful of seconds...

"Shake it for me Sister," Melissa purred. "You know you want to."

But Mother Tabitha instead turned back around and replied, "Show's over. Now go find that key and get back dressed while I'm doing likewise."

Then as she crouched down and grabbed hold of her robe with the obvious intention of pulling it back into place, "Freeze!" Melissa called out. "You technically haven't fulfilled the condition of our bet yet."

Remaining in her crouch with her to robe only pulled up to her knees, "What do you mean?" Mother Tabitha asked. "I removed my robe for you like I said I would."

"You agreed to show me what you look like while wearing only your bra and panties," Melissa replied. "Only being the key word. You still haven't taken off your sandals."

"Oh for crying out loud!" Mother Tabitha exclaimed. "Listen Melissa. Time is of the essence here. You must understand that I simply can't allow for us to be caught together like this!"

"Oh yeah," Melissa replied. That reminds me. Where's everyone else right now anyway?"

Still in her crouch while clutching onto her robe, "There's set to be a dinner held in your honor here in just a bit," Mother Tabitha said. "All the others right now are setting the dining room table and putting the finishing touches on the meal. It was supposed to be a surprise. Pending the results of your Hymen Test of course. And after which, you were going to take your vows in front of us all. It's something of a tradition around here when a new member joins our convent."

"Got it," Melissa replied. "Sister Allison just made it sound a little more exciting than that is all. Oh well. Either way. If you don't want me to show up to dinner in the nude with one heck of a story to tell the other Sisters about why, I suggest that you first fully comply with the condition of our bet."

Shaking her head, "I'll bet there was dancing too," Mother Tabitha grumbled. "I'm guessing that everyone in attendance gathered together and did the polka at that party they held in Richmond to commemorate your departure."

But she then let go of her robe, stood back upright, stepped out of that garment completely, kicked it aside, slid her feet out of her sandals, kicked them aside also and said, "Here. See? I'm wearing only my bra and panties. Nothing else. And now that I've proven to be a woman of my word, it's time for you to get back dressed so we can figure things out from there."

Still enraptured by the vision of sheer beauty standing before her, "Tell me something Mother Superior," Melissa implored. "What's your secret? How does a woman now in her forties manage to remain in such great shape?"

"Not that it's any of your business but I'm half-Cherokee," Mother Tabitha replied. "My father is still a member of the Tribe in fact. Our women are known for possessing flawless skin and little to no body fat. So I'm simply a product of good genes is all."

Honestly a bit surprised at herself for not having realized so already, "I should have guessed something of the sort earlier," Melissa said. "Your skin tone. Your cheekbones. Your hair. It all makes sense now."

"See?" Mother Tabitha replied. "You don't know anything about me. So I demand an apology for your assertions that I'm attracted to other women in any sort of sexual manner. You would notice it after all if seeing you standing there naked was doing it for me like that right now."

And sure enough, Melissa could see how the fabric covering the swells of Mother Tabitha's breasts was stretched smooth across even the place where her nipples would have been located underneath. Undeterred however, "I'm still nearly positive that it turned you on earlier when I was trying to show you my clitoris," she declared. "You've just since managed to fight off showing that certain physical side-effect is all. Something like that must come relatively easy to someone as sexually repressed as yourself. But not to worry. I'm sure there's something I can do now to recapture the attention of your nipples."

"I'm done playing your twisted little games," Mother Tabitha declared. "I've held up my end of bargain so go find that key right now while I'm getting back dressed."

"Have something to hide?" Melissa asked. "Spare me just one more minute of your time Mother Superior. I promise that's all I'll need."

"One condition," Mother Tabitha shot back. "Swear it upon the Almighty that you'll get back dressed and drop this topic entirely once that minute has passed without me showing you what you're hoping to see."

At which, Melissa wed her hands together in prayer, tilted her face up towards the ceiling and said, "Dear God, I promise comply with everything Mother Tabitha just said. I just question why You would issue a calling for a woman so obstinate to join the Clergy in the first place. Amen."

"I'm giving you a penalty for that," Mother Tabitha declared. "You're now down to fifty seconds."

With a laugh, Melissa then stepped forwards to keep a close eye on what she wanted to see before she moved her hands to begin to caressing her sides up and down. Then when she also began to put some sway through her hips at the same time too...

"Forty seconds," Mother Tabitha said.

Hips still swaying back and forth, Melissa then moved her hands to her breasts instead and began to caress their outer swells.

"Thirty seconds," Mother Tabitha said.

Melissa then moved her hands to her breasts' underswells and began to fondle them gently while making her hips go tick-tock to and fro with plenty more force than before.

"Twenty seconds," Mother Tabitha said.

With her hips still jutting from side to side, Melissa then grasped hold of her big boobs from underneath and began pushing them all around out in front of her body.

"Ten seconds," Mother Tabitha said.

In yet another flash of inspiration, Melissa then hoisted up her breasts as high as she could manage upon her chest, tilted them upwards and, hips still tick-tocking from side to side, lowered her face, let out her tongue and began lapping at both of her light brown nipples.

Mother Tabitha then let out a cry of surprise and shot both of her hands to her bra-clad breasts. And in response, Melissa graced her nipples with another series of licks apiece until she brought all of her actions to a end, released her hold on her breasts, felt them settle into their normal place out in front of her body and...

"Busted!" she exclaimed. "I knew it Mother Superior! Now I'm finally getting somewhere with you!"

Hands still placed upon her massive bra-clad breasts, "This isn't what you think!" Mother Tabitha exclaimed back. "Please. I can explain!"

"Oh yeah?" Melissa chided. "I don't feel a draft in here. And it's not the least bit chilly in here either. So what other reason could there possibly be for your nipples to be aroused right now like I'm sure you're trying to hide from me?"

Eyes suddenly darting from side to side, seemingly to herself, "She came at me with a knife," Mother Tabitha mumbled. "Yeah. Only she threatened me with it first and made me disrobe before she lunged at me with it. But she slipped on my robe, thank heavens, which gave me just enough time to escape. And that's why I was in such a state of undress when I went to the others for help."

Ignoring all of which, "No wonder Sister Allison warned me that you come across as being stern to all of us prospective nuns-in-training," Melissa said. "Heaven forbid that you should let down your guard and allow for any of us to discover your secret bisexual leanings."

Hands still placed upon her chest, "Don't make me resort to having you arrested," Mother Tabitha declared. "We can simply tell the others that you failed your Hymen Test is all. That will give you the cover you need to request of me passage back to Virginia. Then no one needs to be made any the wiser about the real reason for that instead."

Ignoring that as well, "Oh stop being so coy Mother Superior," Melissa replied. "I already know what it did to your nipples while watching me lick my own pair. So move your hands please and show me."

Hands still in place however, "It's not even that at this point," Mother Tabitha replied. "There's certain aspects pertaining to my private anatomy that I would prefer to keep all to myself."

After thinking things through for just a bit, "Let's see then," Melissa said. "I've already figured out that your huge boobs are blessed with huge areolas too. So what about your actual nipples instead? Maybe they grow to huge proportions also when something turns you on. Huge like really huge for that sort of thing that is."

"Melissa please," Mother Tabitha replied. "I'm a nun. Which means that you're committing several sins at once with everything you're putting me through right now. So if for no other reason than for the sake of your soul, this all needs end immediately one way or another."

"Nice try but I don't think so," Melissa replied. "You need to move your hands to show me what I did to you with my certain bit of licking before you've managed to make you nipples deflate again Mother Superior. And I think I know how to make you do so too."

Hands still placed upon the massive swells of her bra-clad bust, "Don't you dare touch me Melissa!" Mother Tabitha shot back. "I'll make your life a living hell from now until the end of your days if you do and that's a promise!"

"Not technically you but just your panties," Melissa replied. "So move your hands or I'll be pulling them down to satisfy my curiosity about just how bushy you are down around you privates."

And when Mother Tabitha did nothing but shoot her another icy stare back in response, Melissa stepped forwards and shot her hands towards the Mother Superior's pair of shiny black panties. And when Mother Tabitha called out a shriek at which and shot her hands downwards to ward off that attack, Melissa grabbed hold of them, pinned them to the Mother Superior's sides and exclaimed, "Oh no wonder! My goodness! Look at those things!"

It appeared to Melissa that Mother Tabitha had sprouted a pair of thimbles upon her massive breasts. In terms of size and shape both, that's what it looked like to Melissa anyway. And those obviously fully aroused nipples were pointed directly at her from within those shiny black bra-cups fully encasing the Mother Superior's huge pair of boobs.

Then after letting go of Mother Tabitha's hands before retreating a step backwards, Melissa saw how Blue Creek's beautiful leader simply left her arms at her sides and lowered her head in a show of obvious shame.

"Let's see now," Melissa said then. "It did that to them earlier too when I was trying to show you my clitoris. And they remained like that while you were using your thumbs to pry open my womanhood. You just managed to somehow make them deflate again by the time I got you to remove your robe. But watching me lick my nipples was just too much for you overcome in that respect."

Then when Mother Tabitha didn't move a muscle or make so much as one peep at that, "And it arouses you like that also whenever you're conducting your Hymen Test on us prospective nuns-in-training," Melissa continued. "Which explains that thick black robe that you were wearing just now. You must wear it on all the days someone new arrives to live here knowing that it will hide from us on the receiving end of your test how it turns you on to touch another girl's pussy."

And with Mother Tabitha still remaining silent with her head hung low, "You must also play with yourself on the nights following days like this when you get to perform your certain test," Melissa continued. "How can you resist after all when it turns you on so much? And that surely started when you first took over here as Mother Superior and made up that silly banana story as an excuse to test everyone already living here at the time of your appointment. I just wonder how you knew what effect that was going to have on you is all."

Still looking down at the floor with her arms dangling at her sides, in a monotone voice, "As part of my training to become a Mother Superior myself," Mother Tabitha said, "I was required to perform a practice Hymen Test on another nun so I would know what I was doing when performing them for real. And I promise that it came as a total shock to me when doing that to her had the effect on my nipples that you're seeing right now. Fortunately though, I was wearing something a bit baggy at the time so, you know, that other nun in question couldn't see what happened to me as a result. I may have even been defrocked had she seen it and reported it to my higher-ups within The Order."

"And you masturbated later that very same night, didn't you?" Melissa asked.

Finally raising her head back up to look Melissa in the eyes once again, "For the very first time since becoming a nun," Mother Tabitha replied. "I promise. I had gone something like fourteen years already without so, forgive me Father, I just couldn't help myself was all."

Truly impressed, "Well that's still commendable that managed to hold off for as long as you did," Melissa said. "So you then received your assignment to move back here as Mother Superior once the one you trained under yourself retired. And shortly thereafter you made up that ridiculous banana story as an excuse to perform your test on everyone living here already. But holy smokes. We must be talking about something like fourteen, sixteen girls in just one day, huh? Talk about sensory overload!"

Again lowering her head in a show of obvious shame, "Like you have no idea," Mother Tabitha admitted. "All night long if you know what I mean."

Which Melissa certainly did. "But thinking about what while doing so?" she asked.

"I can't answer that question," Mother Tabitha replied. "It's too embarrassing."

"Mother Tabitha. Answer me please."

Suddenly her head snapped back up and again she started to shoot her eyes from side to side as she said, "They're going to want to know what happened to the knife. Let's see then. I'll have to snag one from the kitchen while they're on their way here. So how did she get her hands on it in the first place? Well. Whoever lead her here must have shown her around the kitchen first before bringing her to me."

"When there was a surprise dinner being cooked in my honor in there at the time?" Melissa asked. "Face it. That story would fall apart in two seconds flat."

"Well someone could come to the door any time now," Mother Tabitha declared. "So this needs to end right now either way."

Melissa then cupped her hands around her mouth and shouted out towards the door, "Hold on just a sec! Your Mother Superior was just about to tell me what she thinks about when she masturbates!"

"That's enough out of you," Mother Tabitha growled. "If we get caught together like this, it's going to come back on you one way or another. I'll win in the end, trust me."

"But think of the scandal in the meantime!" Melissa exclaimed. "Surely the papers around here would cover it. And maybe articles might pop up in even papers as far away as St. Louis and Kansas City too. Imagine this for an opening sentence. 'Authorities called on a disturbance call to a remote convent run by The Order Of The Just discover a naked woman ranting and raving about being touched inappropriately during some kind of virginity test while the convent's leader, Mother Tabitha, claims that the naked woman isn't actually a nun herself but some kind of imposter who tried attacking her with a knife for reasons she couldn't explain.' Gee Mother Superior. What kind of joint are you running out here anyway?"

Lowering her head back down, "Fine then," Mother Tabitha said. "You hold all the cards. At least for now anyway. So what's your plan?"

"For now I just want answers," Melissa replied. "Starting with what you think about when you masturbate."

Head still lowered, "It happens so infrequently that it doesn't even matter," Mother said.

"That's the other thing," Melissa shot back. "You've only conducted your Hymen Test on nine of us before me since that day you inspected everyone living here at the time of your appointment as Mother Superior. So am I to believe that you've only played with yourself nine times in past five years? Sorry I'm just not buying that Sister. After going so long without, you've since had lots of lost time to make up for in that respect, if you catch my drift."

Raising her head back up to again look Melissa in the eyes, "Well that's my story and I'm sticking to it," Mother Tabitha declared. "I only succumb to those certain temptations on the nights following days like today when I perform my test on you prospective nuns-in-training."

In yet another flash of inspiration, "You're a nun so you must have a Bible handy right?" Melissa asked. "Probably in your desk I'm assuming. So go take it out, place your hand upon it and swear to God that what you just said is true."

"Now you listen here missy," Mother shot back. "I'll not have you desecrate my Holy Book in such a way. You'll just have to take me at my word and that's that."

"Interesting," Melissa realized. "The two must be connected then somehow. What you think about when you masturbate and how frequently you do so."

Mother Tabitha then opened her mouth to say something but before any words came out, there was a knock at the door.

While Melissa was still trying to figure out what to do then, Mother Tabitha stepped forwards, leaned in close and whispered in her ear, "Let me handle this myself and I'll let you see me naked."

"Swear that to God," Melissa whispered back.

"I can do better than that," Mother Tabitha whispered back herself. "I swear it upon the bones of my now deceased Tribal ancestors who once freely roamed this land."

With a nod of approval from Melissa at that, Mother Tabitha then spun on her heels and made her way over to the door. And without even needing to put any extra amount of sway through her hips to make it happen, within the fabric of her skin-tight panties, with every step she took, her firm and bulbous pair of cheeks were being made to jut up and down opposite each other with a good amount of force while her overtly curvaceous ass as a whole was being made to wag back and forth with an equal amount force.


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