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Indian Family in a Web of Lust Pt. 01

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The slow seduction of mother-in-law.
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This story is set in India and is about Rajesh, his wife Pooja & his mother-in-law Sujata. It is a passionate tale about crossing the lines of relationship in pursuit of real sexual happiness.

Rajesh was a handsome 26-year-old man married to Pooja; 3 years younger than him. Their marriage was about 30 months old. They were a young independent couple living in an apartment in Gurgaon in India. Rajesh was a manager at a call center & Pooja was tele calling executive.

Rajesh & Pooja met for the first time at their workplace. He was a handsome young man with position of slight power. It was easy for him to get the girls in his call center. Pooja was also one such conquest. However, there was something about her which set her apart. Her energy in bed was way different than other girls, which took Rajesh to different levels of pleasures altogether.

Pooja was slim but with correct amounts of meat at the right places. Her curves would turn most of the men's gaze in her direction. She was someone who would like to take charge in bed. Her skills in arousing her man just with her touch were divine. She was truly skillful in using her tongue. She could make Rajesh cum within seconds of going down on him. Rajesh & Pooja started seeing each other very often and after about a year of dating, decided to get married.

Their sexual life post marriage was exciting. They would use every opportunity to hit the sack. The sex was quite adventurous too. They would try new positions, different places. Shower, kitchen, balcony, living room, no place was left.

Of late, Rajesh started to find his life boring. Perhaps, fucking the same woman every night was taking the fun out of the equation. He would often find himself staring at other women in office. He would even get a glance back or a smile, but he resisted the temptation. He wanted to stay faithful to his marriage. However, he was a young virile man, who had a playful life before he got married. This monotony was slowly taking a toll on him.

Life took a turn of events. Pooja developed a medical condition. She had an infection in her lower abdomen which extended to her vagina. As a result of this, she started finding sex painful. The doctor advised her to avoid sex for 2-3 months and placed her on medication.

As a result of her medicines, Pooja always found herself low on energy. The household chores started to suffer. This is when she decided to call her mother from village, to live with them. She could help with the chores & also look after her.

Rajesh had no objection to this. Sujata (Pooja's mother) came within a week and started to live with them.

Sujata was a petite beautiful woman. She was short, around 5 feet 2 inches. Rajesh in comparison was 5 feet 10 inches tall. She was slightly chubby but not to the extent to be classified as fat. She had a decent figure. Her hips were round, medium sized, coming out like a perfect semi-circle. Each one of them were slightly larger for a fist of a man. Her boobs were curvaceous and firm. They would be around 34 D with slightly conical shape. She had a fair complexion and an incredibly beautiful face. Her hair was long which would come down right up to the base of her hips. She preferred to wear a saree which is the traditional Indian dress for women in India. Her appearance was always pleasant and was a 'sight' for hungry male eyes.

She was around 45 years of age but looked nothing more that 35. Sujata's family had always struggled financially. Her husband left her at a young age and went with another woman. Sujata was educated and worked as a schoolteacher at the village school. She had raised her two daughters almost alone, with some help from other family members who lived in the same village. Years of hard work had kept her in shape!

Sujata soon took over the charge of the household. She would cook, clean, and take care of all needs of both Pooja & Rajesh. Pooja was relaxed by her arrival, as she could now rest properly & need not worry about the chores.

Rajesh & Sujata had a very cordial & respectful relationship (as between any mother & son-in-law). They would often sit together & chat. Sujata would serve meals to him, ensure that his clothes for office were ready in time etc. They would spend evenings together watching television or talking.

It was a Saturday evening when Rajesh felt a strong urge for sex. Pooja was still on medication and sleepy most of the time. It had been two months since he last tasted her pussy, and the itch was getting on him now.

He remembered his day at work, and it struck to him, how a female colleague had dropped hints at going out. Rajesh texted her and asked her out for drinks. Both met at a local pub and a few drinks later ended up in the girl's bed.

He spent the night there and came home early in the morning. Sujata opened the door for him. Rajesh's appearance was telling his story of the night. His hair was disheveled, clothes were messy, upper buttons of shirt were open. He even had a faint lip stick mark below the ear.

Sujata noticed all this but did not mention it. Instead, she tried to behave completely normal.

"Rajesh, would you like some tea?" She asked as he was moving towards his bedroom.

"Sure, I would love some" he replied.

"Why don't you freshen up, while I get your tea ready," Sujata replied nonchalantly.

As Sujata was making tea, she was gong through a lot of thoughts. She was clear that Rajesh had spent the night with another woman. Obviously, she was not happy about it. She was unsure whether to broach this topic with him or let it go. Her mind was racing through a lot of questions.

Would it be appropriate to talk to him about this?

Shall I mention this to Pooja? Will she be able to handle this?

Pooja is already unwell. Should I even trouble her with this?

Should I just let it go? All men stray occasionally!

If I let this incident pass, wouldn't he start doing this more often?

Sujata was unsure how to react to the situation. She was in a state of anxiety. More so because her husband had left her for another woman long ago. She did not want her daughter to go through the same fate! As she was grappling with these thoughts, Rajesh was back from the bedroom.

"Is the tea not ready yet?" he asked while picking the newspaper & sitting on the sofa.

"It's ready. I will just bring it," she replied in a slightly hurried tone. She was caught unawares while thinking about the situation.

Sujata came with two cups of tea and placed them on the center table. They both sat there sipping their tea. Rajesh started talking about the weather and other small talk. During the conversation, Sujata decided to allude to the topic in her mind.

"So, all ok at office. You had an all nighter!" Sujata remarked casually.

"Oh that, yeah! There was some technical glitch in one of our client's system. Since they are US based, I had to attend it in the night," he replied fumbling as he tried to make a story.

"Rajesh, you are aware that my husband left me for another woman. He left me completely heartbroken & shattered. You would never do that to my daughter, would you?" She asked without looking directly at him.

"Mother, I would never even think of doing something like that. I love Pooja. I will be with her all my life," He replied, surprised by now.

Suddenly, it dawned on him, that Sujata had figured out his last night's adventure and was talking as a concerned mother.

"Rajesh, I am speaking to you as a friend, not your mother-in-law. These momentary attractions may provide thrill, but they end up spoiling your whole life. I understand what you must be going through, since Pooja is on medication. But you should avoid these temptations. Little sacrifices go a long way in maintaining a healthy relationship.

I understand that this is your private matter, but I am speaking just out of concern. Please treat this as a friendly advice & nothing more. I will not mention anything about this to Pooja, be rest assured," She completed.

Rajesh was silent, unsure how to react. Should he deny it? Or should he talk to her frankly about it? His dilemma was resolved by Sujata herself.

"Rajesh, I know what you must be thinking. But you can talk to me, frankly. We are also friends apart from our relation. Right?" she added trying to break the silence.

"Mother, I have no intention of hurting either you or Pooja. Honestly, what happened last night was a one-off event. I have been completely faithful to Pooja. Its just that, she has been unavailable for two months now, and I have my needs," he said in a plain casual tone.

"Rajesh Beta, I understand that you have your needs, but you will have to control them. After your father-in-law left, I had so many temptations, but I kept my desires in control. In your case, its just a matter of few more weeks. Then she will be back with you," she tried to reason.

Rajesh sat there nodding without saying anything. Sujata smiled and ended the conversation. She went to the kitchen leaving him alone. He was slightly relieved that the awkward conversation was over. Both went about their usual routine and pretended that the conversation never happened.

Sujata mentioning about her sexuality led Rajesh thinking. He had never thought about her sexually. He suddenly realized that she was sex deprived for so many years. The pent-up sexual energy that she would have, would be heavenly! He would often watch her as she worked around the house. Suddenly, he was looking at her in a different light.

Initially, Rajesh did not give much attention to these thoughts. A portion of him was saying that Sujata was like a mother to him, and these thoughts were not appropriate. He could, however, not help thinking about her.

Few days passed by and Rajesh's need for sex was peaking again. He however was controlling it this time, thinking about his chat with Sujata. But if you do not give sex to a man for long, he forgets all logic and reason.

Increasingly, Rajesh had started imagining about Sujata sexually. He would watch her moving in the house and his imagination would run wild.

How would she be in bed? Is she a good kisser? How big those boobs would be? What color her nipples be? What it would be like, to make her sit in your lap when you have a hardon? How does her pussy smells? Is she a silent lover or she makes noises? Is she good with her tongue? Does she talk dirty in the act? Has she been fucked in ass? How would it be to shower with her? Does she like to go on top? Does she like gentle or wild sex?

He would have all sorts of questions filling his mind. As Sujata walked around the house, Rajesh would admire her butts which would sway on either side. The long hair would touch each of her butt cheeks like a pendulum. Her perfectly shaped boobs would provide an imaginative side glimpse through the blouse underneath the saree.

Rajesh started realizing that he had never been so highly aroused for any other woman in life before, as he was for Sujata. He had made up his mind, to go for her. Fucking her, was all he could think about. He decided to seduce her, but he knew this will not be easy. He must go slowly about this.

He started giving her compliments. He would casually mention that she was looking pretty. Sometimes he would compliment her saree. He would judge her reaction after every such comment.

He pushed a little further one day by saying that she was looking so young and pretty, that if he had met her earlier, he would have proposed to her. Sujata gave a warm smile to him.

"My loss and my daughter's gain!" she remarked giving a playful tap on his cheek.

Rajesh was getting encouraged as he observed that Sujata was not feeling offended by his compliments. He decided to take his action a notch higher.

Next day, Rajesh returned home with a bouquet of flowers from office. As Sujata opened the door he entered and presented the bouquet to her.

"These are for you pretty friend!" he said playfully to Sujata.

She gushed and gave a warm smile. "Thank you so much Rajesh. Let me place them in vase," she replied happily.

"Before you do that, I need to do something," said Rajesh while plucking a small rose from the bouquet.

He took the flower and placed it in Sujata's hair. "Now this flower looks more beautiful!" he said a little suggestively.

Sujata simply giggled and gave a slight push-away tap. She was not upset. Rather she seemed quite pleased.

Rajesh thought he plan was going well. He could slowly keep pushing his boundaries till Sujata lands up in his bed. His fantasies about her had grown more vivid. Every night in bed, he would imagine what kind of things will he do to her. As the days passed by, his hunger for her kept growing.

Meanwhile, Pooja's situation was improving but very slowly. She would spend most of her time in bedroom, sleeping. Rajesh would never try to send any signals to Sujata when Pooja was around. He was executing his entire plan of seduction, ensuring that she does not get any hint of it. Theirs was a large five-bedroom apartment. Due to pooja's illness Rajesh had moved to a separate bedroom. Thus, all three of them were sleeping in separate rooms.

As his next step, Rajesh one day complimented Sujata on her cooking. He got up, held her hands & kissed them.

"I want to kiss these lovely hands which made such delicious dinner. Your cooking is incredibly delicious Sujata. I am lucky to have you around," saying this he gave a long tight hug.

Sujata was not prepared for such physical proximity. But she did not try to get out of Rajesh's embrace. This was a sort of encouragement for him.

Next day, he saw Sujata trying to take out something from the top shelf of the kitchen but unable to reach there. She was struggling due to height (Sujata was on a shorter side in height). Rajesh quickly tip toed behind her and before she could realize, held her by her waist and lifted her in the air.

She was startled and did not know how to react. She just froze there in the air, her body tightly clasped by Rajesh.

"Come on. Go ahead. Pick your stuff. Don't worry, I won't drop you!" he said in a highly teasing tone.

Sujata hurriedly picked out the stuff she required. "You can put me down. I have taken the stuff," she said in soft low anxious voice. It was clear from her tone that she had not expected this and was in a state of shock.

Rajesh walked out smiling. He knew that he had cross the line of physical touch. If things go right from here, his day of conquest would not be far.

He was happy to see that Sujata's behavior did not change. On the contrary, she seemed cheerful and gave attention to Rajesh. He was though, still not sure whether she had any sexual feelings towards him.

Rajesh started touching Sujata more often, on some pretext or other. Sometimes he would try to remove something from her face. Other times he would try to touch her waist. Couple of times he also brushed against her boobs, as if it happened accidentally.

Sujata's behavior continued to be joyful. One change which could be noticed was that she would dress up more beautifully. She was even applying a little makeup. There was a change in the way she would do her hair, as if trying to look younger.

Rajesh was sure that Sujata was liking all the attention. To take his plan further, he needed to be alone in the house with her. With Pooja in the house, Sujata would never consent for anything sexual with him.

He met Pooja's doctor and convinced him to admit pooja in the hospital for next ten days. He told the doctor that her recovery was extremely slow. Probably she was not getting the care she needed & a hospital would be able to provide that. Doctor found this logical and agreed for this.

Finally, Rajesh and Sujata were alone in the house. Both were in a good mood. Rajesh asked Sujata out for dinner.

"How can we go out partying when Pooja is admitted in the hospital!" she remarked.

"My pretty friend, she is not serious or anything! She is in hospital to get better care, so that she recovers sooner. Anyway, we cannot help her by staying in the house. It has been weeks that you came here, and I have not taken you out even once. You have been working so hard, taking care of everything. Now let me take you out and make you happy. Get rid of this guilt and get dressed," Rajesh said trying to convince her. He was slightly authoritative in his voice.

Sujata could not say no and went to her bedroom to get dressed. She came out wearing a nice red saree with black blouse. She had applied a little make up. Her hair was let loose. Her long black tresses were looking beautiful with that ensemble.

"Wow look at you! Any man would feel fortunate to go out with you. I am that lucky one today!" he said flirtingly.

She blushed a little and then said laughingly "Rajesh, I am your mother-in-law. Not your wife. Don't be naughty."

"Tonight, I am going out with my pretty friend, not my mother-in-law," Rajesh said while giving a wink to her.

They went for a long drive first. Rajesh was playing nice romantic music in the car. The weather was pleasant, and it was obvious that Sujata was enjoying herself. She was humming a little. She was giggling, telling jokes. She rolled down the window and was enjoying the fresh air.

After about an hour of drive, Rajesh took her to one of the finest restaurants of the town. They got a nice table in the center. Both were looking nice, and most of the patrons were noticing them.

Rajesh ordered some wine. Sujata quipped that she is not used to drinking and would avoid. Rajesh insisted "Listen, you have to trust me. This is such a nice evening. Go with the flow. Give up your inhibitions."

They raised a toast and were enjoying their dinner.

"I hope you realize that most men here are noticing you. You are the most beautiful woman in the room," Rajesh said giving a mischievous smile to her.

"You seem to be in a naughty mood today. Need I remind you again that I am your mom-in-law," she replied with a teasing sort of smile.

"My dear, these people in this restaurant don't know that. They think I am your man and are jealous thinking that tonight you will be with me. I am sure they are cursing me thinking that." He said pushing his chances.

Sujata blushed on that thought but remained silent. They spent the evening playfully. Rajesh was almost constantly flirting with her.

As, they entered their home, Rajesh was thinking, 'it must be tonight.'

If I do not make love to her tonight, I will never be able to do it!

As they came inside, Sujata turned towards him and said "Rajesh, thank you so much for the evening. I cannot even remember when was the last time, I enjoyed so much."

He did not reply. Instead, he stood there close to her, silently, looking straight into her eyes. They both stood there transfixed not knowing how to react. The silence between them was deafening. That was the moment Rajesh had been waiting for.

He pulled her in his embrace and wrapped her waist with his left hand. He brought his face close to her, and with his right hand gently removed those loose strands of hair which were playfully hanging in front of her eyes. He waited to see her reaction. She was in a trance, not moving an inch. Her breathing was heavy. He could feel her boobs pressing in and out off his chest. She just stood there transfixed staring into Rajesh's eyes.

Rajesh tightened his embrace slightly and pulled her a little closer. He cupped her face with his right hand and moved forward towards her lips. The moment their lips touched; Rajesh could feel a sensation in Sujata's entire body. There was a sudden twitch in her. She responded back in the kiss. Her hands went around his neck. She was holding on to his lips as if there is no tomorrow.

He placed his right hand behind her head. He gave her a slight bend backwards and pushed his tongue between her hot red lips. She was just waiting for the intrusion. Sujata's tongue gave a warm welcome to Rajesh's. They kept kissing like two teenagers who have got the first opportunity of sex. None of them were wanting to let go of each other.


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