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"...they also told me that for the duration of this broadcast, everyone in this club is my master or mistress"

"I had no idea you were so into this." Ernest exclaimed, helping Tamira into the cage. "OK so from there you can see there is a round hole at the back of the cage, the idea is that you stick your ass out, and then I push this bar across the opening and past your waist so you're forced to bend around it and now your ass is forced to be sticking out while you are in here." Ernest announced following his own instructions as the camera woman zoomed in on Tamira's exposed pussy.

"Now that your ass is in that position I can spank it." Ernest explained, giving Tamira a good couple of swats to demonstrate his point. "And of course your cunt is fully exposed." He continued, running his finger down her dripping pussy. The camera woman bumped into Ernest throwing him a bit.

"Sorry, I don't usually do this," Violeta explained before going back to filming.

"OK, so next we thread your hands through these holes and lock them in place... There we go. Now finally if you would thrust those magnificent breasts of yours forward, the front wall of the cage goes inwards so these two holes can frame your breasts and once we lock it in place, we can tighten these metal frames around your tits, causing them to bulge and become far more sensitive." Tamira moaned with delight as her breasts turned red and Ernest gave each of them a swat for good measure.

"With breasts all tied and sensitive like this, people are asking if those nipple clips on a chain will give me an explosion of delightful pain." Tamira suggested in a matter of fact newsroom voice. As Ernest obliged Tamira's screams turned to sensuous moans. "Now that I have tried out your device I think we should finish the interview don't you?" Ernest nodded confusedly and knelt down so he could still be face to face with Tamira.

"When I asked one of the protesters what message she would like to give to the patrons of your club, she said, and I quote, 'those filthy whores should be ashamed of themselves.' My question to you Ernest is; am I a filthy whore who should be ashamed of myself?" Tamira asked, somehow keeping her voice calm and eloquent as she always did when presenting the news.

"From where I am standing absolutely." Ernest answered.

"Many who object to this kind of establishment feel it would corrupt the morals of people who come into contact with it, do you think their objections would be eased if I admit that I have always been a depraved slut and that you didn't need to corrupt me."

"I don't think so, but as a journalist you have an obligation to the truth" Ernest answered.

"You are right, plus it feels like my audience needs to know that I have been going by Slave-31 for a couple of weeks now and my ravished body has never been happier." Ernest wasn't sure where this was going but was enjoying the ride. "My final question is a simple one, would you be able to roll this cage out to the dance floor and let all your patrons have their way with my helpless and slutty body?" Ernest nodded and began to push Tamira's cage towards the door.

"Well there you have it folks, Channel Six News bringing you both sides of the story. Scrolling across the bottom of your screens right now is the website for a special late night edition of Channel Six News, where you can watch me live as I use my pussy to interview as many people in the club as possible." The door opened and cheers burst out across the club as Tamira was wheeled in.

"Slave-31, reporting for Channel Six News from the Secrets Fetish Club." She barely concluded before a cock was roughly shoved into her mouth.


Saul and Violeta sat at the bar, toasting the fine performance Tamira just put on, they had handed over the livestream camera and their slave to the gathered patrons of the club and felt everyone was having a good time. Violeta got a notification on her phone and immediately got to work writing a quick script, before wheeling Tamira to the front of the crowd to deliver it, reassuring the man currently balls deep in her pussy that he need not stop just because Tamira had an announcement to make. Violeta held a news bulletin in front of Tamira for her to read out.

"Ladies and gentlemen I have a breaking news story." She cried out to a hushed audience, the silence only broken by the wet slapping of her cunt getting fucked. "Channel Six News have announced that they have terminated the contract of Tamira Vale, effective immediately, and will be conducting an investigation over how footage of her undergoing graphic sexual acts was able to air uncensored on their channel. Tamira Vale was unavailable for comment but we now go live to the mistress of Slave-31 for analysis."

"Thank you slut." Violeta announced. "My little whore has a statement she would like to read out about her future." Violeta placed the phone back in front of Tamira's face.

"I am not at all worried about Channel Six's announcement, while I enjoyed my job as Tamira Vale, as Slave-31 I felt Channel Six did not grant me enough opportunities to be violated and humiliated. But luckily for me I have a good mistress who knows what a dumb whore like me needs, she has organised a job offer for me to live and work here at the club as a waitress, bartender, toilet attendant and general dogsbody. This job comes with all the perks a filthy whore like me could ever want."

"So would you like the job?" Tamira asked.

"Nothing would make me happier, mistress." Tamira announced. Violeta pulled up one last script for Tamira to read off her phone. "Ladies and gentlemen, to celebrate my new job, my mistress will be removing my butt plug and handing out strap-ons to ensure all my holes are filled by my customers for the rest of the evening."

Violeta organised the room and then sat back down next to Saul.

"I'm going to miss Tamira." Violeta sighed. "She was an easy win."

"Do you know if we have any inducements lined up after her?" Saul asked.

"Not at the moment. Looks like we might be back on grunt work duty for a while after this." Violeta huffed, finishing another shot.

"Well then drink in this finale, I doubt you're going to be able to live vicariously through a client again for a while."

"Just because I'm enjoying the moment I'm going to let that slide." Violeta stated slamming back yet another shot. "Also the tiny issue that it is true."

"You know..." Saul began with a wicked grin. "All eyes are on Tamira right now, you could have a bit of fun and nobody would notice."

"Thanks, but you're right, all eyes are on Tamira. I'm not interested in being a sideshow."

"Not necessarily." Saul corrected. "This group who call themselves the domme hunters came up to me earlier, asking if it's possible to get you to sub. They said it would be the ultimate thrill to break the woman who broke Tamira Vale,"

"Clearly they don't know how easy it was to break her. That woman needs serious help" Violeta interrupted.

"And you had her sign up to be a naked fixture at a fetish club."

"It will keep her busy while I move house." Violeta stated, flagging down the bartender to have another shot.

"Putting aside your machinations, as far as everyone you know is concerned you're only here for an inducement, you have an alibi that they think you are currently behind the camera, and there are quiet rooms to the side where there are a bunch of people waiting to humiliate you as bad, or even worse than Tamira. This is a golden opportunity to go beyond imagining what it's like to be up there, and it's unlikely you're going to get another one for a while." Violeta gave this some thought.

"OK, here's what is going to happen, I'm going to go to one of the quiet rooms to 'make a phone call.' Once I am in there you round up all the domme hunters you can find but you are to tell them that I am not on board with the plan and we are just going to have some quiet drinks while they ask me questions about breaking Tamira Vale. I want to see how well amateurs fare at inducement, and if they aren't good enough I won't be doing shit."


Saul had his head in his hands. He had found the three domme hunters who had approached him earlier and together they had grabbed some wine and coalesced around Violeta in the quiet room. There was Elektra, a tall stern Russian, who was currently tied to a St Andrews cross, covered in red marks from her own riding crop while eggs vibrated mercilessly in her holes. Next there was Sione, a buff ex-marine, currently trussed up inside a spanking machine, electrodes covering his erect cock. Finally there was Hans, an older father figure type, currently tied underneath a table, his balls poking through a hole.

Violeta took a deep swig of wine straight from the bottle, before slowly shifting her weight onto her foot, crushing Hans' balls below her red high heels as he begged for mercy. When it was just too much for him she eased up, giving him time to recover. She sauntered past Sione, turning the power up on the spanking machine and electrodes, before whispering something into Elektra's ear and spinning the St. Andrew's cross so Elektra was now upside down.

"Master Saul." She pleaded, "please come fuck my mouth, Mistress Violeta tells me your cock is the ultimate deep throating challenge." Saul sighed and unzipped his trousers.

"Good God Violeta, how do you do these things?" He asked as he slid his penis into Elektra's eagerly waiting mouth.

"I told you these guys were amateurs, it took me ten minutes to get the measure of them and exploit their motivations. Elektra here is competitive, I just had to make her want to be the best sub and she was putty in my hands, hell the only reason you're getting some action right now is I told her no sub has ever managed to take your whole cock down their throat. Sione here likes endurance and camaraderie through pain, I'm guessing someone never left the military behind. Hans here is desperately trying to fit in with the younger people on the fetish scene, so once these two were subbing it was clear which way he would go." Saul could see the looks of rage that began to crawl across her subs' faces as they heard their flaws bluntly described and began to have an idea.

"Yeah these guys were never going to sway you, even in their most busy week they spend barely a tenth of the time corrupting people as you do." Violeta nodded in agreement. "I don't think there's anyone capable of winning this strange power game you build into all your sexual encounters?" Saul clocked the look of crushing disappointment on Violeta's face and knew he had figured out the right angle to come at this from.

"I think you're sick and tired of being the most powerful person in the room. You get so much out of life being this kinky manipulator so it comes naturally to you but deep down you want to try being powerless."

"That is the most poignant thing I've ever been told by someone having their cock sucked in front of me." Violeta quipped to cover for her vulnerability, Saul took the hint and pulled out of Elektra's mouth.

"You're fighting this because you're scared, but I think you will regret it if you let this opportunity pass you by. You will go through your life envying the moments of bliss in the people you destroy and it will eat away at you. Take my hand and I will help you climb into that cage, the one identical to what Tamira is still locked in, and tonight you can have a full consequence free experience of one of your victims."

Violeta stood still, her hands grasped at her side shaking in trepidation. She began to lift her hand out to Saul's before quickly withdrawing it.

"No, let's do this properly."

Violeta immediately began to strip herself down, in no time at all she was stood in front of Saul stark naked, her clothes in a neat pile on the floor. She knelt at Saul's feet and with a quivering voice announced.

"Master Saul, please humiliate me the way I humiliated Slave-31." Violeta squeaked. Saul took her by the hand and led her to a cage, securing her in the exact same way Tamira had been secured; ass out, hands locked, tits squeezed and clipped. Violeta grinned at her helplessness.

"Now then Slave-34." Saul announced, using Violeta's own naming system against her. "There are three people in this room who just heard what you think of them, do you think I should untie them so they have an opportunity to let you know what they think of you?" Saul didn't wait for an answer as one by one he began to untie the dommes and they began to implement their menacing ideas on Violeta.

Elektra was untied first and immediately went and fetched her riding crop, Violeta had forced her to count out each lash across her body so she was determined to give Slave-34 the same amount of welts, with an additional one for good luck.

As the sounds of smacks and screams rang through the room, Saul freed Sione who collected up the electrodes that had been attached to him and began his designs on Violeta.

Finally, as Hans was freed, he simply walked over, placed his foot over the chain between Violeta's nipples and slowly shifted his weight, painfully stretching her already tender breasts.

One by one Saul made Violeta thank her tormentors, as he looked in her eyes she quietly and sincerely mouthed 'thank you Saul'

"Alright domme hunters, I've had an idea so I just have to go and set a few things up, you'll be alright keeping Slave-34 company while I take care of some things?" He asked, taking one last look at Violeta as he stepped out to begin his plan.

When Saul returned to the room Violeta was looking worse for wear, Hans was busy fucking her face, occasionally taking his cock out to give her a few slaps and make her beg to put it back in, while Elektra was plunging her largest strap-on in and out of her ass. Sione was standing by watching, which didn't make sense to Saul until he saw Sione's cum dripping out of Violeta's pussy, making a mess of the electrodes that surged across her labia and clitoris. Saul whispered in Sione's ear while he gave Hans a moment to fill Violeta's mouth with his seed, before announcing that they were about to begin the next stage of his plan. He began to push Violeta's cage out of the quiet room and into the main club where they had left Tamira, drinking in Violeta's screams and protestations.

As they entered the club, Tamira was still the centre of attention, the chance to violate a celebrity was too appealing for club goers to indulge any other subs that night, so others who had tried to humiliate themselves had been met with less enthusiasm. However the reputation of the domme hunters was enough to get Violeta a second look and soon the woman who broke Tamira was getting plenty of attention as Saul wheeled her cage to the front next to Tamira's. Tamira was positively feral, her bodystocking practically pasted to her body with cum, her holes had been used relentlessly the entire evening and as Saul called for everyone to pay attention to him all she could do was grunt ravenously.

"Ladies and gentlemen, you may recognise this woman as the person who broke Slave-31 here. But she never really introduced herself, so tell the audience and the fans watching at home who you are." Violeta scanned the audience and then to her horror saw Sione looming over her with the camera they were using to livestream Tamira's humiliation. "Let's start with what your name and occupation was before tonight." Violeta shrieked and thrashed in her cage, but after a couple of swats across her already red backside she took a deep breath and a smile crawled across her face again.

"Before tonight my name was Violeta Flores, I was the top detective at Harkness and Jayne private investigators, specialising in sexual humiliation of targets."

"You could say you were the ultimate domme, tell everyone who you are now." Saul prompted.

"Well thanks to my new master finding my weakness, I am slave-34, an insatiable whore looking forward to being humiliated like all my victims before me." There was a lot of excitement from the gathered audience but Saul commanded enough respect that when he held up his hand people knew there was still a twist to this tale.

"As your assistant I of course have access to your computer, financial records and email accounts, I would like you to read out this email you just received from Nigel Harkness, joint CEO of Harkness and Jayne." Saul announced, holding his phone in front of Violeta. Violeta's voice quivered and tears began to roll down her cheek.

"Dear Miss Flores,

It is with a deep sense of personal pleasure that I accept your resignation from Harkness and Jayne. I also officially grant your request to forgo working two weeks' notice in light of the eagerness you have shown to starting your new life as a performance artist at 'Secrets' Fetish Club. Rest assured I will make sure to send round your demo video and open invitation to all staff at Harkness and Jayne, as per your request.

I can also confirm that we have received the bank transfer from your account, we will send an agent to the bank to verify that this amount is "all your savings" as you suggest, and then we will gladly take up the contract sell all your possessions and use the proceeds to publicise your acts within Secrets. (I will personally see to it agents follow your suggestion that any attempt to return to your home or work should be met with immediate confiscation of your clothes.)

I wish you the best in the future you have chosen for yourself. It certainly seems a good fit.

Yours Sincerely,

Nigel Harkness.

P.S. Payback's a bitch and so are you."

Violeta stated wide-eyed at her audience as her life fell away from her.

"Cocks." She squeaked, before clearing her throat and yelling. "I need cocks, as many as will fit in me, right now!" Even tied up, humiliated and helpless, Violeta's voice was still a commanding presence and soon club patrons had gathered round to fill Violeta. She moaned with delight as she was punished and raped, joyously thanking anyone who inflicted pain on her and asking for more, her dive into pure masochistic deviancy only encouraging Tamira to up her game and beg for more and more extreme punishments into the early hours of the morning when the club shut.

Saul left Ernest to deal with Tamira while he took Violeta to a quiet room to let her out of the cage. Freed from her ordeal she kicked Saul hard between the legs, before planting a deep and sensual kiss on his face.

"I hate you, you ruined my life but all I want to do right now is fuck you, then try and kill you." Violeta's scattered brain articulated.

"Well before you do that I should probably come clean. That letter from Mr. Harkness was a fake, his letterhead template is in your emails and I quickly whipped up a letter on my phone to add to the fantasy." Saul explained.

"But the live stream..."

"Had finished by the time I rolled you out, I got Sione to hold the camera but the power was off. I told you I would let you experience what your victims experienced without consequences. Now you can go back to work Monday knowing what it feels like to have your life destroyed by your own perversion and nobody at the office will be any the wiser." Violeta's eyes grew wide, her smile beamed and she threw her arms around Saul.

"You fucking genius bastard glorious wanker legendary dickhead. I love you so much you prick" she garbled. Saul appreciated her compliments, even if he was a bit uneasy at the amount of men's semen she was getting on his clothes during this embrace.

"So Slave-34, how did it feel thinking you had given up everything to become a sex slave?" Saul asked.

"I feel like I could pleasure myself to the memory of tonight every night until I die."


"Tamira Vale was, from several perspectives, the most successful inducement in our company's history." Peter Jayne announced to the gathered board members. "Not only was the client impressed at our speed, the live broadcast and media storm that followed provided a publicity boost we didn't think possible. We have since been swamped with requests for inducements, we have contingencies in place to hire new 'Violeta style' inducers but until then it is very much worth our while to dramatically increase how much we charge for an inducement and make absolutely sure to increase Violeta's pay accordingly to prevent her being poached." The gathered board members have nodded in agreement.

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