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Innocence Ch. 01

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Graduation Party.
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Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 10/16/2018
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Graduation Party

Today, as I sit in the crowd of my fellow classmate waiting to receive my high school diploma my mind begins to drift until my row stands breaking my concentration. I follow the girl in front of me stopping on the side of the stage. One by one my classmates get called by name and walk onto the stage to receive their diploma.

Fortunately, my parents constantly told me how proud they were of me for all my achievements from acing honors to theater. I loved study but I also loved theater where you could become and project anyone. My senior year I was the star in every play and acting is what would get me through this coming moment.

"Michael 'Einstein' Maximuus," they announced.

I climbed the steps and received a standing ovation to my surprise. It was a surprise to me but I am who I am because of my parents; particularly my mom. She couldn't be here because she passed nine weeks earlier from cancer.

I shook hands, took my diploma, bowed, and then blew a kiss to the attending audience which brought on more cheers; doing so made the awkwardness of it go away.

After the ceremony my dad gave me a fatherly handshake and hug then said how proud my mom and he were of me.

My friends immediately gathered around for a few group pictures as planned. Once the group pictures had been taken and everyone was satisfied with the outcome all the parents would stay to help with family pictures.

My dad and I stood tall as our friends and their parents took our pictures. It was so sad that my mom couldn't make it.

My dad had no plans for my 'after graduation ceremony' and went out drinking with his friends. All my friends had family gatherings all week to celebrate so I spent the night alone thinking of my mom... I really miss her!

I woke up the next day around noon realizing my dad had left for work, I never heard him come home the night before; nonetheless I was home by myself.

He was a high profile lawyer; clients basically waited in line for him to handle their cases all over the county because he was a winner. My mom was an accountant by trade but she abandoned that dream to start another; her own successful business called Eve's Fitness. They both liked to work out and looked like they were in their mid-twenties.

Now that my mom was gone he would call after the fact that he was out drinking with his friends and I would have to fend for myself. I don't blame him; we were both taking mom's death very hard.

I went downstairs to the kitchen to eat a salad; salads of any type were the norm for mom and m when dad wasn't home or away on business.

Afterwards I went upstairs to my room and turned on one of her favorite bands, Motley Crue. Eventually 'Girls, Girls, Girls' came on and that's all I could handle as my mind became obsessed with my mom; her smell became apparent in the air though she wasn't here any longer.

My mom and I use to play a game called 'Michelle' when my dad was out of town or when we could get out for a day for a few hours; it was a game we played ever since I can remember. Today would be the first day I ever played the game alone and the first time in a year not playing since my mom fell ill.

Michelle was my alter ego, a beautiful girl that was funny, playful, personal, witty, intelligent, sexy, positive, and confident; the total opposite of Michael except for the intelligent part.

I went to the master bath, turned on the water, and poured a good amount of essential oils that gave off the most fragrant rose scent into the filling tub.

I stripped down to my nakedness revealing my virtually hairless body due to earlier electrolysis treatments but there were still a few misguided hairs which a razor would quickly take care of. I broke out the razor and shaving cream and made quick work of my under arms and groin area making them baby smooth. It would have been nice to keep up with my feminine hygiene; meaning my hair, nails, unwanted hair and such but with mom sick and fighting for her life it seemed so insignificant.

With the tub nearing capacity I turned off the running water and got in and soaked in the warm bath water.

I was excited, yet nervous, to see if I could get back into character after a year hiatus; I missed Michelle. I practiced my voice as I pulled in slightly to draw in my minuscule Adams Apple. After a few attempts I was completely satisfied with my voice and continued to speak in that manner and not give it another thought.

Once relaxed I thought about Michelle and what the day would bring.

Satisfied, I drained the tub and got out; I stepped into the shower and washed my hair and conditioned it. Once I blew it dry I curled it and let it hang loosely; it brought back memories as I saw Michelle starring back at me through the reflection in the mirror.

I stepped back and admired my female shape in the mirror; narrow shoulders, no waist, but enough hip to perfectly transform Michael into Michelle; it was the 'no waist' that really made my hips pop.

I went to my mom's dresser hoping to find my female attire in the bottom draw were we hid from dad. They were exactly where we left them after washing and folding them the last time Michelle wore them; bras, panties, and thigh highs.

Perfect, now all I have to do is push my testicles back into their cavities and tuck. It was easier than I thought, not without some slight pain but it has been a while since I last tucked. Next was to manage my chest and my B-cup breast inserts which were perfect for the occasion.

Nervous, I peered into the mirror; my smile said it all as it reached from ear to ear.

Next was to apply my makeup which I've done a million times on my own; I sat at the vanity and went to work. I love to look natural like the girl next door so I started simple and worked my way to my ultimate goal including some much needed eyebrow plucking.

I was delighted at the outcome and decided my nails were my next point of attack. I like to do my finger nails at the vanity and my toe nails at the hot tub in the bathroom where I can prop my foot up on the edge and lean over for better access.

With my finger nails done and dry I moved to the bathroom for my toe nails. I just finished my last nail and blew lightly on it.

"Eve," my dad's voice called from behind me.

Startled, I turned toward him we starred at one another for an eternity... so it seemed.

"Get dressed; we're going to Deuce's for your graduation celebration," he told me before turning and walking away.

It's very strange that he didn't freak out though he was probably just as shocked to see me dressed this way as much as I was to see him home so early; still it's very strange.

However weird it seemed out of respect I kept my thoughts and emotions to myself and did what he asked.

First, I removed my nail polish, then makeup, and then my bra and panties.

I proceeded to my room where I put on my underwear and socks then pulled a suit out of the closet. Deuce's was a suit and tie only and I had to dress appropriately. My shirt was first followed by my tie and pants; I retrieved some nice dress shoes and slid into them. I put my hair in a ponytail and went downstairs.

"Ready," I smiled as he looked at me.

"I told you to get dressed not undressed," he barked.

"I don't understand," I was confused.

"I liked you better the other way; take that damn suit off and put on an appropriate dress," he said sternly as he sipped his usual gin and tonic.

"Okay but..." I began curiously.

"Just do it," he ordered.

"Are you going to change?" I quietly asked wondering if I would be overdressed.

"I'll be up shortly, you have forty minutes," he informed me.

Again I was in shock, totally speechless, and I wasn't going to question his motives; I just turned and went back upstairs.

"You have forty minutes," he repeated as I disappeared into my room.

I removed my clothes and returned them to their original place in the closet.

I went back to the master bedroom and began the process all over again; panties, bra, makeup, and nails. All I needed now was a formal dinner dress which should be easy since my mom has a closet full of them not counting mine.

"Are you almost ready?" he inquired.

"I just need to pick out a dress and jewelry and I'll be ready," I said in perfect pitch and tone figuring if he wants me dressed in fem I'll give him the whole performance. I'm just glad I kept my piercings open because I have no clip-on earrings.

"Good," he remarked as he undressed and went for a clean suit, shirt, and tie.

I was taking too long; I had to pick one... any one. I didn't have time for adjustments so I needed something that was stunning but doesn't show cleavage. There, the black lace-up halter maxi-dress that my mom bought for me when we went to the opera before she fell ill. It has a halter neckline with clasp closures and lace-up, darted bodice top, and a full maxi skirt with banded waist and a side slit. It also has an open back with hidden zipper and clasp. It was perfect for hiding my falsies.

I took the hanger and dress and went into the bedroom for a better look.

"Is that what you're wearing?" he asked politely turning toward me in his shirt and tie with only his boxers on below.

"Is there something wrong with it?" I panicked.

"It's very nice," he admired.

"Thanks," I said nervously and quickly dressed.

"You look very nice," he said as he was fully dressed and then slipped on his shoes.

"Thanks," again I said nervously.

"Are you almost ready?" he inquired.

"I just need a little jewelry and I'm ready," I replied.

"I'll be downstairs," he informed me before leaving me to finish up.

"Okay," I said a hurriedly.

This whole thing is totally weird; it was just like watching mom and dad get dressed for a special occasion but I was looking through mom's eyes.

"Are you ready yet?" he yelled from downstairs.

"Almost," I answered softly.

"We have to leave in ten minutes or they'll give away our reservation," he shouted.

"I'll be down in nine," I answered.

"Good, times ticking," he shouted.

"What the fuck," I whispered to myself. I'm nervous enough as it is without him rushing me; it takes time to look good. I thought black and silver would be the best look so that's what I went with. It was all silver with diamond; the necklace, earrings, watch, wrist bands, and one lone ankle bracelet on the slit side of my dress. I grabbed a pair of silver five inch ankle strap heels and dainty silver purse and went downstairs. I slipped on my heels and was ready.

"Perfect, four minutes," he remarked.

"Good," I giggled.

"You look and sound...," he began.

"Mom taught me well," I said as I walked in front of him toward the door.

"It's not locked," he told me.

"Do you mind?" I waited.

He opened the door for me and chuckled.

When we got to the Jaguar he thought he was free but I wasn't done with him yet; he wanted Michelle and he was going to treat me like Michelle... a female.

"Do you mind?" I flirted as I stood at the right door waiting for him to open it.

"Can..." he started.

"Please," I smiled.

He smiled and came around the car, opened the door, I sat gracefully, and he shut my door and got in the driver's door.

"Sorry," I apologized thinking maybe I went a little too far.

"Sure, no problem," he smiled.

He started driving which brought memories of my mother and my conversations that we had when she would take me out in fem attire. Conversations of shopping and the hot men that constantly hit on us; just the thought brought a smile to my face.

It was very quiet for most of the ride until my dad asked," How long have you been dressing?"

"Since I can remember," I answered.

"Your mom approved of this?" he asked curiously.

"It was all here idea... she wanted a little girl," I replied.

"Yes, she did," he confessed.

"And she got one, well, sort of," I giggled.

"I never knew about it," he admitted.

"You don't seemed to shocked," I asked curiously.

"To be honest I was; but with your mother gone I quickly decided it was best to keep quiet," he admitted.

"Why did you want me to wear a dress?" again my curiosity took over.

"To put you on the spot, make you think about what you're doing," he smiled.

"I'm not gay dad," I giggled.

He peered at me, "You look and sound like a female and you're not gay?"

"Cross-dressing doesn't mean I'm gay plus mom began dressing me both male and female since I was young; it's not my fault," I giggled.

"You could have stopped it," he told me.

"I didn't want to; I liked being mom's little girl," I admitted.

"And your voice?" he asked.

"What about it?" I replied with a question of my own.

"It's so feminine," he snickered.

"Practice, it's either that or some guy is going to beat the hell out of me talking like a dude," I giggled.

"I guess you're right," he laughed.

I wasn't gay but the conversations I had with my mother were eye-opening from a woman's psyche.

"We're here," he said as we pulled into the parking lot and parked.

"I can't wait," I said excitedly for show.

He got out of the car and I waited... and waited... until the door opened and he helped me out.

"Thank you," I smiled.

He chuckled as he took my hand and began walking me to the door.

"Dad..." I started.

"Call me Eric," he insisted.

"We're not on a date or anything are we?" I said jokingly though I was scared he would say yes.

"Don't be silly, just role playing, just as you," he laughed.

"Good, because it would be really weird if you kissed me," I whispered.

"You're not going to seduce me are you?" he whispered.

"What?" I panicked.

"No, I'm not going to kiss you," he laughed.

I feel much better now.

We went in and were seated.

"Your menus; may I get you something to drink?" the waiter asked.

"Champagne please," Eric told him.

"I'll be right back sir," the waiter told us before bowing and leaving the two of us alone.

"Thank you," Eric responded.

"Dad..." I began.

"Eric," he reminded me to call him.

I paused. "I'm not old enough to drink,"

"Enjoy the night..." he made a hand gesture for me to speak.

"Michelle," I lightly smiled.

"Michelle, nice name, I like it, Michelle," he smiled.

"Champagne for the lady," he poured and then attended to my... I mean Eric and then put the bottle in the ice bucket.

"Thank you," I had mixed feelings about this but he assured me nothing sexual would take place.

"Thank you," Eric told him.

"Are you ready to order sir?" the waiter asked Eric.

"Michelle, does the veal sound appetizing?" Eric asked.

"Yes," I smiled.

He ordered me the veal with garlic potatoes and veggie medley and ordered the lamb with the same for himself. Still, the champagne seemed a bit too much for me.

"Drink up," Eric told.

"I don't think I should," I hesitated.

"Your mother never gave you a taste?" he asked curiously.

"A taste yes but not a whole glass," I giggled.

"Really, your mother never gave you an alcoholic drink before?" again he questioned.

I was quiet.

"It's not like you're going to get her in trouble," he smiled.

"I've had a few glasses but never more than one; it makes me light headed," I giggled.

"Have you ever had wine?" he smiled.

"Yes, I've had wine too but never more than one..." I started.

"Because it makes you light headed," he finished my sentence.

"Yes," I giggled; he had charm.

"Champagne is for celebrating," he smiled at me.

"Are we really celebrating my graduation?" I smiled.

"Yes, yes, we are," he laughed.

I smiled.

"Would you prefer wine?" Eric asked.

"No," I smiled.

"At least pretend to be happy to spend time with me," he sipped.

"I am," my voice sang.

I loved spending time with my dad; he was pretty cool to be perfectly honest and he was extremely funny or was it charm.

I picked up the glass, like my mother taught me, and sipped. It was pretty good; it tastes so good it must be expensive.

"You're very pretty," he smiled.

I rolled with laughter.

"You have a nice laugh," he smiled.

I covered my mouth as I continued to laugh.

He continued throwing out complements as though they were parade confetti. He also bombarded me with questions about Michelle, typical questions, like we were actually on a first date and he wanted to find out more about me.

My mom schooled me about men and their ways; silliness, humorous, playful, and their devious ways.

"I prefer you in a dress," he smiled.

"Thank you," I giggled.

His persistent compliments made me into a giggly flirtatious girl; I'm sure the alcohol had something to do with it to.

Before I realized it I had finished a one glass of champagne, dinner arrived, and the waiter poured me a fresh glass of champagne.

I was caught in the moment and forgot that I wasn't Michelle but just a boy in fem.

After dinner, much talk, and that second glass of champagne the waiter offered desert. I don't usually eat sweets but the Vanilla bean coconut cake with black cherries was simply irresistible. After desert and a third glass of champagne I was feeling pretty good.

"Would you care to dance?" he asked as he stood and moved behind me.

"Sure," I answered; I always wanted to know what it's like being the female partner.

My mom taught me everything; cooking, cleaning, eating healthy, fitness, education, money, relationships, and DANCING; basically everything I would need to survive life and being a woman. We even talked about how females perceived males and the entire gender relationship; including what's expected from both partners in the bed which was interesting but that wasn't for me. However, I did find the male form attractive when dressed as Michelle. It was so cute when men approached us thinking we were sisters and me a genetic female; I'll miss that.

He pulled the chair from beneath me as I stood and we moved to the center of the room where others where dancing. The band played big band music, nothing over the top, as I danced in the female role. It was exhilarating to say the least.

Thirty minutes later we were off to the theater to see a play; my favorite restaurant and a play.

He joked around a bit about me having two left feet and I mentioned he had to be moving to notice. I could see why mom fell for him; funny, witty, intelligent, handsome, and charming.

Once there the champagne took its effect as we headed toward our assigned bathrooms to relieve ourselves. The women's bathroom was a jungle; the line was long and didn't I hesitate when it was my turn for the next vacant stall.

I did a quick makeup and hair check and was out of there. Eric was waiting where we parted.

"Sorry, it was a jungle in there," I giggled.

"No worries," he smiled.

"Thanks," I smiled

He clasps my hand and he walked us to our seats where we began discussing the play; mom taught him well.

Twenty minutes later the lights dimmed and the play was about to begin. That's when he took hold of my hand and rested it in his lap. I glanced at him but he just smiled and I let it be; he must really miss mom.

I just hope he understands the limits of this... this... graduation celebration; it's not a date!

My attention quickly turned to the stage as the music began and the curtains parted.

Then, it was over, the crowd clapped as the performers bowed. The lights came on and I tilted my head back and looked at Eric.

"That was the most romantic play I ever witnessed," I then smiled.

"I'm glad you liked it," he replied calmly.

"I loved it," I smiled.

My heart and soul was open; I felt different after seeing the play.

"Are you ready?" he asked.

"Yes," I smiled.

We got up and moved to the isle as the row emptied. Once in the isle he took my hand and walked me to the car, opened and closed the door for me, and then drove us home. I couldn't stop talking about the play and he humored me by going along with it.


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