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Innocence Passing

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Mistress turns innocent young maiden into ravenous slut.
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Author's note ~ this story contains a diversity of sexual tastes, including:anal, lesbian, gay, BDSM, and group scenes, among others. If any of these flavors offend you, please move on to somewhere else. This is the first thing I've ever written and I hope some of you will enjoy it.


My name is Veronica Fallon. I am eighteen years old and have lived a very sheltered, innocent life in the small castle of my father. That small world has grown beyond imagining thanks to my divine Mistress. This tale is a tribute of love and gratitude to her.


I grew up quietly, somewhat isolated and alone compared to most girls I'd seen. My mother died when I was just an infant, and as a result, I didn't have any brothers or sisters. The few other children in our castle had to work daily, as they were able to, so I had no playmates at home. Since I was rarely allowed in the village I'd made no friends there either. I was fairly content though, with my books, my art supplies, my pretty dolls, and my nature hikes throughout father's large estate. It had thus far been a pleasant life, but a narrow one.

A variety of handmaidens and tutors raised me, but they showed little interest in my welfare and education, other than the minimum required to maintain their positions within my father's manor. Father has many land-holdings in this realm, and spends almost all of his time traveling throughout his properties or scouting new ones to acquire. I see him quite rarely. He is a solemn man, paying me scant attention when home, but always seeing that I have new books and things with which to amuse myself, and fine, newly made clothes to wear. The various women who raised me were neither kind nor unkind to me, but rather indifferent. I've learned academics well enough from them but next to nothing about the grace and sexuality of womanhood. I kept all my questions and silent yearnings locked secretly inside my heart...until recently.

The land and age in which I live considers a female a child until the age of eighteen, and thus treats her as such in every aspect. Her innocence is protected this way, but her knowledge and growth are limited as well.

Upon her eighteenth birthday a girl is 'given' to a Mistress, chosen by her parents, to be taught the ways of being a woman. She becomes the property of this Mistress until the Mistress decides her slave/student has fully become a woman, deserving the title of 'Mistress' for herself. If the Mistress happens to fall in love with the girl she may keep her indefinitely, using her in any and all ways she might desire. Should the girl become too insolent, or otherwise troublesome, the Mistress may punish her in any way she sees fit. Usually, restraint or occasional beatings will suffice to keep the girl properly servile, but if not, the Mistress is free to sell her or to give her away. A good Mistress may also choose to reward her slave's efforts at learning subservience, obedience, and the high art of femininity.

I've read tales of evil, abusive mistresses, and of wonderful, caring ones, of spoiled, impudent slaves, and of eagerly submissive ones. My own Mistress has now owned me since my birthday four months ago, and is among the very best; much better in fact than I could have hoped for.

My time with Mistress began with a letter from Father on the morning of my big day. It read,Happy birthday Princess Veronica. I last saw you as an innocent, young girl and I will only see you again when you have perchance become a true woman. As you know, I've chosen a Mistress to become your new owner as of today. She will arrive this morning by carriage to gather you and your things and return to her distant estate, known as Deepwood Manor. I will have no further contact with you unless she chooses to release you someday as a free woman. I expect you to maintain honor of the name 'Fallon' by doing your best to please her and to learn from her. I wish you all the best on your journey to womanhood. Warm regards, Father.

Although I did indeed know well of the vast changes in store for me on this day, his words made it suddenly all too real in my heart. I felt a contrasting mixture of longing curiosity, tense excitement, and deep foreboding. I was fearful of so much newness but eager for it as well. I was almost breathless with a strange, conflicted type of anticipation.

I soon heard the clatter of hooves on the cobblestones below and peeked out my high window to see the woman of my destined future, the one who would own and control me forthwith from this day. She stepped confidently down from the carriage in her tight, black leather boots, which ran all the way up inside her short, matching skirt. Her light auburn hair cascaded around the shoulders of her open, ankle-length, black calfskin long-coat. She looked so beautifully imposing that I felt my stomach quiver and twist with mixed emotions. She all but ignored the waiting servants as she boldly climbed the wide, stone steps, and entered my childhood refuge. I felt that childhood slipping quickly away.

My room was in the top of the castle tower, several stories up, which made me have to strain at my cracked door to hear the voices below. I was waiting to be summoned by my father's staff, when instead, I heard the murmured voices cease, replaced with the echo of the Lady's boots as she began to rise the spiral staircase to my private quarters. My emotions were suddenly no longer ambiguous. Only fear reverberated inside my chest now, the thumping of my heart keeping nearly perfect time with her authoritative footsteps.

She entered without knocking and didn't say a word. I felt quite intimidated, and merely gazed at her in humbled awe. She brazenly looked me up and down for a long moment before her frown turned to a steely smile. She introduced herself, her voice dripping with molten ice, her face a mask of stone, "I am Mistress Kathryn, your new keeper. From this day forward, you will do exactly as I command. To show your understanding of this fact, and your compliance to it, you will begin by kneeling down and kissing my boots."

Eager to do well, I responded meekly, "Yes ma'am," and swiftly knelt down in front of her. I then bent lower, with my face all the way to the cold floor, and kissed every inch of her sinister looking boots.How incredibly embarrassing,I thought, not for the last time.

Her voice softened slightly, "Very good Veronica. If you always respond so obediently, you will become quite a delicious little plaything to me, and eventually a woman of grace and charm in your own right. Now rise and let us be off." I followed her, my head bowed down timidly. I stole a quick glance at the warm, soft comfort of my childhood room, wondering if I might ever see it again.

My handmaiden was to have packed only my clothing and jewelry for use in my new internment. It was apparent I would not need, nor be allowed, my precious books or other entertainments. By the time Mistress led me down to the shiny, black carriage, my now former servants had already loaded and lashed my trunks to it. We left without a word spoken to, or from, my father's staff. The sky darkened with gathering clouds as we set off. I imagined they smelled like the strong leather aroma emanating from my Mistress in black.

My new owner simply stared coolly at me for the first few miles, like the mere possession I had just become. I looked more fully upon her beauty and saw the epitome of 'woman' within her. Her shining green eyes held a complexity I couldn't begin to fathom. She emanated a timeless kind of beauty, making it hard to determine her age. I guessed she was about ten or twelve years older than I was. She was calm, cool, and collected, but I could still somehow see the burning passion beneath her icy exterior. The fear remained in my heart, but I now also felt a moistening desire much lower my body. I shivered from both.

Finally satisfied that she'd seen what she had sought to know of me, she nodded and reached into a pocket of her long coat. She produced a heavy, padded, black leather collar, and held it open towards me. Instinctively, as if I had expected it, I lifted my long, fire-blond hair and humbly bent forward to receive the daunting device around my neck.

Mistress Kathryn tilted her head back slightly, looking down her perfect nose at me. She began to speak; her voice stern and commanding to show she was, and will henceforth be, in complete control. "You are to remain wearing this collar, this symbol of your servitude, at all times unless bathing or wearing a necklaceI'vechosen for you to wear instead. You are to address me only as; 'Mistress,' 'Milady,' 'Madame,' 'Ma'am,' or 'Goddess,' and you must then wait for my acknowledgement before speaking further. You are to obey my each and every command to the best of your ability. I willperhapsreward you for showing proper subservience, and I will mostdefinitelypunish your lack of it. I will teach you the art of being a woman and I expect you to express your growing femininity as much as possible. You are to make yourself as pretty as you can for me, and especially in my favorite colors for you—'virgin white' or 'baby-doll pink'." She then added with a leering expression, "You will forget your silly notions of what is right and wrong, or good and bad. I alone will make those distinctions for you until you've been adequately educated."

I was captured by her powerful aura as she spoke. She seemed the very quintessence of true, pure womanhood, but she somehow possessed a rather masculine quality as well. She radiated an unusual, smoldering sexuality all her own. I was already becoming entranced with her.

The pale shadows gradually deepened and lengthened on our long ride. Mistress used the time to include further details of my future with her. "Most of my orders to you will serve a useful purpose towards your education, but some may also be just to enhance your submission to me. Still others may even be simply for my own amusement. Whatever the reason, they are never yours to question or deny. I will sometimes bind you in ropes, or shackles and chains, beat you for no apparent reason, or use your body in any sordid manner that suits me. I'll see that you're fed properly, to maintain your health and your firm, tantalizing figure. From me you will learn the secrets of skin-care, hair-care, cosmetics, and other feminine body maintenances. I will teach you the refined social graces necessary for when I eventually allow you to interact with others of my choosing. Together we'll explore every facet of your barely imagined sexuality. As it expands, and you eventually lose your girlish inhibitions, you'll learn how to seduce and enchant any man or woman you might desire. As my slave, my property, my sexual toy, your willful ego will be broken and then slowly reformed as a richer, stronger aspect of yourself. The only real choice you will have in any of this will be how difficult and painful you make it by resisting me, or by clinging to your childish fears, or, how easy and pleasurable you choose it to be instead. You will know you're on the right path when you are able to view and face your fears, and your pains, as the truegiftsthat they are. Either way you are mine and you will indeed learn from the wisdom of my teachings, however long it may take. It would be to your great advantage, my dear, to consider this a privilege and an honor."

Mistress paused, hinted at a smile, and then stunned me by adding, "You are the prettiest little morsel I have ever seen, and that if you are an apt, obedient pupil, all my friends would soon be lusting for your delights." Hearing this, my heart skipped several beats and I could suddenly smell my damp panties permeating the confines of our moving parlor.

For the last several miles of our journey, I was lost in a dreamy haze of things to come, only shaken from it when I noticed that we'd finally stopped moving. Mistress Kathryn immediately demanded that I remove my shoes, dress, and under garments, and leave them in the carriage. She then produced a pair of stout leather wrist cuffs that matched my collar, buckled them to my wrists, clipped them securely behind my back, and then attached a chained dog leash to my collar. I had never felt so exposed, vulnerable and frightened before!

Mistress opened the door and eased fluidly to the ground, giving my leash a light tug as she turned. I stepped awkwardly and shakily from her buggy, the chill evening air a glaring reminder of my nudity. As my eyes rose they opened wide to the sight of what appeared to be over thirty servants lining both sides of the steps leading up to Milady's grand, stone mansion—all looking directly at my helpless nudity. A hot wave of humiliation passed from my head to my toes and back again. A few of the women and girls giggled, men smiled, two stable boys winked, and the large, handsome horseman next to me grunted in lascivious approval. After they'd all received a good, long eyeful of my bare, reddening flesh, Mistress made an announcement, "Behold my new slave-girl. Her name is Veronica Fallon. However, she is only to be calledslaveby any of you needing to address her directly. I expect you to treat her no better or worse than any of my household pets." Mistress then bade me follow her into her vast abode—and into my new life.

Leading me by my leash, my Mistress gave me a brief tour of the main areas of her extraordinary mansion. Wide halls opened to large, high-ceilinged rooms. Each was decorated with sensual simplicity, the masculine stone and woodworks balanced well by soft fabrics, lush houseplants, erotic artwork, and glowing candlelight. Various pleasant smells floated throughout each area. Lovely, flowery aromas in one room blended gently into exotic, spicy scents in others. The subtle richness of it all felt almost majestic, yet warmly comfortable as well.

I followed closely as she took me upstairs and into her personal suite. It was more lavishly ornamented, with silk, satin, and felt tapestries, plush furnishings, and fluffy pillows all around. Only her bed seemed somewhat out-of-place. Tall posts supported heavy wooden beams high above the bedding, with iron eyebolts protruding every foot or so. Black leather covered a wide, heavily padded, waist-high footboard. Mistress pulled aside a large curtain on the wall beside the bed, revealing many pegs draped with varying lengths of ropes and chains. I finally grasped the connection between the eyebolts and their placement on the bed frame—she could restrain my body in any number of immodest positions, each more mortifying than the last. Mistress opened another curtain on the other side and it showed a vast assortment of paddles, whips, floggers and riding crops. I shuddered to think of her using them on my soft behind!

Mistress Kathryn showed me a small bed against the far wall from hers, plump with pink satin and surrounded by delicate chiffon netting. She said I would sleep here unless she had use for me in her own—or in someone else's bed. A door near my bed opened to a room-sized closet, where soon, her servants would neatly place all my pretty clothes. Another led to a huge, tiled bathroom with an enormous sunken tub and a steaming waterfall shower. A wall-rack held bottles and bottles of rare, scented oils. She told me they came from all over the world. There were small groupings of candles placed here and there, casting a soft, warm ambience about the space. Here is where I would begin each day from now on. These two rooms would be my main classrooms for a while.

Back inside her chamber, Mistress pulled a hanging, woven fabric rope. Somewhere in the depths of her vast abode, unheard by us, a bell rang, summoning a servant to come attend her needs. A pretty girl, my age or slightly older, soon entered saying, "Yes Milady?" She was petite, with small features, and had thick layers of dark hair falling to her waist. Her smoky blue eyes held a calm, sultry intensity. She radiated pure and potent sexuality, and I was immediately drawn to her.

Mistress clearly defined our respective rolls as she introduced her to me. "This enticing seductress before you is named Simone. She will serve as your own personal handmaiden from now on. She will bathe you daily and attend to you in other ways each day, as needed—but only frommydirections, never from yours. I'm sure I needn't remind you that you are nothing but a mere slave now, and as such, you are beneath everyone and may give orders to no one at all...not even to my hounds in fact."

I nodded my understanding as she turned to Simone and continued, "And this, Simone, is theformerPrincess Veronica. I acquired her this very morning, stripped her of her illustrious title, and reduced her to the lowest status of subordination. I trust you will behave yourself with her in my absences."

"But of course I will Madame, even though she looks to be quite a hard delicacy to resist." Simone stated, glancing at me sideways through half-lidded eyes, and licking her plump, sensuous lips. "I only hope you'll consider me for any, err...speciallessons she may have need of." Simone then turned more fully my way and greeted me with a curtsy and a sly grin, "Very nice to meet you Missy—I mean—slaveVeronica."

I felt awkwardly flattered and gave her a warm thank you. Mistress dismissed her and ordered me to quickly freshen up before dinner.

When I re-entered her chamber, my owner was smoothing a long, dark crimson, velvet gown on her bed. After removing my leash but leaving my collar in place, she held the garment up, and told me to get dressed. As I slipped into the gown she said that others would put my clothes away while we dined. I felt elegant in the fine gown (with nothing on underneath) and even more so as I slid a new pair of sexy, black heels onto my feet.

I followed Mistress to the dining room, and then sat across from her as we ate. She observed me closely, apparently gauging my table manners and my gracefulness with her fine china. "I'll be watching you throughout the next few days," she finally said, "to determine in which areas you'll require the most education. Now little Miss, I want you to tell me all about your sex-life before I arrived to claim you.

Her abruptness caught me off guard and I nearly choked on my dessert! I stammered and blushed deeply as I replied, "W... well Ma'am, I, um, don't really know much about sex. No one ever talked to me about it and my library hadn't any books on the subject, other than archaic medical journals. I suppose all I actually know about...those things, is what little I've gleaned from sneaking peeks through cracked doors in my father's castle. I've seen chambermaids a few times, kissing or touching each other's naked bodies. Other times, I've caught glimpses of them with male servants moving on top of them. Once I even watched secretly as two of our stable boys made love together in an unused outbuilding—now that one took my breath away! Sometimes after watching those scenes, later, alone in my bed, I'd imagine their entwined bodies while touching myself. Anyway, aside from making my own...um,muffinfeel good, I know very little about how things actually work."

Madame Kathryn just smiled wickedly as she licked a dab of cherry cream from her finger.

After a long pull from her mug of wine my keeper replied, "Hmm, just as well that you're basically ignorant about sex little girl—less falsehoods we'll have to work through. Now, the first thing you should know is that a woman's sexuality is the most deeply profound part of her femininity. It lies at the very core of her 'magic'. Your own sexual growth will be most essential to your overall development. Your lessons in that area will bring delights you could never have imagined, sensations you'd never dreamed were possible. They will eventually give you the ability to drive any man or woman insane with pleasure. Oh, and by the way, it's commonly referred to as a 'pussy' or a 'cunt',notas a 'muffin'. The sooner you give up your prudish sensibilities, the sooner you'll adjust to your new adventure here."


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