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Intrepid Pawns Ch. 17

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Sugary temptations make the Hive a risky place to linger.
6.5k words

Part 17 of the 17 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 08/07/2015
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Kentri gasped, her fists clenching, her shoulders pressed tightly against the smooth walls of the alcove. Her wide eyes were fixed hopelessly upon the pretty silken tapestry before her--a delicate veil that would only half-conceal them from any prying eyes that fell upon them. The mere thought of prying eyes made her knees wobble.

She heard Tsimpi, kneeling between her legs, purr in amusement. "Aww, buckling already, my Captain? But how will you learn restraint--" *lick* "--if you don't practice endurance?" *lick*

"Tsi-Tsimpi," Kentri whimpered, but her voice failed her. It was all she could do to cling for dear life as her second-in-command daintily licked between her legs, cooing between every little stroke of her delicate tongue.

Kentri was normally an imposing presence, a statuesque High Fey warrior captain with wide, generous heart-shaped hips and biceps that could rival a wiry trollmaid's. But her weighty braid of solid sunlight was currently being used as a handle to keep here in place, and her titanic, divine naked tits bounced and jiggled with her every panting breath. Right now her gleaming golden eyes were wide and glazed with pleasure, her beestung amber lips parted and trickling a thin trail of drool from the corner. Were her eyes not a solid insectile gold, they would surely be crossed.

Her bodice had been ripped away and left in a tattered mess nearby. Surely a strong, dominant captan like her wouldn't need it, her lieutenant had cooed... as she'd started to lick.

"Tsimpi, p-please," she managed, before her words broke into a strangled cry and orgasm swept through her again. Her whole body rocked, and she mewled as Tsimpi gleefully lapped up every last drop of Kentri's most submissive, intimate ambrosia.

"Please what, Kentri?" Tsimpi cocked her head innocently up at her, licking her lips and fingers clean. She had a big, lovely, guileless smile on that wickedly angelic face.

Kentri knew how important it was that she remain silent. The kissing alcoves were for Thriae to toy with their drones, their mead sprites--but not with other Thriae warriors and workers. Especially not commanding officers. Commanding officers were supposed to... to command. If she made so much as a peep above speaking level, and if a Thriae or two (or three, or four) happened to be walking by, and if one of them happened to get curious and glance inside...

The life of a drone was a mix of constant pleasure and constant torment. Kentri's breath caught at the thought of being turned into Kentri's toy--of being anyone's toy, being used and played with until she could only beg for more, of being left denied whenever she didn't beg sweetly enough... or worse, of being left denied whenever she begged too cutely and it amused the Thriae using her more to leave her a whimpering, pleading mess in their bed.

The thought made her whole body go weak and boneless, and she desperately forced her knees to lock as Tsimpi went back in to continue her exquisite torture.

"You were--mm--being sooo, like--mwah~--silly back there, Captain," Tsimpi said sweetly, punctuating her words with tiny licks and generous kisses right on Kentri's dripping pussy lips. "Getting--mmm!--hurt by mortals! Captured by --mwah~--by catgirls!" She grinned up at Kentri. "And you didn't even manage to catch a single one of them, did you?"

"I--I--" Kentri whined. She clapped her palm to her lips, desperate to cover her cries of pleasure. Tsimpi always knew just how to toy with her, how to break her, how to draw out every little humiliating squeal and scream as loud as possible. And right now, more than ever, Kentri needed to stay quiet.

They'd both be in trouble if they were found out, of course. Tsimpi would get told off for field insubordination. Maybe she'd even get punished, assigned to boring unrewarding duties, have her two drones reassigned.

But Kentri would get owned.

"And this after all your little talk about us being better than mortals, too~!" Tsimpi smirked. "For all your boasting to those humans, you sure did give in easy to them."

"N-Nnuh," Kentri slurred, her head spinning with lust. She stared down at Tsimpi. Oh, she wanted so badly to agree. To degrade herself. To beg. To grovel.

She knew it would only encourage Tsimpi to double her torments.

She couldn't.

She mustn't.

"You need to be taught a lesson, I think," Tsimpi purred. "And it's just the perfect job for your loyal--"*lick* "--faithful--"*lick* "--devoted lieutenant, isn't it?"

"Y-Yes," Kentri whined. Almost all pretense of Tsimpi being the follower and Kentri being the leader had fully evaporated now, and she knew that if she sank to the ground, she would be Tsimpi's for the rest of the day, lost to Tsimpi's sweet touch. She had to prove she could withstand this, or she was doomed. Tsimpi was only being so reckless because she knew Kentri wouldn't dare give in.

Tsimpi wanted her to hold on. In a way, Kentri thought, swallowing, she was being a good girl this way.

She wasn't resisting at all.

"It's a heavy burden, of course," Tsimpi lamented. "After all, you're sooo, like, smart and strong. If you can't resist..." Her tongue lapped at Kentri's clit, again and again and again. "... whoever can?


"Me?" Tsimpi beamed innocently, her expression as pure as the honey trickling from her lips. "Aw, that's sweet, my totally gorgeous Captain, but I'm just here to obey your commands."

She leaned in and slowly set her lips against Kentri's pussy lips. It was a deep, passionate kiss, her lips smacking lewdly as her tongue slipped inside. She moaned happily at Kentri's taste.

Kentri lost control. Pleasure assaulted her body like hailstones, and her whole form rocked and thrashed. She realized she'd started sucking on her fingers only when they barely suppressed her brainless bimbo squeal of ecstasy. Her fifth orgasm that day was almost unbearable.

The waves of pleasure lapped teasingly at her shores, slowly subsided. Her body went nearly limp. She was barely still standing.

Her whole vision was blurry as Tsimpi pulled back. Her gorgeous second-in-command wore an unbearably condescending smirk. "So give me one~"

Kentri stared helplessly. Yes. A command. An order. Take control. Show Tsimpi. Do as Tsimpi said. Command Tsimpi.

She babbled incoherently. She babbled and burbled and sucked and moaned and struggled with every last ounce of muscle control she had to keep what shreds of balance she had left.

"Hm? Huh? I can't understand you, Kentri, honey." Tsimpi blinked big, thick-lashed eyes. "Gosh, Captain, can you speak up so everyone can hear?"

Her finger climbed casually up Kentri's half-naked body to tease over Kentri's dripping nipple, pinch it, stroke it.

Kentri moaned.

Tsimpi's oozing-sweet tones could melt glaciers into puddles. "Use your words~"

Kentri whimpered.

She knew that she would say whatever Tsimpi wanted to hear in this state--anything for Tsimpi's touch. Admit anything. Do anything. Scream anything. Squeal anything like the slutty little brainless bimbo she was, like the dumb horny toy she needed to be, like Tsimpi's obedient little mewling drooling drone.

All it would take was one



So when Tsimpi smiled triumphantly, rose up, and offered Kentri her fingers to suck instead--still dripping with Kentri's honey--Kentri accepted them docilely without a single whimper or complaint.

She sucked, and sucked, and gazed at Tsimpi in rapturous gratitude.

"I thought so," Tsimpi cooed. "You've clearly learned your lesson, haven't you?"

Kentri whined. And sucked. And licked. And slurped. Gods, her own pussy tasted so good. Or maybe it was that unbearably smug smile on Tsimpi's breathtakingly angelic face. That smile made everything taste sweeter. She was so grateful to Tsimpi for 'sparing' her, pathetically so. She would do anything in that moment for Tsimpi, and they both knew it.

She managed to nod.

"Good girl!" Tsimpi cooed, and Kentri moaned and rubbed her thighs together needily. "Aww, I'm sooo happy I was able to help!"

Kentri kept meekly sucking on the honey-dripping fingers right up until Tsimpi pulled them out. They emerged with a slight popping sound, newly cleaned. Tsimpi winked. "Anytime~"

Kentri panted and drooled and whimpered. She wanted more, so, so badly. But she managed to stay silent. As long as Tsimpi spared Kentri her touch, Kentri could almost--almost--resist Tsimpi's charms. And that...

Tsimpi reached up to pet Kentri's hair with the same hand. Kentri moaned and nudged her head against the hand eagerly, desperately, craving the affection.

... that was why Tsimpi never stopped touching her.

And why, Kentri thought, as her cheeks burned in shame, Kentri always let her.

She nuzzled Tsimpi's hand and couldn't help but giggle. It always felt so nice to give in, to trust. It didn't come easy to any Thriae, but... oh, gods, the secret, perverse delight of losing... damnation had become heaven for Kentri. In this moment, Kentri was just so, so happy that she had Tsimpi all to her...

"Well, I'll be right back, cutie!"

Kentri blinked. "H-Huh?"

Tsimpi drew away, flashing Kentri a sly grin. "Lucky for us that 'we' at least caught those catgirls, huh? We'll at least have something to show the Queen. I'll go present them, while you..." She licked her lips. "... recover~"

Kentri nodded weakly, not trusting herself to speak.

Tsimpi giggled, smirked knowingly, and reached for Kentri's hand.

Slowly, as Kentri's eyes widened in dawning horror, she found her hand guided down right between her legs.

"Don't do anything too naughty," Tsimpi cooed, "until I get back to help make it worse, my Captain~"

Instantly, shamelessly, helpless to resist, Kentri began to masturbate.

Tsimpi squealed her delight, bouncing and clapping her hands. "Oh my gosh, like, you're so--mm." She made a show of clearing her throat. "Well, Captain, I'm sure you know best." She winked. "See you soon!"

She swept under the tapestry and disappeared from sight, leaving Kentri alone to fuck herself silly.

Kentri gasped and squirmed. She needed to stop. She couldn't risk cumming--not with how loud she was getting. She couldn't risk cumming, and that meant edging.

Endless, stupid edging.

And she knew what that could mean. She knew that if Tsimpi came back and found her playing with herself like this, stupid and self-bimbified, a dumb horny bimbo slut, edge-dumb and blissed out and desperate for touch...

The thought made her eyes cross, and the Thriae's tongue lolled with pleasure.

She imagined being found in this adorable brainless state. Drooling, edging, barely containing her whimpers as she humped her hand like a depraved little whore. A cute, weak, helpless little slut.

She stroked faster, reached up and pinched and played with a nipple. Anyone, she thought in secret delight, would be able to bring her to heel like this. Tsimpi. Another Thriae. A whole group of Thriae.

She panted. A... a Thriae drone, even, submisive and hopelessly desperate to please but stll stronger than dumb, slutty Kentri... and then the drone's owner would find her, and she'd be--she'd be--

She tweaked a nipple, moaned and mewled, rubbed her clit, squeaked, cooed. Anyone could have her. Anyone could own her. Even a mead sprite--

The curtain concealing the kissing alcove swept aside.

Kentri froze, staring up in sudden horrified panic.

But her hand didn't stop.

The Thriae stared up in horror, in humiliation, and stroked faster, unable to contain a whimper as she met the eyes of a very familiar woman of such unbearable beauty her whole mind went molten with pleasure and she could contain herself no longer and--


--and she came, stifling her squeals desperately with a hand as she rocked and bucked against and grinded against her own fingers. She moaned and drooled around her hand, collapsing onto the floor and writhing in bliss, staring up at the two humans in pure, stupid desire. No other thoughts seemed to matter anymore. She let herself be capsized, taken under, submerged beneath rolling waves of pleasure, and all those boring thoughts of resistance and dignity and control seemed to be washed away by the tides. Her shame only heightened her delight.

It was only as her orgasm started to subside, and the nice glaze of afterglow set in, that she started to look up at the hot one--Yathi, it had been, right?--and feel a pinch of dread in her gut.

That pinch of dread became a knot of fear as she saw the two humans look at her, exchange looks with one another, and smile.

~ ~ ~ ~


Brist gasped and whimpered into the soft, slightly sticky kiss of the gorgeous blonde mead sprite before him. Emberli purred against him, clutching him tightly, greedily. Behind him Primme, the other sprite, gripped his hips to keep him from squirming and covered his neck in kisses.

They had him pinned between them in the kissing alcove. His cock rubbed torturously against Emberli's silken white slip.

He wasn't going anywhere.

But... but he needed to go somewhere, he knew dimly, dully. The Thriae had gone back into the bathchamber, and now might be his only chance. The others were doubtless going to leave soon, and if they found him like this...

He whimpered at the thought and bucked instinctively against the soft, warm thigh. She cooed, pulling back from the kiss and batting her eyelashes seductively. Helpless gasps of pleasure spilled from him as she raised her leg and rubbed her thigh deliberately against his cock. Hump away, those bright honey-glazed eyes said.

"Go on," Primme said. "You wanna feel gooood, don't you, silly boy?"

"nn... no..."

"Wanna feel good," Emberli echoed with a bubbly laugh. She leaned in close, reached behind him to cup Primme's ass and squeeze him between them, and gave him another sticky kiss--her lips smacking sweetly against his, her moans trickling into his ears, her nimble little tongue slipping into his mouth and lathering his tongue with the honey she was addicted to.

Feel good. His mind seized on the delectable thought as he whimpered and ground helplessly, unable to help himself. The smell was delectable, intoxicating, and he only then realized that his taste and smell were back in full force.

Mew's spell had broken.

But so little of him remained to care. His cock rubbed with aching slowness against Emberli's thigh, slick with precum, and with the honey she was covered in down there. He moaned, molten pleasure babbling through his mind like a slow-flowing brook of honey.

"Yeah?" Emberli sang in his ear. "You like that, cuuutie?"

Brist gasped as she rubbed her thigh slowly, teasingly along his shaft. Oh, gods, no, he couldn't--

"Oh, he loooves it," chimed Primme, and their teasing giggles echoed in his ears as they showered his face and neck with sweet, sugary kisses. He barely held in his cries as their lips smacked over his bare skin, such wet, sensuous kisses, leaving little honey lipstick marks all over him.

He whined and keened softly, trying and failing to stop his shameful humping. His face was so hot, but not as hot as the rest of him, trapped between two such intoxicating blonde bombshells.

They were just sprites. Mead sprites. He wriggled helplessly and whined as they ground their hot little bodies against him. They barely... barely even had mind control...

He drooled as their kisses traveled down his neck until their lips met on his left shoulder. The silly bimbos actually got distracted briefly kissing one another, the wet, smacking sounds of their kisses right in his ear almost a little hypnotic. They were petty sprites, not even as dominant as Thriae drones.

And he was giving in to them.

"Gooood boy," they chimed in tandem in each of his ears, and gave girlish giggles as his cock twitched and dribbled.

"Aww, he likes being a good boy!" exclaimed Emberlii. She cooed wordlessly. "Good boy! Oooh, that's a good boy!"

He was, he realized--heart racing as his humiliating humping sped up, whimpering as their degrading praise only made him more and more aroused--going to let them make him cum.

His whole mind was awash in sugar. Was this what mead addiction felt like, he wondered? No, it couldn't be. These were only sprites. They didn't carry true mead.

Which meant...

He panted and drooled and bucked. He was giving in to basically nothing.

Nothing except feeling good.

And that embarrassing thought only made him hump harder.

"Gosh, like," Emberli cooed up at him with a big, happy smile, "usually everyone here just pushes us around!" It was like they were reading his mind. She smirked and grinded her knee up against him, and he mewled in pleasure. "But you're being, like..."

"... ssssooooo good for us," Primme gushed in his ear, nibbling his earlobe and making him cry out--luckily, her hand shot forward to stifle the cry.

"So eager," Emberli teased, reaching down to stroke one little delicate finger over his throbbing, drooling cock's tip. "You're, like, some kinda little sprite toy!"

Bubbles of gleeful bimbo laughter rose between them at this, and his cheeks burned in embarrassment.

His hips gave a tiny thrust.

They stopped laughing.

"Oh. My. Gosh." Emberli's eyes were wide. "Did you see that?"

Brist whimpered into the hand covering his mouth. Sticky and sweet. Primme had been... she'd been touching herself with it.

"Did he actually twitch?" Primme crowed. "Oh my goshhh, like, is he... is he getting off to getting all embarrassed?"

He squeaked.

"He is! He is!" Emberli's voice was a squeal of glee. "I saw it twitch again! Oh-em-gee, that's... like..."

"SOOOO CUUUUTE!~" they cooed together in his ears, and his cock dripped and leaked.

"He's just so excited to give into the weakest fey around," Emberli smirked at him with a pleased glint in those dumb honey-drunk eyes. "He wants to be ours."

"He's being so good, too... " Primme sighed. "... maybe we should give him what he wants?"

Brist's breath caught. He looked between the two of them, his heart starting to race. Their eyes were affixed on his dribbling cock as it rubbed over Emberli's thigh.

"I mean," Primme continued, her voice unbearably smug, "he's just humping away like a cute little puppy! What if we made him, like, cum his dummy cummy brains out from that?"

"Oh my gosh," Emberli cooed in his ear, "sooo embarrassing!"

He whimpered a protestation into Primme's hand.

At least, he prayed it was a protestation.

"That's it, then." Primme sounded matter-of-fact now as she groped his ass and helped--made him buck faster. "We make him cum-cum-cum so he gets to feel nice and humiliated by two pretty girls!"


"He'll look soooo cute and, like, pathetic and stuff," Emberli sang, grinding her knee against his cock in time with his thrusts until he could barely breath. "Just like he wants!" Her honey-slick thigh felt exquisite against his bare skin... "He'll, like, basically just melt for us!" She batted her eyelashes at him. "Right, cutie?"

Brist was panting, drooling...

"It's mead sprite's job to make everyone here feel gooood," Primme purred in his ear. "We might be toootal dummies, but I bet you wanna be even dumber, don't you?"

He squeaked and whimpered. No, no, no, he had to...


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