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Intrigued Ch. 03

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She is what she is... and this is why.
3.1k words

Part 3 of the 14 part series

Updated 10/29/2022
Created 08/12/2011
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April 12, 1922

It was a full house. People were dancing, shouting, and having a great time. Everyone was eager to see the beautiful, Raven Hart in person.

Raven was sitting in her dressing room, drenched in sweat and trying to control her breathing. She peeked outside, observing the crowd.

"I cannot do this, I cannot do this," she whispered over and over again, her pulse quickening with anxiety.

"Yes, you can, Raven. You do this every night you have a show," her friend, make-up artist, and hair-stylist, Eddie said as he pulled her into the chair. "Let me help you skip through all of this nonsense," he began, "You're going to worry yourself sick, I'm going to make you feel better, you're going to knock their socks off, then we'll do it all over again next weekend."

Raven felt her cheeks flush at his words, knowing that he was right. She slowly began to breathe normally as he applied the make-up to her face. She felt a sense of calm spread over her as he painted on, what she felt, was a new identity... She felt the shy, twenty-two year old girl disappear into her subconsciousness. She was now Raven Hart: The Star.

Her entire demeanor changed as she observed herself in the large mirror and Eddie could sense it. It was amazing how a little make-up could completely transform her into a totally different person...

"Now that's what I'm talkin' about," Eddie said with a smile as he clapped enthusiastically.

She looked over her shoulder with a smirk and threw her shoulders back and strutted confidently on stage. She started the show with the usual 'How ya doin?' and 'I hope yall have a good time', temporarily pocketing her proper way of speaking to match her crowd.

When the music started, she belted out the lyrics like she was born to be on stage, even boldly walking offstage to sing to a few gentlemen in the audience. As she was wrapping up the show with her final song, April Showers, she saw him: pale, stern, and focused intently on her. His fair skin made him stand out like a sore thumb among the sea of dark faces, staring up at her. He was frightening, he was beautiful... unbelievably so. Too beautiful to be there alone, sitting there in the corner, ogling her. It was odd how she had to force herself to look away from him numerous times during the song.

"Whenever April Showers come a-long..." she ended with a smile. A roar of applause and cheering flooded the room, she blew the audience a kiss, waved, and thanked the crowd for coming and wished them a safe trip home.

She walked into her backstage dressing room, closing the door behind her. She took off her heels: her feet ached, she sipped some water: her throat hurt, and she leaned on the sink: she was exhausted, but she was happy. Pride bubbled to her brim, she looked in the mirror and smiled at the beautiful woman that stared back at her.

She turned on the water and began to wash her face. Along with the make-up, she washed away confidence and pride, she washed away hopes and dreams. She looked at the same mirror that once contained the beautiful belle, now harboring what she felt, was plain, old Raven. She grabbed her towel, dried her face, and looked into the mirror. She jumped to her feet, her heart skipping a beat, and her scream lodging in her throat when she saw the beautiful, pale gentleman from the audience staring back at her with a menacing grin.

"Hello, Raven," he said softly, "you did very well, tonight." He took a step toward her, causing her to back away clumsily.

"Y-you are not supposed to be in here," she managed to choke out, "this is inappropriate, indecent, and not allowed!"

He laughed cruelly, "Honestly, my dear, I do not care what is inappropriate, indecent, or not allowed. I am here to test the boundaries of all three."

Raven's eyes widened in realization, darting around seeking an escape route. She found no other option but the door... With fear gripping her lungs, she darted for the door. Barely making it more than a few feet, she was on the ground, lying face down with his cold body on top of her.

"You cannot run from me, pretty girl," he growled in her ear, licking the lobe, "it is physically impossible for a human to outrun a vampire."

Her heart pounded in her chest with such a fury, she feared it might burst.

"Who are you?" she asked, fearfully, "And why me?"

"It does not matter who I am or why I chose you, the only thing that matters is that I am going to free you, Raven." He said pressing cool kisses to her neck.

"Free me? What do you mean: 'Free me'?" she asked, her voice no more than a whisper.

"I can show you better than tell you, Raven." he smirked, looking into her big, brown eyes, "but I want you to still be warm for this..."

His sharp fangs presented themselves. Upon seeing them, Raven was paralyzed with fear.

He reached between their bodies, freeing his hard cock and pressing it against her covered pussy. She trembled from the cold and terror. "Please do not do this," she begged, "I have never been with a man before."

He released a throaty chuckle, "Do not worry, sweetheart, you will not be with a man tonight, either."

With that, he reached two fingers under her dress, ripping the thin fabric of her panties. He then entered her roughly. Pain seared through her body, she barely let out a whimper before his quick, icy hand covered her mouth as she screamed loudly. Tears fell down her face, to her temples, to her ears as she continued to scream and cry.

He quickly grew tired of the pointless screams, "If you do not shut your fucking mouth this instant, I swear to God, I will rip your fucking throat out!"

Upon hearing his threat, her cries became nothing more than silent sobs as she laid motionless as he continued to rob her of her innocence. After awhile, she felt his body tense up and soon after, felt wave after wave of cool liquid coat her insides. He collapsed on top of her for a moment, spent.

He looked at her and smiled. "You freed me, now it is time for me to return the favor."

Raven did not care anymore, she felt violated and worthless. He could kill her, drain her dry, and leave her for the buzzards for all she cared.

He leaned into her neck and bit into her jugular. She no longer had strength or will to fight him, no more than a whimper left her mouth. He drank for what seemed like hours, when she began to grow cold. It was odd because he seemed to grow warm.

She faded in and out of consciousness until she blacked out....

She opened her eyes and instinctively licked her lips, something delicious was there. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and looked at it: blood.

She sat up dizzily when she saw him sitting in her chair, a wound on his wrist growing smaller before her eyes.

He stood, walking over to her. "One day you will thank me," he said, giving her a peck on the cheek.

He walked out the door, yelling behind him, "Find someone to eat and be inside before dawn." That was the last time she had ever seen him.

When she focused, she felt awesome. She stood up and stretched and walked to the mirror. She saw that beautiful belle in the mirror, yet again, but something was different...

Her eyes were a brighter brown, her skin was smoother, and her hair was silkier. She smiled...she had fangs.

Upon seeing this beautiful creature in the mirror, she swore she would never go back to the insignificant little nothing that she used to be... never again.



I shook the surprisingly non-traumatic memory from my mind. I looked at Keegan, he stared back at me through half-closed eyes, his erection straining against his jeans. His grey eyes pleaded with me. With a smirk, I crawled over to him. I lightly pressed my lips against his, his hands began to roam my body with an urgency that even caught me by surprise.

"Do you want me, Keegan?" I asked, leering into his eyes. "Yesss," he hissed into my ear

"Are you sure?" I pressed, assessing his need. "Yesss," he hissed again.

"Well, then you have to trust me...if you want this to be great for the both of us." He nodded his consent as I ran my tongue over my fangs. I slowly tilted his head to the side to give myself better access to his jugular.

I felt him tense only slightly as I pressed my cool lips to his skin. I continued to kiss his neck, my fangs extended. With no further delay, I sank my fangs into his tattooed skin. He was so delicious and worth the wait.


When she bit me, I expected intense, excruciating pain. Instead, all I felt was her cool mouth enclose my vein and a slight sting. All at once, her small frame began to grow very warm, hot even. Her lips no longer brought goosebumps to my skin. She pulled away, licking away the blood, my blood that was lining her lips. She smiled, her fangs proving to be more of an asset to her beauty than a drawback.

I grabbed her face and kissed her lips, careful to avoid her fangs. It was sort of weird to think about things like not cutting my lip with her fangs, but hey... you live and learn.

I stood up, leaving her sitting on the floor. Her lust- filled, honey brown eyes connected with mine, I gestured for her to follow me. Eagerly, she began to rise to her feet. I flashed a palm to stop her, she looked at me quizzically, then she smiled, undeniably hearing my thought before I said anything. She nodded her understanding... I could get used to this.

I walked across the living room to my bedroom door, Raven crawling at my side, wearing nothing but heels. I opened the bedroom door, walked inside, and sat on the bed. Raven crawled until she met my knees. Between seeing that beautiful, naughty smirk that she wore and the way her eyes roamed over my belt buckle, I knew what she wanted. I, on the other hand, just got my lip sliced open by a fang and I was not about to bank my dick on her self control...


He laid down on the bed, gesturing for me to straddle his clothed body. I did so, loving the way the fabric felt on my nudity. It was too intense! I sat upright with my knees on either side of his hips, undoubtedly drenching him with my excitement. His erection strained uncomfortably against his jeans, I wanted him deep inside me. I grinded my wet pussy on his bulge, he sucked air in between his teeth. He roughly grabbed me by my hair, pulling my head backwards.

"You have things completely fucked up if you think that you're gonna act this way in my house. We're not in that deep, dark alley anymore, Princess. This is my house and in my house, I make the rules, I don't give a fuck how dangerous you are... you're gonna abide by my rules, understood?"

I was completely taken aback by his words, they had a double-effect on me... On one hand, I was pissed off that he felt he could speak this way to me and on the other, I was intensely turned on. Here I was, swearing that I would never go back to the way I once was, and on the same token, I heard a small voice reply: "Yes, Sir."


Hearing this submissive reply coming from such a dominant creature did wonders for my confidence, though I was careful to think thoughts that would never allow her to know this. I released her hair and stood up with her legs wrapped around me. I lowered her to the bed and let my eyes roam her perfect, naked body. I kneaded her tits with my palms and rolled her nipples between my fingertips, squeezing ever so slightly. She inhaled sharply but was sure not to try to grind against me. I released her nipples, swatting her tits firmly as I began to speak:

"Why are you so warm, all of a sudden?" I asked as I tweaked her left nipple.

"I drank your blood...," She began, her strong demeanor restored, "When a vampire is sexually aroused and they drink human blood, the human's blood courses through their veins, causing them to become warm... and feel pleasurable things more intensely." Her breath caught in her throat as I bit down on her left nipple.

"Can you feel pain?" I asked after I released her pink-tinged brown nipple.

"I can only feel pleasurable pain, if you tried to hurt me, I wouldn't be able to feel it, and I would kill you, but I could feel you pulling my hair earlier and you biting my nipples and swatting my breasts and spanking me..." She went on as I wrapped her hair in my hand, pulling her head to the side. I kissed her neck and licked a circle. She smelled amazing... it made me wonder if vampires also released a scent to attract their prey.

"Sweetheart," I began, looking into her eyes that were clouded over with lust.

"Yes?" she said as I sat up and began unbuttoning my shirt.

"I haven't spanked you," I said evenly, her eyes grew wide and her face flushed.

"Do you want me to spank you, Raven?" I asked, feeling extreme excitement at this point, letting my shirt fall to the floor.

She did not reply. Instead, she bit down on her lip seductively and nodded, her eyes fixed on me.

"Open that pretty little mouth and speak words to me!" I shouted, my patience wearing thin as my excitement mounted.

"Yes, Sir," She replied sarcastically, baring her fangs in response to my shouting and as an intimidation factor.

In one motion, I flipped her on her stomach, her perfect ass on display. She was gonna learn... or I was gonna die, one or the other.

"Get your ass up," I growled, giving her ass a firm slap. She obediently brought her knees up and put that amazing ass in just the right spot. I wanted nothing more than to rip my jeans off and sink my dick into her inch by inch.

I brought my hand down on that perfect ass, hearing her draw in a sharp breath. I repeated my action, grabbing her hair and turning her head toward me so I could see that angelic/demonic face of her's as I continued my assault on her ass. Just as I expected, her fangs were still extended, reminding me how dangerous of a situation this was. I finished her punishment with a final swat to her soaked pussy, causing her to let out an inhuman growl .

She exhaled sharply and began to relax. She noticed my sense of calm resurfacing. I couldn't wait anymore...

"I know you're not mine...yet, but you will be and it's only best if we understand how things are gonna be. You know? Make a smoother transition for you."


How dare he? Me? His? What? Our intentions for each other must be incongruent... Had he forgotten that I am a vampire? Did it not occur to him that I lead a life of darkness? I am not simply an animal for claiming, I am an individual!

I was about to voice my frustration when I felt his cock tracing up and down my slit. Shit! It could wait, how often does a vampiress have the opportunity to have sex with a human that she has no intention of killing?


When I first pushed myself inside her, I knew instantly that I had no idea what I was in for! She felt so fucking amazing, it was addicting . It was unlike anything I had ever felt before! For awhile, I couldn't move, I was trying to get used to this incredibly intense sensation.


His thoughts were very confidence-boosting, but I needed more! With the speed and grace that only a vampire could master, I had him on his back. I straddled his hips and slowly lowered myself on to his hard cock. When he was inside of me to his full extent, I began to roll my hips, as if I were trying to get him deeper still.

He grabbed my hips, lifting and lowering me, hitting my g-spot every time. I was in heaven! His hands grazed over my stomach as he neared my swaying breasts. He squeezed them as he thrust himself upward to meet my descent. His moans were an incredible turn-on, to know I was making him feel that good!

"God! She's so amazing! So fucking perfect! I could die like this!" he thought as I began to pick up speed, leaning forward and pinning his hands above his head, letting my hips do all the work.

"Oh fuck, Raven! Just like that! Work those hips, make me cum, Baby!"

Hearing those raunchy words seemed to add fuel to my fire, I leaned down and traced his tattoos with my tongue. He released another deep, throaty moan. I knew he was close. I leaned back and bounced on his cock vigorously. I was in ecstasy. I felt myself tighten around him, pulsating intensely. I felt his cock stiffen inside of me. With a loud groan, he anchored my hips and pushed himself inside me as he released wave after wave of his frustration deep inside of me. It was so hot! Without warning, I let my fangs sink into his flesh, my mouth filling with his blood. After I had my fill, I released his neck and licked the remaining blood from my lips.


I couldn't seem to catch my breath! I was invigorated and exhausted at the same time. Her beautiful face licking my blood from her lips was the last thing I remember seeing before everything went black...

The next morning, everything was absent of Raven. The crack in my wall was gone, everything was as if nothing ever happened. I stood up and walked to my bathroom. My body ached as if every muscle in my body was on fire. She had to be real, I would have never been able to hurt myself this bad. What if I was losing it? Could I really be cracking up?

I looked into my mirror where I saw it, proof that Raven existed. I had two matching puncture marks on my neck. I had to see her again...

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Alpha_MarmAlpha_Marmover 12 years ago
***** and very sexy

She worked the fuck out of him...but then he did her body good, too didn't he?

mBrowmBrowalmost 13 years ago
Very good

The story is hot, and the author has good writing skills, too. Her female perspective brings nice heat!

crazycujocrazycujoalmost 13 years ago
soooo goood!

this story is getting better and better....thanks.

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