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Intrigued Ch. 08

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Revenge and Appreciation.
3.6k words

Part 8 of the 14 part series

Updated 10/29/2022
Created 08/12/2011
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It was not hard for me to find the bitch... It only took me two tries. Her, Keegan, and I were the only ones within a fifty mile radius who still had a semi-fresh scent of Keegan on our skin. First, I went to the Riff, the place reeked of her but she was nowhere to be found. Second, my nose took me to a pretty nice apartment building. It did not take me long to stand outside of her front door. Inside, I heard a conversation. There were two voices: a male and a female.

"...told him that it was his and he didn't want anything to do with us and I got the abortion. He has a girlfriend, now... she's about this tall with brown skin, long black hair, and brown eyes. So I figure if he can't be happy with me, he won't be happy at all," I heard her say.

"So, is it the both of them or just him?" the male voice asked.

"Just him, but if she's there or if she tries to get in the way, her too," she said.

"That's gonna cost you, Jen. I can't put myself out there for cheap, you know?" he said, sighing.

"How much, Russ? I don't have much more free money," she said, sounding a bit down.

"Oh no, Jen... I have something better in mind," he said.

"Russ! I can't do that until I finish bleeding!" she exclaimed.

"Well, what can you do for me?" he asked.

I heard fumbling and after a few seconds, I heard slurping and groans. This was one cruel and nasty bitch! First, she murdered Keegan's child and now she's putting a fucking hit out on him! My hunger had me on edge and I had no idea how much longer I could keep myself from acting on it.

Soon, it sounded like 'Russ' nearing his peak. The room was filled with his loud groans... disgusting. After awhile, they ended their 'meeting' and said their goodbyes. I heard footsteps approaching the door and I pressed myself against the wall, removing myself from sight.

Russ was a tall, black guy with a labret piercing. As soon as the door closed behind him, I swiftly attacked, covering his mouth with my hand and breaking his neck. He fell to the ground with a loud thud. I quickly collected his body and disposed of it in a janitor's closet. Sure, I could have drank from him but I was saving it all for 'Blondie'.

Within seconds, the idiot girl stuck her head outside her door and looked around. When she saw nothing, she exited her apartment to inspect her hall more thoroughly. She left the door open like the dumb victim in a classic horror movie. I almost walked inside at human speed, this was going to be fun. She returned to her apartment and shrugged her shoulders. She locked her door and slid the chain in place. When she turned around, I was behind her.

She let out a squeal when she saw me. Soon, she collected herself. "What the fuck are you doing in my house, Bitch?" she said looking at me as if she wanted to challenge me.

"Well, you broke the man I love, so I decided that I was going to break you to even the score," I replied cooly.

"Why don't you just stay the fuck out of shit that has nothing to do with you, Sweetheart?" she said with a smirk.

"From what I heard between you and 'Russ' earlier, this has everything to with me, you homicidal bitch! Killing his fucking child was not enough for you? You had to go out and hire someone to kill him, too?" I asked, watching her jaw drop.

"What the fuck were you doing, spying on me? You know too much, Honey, I'm gonna have to kill you myself," she said, pulling a knife from a drawer. I could not contain the joy that I was feeling right now... I had not had a good, old-fashioned brawl since, well, ever. However,I knew the fun could not last, I was starving.

She charged at me with a shriek, but I was too fast for her. I simply stepped to the side and she ran past me. This happened a few more times before she got tired.

"Are you finished playing games, yet?" I asked, laughing.

"Who the fuck's playing, Cunt? You're the one that keeps avoiding me," she said, staring daggers at me.

"Would you like this to end quickly, Doll? I was trying to give you a chance," I said, raising my eyebrows.

"Let's fucking settle this," she said, switching the knife to the other hand and charging at me again.

This time, I stepped aside again and I tripped her. She fell landing on the knife. She was still alive, in lots of pain, but still alive. Her blood was not on my hands. This death was an accident. I walked over to her body and used my foot to roll her on her back. I sat beside her and looked down at her face, her wide, scared green eyes, the sweat beading on her forehead, the blood pooling in her mouth, and her ragged breathing. She was suffering, just as Keegan was suffering and I was loving every minute of it.

"Did your mother not teach you that it was unsafe to run with sharp objects?" I asked with a smirk. The hunger was now unbearable, I extended my fangs.

Her eyes widened again and her voice was almost a whisper: "What the fuck are you?" she asked as I enclosed her jugular in my mouth. I did not have to drink for long before she was gone. I stood up and looked down at her lifeless body. I fought the near irresistible urge to spit on her only because that was not ladylike. I looked down at myself, I was covered in her blood, it was not the first time and it would not be the last that I went home drenched in blood.

Soon, I was back in the night, on my way back to Keegan. I entered through the balcony door as usual. Keegan was still in bed, where I left him. He must have heard me come in. He turned on the light on the bedside table and looked me up and down. "What happened?" he asked with a sigh.

"She put a hit out on you, I killed the hitman, and she fell on a knife... running around with it like an idiot," I said, shrugging.

"She did what? You know what? I don't even care anymore. Just take a shower, change clothes, and come to bed," he said wearily.

I did just that. It was near dawn and I was getting exhausted! For the first time, we slept together, with no worries about tomorrow. I knew at that moment, that I would do anything for him and he would do the same for me.


When I woke up, I silently laid in bed. My arms wrapped around Raven's waist. I pulled her small, cold frame close to me and pictured the way she looked when she came in: covered in Jenna's blood and cool as a fucking cucumber.

She cared about me. That much was obvious, she killed the woman who had broken my heart and avenged the death of a child that had no real ties to her whatsoever. I wouldn't be as okay with that if she didn't tell me that Jenna put a hit out on me. What the fuck? It just seemed a little extreme to me. Who did Jenna know that would fucking kill me? None of that mattered anymore. The girl I wanted to spend the rest of my life with was lying right here, wrapped in my arms...


Spend the rest of his life with? Part of me was elated... if I was alive, my heart would have been beating uncontrollably. The other part was reminded by cruel reality that the rest of Keegan's life was nothing more than a week in vampire time and if I did go that route with him, I would be alone again soon after. Still, I would enjoy it while it lasted, absorbing every moment with him as if it were my last... because, after all, it very well could be.

I stirred a bit, stretching. "Good morning, Beautiful," he whispered in my ear as he kissed my cheek. Morning... it felt great to be here, wrapped in his arms during the day. I felt no pain, just slight exhaustion. He bought really great curtains, indeed.

"Good morning, Keegan," I said rolling over to look in his eyes. He looked tired, like he was up all night... he probably was, thinking about the events of the previous night. "You look tired," I said, bringing my cold hand up to rest on his face.

"I was tired, but seeing you here in the daytime gave me just the extra boost I needed," he said smiling at me suggestively. He was so sexy.

"Easy," I said, mesmerized by his smile, "it is daytime, so I won't be able to be awake for very much longer."


I wanted her... badly but from what she said, I knew that nothing would happen until later that night. Instead, I toyed around with the thought of telling her what was really on my mind but I was scared that it would run her off and ruin a perfect thing. Seeing her here, dark hair splayed on my pillow, tracing lazy circles on my chest with her cold finger made me want to make her mine... officially, but I was afraid.

"Just tell me, Keegan," she said with a concerned look on her face, "All I keep hearing is: Should I tell her? No, I shouldn't tell her! What if she leaves me? in a continuous loop. To be honest, it is quite maddening and whatever it is, you doing a damn good job of hiding it."

"Raven," I began, holding her face in my hands, "I want you to meet my mom." The look on her face gave me no comfort, nor did it make me feel uneasy. She seemed just as puzzled as I was.


Meet. His. Mother? How would he explain me? I would not be able to go out during the day and I do not eat. I had not even tried to eat human food since I was turned. Could I eat? I had no idea! From what I heard about Keegan's mother, she was quite the cook and could get very offended if one did not eat. I removed myself from my troubling thoughts, suddenly remembering that Keegan had just bared his soul. I did not want to give him false hope as I was not sure whether or not I would go through with it, myself.

Instead, I decided to give him a sign that I would not be leaving him, at least. I brought him in for a kiss. A simple, sweet kiss that made me want to say 'yes' to any proposal he had for me.

"Keegan, I cannot give you an answer at this moment... I have a lot of thinking to do about the subject. However, I do not want you to doubt the love I have for you or the love we have for each other based on the decision I make," I said, looking into his grey eyes.

He nodded and kissed me again... I loved how there was no urgency behind the kiss, urgency would have shown me he was doubtful or uneasy.

"I love you, Raven," he whispered, cradling me against his chest.

"I love you, too, Keegan," I whispered back, nuzzling my face against him. Soon, I was asleep.


I decided that regardless of her decision, I was definitely telling my mom that I found someone special. If Raven didn't wanna meet her, I would just tell Mom that she was uncomfortable with it. At least she wouldn't worry as much. Though, I hoped to God that Raven would at least want to do it once. I brushed her hair out of her sleeping face, she looked at peace when she was sleeping, I wondered if she could dream and if she could, if she ever dreamt of me. I closed my eyes and drifted into a heavy sleep.

Later that day...

I woke up and Raven was still asleep. I looked at the clock on my bedside table: 2:12 pm. I eased out of bed, careful not to wake her. I went to the kitchen, stomach grumbling. I didn't remember the last time that I had something to eat. I opened my near-empty refrigerator and pulled out some old pizza. It didn't smell bad, though I couldn't remember the last time I ordered pizza... I put it in the microwave and cracked open a beer. I picked up the phone and called my mom, it didn't even ring twice before she was on the other end.

"Keegan!" she shouted in the phone, I pulled it away from my ear until she finished.

"Hey, Mom, how're you doing?" I asked, pulling the pizza out of the microwave.

"Oh nothing, the usual... sitting here worried about my baby boy and wondering when he's gonna come see me," she said with a sigh... she's such a drama queen.

"Sorry, Ma, I've been busy... I kind of... I have a girlfriend," I grumbled into the phone.

"You have a what? That's why I haven't heard from you? I absolutely must meet her! What's her name?" she shouted into the phone causing me to pull the phone from my ear again.

"Her name is Raven and she's absolutely amazing, Ma," I said genuinely before I took a bite of my pizza and chased it down with a swig of beer.

"Keegan, put the damn beer down and talk to me here! When can I meet her? I won't take 'no' for an answer," she said as she fumbled around looking for things, no doubt the recipe for the next meal. I did as I was told, setting the beer down on the coffee table.

"I don't know... I asked her last night but she doesn't know, yet... we haven't been dating long so I can understand her position," I said, taking another bite.

"You already asked her?" she asked in disbelief, "she must really be something for you to have already asked her to meet me before I even knew about her!"

"Yeah, Mom, she is... I love her," I said honestly as I heard my mom fall to pieces on the other end of the phone.

"Love? Oh my God, Keegan! I'm so happy for you! I haven't heard you sound this happy since... well, it doesn't matter! Just give me a call whenever she's ready, Son... and hold on to her, she sounds like a good woman!" she cried into the phone. I knew that she would be happy, but crying? Wow...

I promised that I would and we said our I love yous and goodbyes. I knew she wouldn't worry anymore. Now, all I could do is hope that Raven agreed to meet her. After I ate and finished my beer, I worked on Aspen Emery for a little while. There were some minor glitches here and there but it was a quick fix.

I laid back in bed right beside the love of my life. I pulled her close to me and inhaled the scent of her shampoo and drifted to sleep. Because of her my life was perfect again and I would do anything to hold on to her...


I woke up to intense hunger pangs pulsing through my body. I rolled over and saw Keegan fast asleep beside me. I hated to wake him but this was very important..."Keegan," I whispered, shaking him slightly. He stirred a bit and his grey eyes fell on my face.

"What's wrong, Babe?" he asked, rubbing his eyes.

"I need to feed," I said, my fangs extended.

"Oh...Oh!" he said, realizing what I needed of him. He stretched, popped his neck, and turned his head to the side exposing his jugular. "Go for it."

I dipped my head to his neck and bit into him, careful to hit the same marks that I had previously. There was nothing worse than seeing a human with multiple bite marks, it made them look like "Fang Whores" or so they called it... and he definitely meant more to me than that. I drank from him, taking big swallows to satisfy my near insatiable appetite.

To my surprise, I felt the familiar vibrations along his neck... moans. I licked the wound clean and he ran his hands up and down my sides. "I love you," he whispered in my ear as he pulled the blanket down, exposing my bare breasts. Keegan's blood coursed through my veins making me hot.


She didn't have to respond, I knew she felt the same. She had already tasted me... now, it was my turn. When I pulled the blanket completely off of her, it was to my pleasant surprise that she was completely nude. This only made it easier to get to my destination.

I kissed her neck and ran my tongue between her breasts and over her navel. I smelled the pungent scent of her arousal and it drove me fucking crazy. My cock was painfully stiff, but she had done so much for me, it was time for me to give her a small token of my appreciation. I grabbed her ankles and positioned them far apart, giving me the perfect view of her juicy pussy. I blew a breath on her clit watching it harden before my eyes...

"Keegan," she moaned but was unable to move because I had her ankles pinned.

"What?" I said innocently, loving the look of erotic torture on her face.

"Please, do not tease me..." she begged as I watched as the wetness continued to drip down her slit.

Seeing how wet she was made me no longer wish to torment her... it had been too long. It had only just occurred to me that I hadn't felt or tasted her body since before Jenna told me she was pregnant. That just wouldn't fucking do!

"Get your hands down here and spread it open for me," I said huskily as I eyed her pussy like it was the treat that it really was. She obliged, making her clit pop out for attention. My mouth watered from just the memory. I took her hard clit in my mouth and nibbled on it lightly. Raven's body involuntarily jumped at the sensation, pushing her delicious pussy into my mouth. It was hard for me to work with her moving around, so I reached a hand up to her nipple and pinched it. "Don't fucking move," I growled. She just nodded as I licked her pussy dry, swallowing all of her juices to make room for more.

She began to moan and call my name so loudly that it made me feel like I could fucking fly. I could fucking live the rest of my life with my head between her legs, her taste was addicting... how I went without it for so long, I'll never know but I could God-Damn-Guarantee that I wouldn't do it again! She was close but not close enough to cum and she deserved to cum.

"Keegan," she moaned again, looking at me like she was in agony, "I feel so empty, please..."

Without hearing the rest of her plea, I pulled my dick from the slit in my boxers and plunged myself deep inside of her. It was the best fucking feeling ever! Better than I fucking remembered. I pushed her feet up until her heels were flush against her ass cheeks as I continued my assault on her pussy. I felt myself hit her g-spot over and over as she began to shudder and dig her nails into my back. "Shit! Shit! Keegan... I-ooh-I fucking love you," she screamed as her pussy performed a near-painful death grip on my cock.

In one, fluid motion, I flipped her on her stomach and continued to fuck her flat. "I love you, too," I growled in her ear as I slowly pumped inside of her. It took all my willpower to not blow my load when she did but I wanted, no needed this to last. I wanted to feel her just like this: wrapped around my cock for the rest of my life. I closed my eyes and let the feeling of her hot, wet cunt bestow the greatest of all pleasures on me. I pictured carrying her into a room in her wedding dress and sliding down her white g-string and fucking her no, making love to her for the first time as Mrs. Raven Stevens... officially mine.

Soon, my body grew rigid and I increased my pace, making her release a series of short, loud moans. With a loud groan on my part, I released my load deep inside of her, marking her as mine once again. I laid back against the pillows and drew in ragged breaths. I pulled Raven into my arms and she laid her head on my chest. I was fucking spent and soon I was ready to nod off again.

"Keegan," she whispered, just before I was asleep.

"Yeah, Babe," I grumbled, not opening my eyes.

"I would love to meet your mother," she said softly.

My eyes shot open and I looked at her face. "Really?" I asked in disbelief.

"Yes, really... There is nothing I would rather do than make you happy," she said, kissing my lips.

"I love you," I said pulling her into a tight hug.

"I love you, too, Keegan... we need sleep, lots of planning to do tomorrow," she said laying her head back down on my chest. She was perfect.

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vickivalevickivaleover 11 years ago
Great Story!

I am loving how this story is unfolding.

AzaliaAzaliaalmost 12 years ago
You guys need to learn how to make an annalys

Jenna was like an obsessed fan at a rock concert that went bat shit crazy when she couldn't get the rock star. She was never sweet and innocent, she was just willing to do anything to get Keegan. So she did the classic 'If I can't have you, no one can' ploy. You need to remember that we, the readings, as well as Keegan, didn't really know this girl.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Saw nothing wrong with it. It made sense.

So Jenna's personality switched up. Happens all the time in real life when people can't have their way. She knew what she was doing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

I really like this story , and jst because jenna was nice doesnt mean anything she was evil for killing tht bby she knew what she was getting into , dumb bitch.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

I am turned off by the story, you were misleading with Jenna's character. You are a skilled writer though. I will not continue to read this series, if you write something else I will.

green_dreamsgreen_dreamsover 12 years ago
Great Story! Now regarding Jenna,

Anyone feeling sorry for Jenna needs to go back and really read the story again. I think they might be confusing her bubbly personality and exterior beauty for being a good person. She stalks Keegan for a month by working every night at the club. She then waits until he is feeling vulnerable because of Raven leaving and offers him a guilt free night of pleasure which he takes her up on. This leads to her becoming pregnant which she immediately tries to use to blackmail him into a relationship. When he tells her he'll gladly be the father of her child and that he'll always be there for her and the baby but that he doesn't want to get back together with him she murders the baby to hurt him. I understand the right to choose but that choice should definitely not be based on something as petty and childish as spite. Finally she calls a hitman to kill Keegan as well as Raven if she gets in the way. If you take all of these things together you see her as she really is and not how we as readers want her to be. When I first read about her I liked her too but as I kept reading and I saw her real personality shining through as revealed be her words and actions I came to accept having her die. I also really appreciated the fact that Raven wasn't the one who killed her but that in the end she died as a direct result of her own actions.

I'll say it once again this is a great story written masterfully. Keep up the good work Bizzy_Bish

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
The Jenna thing just didn't seem right

You portrayed her as a sweet girl in love with Keegan, then all of a sudden she's hiring a hit man? Doesn't make sense.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Ding Dong!

The craZy bitch is dead!!! Thank you for hearing and considering your readers. Okay we will lay back and wait in silence for your continued vision for your cast of characters. Your stories maybe short but each of your submissions advance the story line.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
YES!!! Jenna's DEAD!!!!!!!

Stupid bitch!!!! I can't believe she put a hit out on Keegan!! Unbelievable!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Love the story

Awsome story i just feel like the killing jen thing came out of nowhere and all to fast.

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