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Invisible Hands Ch. 02

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I devote my body to her science!
6.2k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 07/01/2010
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It had been an unbelievable experience having invisible sex with Kate and Professor Gale. Although to be more accurate the Professor only gave me a hand-job, but still I'm counting that.

The frustrating part came later. I guess I expected the sex to continue but it did not--it came to a screeching halt! I thought afterward Kate and I would have a relationship, but in the following days everything went back to normal. The Professor sat Kate and I down and told me that she had been watching me, she knew I wanted Kate, and thought this would be an interesting experiment. She told me that the whole thing was a set-up, that she and Kate concocted the idea that the Professor was away and they wanted to see if I would use the potion to see Kate naked. Professor Gale explained that she knew the serious implications of how the invisibility potion could be used and she was reluctant to tell anyone about it before she could be sure of it's seductive nature. Sure enough two seconds alone with the stuff and I turned full-blown pervert! She told me the initial day was the actual experiment, but Kate wanted to take it further and show me how it would feel if the tables were turned.

Kate admitted the plan was initially to strip me to my underwear, then let me off the hook, but she got carried away. When I asked the Professor why she cranked me off she blushed a little and said that she also got caught up in the experiment! I can believe this because to the Professor everything is a scientific experiment.

So that was that.

Kate and the Professor apologized, as if that were necessary, and we agreed to continue on with our normal routines. I made sure to tell them if they ever need to experiment on me again I was more than willing! (If only I knew what was to come!)

I can't tell you how horny I was after that. I wanted more than anything in the world to relive that experience.

One day I was sanding down some deck chairs the Professor had and I saw Kate carrying in some specimens to the lab which was located under the deck. I watched her as she walked back and forth to the car; I admired the way her magnificent breasts swayed ever so slightly as she hauled the bags in. I wanted her so bad! I could almost taste her tongue in my mouth, the feeling of her nipples sliding against my back, the feel of her warm fingers gliding up my cock. I immediately had a boner and to my horror just as my hardened dick was pressing against my jeans she noticed me and waved. I waved back and tried to swing around so she wouldn't notice. And that's when I first saw the glimmer in the ocean. I could see something shining in the water and being tumbled in the crashing waves, but I couldn't make out what it was.

I decided a break was in order, I couldn't keep bending over to work on the chairs with a hard-on. Especially since I could see into the lab window and almost look right down Kate's shirt, so I walked down the beach to see what was in the water and try to get my mind off my own perversities.

As I approached the shiny object I was feeling very dejected. I wanted Kate so much and I so desperately wanted to be nude with these two women again!

My boner just would not go down.

I arrived right at the edge of the water and saw it was a strange looking rock. For some reason I felt drawn to it; I had to see it up close. Without even realizing it at first I had gotten too close to the water and a large wave went over my shoes and ice water splashed up my pant leg soaking my testicles! I jumped and let out a loud yell. But I also grabbed the rock and walked back to shore. I walked as fast as I could back to the beach house examining the rock the whole time. My erection had subsided now (finally!) I think due to the coldness of the salt water in my jeans.

"Professor!" I exclaimed upon entering the lab.

"What have you got there?" she asked.

"A weird looking rock that washed up on shore." I handed it to her. She examined it with some curiosity but not much.

"It's interesting. I don't recognize what type of rock it is, but then I'm no geologist. It is extremely lightweight. Perhaps, I'll examine it later." She said as she put it down on the table. Kate bent down to look at it and again I saw her cleavage, which sent a wave of warmth through me. In fact, right through me and into my pants. My boner had begun to return.

Just then the rock cracked open and Kate jumped back. The three of us stood motionless at first watching to see if it did anything else. And it did. The rock fragments seemed to dissolve right there on the table and left a small, slimy, octopus looking creature writhing on the lab table.

"What the hell?" Kate said as she leaned in once again to investigate.

"Stand back, Kate. We don't know what that is." I said, trying to be as cool as a 1950's Sci-fi hero would.

"Some form of cephalopod, I should think." Professor Gale chimed in. She was putting her glasses on and looking as closely at the creature as she felt comfortable. "Seems harmless enough!" said the Professor as she put her finger close to it.

"Professor!" I said stepping forward, "Maybe you shouldn't . . ." but it was too late. The creature wrapped one of its tentacles around her finger. Nothing happened, it didn't attack, it almost seemed friendly as if it were saying Hello!

"I don't think you should touch it until you know what it is." I said.

"The Professor knows what she's doing, Mark." Kate said. "I admit sometimes she jumps in a little haphazardly, but she always gets results." Kate said this and shot me a glance with a sexy little smirk that stirred my penis again. I wanted to walk over and grab her and kiss the shit out of her right there, when I noticed her expression changed. I followed her eyes and they were watching Professor Gale who seemed in a trance. Her cheeks were red and she seemed to be breathing hard.

"Professor?" Kate asked. "Are you . . ."

"I'm fine. I just have the strangest sensation."

I looked down and the tentacled creature almost seemed to be humping the Professor's finger. She pulled her hand away from it and looked at Kate.

"We need to study this creature immediately!" she said and I swear she looked at Kate in a very erotic way. She looked into Kate's eyes the way I do, I even saw her glance down at Kate's breasts!

The Professor's face was very red now and she seemed a little disoriented.

"Professor, maybe you need to get some air?" I suggested.

"Yes, I could use it, it seems very hot in here suddenly." As she wiped her forehead her lab coat opened a little and I could see her erect nipples poking through her blouse!

'What the hell is going on' I thought.

Then the Professor looked at me, hungrily, wantonly, like she did that night. I swear she looked right at my bulge, "You should take your pants off" she said and I almost passed out right there. I looked at Kate and Kate looked at me. "They're all wet and you can catch cold." The Professor added.

"Oh. Yeah, right," was the best response I could come up with as the Professor left the room.

Kate and I stood there looking at each other. Neither one of us wanted to say there was something wrong with the Professor, but we both knew it. All I could picture were her nipples poking through the fabric of her shirt and how she looked at Kate. That, in turn, made me think of Kate and the Professor getting it on and suddenly I was sporting another full-blown erection in my wet jeans.

"It just got bigger!" Kate said and I snapped out of it.


"The creature, look at it. It's getting bigger!" she said and I moved in close to her to look at it.

There I was standing next to the sexiest woman on the planet looking at a creature that could have come from the vast depths of the ocean or even possibly even deepest space and all I could do was feel the hot burning sexual energy of Kate, her warmth, her scent, her . . .

"Kate!" the Professor yelled and Kate walked out of the lab. I wanted to follow, but I didn't think it a good idea to leave the creature unattended. I watched it as it rolled around on the table.

Now don't think I'm too much of a weirdo, but there was something sexual about the appearance of the creature. I don't know if it was just because I was thinking about the 2 women in my life naked and fondling each other or what—but my penis grew harder and harder just staring at this creature. I could hear Kate and Professor Gale talking outside, but I couldn't make out what they were saying. I imagined they were taking each other's clothes off and then returning to do each other while I watched.

Kate was right, as I looked at the slimy creature it was getting bigger—much bigger. I leaned in and felt a sudden need to touch it when . . .

"Mark!" the Professor, said.

I nearly jumped out of my wet jeans.

"I don't want you to touch it until we know more. Now why don't you go change into some dry clothes?" Once again she looked down at my crotch and I did as well. There was a definite lump in the denim and I tried to hide it.

"I don't think she noticed," the Professor whispered and my heart skipped a beat. I smiled in total humiliation and left the room.

I grabbed my dry clothes out of my car and changed in the bathroom next to the lab. My cock was throbbing and I knew it wasn't going to subside. I knew I better do something about it so I started jerking off. I could faintly hear Kate and the Professor talking science talk in the lab and seeming to get some results. I also heard a lot of whispering as if they knew what I was doing in the bathroom. They probably did. That somehow made me even more turned on; as I stroked my dick imagining them standing outside the door.

I looked over and noticed that I forgot to lock the door, which meant that either one of them could open the door at anytime and see me yanking my crank. If that happened I wouldn't even stop, I would just spread my knees open and invite them to watch! That didn't happen, of course, but the idea of it helped me accomplish my task. I blew my wad, changed my clothes and opened the door. I jumped and made an embarrassing bellow when I saw the Professor was indeed standing right outside the door.

Without missing a beat she said, "Mark, do me a favor and run down to the store, I'll give you a list of supplies I'll need for this new experiment." She said.

"No problem," I said as cool as I could. I looked at her, trying to look innocent, but she looked back at me as if she knew exactly what I was up to in there. And how more obvious could I be, my face was beat red, I was sweating, and breathing quickly. I glanced into the lab and saw Kate look up at me with a smirk as if she also knew.

At this point I also couldn't help but notice the creature had at least quadrupled in size! I was about to ask how that happened when the Professor whisked me away to my chores.

When I returned Kate and the Professor were hard at work analyzing, taking notes, poking, prodding, etc. They both seemed glad that I had returned, I don't know why exactly it wasn't like anything I picked up at the store could have been vital in any way, but there was a noticeable reaction from the two of them that I had returned.

"Everything okay?" I asked.

"Fine, fine," the Professor said. "Now I need you to do me another favor, Mark. I need you to go up on the deck and work on those chairs. Please stay there and finish them today."

"Okay." This seemed strange to me. How could the chairs be a big deal? We may have found another scientific wonder and she is worried about finishing deck chairs? Something was up.

"And Kate, I want you to relax. Go work on your tan and keep Mark company; like we discussed," She added.

"Professor, I don't think you should be alone with that thing, there's something odd about it. Look how it grows and shrinks!" And it had shrunk. Since I had been gone it was almost back to its original size.

"It is all very odd, but please do as I say and I will explain when appropriate." She said as if that were the end of the discussion—and it was.

I went up on the deck and began sanding the deck chairs getting them ready for paint. As I sat there I considered the Professor telling Kate to work on her tan—

What the hell is that?

Since when does the Professor give a crap about tanning?

On the other hand that meant that Kate would be in some kind of revealing outfit and hanging out with me—which is all I really want in life!

I moved the chair I was working on to the edge of the glass overlooking the lab. From there I had a perfect view of the Professor working and the creature on the table. This way if anything happened I would see it and run to her aid. Then I saw Kate reflected in the glass and coming up behind me in a bikini!

I almost fell through the glass and into the lab! She was wearing a bikini I had never seen before. It was very small, two-piece bright pink and showed every beautiful curve of her body. I tried to act cool, but failed miserably.

She knew how I felt about her, she knew how I worshiped her body!

"Are you okay?" she asked.

"Sure . . . What? Why?"—I have a way with words!

"You look taken aback." She smiled.

"No, it's just that . . . I never saw you so . . . I've only seen you in clothing. When you're not in clothing you're invisible, so I never really got to see . . .how you looked . . . you know," I couldn't go on. I was staring right at her breasts without meaning to. She noticed and looked momentarily shy. I looked away.

There was an awkward silence between us, then she said, "Well, here's my body! What do you think?"

Again, I almost passed out.

"You're beautiful, Kate. You're perfect. I can't even think of a word to describe how amazing you are!" I said, then my face burned with redness because I realized how lame that sounded.

"Thank you. You know I don't get out a lot and I never was very good with boys. I'm too smart for them I guess. Nobody likes a smart chick. And I appreciate how nice you are and respectful. You're a good guy Mark. I enjoy being around you." She said without making eye contact with me. I guess she's a little bashful too.

This was probably the greatest moment of my life even better than when she stripped me for the invisibility experiment! This was meaningful, this was emotional, and this was . . .

Her expression changed, "I can't lie to you, Mark. You're too good of a person. We're using you again." She said.

"What do you mean?"

She walked over and banged on the glass calling the Professor.

Professor Gale came up from the lab and asked what was going on.

"I have to come clean with him this time, I have to." Kate told Professor Gale.

"Oh, okay." She replied. "Tell him."

The Professor was still writing in her journal. She was always writing notes. Knowing her she was probably studying Kate as much as myself and the creature for that matter—the Professor was interested in every single thing on the Planet Earth. Everything to her was an experiment.

Kate looked back at me and began explaining—

"That creature, you have some kind of effect on it. The Professor sent you away to verify that and it's true. Once you left it shrank to its original size again. When you were masturbating in the bathroom . . . I'm sorry, but we know that's what you were doing, it was obvious, when you were . . . well, the creature swelled up a lot. The Professor thinks it is female and sexually stimulated by your own sexual stimulation. Possibly due to pheromones."

I sat there looking at her forgetting for the moment that she was almost completely naked. I was perplexed.

"After you left, the Professor and I both tried to stimulate ourselves sexually in front of the creature and nothing happened. So now we are trying to see if it will react if you are stimulated again. That's why she wants me up here in a bikini to provoke a feeling in you. As a Scientist I need to do this, but as your friend I can't bring myself to lie to you about it. I want to be honest with you for once."

"I don't know what to say." I wanted to ask how she and the Professor "tried" to sexually stimulate themselves in front of the creature—that image alone almost made me ruin my underwear!

She looked deep into my eyes and asked, "How does that make you feel? I don't want to hurt you."

"I'll tell you how it makes me feel, when you said you were my friend my heart swelled—for once, more than my . . . well more than my . . . manliness."

She looked down at my crotch and giggled.

"I care deeply about you, Kate and I would do anything—ANYTHING to help you. If you need to experiment on me then let's do it! I'm more than willing to devote my body to your science."

I looked at the Professor with her hair and lab coat blowing in the slight breeze; she looked up from her notes and smiled. "That's what I like about you Mark. I like that attitude."

"So what do we do?" I asked.

Professor Gale looked at Kate and in the most clinical way said, "Try to give him an erection. Get him hard and see what happens."

Kate and I both laughed. I don't know what was funnier, the flat way the Professor delivered that line or the idea that Kate would have to TRY to get me hard.

"So, I mean, what are we going to do? This is kind of crazy, isn't it." What do you need from me?" I asked. Truthfully with all my big talk about wanting Kate and feeling horny for Professor Gale, I was suddenly very nervous. At the same time I was feeling very sexy and woozy. These two women that I have the highest regard for are looking at me as a sexual object and that's hot!

"It's working already," said the Professor. "It's getting bigger!"

I looked down at my pants, then realized she meant the creature. The three of us looked through the window and saw the creature growing on the table.

"Tell me, Mark, what are you feeling right now?"

"Confused. Unsure." And with a long pause I finally added, "Sexy." I said as sheepishly as possible.

"Go with that, it's okay. Let yourself be free! Get hard. Let your penis grow!" The Professor said and again Kate and I both laughed because hearing the Professor talk like that was just funny. "Kate help him, get him going!" she added. "And Mark, talk, don't forget to tell me what you are thinking and feeling at all times."

"Okay, but I don't know how I feel . . ."

"Mark look at me," Kate said and I did. "Look at my body, don't be shy look at my breasts. Do you like them?" she said with the most seductive look in her eyes I have ever seen.

My cock began to grow now, something came over me and my shyness began to subside. I was filled with lust for her. I began to accept that I was being given carte blanche to do as I pleased to allow all my perverted fantasies to come true.

"Are you getting hard, Mark?" Kate asked.

"Yes. I am."

"Say it. Tell me your penis is getting hard right now."

"I'm getting, my penis is getting very hard."

Her eyes darted down to my bulge.

"Get it rock hard, Mark. I need that cock throbbing; I want to see it swell with passion. Let the sexual power flow into your cock, Mark. I want it. I want you to think about feeling me. Think about feeling these." She said as she cupped her boobs.

The blood was flowing into my dick faster than ever before. It pressed against my jeans and moved under the denim.

"I see it. I see it growing. Touch it for me, Mark. Slide your finger along its length. Rub the tip of your pulsating dick with your finger and let me watch you do it." She said. My soul was beginning to leave my body at this point; I seriously felt that I was having an out-of-body experience.

"Good," the Professor said, "Very good, keep it up, both of you."

"I want to touch your balls again, Mark. I want to feel those soft pendulous nuts rolling between my fingers. And I want to see your naked ass, those tight bulbous ass-cheeks and your sexy little crack! I want to strip you nude and look at your hot naked body under the sun and I want to stroke your hard throbbing penis until it bursts with your warm cum."


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