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Irish Twins

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A Crossdresser becomes his Sister for his Brother-In-law.
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Irish Twins

By Sabrina G Langton



"I just came from seeing Bryan, it's so sad he is never going to get over her." She told me.

"It's only been eight months, I miss her so much myself."

"God, I wish there was something we could do."


My girlfriend of the last year and a half had just come back from my brother-in-law's house. He lived in Bel-Air, only a couple of miles away. Last March my twenty-seven-year-old sister went on a trip to Ireland to visit our relatives for the first time. Her appendix burst on the plane, she never made it home again.

Lucy sat down at my kitchen table. "His parents were there too, I'm glad I stopped by, I haven't seen them in so long, since the funeral. They were so happy to see me."

"Maybe I should visit tomorrow," I told her

"I don't know, nothing has changed since the day she left. He still has that huge wedding picture in the living room."

"Is he ready to clean out the closets and her stuff?" I asked.

"I don't think he would ever be ready for that.

*** *** *** *** *** ***

My sister, Shavon, and I were born a year apart, everyone called us the 'Irish Twins.' She was older. Our parents were born in Ireland, County Clare, but they had been living in California since they were both children. They took an ocean liner with thirty-two other residents of their county. Few stayed in the US and most of the others went back. My parents lived next door to each other and married when they turned eighteen, then they had us twenty-five years later. They were too busy traveling to have kids they told us, they were both in their mid-forties when we were young.

They both died within weeks of each other in their early sixties, and now with my sister gone, I was the only O'Sullivan left from our small family in California.

*** *** *** *** *** ***

Lucy left the table and asked me to make her a drink. "Something strong for both of us, I have an idea."

I had a Jameson's on ice waiting for her when she returned. She walked back holding the photo album that I had kept hidden behind my record collection. "Why do you have that?"

"I want to see something." She opened up the book and started combing through it. I was getting nervous. I didn't like that she had seen this book in the first place. After Shavon and Bryan got married the girls started hanging out together. They got drunk one night and the subject of my photos came up. Lucy would have left me because of them but she liked Shavon too much.

She turned to a page showing my sister all dressed up at the musical 'Book of Mormans' after her graduation from college. Standing next to her was a similar-looking strawberry blonde, that female blonde was me.

Lucy was shaking her head. "You look almost exactly like her. I still can't get over it, with the right hair and make-up you would BE her."

*** *** *** *** *** ***

My mother gave us both Irish names just to make things difficult for us in school. She was Siobhan and I was Seanán and nobody could pronounce our names. We decided once I turned eighteen we would legally change them to something more phonetic and easy to say. We were now Shavon and Shawnin. Still Irish sounding but now nobody would have a problem from here on out.

"Maybe we should change your name to Sabrina." My sister said with an evil grin while we were in city hall. She was the only one who knew I was a crossdresser. She caught me when I was thirteen and standing in front of the mirror in her dance outfit. She was lying in wait in her closet, she had known that I had been ruffling through her clothes, now she knew the reason. Click, and now she had proof. I have that picture in my photo book.

"You could dress like a girl all the time, just imagine."

"Shh..." I begged. "I don't want to discuss it." But I did imagine it.

*** *** *** *** *** ***

Lucy was going through the rest of the pictures of me in my female persona. There were a lot of them.

Shavon and I took so many pictures when we were home together, and of course, I was obsessed with my female image. Shavon thought it was so funny how much alike we looked and always wanted me to play her female twin to fool people but I didn't want to do it. I didn't want to play games, I was happy in her hand-me-downs hiding in my bedroom.

"Bryan said he just wants to say goodbye to Shavon. I think we should dress you up, find something she wore all the time, and have you go over so he could have closure." Lucy was a grief counselor at the local hospital and she talked about closure all the time. I'm sure I miss my sister as much as Bryan misses his wife but she never brings that up. She is way more worried about him than me, though, he does seem to be getting slightly unhinged.

"That doesn't sound like a good idea at all, can we just move on from this." I then went to take my photo album. I did have another one hidden away that Lucy and my sister didn't know existed, and it was way sluttier and sexier. I was thinking how glad that one didn't come into the playing field of the kitchen table. Lucy would definitely never of talked to me again if she saw that one.

We held onto the book together as she looked at me. "You know those breast forms you've always wanted?" I once told her when I was a little drunk that breasts were the main focus of my crossdressing and showed her an ad for forms. The website had a beautiful Asian CD with fantastic-looking boobs from a box. That was definitely something I needed in my life.

"We can't afford them, they are so expensive you said, and I don't want to talk about this anymore. Please." I begged her.

"Well I can get some money, something came up. Let's get you those sissy boobies, the same size as Shavons, and then Shavon can say goodbye to Bryan in person. Easy and done. And maybe he will leave the house again."

Oh my god, I would love those, she was making this too hard. She was making ME hard, but I couldn't tell her that. I stayed quiet thinking about this proposition. "So we get the breast forms and he sees me dressed as Sabrina just the one time?"

"Well he will be seeing Shavon, but yeah, what do you think? I could use this experience for the paper I'm writing on grief. Now that I think of it, your boobies might be a tax write-off."

I think my silence sealed the deal. She pulled the album from my hands and said, "I knew that would do it." She laughed. "I'll make an appointment tomorrow."


We went to a Transformation Service Salon in downtown LA. We were met by a woman named Marilyn, and in an hour I was measured and checked for color matches. My boobs would match my body perfectly. Lucy showed her pictures of Shavon from my book, specifically from her Graduation, to get me ready to appear as her doppelganger from that specific day. I was to come in next Saturday to pull it all together including my dress, hair, and nails.

Lucy was busy working on her article so the rest of the week went extremely slow. Lucy visited Bryan a couple of times but she didn't tell me if he knew what she was planning. She also wouldn't let me come with her, I had to stay home and use depilatory cream to remove all the hair on my body. I was also taking baths and lotioning my body more than usual. I smelled like a woman all the time now. I thought she was taking this too far but I didn't complain, I loved my smooth and tight feminine body.

She came home one night with the outfit I was going to wear. She pulled it out of Shavon's closet, along with her heels and everything else she might have been wearing that night. I was going to be wearing my sister's panties, pantyhose, and bra too. The dress was the red-flowered one she bought specifically for that night. I forgot how short the hem was and how low cut the front was. I wouldn't be able to wear this without the new boobs.

My sister and I were very similar, not only facially but our bodies too. We weren't thin, we both had nice curves, especially if I wore a corset. I still spend hours a week at the gym to keep up my 'female figure.' I was only an inch taller than her, being 5'8" to her 5'7". And we wore the same size shoes which was a gift from God when we were younger. I would parade around in all her high heels, the higher the better. I was so much more graceful and feminine than she ever was. Shavon would crack up when I did my runway moves and pulling crazy female faces.

I also practiced Shavon's voice. I had videos of her that I listened to and repeated back. She had a couple of pat phrases, and she had a habit of calling everyone babe or baby. She was also a complete flirt, even more than me when I was dressed. She wasn't an overthinker either. Once she had an idea that was it, she was spontaneous and that's what usually got me into trouble... not her.


Saturday night was our visit with Bryan. That afternoon Lucy and I went to the Transformation Salon to get ready. When Marilyn the stylist slipped the breasts on me I suddenly got very excited. I had two perfect size C's jutting from my recently flat chest. The seam of the forms came up to my neck, Marilyn wanted to keep it high to make them look perfect in the low-cut dress.

"Noone will see the seam." She said. "So let's keep it high, it will be great for pictures too."

She next slipped a corset on me that made it tough for me to breathe but lost me three inches. I was getting closer to having Shavon's body. I then put on her beige panties and nude pantyhose that Lucy found in one of her draws. I was already tucked but I don't know how 'cause I was getting so hard from wearing the breasts and now stockings. I was hoping Marilyn wouldn't notice.

She then had me sit down, I was starting to look more and more like my sister every second. The wig matched her hair from Graduation day at the theater. Long light blonde strands cascading over my right shoulder down past my new boobs. She then pierced my ears leaving me with the little diamond studs Shavon had gotten from our grandmother on her previous birthday. I wasn't expecting that but it made me extremely happy. Next Marilyn parted my hair on the side and held it with a little clip. My earring was on perfect display, just like in the pictures.

My makeup was exactly the same too. Dark eyes and long lashes, red full lips, and beautifully contoured eyebrows and cheeks. I still saw Sabrina in the mirror, just with more makeup and a slightly dated hairstyle, but I knew I looked fantastic. Bryan would be impressed, he would see me as Shavon. My nails were made longer with extensions that weren't going to come off anytime soon. They were painted a dark red matching my makeup, and I loved wiggling them in front of my eyes. Me and Shavon always had long nails, the boys always loved them.

I was so glad we slipped on the dress, I was getting too excited over this. I was wearing a red spaghetti-strapped summer dress, all pink and yellow flowers on it, it was very feminine. The hem came to my thighs, my legs looked so sexy crossed, I couldn't wait to see them in heels.

Shavon loved this dress she said it made her 'tits look huge' and it did. My new breasts were almost spilling over the top. Marilyn adjusted the dress and then had me step into five-inch red pumps, while I held onto her shoulder.

I was moved over to the mirror and Marilyn called in Lucy. She was speechless, as I put on my bracelets.

"Lucy," Marilyn teased, "You remember Shavon." She smiled and looked at me.

Lucy walked over and studied me in the mirror. She picked up my hair. "Bryan is going to freak when you walk into that house. I'm am going to have to prep him first. You look more like her than I ever imagined." She then took some pictures to go with her article.

I didn't really think I looked like my sister, I just looked like me. Lucy very rarely saw me completely dressed up. I had a huge smile on my face and a huge hard-on in my tiny panties, I was glad the dress was full and I was tucked in. Any more time at this mirror and I was going to cum, I had to look away.


We were in Bel Air in front of Bryan and Shavon's house, I was gazing in the vanity mirror and unconsciously pushing on my 'clit' when I felt Lucy watching me.

"You are going to have to stop playing with yourself, ladies don't act like that in public." She leaned over from the driving seat and pushed my dress up exposing my thighs and panties. I was tucked in and my little manhood was facing down. Lucy reached in and adjusted me. "Let's do this so we can get this started." She shook her head and started jerking me off. I gazed at the girl in the mirror as Lucy played with me.

"God, you are so hard," Lucy told me. "I might have to start dressing you up to sleep with you for once." It would never happen, Lucy sometimes got a kick out of seeing me in female clothes but she never wanted to touch me. Women didn't turn her on, only hard cock.

She was trying to make me cum so she could get on with her experiment. I was just another piece of her puzzle to get through. Suddenly I didn't care, the girl in the mirror came, her eyelashes were fluttering and her lips were slightly parted. Lucy was pushing on me as I came in my pantyhose. I felt suddenly relaxed, I could now concentrate. I was such a slut.

"Ooh." I moaned as she cleaned me up with tissues and baby wipes. "I really needed that."


Lucy went into the house and told me to wait. I fixed my lips while looking in the mirror on the visor. I was also trying to catch a couple of boy's eyes that we're walking about half a block away. I was turning into a flirt again just like when Shavon and I were younger. "Hi boys," I said into the windshield. Imagining I was out with my beautiful sister again, trying to pick up men and have them buy us drinks.

Lucy startled me as she called, she stood near the front door. "You look exactly like her from here." I slipped out of the car in my heels, feeling the slight breeze on my legs and my exposed boobs. "God even close up... I'm glad none of the neighbors are around. Could you imagine?"

I just smiled as she fixed my hair again and checked my makeup. Like she would be able to do anything with it. Lucy hardly ever wore makeup and her hair was always in a low ponytail.

"Oh, almost forgot." She then pulled something out of her pocket. "Here, your wedding ring Mrs. Alterman." Lucy slipped on the ring, I thought I would cum in my panties again. This day was pushing every girlie fantasy I have ever had, Lucy was going to find it hard thinking of me as a man after this. I was having trouble thinking of myself as one already.

I wiggled my fingers with my long nails and now wedding ring. The ring was beautiful and so expensive. I remember going with Shavon to pick it out. I went as Sabrina, she wanted a woman's opinion and we spent the day looking for rings. She had a big budget and she spent most of it.


I hid in the vestibule as Lucy announced my arrival. "Bryan! Shavon is here, come say hello." We both entered the living room together. He was so quiet.

Lucy sat us down after our initial meeting, sitting behind me out of the way. Her IPad on her lap.

It was weird. The way he looked at me, felt deeper, he wasn't just looking into my eyes it was something more. He held my hands and he smiled when he saw the ring. I started to see a little blurry myself as tears formed in his eyes.

"Shavon. I missed you so much." He then grabbed me and we hugged as Lucy looked on and took notes. "I wish you never had to leave me again."

"She can't stay, Bryan." Lucy chimed in. "You know she has to go soon, that was the plan."

He smiled at me as she talked, I don't even think he knew she was there. I was his entire focus. We were quiet for so long until he held my face in his palm. Bryan was a big man, and he was looking down at me. His huge hand stroking my cheek and moving my hair from in front of my face.

I loved how he smiled at me. "You, are perfect." He kissed me lightly on the tip of my nose. "I remember the day we met." He was waiting for me to talk. I was too quiet.

"Me too." I knew I sounded just like Shavon. Our voices were similar, to begin with, but with more practice, I had her slight lisp added to the end of her sentences. He smiled.

"You were wearing green."

*** *** *** *** *** ***

It was six years ago.....

We were at Shavon's favorite theater in downtown LA. This is how she wanted to spend Graduation day, not with a party but with her girls. I was one of her girls, her younger sister. We were with four of her classmates from UCLA and intermission just started after the first part of the musical. We were all in dresses, heels, and long nails. We were very LA-looking ladies.

I had just turned twenty-one and Shavon sent me to the bar to break in my new ID. My license had a pretty androgynous-looking picture on it and my name, Shawnin, looked feminine so I thought I would be fine. I was leaning against the bar in a beautiful short green dress. I had a garter belt and beige stockings underneath and I felt so sexy. I had a gray bag and matching four-inch heels. Shavon wanted us to be the same height. Her heels were one inch taller.

I was bent down, my ass on view and my long strawberry blonde hair brushing the bar. My long lashes and blue eyes caught the bartender's attention right away. He studied my ID for a second and a half, "What can I get you darlin'."

I smiled, I was in. "Two house reds. One with lots of ice." I smiled and handed him money. Shavon always needed ice, it was her favorite condiment, ha. I then felt a strong hand on my shoulder.

"Can I buy you a drink?" I smiled as the bartender pushed two wine glasses towards me.

"Too late, would you like me to buy one for you, Mr. Gorgeous?"

He smiled. "Sure, a beer?"

The bartender came back with a bottle of Blue Moon.

The man gave me his hand. "I'm Bryan."

I smiled because I loved talking to men while dressed up. "Sabrina."

"That's a lot of ice, Sabrina." He said pointing to the wine glass.

"Well, my sister is a lot of woman. Come meet her." He laughed and he carried her drink for me. She was holding court with her friends, of course, the center of everyone's attention. Soon she would be Bryans.

He handed her the wine. "Shavon, this is Bryan," I said.

"Well hello, thank you for the drink." They locked eyes. Men could never get away from Shavon's gaze, she was perfect and she was showing all types of cleavage. Mine was of course covered up. Bryan was instantly mesmerized by her. I had lost his interest in seconds.

They went out to dinner after the show. Shavon left me with her four friends and a limo.

*** *** *** *** *** ***

"You were wearing green," Bryan said.

We were sitting on the couch and I was a little confused. "Um, no Sabrina was in green. I was wearing this exact same red dress." I explained.

He gave a wide grin and shook his head. "Yes, I remember. I'm sorry baby." He then put his face close to mine and kissed me. It was tentative at first just a brush of the lips. He was gauging my reaction. I was more startled than anything, I hadn't kissed a man in years. Way before I even starting dating Lucy. He then kissed me again, this time there was no hesitation on either of our parts. In my mind, Bryan was kissing his missing wife, I felt her ring on my fourth finger. His tongue entered my mouth as his hands went behind my back to pull me in tighter. I put one hand around his neck and the other on his chest, just in case I went delirious and decided to push him away. I felt my long nails scratch his dress shirt.

We were making out right in front of Lucy, I don't even know for how long. My one hand then went instinctively to my lap.

"Um come on you too..." Lucy was standing next to me. I felt Bryan disengage, he never took his eyes off of me. Lucy moved closer and held my elbow to make me stand up. "We better go, I think I have enough."

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