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Island Beach Adventure - Day 1

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A week on the beach in HOT sexual exploration.
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This Caribbean Island's year-round temperature rarely varies outside of a 10-degree range, from 80-90 degrees F. What helps relieve the hot temperature is the constant wind. Sometimes gusty but always there, making the oppressive heat more tolerable and acceptable. The nights would be at the lower end of the range making for some very pleasant evening strolls along the beach.

I love this weather and the constant breeze. That's why I keep coming back here year after year. Or rather, that's one of the reasons I like coming here.

The other is the gay friendly atmosphere. Well, ok, the Butterfly Farm is pretty cool and so are the endless, white, sandy beaches. But if you are gay, this is one of "the" gay friendly places to be.

I like the late winter and early spring seasons the best. But even in the more humid months, the constant breeze is a welcome relief.

I also like cruising on the beach any time of day. You can always find someone to pick up or if you are more adventurous there are safe places right on the beach, in the foliage, where you can have sex any night of the week.

There is one section of Eagle Beach in particular where the night-time cruising is hot and heavy. The only time of the year to avoid, if that is your cup of tea, is the week leading up to Easter. During that time there are usually dozens of tents pitched at this location where the locals camp out to celebrate the time leading up to Easter.

On this particular trip I was flying solo. I had recently broken up from a short-term relationship and I just wanted to get away for a week all by myself to soak up the sun and enjoy the atmosphere.

And to also get laid as many times as possible and suck as many cocks as I could. I wanted to see how much sex, in all its forms, I could squeeze in during this eight-day period. Hey, you've all thought about it at some time in your life, right? I was actually making it a reality. A fucking hot reality on the white, sandy beaches of this Caribbean Island paradise.

I wanted to let it all hang out (both literally and figuratively).

I wanted to get down and dirty.

I wanted to experiment; to try new things.

I wanted to discover things, sexually, that I hadn't even thought of before.

I wanted to indulge in bodily pleasures from the simple to the extreme. Behavior involving sex, alcohol, and rock and roll.

Let's call this my week of abandoned debauchery.

Day One—Friday

An early flight and arrival allowed me to have an early check-in and an early start to my adventures. My resort was located right on the beach (actually just across the main road from the beach).

I have somewhat longish, but stylish blond hair, subtle, refined features with sparkling eyes, a dazzling smile, lithe body, slender hips, and long slim legs.

I put on my skimpy black shorts, my beach sandals with a green stripe down the sides and a tight-fitting tank top -- my multi-colored, eye-catching, tight-fitting tank top that shows off my lean, toned body.


Well, let me back up a moment here. My week of abandoned sexual fun actually started before I even arrived at my Island Beach Haven.

Before I boarded my airplane, I caught the eye of one of the male flight attendants who was waiting for his flight. It was early in the day; the airport was not crowded.

Our eyes met. I smiled.

He raised his eyebrows and gave a slight sideways nod of his head, indicating for me to follow him.

I returned the nod and followed him through an unmarked door.

It was just a dimly lit passageway, leading to I don't know where. And I didn't really care.

He leaned in and whispered that we didn't have much time as he lowered my loose-fitting travel pants, releasing my already hardening cock. Before I knew it, he was on his knees and my cock was in his mouth in one fell swoop. Neither of us wasted any time. He was sucking, I grabbed his head and let my hands follow his in and out motions, not guiding but certainly encouraging.

I was hot and horny in anticipation of my trip and my week of unbridled play. It didn't take me long before I was shooting my first load of cum for the day. He was sucking and swallowing and savoring what I had to offer.

He pulled off, licked his lips and said that was nice. But his expression said it was much more than that, it was fucking hot. I thanked him and said I wished I could return the favor. He just smiled and said, you never know.


Back to my story

I arrived at my Island Beach getaway resort.

While I was waiting in line to check in I noticed one of the bellhops checking me out. I smiled. He returned the smile.

Did I mention that I had longish blond hair, delicate features with sparkling eyes, a dazzling smile, lithe body, slender hips, and long slim legs. Well, yes, of course I did.

And this cute bellhop also noticed.

When I was checked in, and after he had checked me out, he was next in line to take my luggage up to my room. Lucky me. I knew what was going to happen whether he did or not.

When we arrived at my room, I followed him in and closed the door. He glanced back at me and smiled again. I returned the smile and asked if he could please take my luggage into the bedroom.

I said he was very helpful and asked if he spoke English? He said yes. I told him he was very cute. I stepped in closer, face to face. I placed my hand on the front of his pants, feeling what I could already see.

I zipped down his fly. He widened his eyes and his mouth fell open in surprise.... that didn't stop me. I pulled out his nice, slender, hardening cock. I placed my hands on his stomach and gently pushed him back, so he was sitting on the edge of the bed, with his cock out and a surprised expression on his face.

I got on my knees and licked his tip before slowly gliding my mouth over his very hard cock. I knew he didn't have a lot of time before he would be missed so I proceeded to give him a fast but very satisfying cock sucking.

This was all happening so fast, he didn't have time to resist, even if he wanted to. And it also didn't take him long before he was cumming in my mouth. I was being gentle but also thorough. I was giving him a supper hot blow job and he let me know by giving me a large supply of warm cum. I showed my appreciation by swallowing.

I was in and out, had him zipped up and on his way before he could catch his breath. I asked when he got off work. He told me and I asked him to look me up later, that I would like to get to know him better. As if he needed a reason to come back and see more of me.

So NOW I had really put on my short black shorts, my beach sandals with a green stripe down the sides and my colorful tight fitting tank top that showed off my sexy twinkish body.

Not wanting to waste any time, I grabbed a protein shake mix that I had arranged ahead of time to have stocked in my frig, slung my pre-packed beach bag over my shoulder, and headed to the beach with a stop by the pool on my way, to check out the scene.

I was not disappointed. The poolside lounge chairs were already filling up with some sexy looking bodies and some interesting looking prospects.

I was being all-inclusive here. After all this was my week of fun and play. By all-inclusive I mean male, female, young, old and everything in-between. Everyone was fair game for me this week at this adult only resort.

I made the rounds, checking people out, noticing the looks and smiles and raised eyebrows here and there. I was seeing what was in store for me right here in my back yard, so to speak.

I know how I look and the affect that my looks have on other people, both male and female, young and old. I also have a very open, friendly, approachable demeaner, that puts anyone I meet instantly at ease. It's always been this way for me. It's always been this easy for me.

I am also a quick study of other people and can recognize interest in others even before they may be aware of it. I was scoping out prospects. A cute guy here. A rugged looking hunk there. A gay couple who I instantly knew were both interested. A guy and a girl, who I also knew were interested. Hmmm, this could be interesting. Some skimpily clad women. And even more scantily clad guys.

Some really hot bodies... all shapes, sizes, and gender... a cornucopia of sexual possibilities... an abundant supply of good things to come.

I could tell some of my potential partners were wondering if I was with someone or here alone. I was smiling, nodding, and waiving to people here and there. Many must have thought I had been here all week already and knew everyone else.

Ahh, that was just my engaging personality.

I couldn't help licking my lips, knowing this was going to be one hell of a week.

With so many possibilities to choose from I almost didn't want to leave. But right now, I just wanted to get the lay of the land and plant some seeds.

I walked across the street to the white sandy beach, sparkling in the mid-morning sun. Most of the lounge chairs and small thatched covered tables were taken by now. That meant more for me to look at.

Looking up and down the beach I saw endless stretches of empty sandy beach. This was one of the top beaches in the world according to some. In addition to the people there are bars, beach chairs, and cabanas. There was swimming, beach volleyball, snorkeling, paddling, turtle hatching, and people watching... my favorite.

But the beach is so wide and so long, more than a mile, you can still enjoy some solitude during quieter times of the day. This pristine stretch of beach with its soft, white sand along the clear aqua-blue-green waters is my favorite of any place I have travelled to, including the Mediterranean.

I walked up to the water's edge to let the rolling waves wash over my feet. Looking out over the clear water, seeing the gulls swooping in and out, the waves crashing against the shore... what a beautiful sight to behold. I knew I would be spending many hours just walking and lounging in the sand and sun and surf.

I started walking along the shore, letting the waves wash over my feet, stopping occasionally to pick up a seashell, look it over and toss it back to join the sand it was turning into.

Out of the corner of my eye I noticed him. He was tanned, lean and wiry. He had small but well-defined muscles that lent an air of athletic confidence. He was approaching the beach like I had, only he was coming from a different resort hotel.

I knew he noticed me. I waited for him to get closer. I smiled and said hello. He smiled and said buenos dias. Ah, here was a chance for me to brush up on my limited Spanish. We tried to converse for a few minutes in Spanish when he finally laughed and said he spoke English if that was easier for me.

Funny guy. He was just messing with me. I liked him instantly. It turned out we were from the same metropolitan area. What a coincidence. We sat side by side in the sand, watching the waves wash up over our feet and legs. I really enjoyed talking to him. Not only was he very good looking, had a great body and an appealing smile, but he was also outgoing in a somewhat shy sort of way.

He was intelligent, thoughtful, engaging and just fun to be with.

He was here with his family on spring break from his first year at the U. I let him know I had made a killing in the stock market while I was in college, just a few years earlier, and that now I ran my own investment consulting business and was just getting away for a little break from work. He mentioned his father was some sort of an executive in a fortune 500 company and could probably use some investment advice.

I filed that way for future reference.

He said he had to get back soon. His family would be returning from shopping. I didn't want our brief time together to end. I sensed he felt the same way. Nice.

I gave him my phone so he could put his name and number in. I said I would text him later. Maybe we would find some time to get together before he had to leave. He liked that idea. I really enjoyed his company.

With a somewhat wistful goodbye and a wave of his hand, he was off.

And so was I. Heading down the beach again to that spot I knew where all the outdoor action would take place almost any evening of the week.

It was lunch time, so I stopped in at the Screaming Eagle restaurant next to the resort hotel that was located across the street from the "late-night-outdoor-activity place."

Quickly checking the place out, I noticed two guys sitting together who were also checking me out. Not being bashful, I walked up to them and said I had just arrived for the week, was by myself, and was wondering if I could join them for lunch.

They looked at each other to see if they were thinking the same thing. I guess they were. They told me sure, pull up a chair. We exchanged small talk about where we were from, what we did, how long we were staying on the Island, etc.

I ordered a chicken salad for lunch; I don't remember what they ordered. I don't think they even cared; I could see they had other ideas on their mind... on what they might like for dessert.

I knew they liked what they saw. And they knew that I knew.

We finally got around to talking about the "gay friendly" atmosphere on the island. I told them I had heard about a spot on the beach near here that had some hot nighttime hookup activity.

They exchanged looks again, saying more than any words could. They said there sure is and the area was located just across the street from this location.

What a coincidence. :)

I then excused myself to use the restroom... but mainly to give them time to talk to each other.

When I returned, they asked if I had some free time and suggested we go up to their room for a minute so they could change and then maybe we could hang out together on the beach. I told them that would be nice.

Once in the room they started to undress. I didn't see where their beach clothes were. One guy took off his shirt leaving his pants on. I could see he was becoming aroused. The other guy walked over to his buddy and gave him a deep kiss on the lips. He then helped him remove the rest of his clothes.

The first guy was now standing there naked and hard.

They looked at me and smiled. I returned the smile, stepped out of my sandals, removed my shorts, exposing myself and letting them know I was glad to be there. The second guy walked over, raised my arms, and lifted my shirt up over my head.

I was now naked and hard.

Two down and one to go.

The one-to-go was in no hurry.

He took my hand and led me over to his naked partner. I was guessing the one still clothed was the more dominant one of the duo. They were still figuring me out and letting me make the next move.

I embraced my naked companion. We kissed. We let our hands explore each other's body. I guess we weren't going out to the beach just yet.

The dominate one watched his partner melt into my embrace. Our naked bodies touching. Warming each other in the chill of the air-conditioned room.

Goose bumps. Tingling skin. Firm bodies.

This more submissive guy kissed his way down my supple body, spending a few moments kissing each nipple, letting them get hard. Flicking his tongue, looking up at me, then licking his way down my flat stomach to my trimmed groin. My balls were soft, my cock was hard. I was ready with a small amount of moisture right on the tip.

Submissive guy took me into his mouth. He knew what he was doing, taking his time, gliding his warm, wet mouth over my swollen cock. His partner was watching us, licking his lips, and slowly getting undressed.

I let my cock be sucked just enough to bring me to the edge, more than once. Then I pulled back, letting my cock slip out of his wonderful mouth and guided him over to the bed.

I had other plans in mind.

I had him lie down on his stomach. He pulled a pillow over and placed it under his body. His slender hips were raised up into the air.

Inviting, open, waiting, willing. Even a little bit eager.

His partner, watching and now naked, poured some lube on Submissives bottom, letting it drip down onto his puckered little boy pussy. He then squirted more lube in his hand, and while looking me in the eyes, he rubbed the cool lotion up and down my cock that still had some of his buddy's saliva dripping off the tip.

I got on the bed, moved his legs apart, scooted in closer, placed the tip of my cock on his boy pussy and gently, gradually, began pushing my way inside. Very slowly, with one, very long, smooth motion, all the way in until my hip was right up against his very nice smooth, round bottom.

Body to body. Skin to skin.

He was really hot looking. I was feeling very horny. His watching partner was aroused and now lubing up his own cock.

Yes, I knew what was coming next. Very nice. Very smooth. I liked these guys. We had said all we needed to at lunch. Now we just let our actions do the talking.

Letting our bodies take over.

I pulled almost all the way out. Bottom boy let out a gasp as I plunged right back in, to the hilt. I leaned in and kissed the back of his neck. I used my hands on his nicely shaped hips to help guide my thrusts. I was building up some momentum.

We started to work together. In and out. Pulsing, pumping, fucking.

His buddy, now ready, moved up behind me on the bed. Poured lube onto my ass, working it inside me with his finger. Causing me to pause in my thrusting to enjoy the sensation.

He placed his lubed cock at my entrance. Put his hands on my slim hips. Started to push in just as I was pulling out. I only got to the entrance of Bottom Boy when Top pushed harder, and we both moved forward at the same time. Him entering me deeply, me sliding forward into my hot little bottoms hole, all the way inside.

We all paused a moment to savor what was happening. Then continued our play. Moving in unison, forming a fucking sandwich or more appropriately a chainfuck, with me in the middle both fucking and being fucked.

I don't think this was on the menu.

Unless it was a la carte.

We fucked on this train, all the way down the line.

The room was still cool, but we three were very hot, very excited, and very much liking what we were doing.

Top reached around and stated jacking his partner's cock bringing him to an orgasm as he started shooting his cum inside me.

Not wanting to be left behind... I joined in the fucking cum fest, shooting a copious amount of cum deep inside this very pretty bottom.

After coming down from our peak and cuddling a little, the three of us were just basking in the afterglow of our sexual coupling, or would this be tripling?

I rolled on my side. Kissed my new friends. Said I really enjoyed our time together and was looking forward to seeing them again tonight across the street on the beach.

I put my shorts, sandals, and t-shirt back on. We agreed to meet up later after sundown across the street at the outdoor cruising spot. We exchanged phone numbers so I could let them know when I arrived.

A final kiss to both. Then I was off.

It was later in the afternoon by now. I walked back along the beach toward my resort. Got a towel from the beach attendant and went for a quick refreshing swim in the crystal-clear ocean.

When I headed back into the resort area, I noticed there was a large group of a dozen or more guys and gals who had pulled their chairs together. They were talking, laughing, joking, having fun. I was just in time to join in the gala. Many recognized me from earlier and waved me over to join in the fun.

I signaled the waitress to bring us a half dozen buckets of beer. My treat. It was happy hour, and we were all getting pretty happy.

This was a fun group of people. Different ages, male and female, single, couples, small groups from all over, not just the US. A pretty heterogeneous group. Likeable, outgoing, fun-loving... all here for some fun in the sun, sand, and surf.


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