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It Happened At The Lake


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"That's a lie," exclaimed Mom, sitting up straight in surprise.

"Didn't you peep when I was with Steve?"

"That was once and it was by mistake."

"Mistake? You were watching us from the window."

I had no idea that my mom was like that.

"How did you get caught?" I said to Mom.

"I caught her watching us, but pretended as if I hadn't seen her," pointed Sharon.

Both Sharon and Mom laughed at this.

"It wasn't such a good experience," revealed Mom.

"Yes, Steve wasn't that good. But Tim was, wasn't he?

"He was. Even now I haven't forgotten that sight," admitted Mom, lying back on the towel and taking a deep breath, making her breasts rise under the green bra.

By now I was openly admiring them and both knew I was looking at them. But instead of asking me to stop staring at them, they were, I suspect, enjoying my attention.

Later in the day, Sharon saw me watching TV alone in the living room, Mom was busy in the kitchen, and coming near me whispered: "We'll have to be careful."


"At my place, there's nobody in the afternoons but your mom's here, so we'll have to be careful."

"Okay," I said putting my hand over her tushy and enveloping her voluptuous body.

After dinner, drinks, and TV, we went back to our rooms. At around 11, I got up and slowly opened Sharon's room door, which she had purposely left unlocked, and tip-toed inside. From the faint light coming from the window, I could make her out curled up in bed under a duvet.

Getting under the duvet, I hugged her from behind and when my warm hand touched the bare skin of her thighs, she woke up and turning her big breasts toward me kissed me on my lips. Opening her cream-colored shirt, I started kissing, caressing, and sucking her lovely boobs and pink nipples, while her lips, tongue, and hands played with my cock.

Slowly moving my lips from her neck to her shoulders and then to her soft stomach, her shapely thighs, and down to her legs and toes. After caressing her whole naked body with my lips and tongue, I moved toward her hairy pussy and my tongue tasted her juices, while she sucked and played with my cock.

Then turning her on her stomach, I spread her legs as wide as I could and cupping her big breasts pushed my cock deep into her pussy, something she always loved and enjoyed. My dick went deeper into her pussy, while my hands squeezed, caressed, and pinched her boobs and nipples. When I was about to come, I took my cock out from her hole, turned her on her back, and came over her neck, breasts, and mouth and she licked it off with her lips.

We lay there on the bed, naked, and shared a cigarette.

I got up to go back to my room, but Sharon said: "Sleep here because I want to go for a swim early in the morning."

"OK, but don't forget to wake me up. I don't want Mom to catch me sleeping here."

"Don't worry. I'll wake you up early in the morning."

I was in deep sleep when she woke me up but since we hardly ever got a chance to swim together, I quickly got up and went to swim with her. After swimming nude for twenty minutes or so, we got out of the water and lay down on a mat.

She had put on white panties but left her big boobs uncovered while I was still naked.

I was admiring her when she asked me: "What are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking that Kim looks a lot like you."

"In what way?"

"She has your brown eyes, your face and she's developing like you."

"Yes, she's growing up fast."

"She's turning out to be a beautiful girl. You should warn her about boys."

"Maybe, I should warn her about you," she said, looking down at my cock.

"Nah, but you should teach her things."

"What things?"

"You know, about how to do stuff and how things are done."

"I think she already knows all that."

"What do you mean?"

"She's not a kid, you know."

"Maybe somebody's teaching her."


"You're more than enough for me," I said as I turned my body toward her and began running my hand over her naked stomach, and white panties, and started circling her pink nipples with my fingers.

"She's getting naughtier every day. First, she wanted to pierce her belly button, somehow I talked her out of it, but now she wants to wear thongs."

"What did you say?"

"I don't want her to wear thongs, but I think she'll buy them."

"You should allow her. After all with the kind of skirts she wears, it doesn't leave much to the imagination."

"That's true. Her tops aren't any better either."

All this was making me horny, so got up and had sex right there on the mat. After making love, both of us went back to the house and later all three of us spent the day in town.

At night, I again got up and tip-toed to Sharon's room and was busy making love when I felt that somebody was watching us, so lifted my head and looked at the window but nobody was there. We again got busy but again felt that somebody was watching us, so again looked at the window but saw no one.

This time Sharon asked me what was I looking at.

"Nothing", I replied and shifted my attention back to her.

We spent the whole next day inside the house because it was raining heavily. At night, I was with Sharon in her room when again felt being watched. The next morning I went to school and when I came back the house was empty as Sharon and Mom had gone shopping and didn't return until late evening. The thought that somebody was watching us hadn't left me the whole day and was freaking me out so decided to take some action.

After dinner, I took out a video camera and hid it under a tree in the garden, where the room window opened, and angled it directly at the window and just before going to Sharon's room switched it on. That night I again felt that somebody was watching us but instead of lifting my head to see who or what it was, I began paying all attention to Sharon and did not stop before filing her pussy with my cum.

After making sure that Sharon was sleeping, I came out, went to the garden, retrieved the camera, and went back to my room. When I saw what was on the tape, it took me by so much surprise that I had to watch it thrice just to make sure I wasn't hallucinating or dreaming. After confirming and reconfirming the image on the tape, I took it out and hid it under the bed, but not before making two copies of it.

The next day Sharon was going to her house as Kim was coming back from visiting her dad, so Mom went to drop her off, while I went to school. After dinner I saw that Mom's room was open and was she adjusting books, so went inside and hugged her from behind, putting my hands around her stomach.

Now this is not something I had done before, so her first reaction was surprise and then she tried to get out of my grip but I didn't budge.

"Let me go. I've so much work to do," she said, turning her face toward me.

I didn't want to let her go but was afraid of making her angry, so gave a peck on her red cheeks, loosened my grip, and let her go. When I returned from school in the evening, Mom wasn't there, so took out one of the copies of the tape. Although at first, I wanted to tell her personally about it, I couldn't summon the courage, so went to her room and kept it on the bed.

A little later she came back from shopping, went into her room to change into her favorite black knee-length night dress, and at the dinner table asked me what the tape was doing on her bed.

"It's for you, watch it."

She looked at me in surprise, but I kept my eyes on the delicious fish she had cooked.

After dinner, we usually sat in the living room to watch TV, but today she didn't come out of her room and when I knocked on her door she didn't reply and then, in a muffled voice, told me to go away. In the morning she again stayed in her room and when I came back from school she wasn't in the house. For the next two days, she continued avoiding me, and all my pleadings and knocking on the door went unanswered.

Then, on the third day, I saw a message pasted on my door saying: "I'm sorry."

That morning I decided to talk to her even if it meant skipping school, so waited for her to come out of her room and when she did, I caught her hand and told her that it was not my intention to hurt her by showing her the tape and that I wasn't angry.

After several apologies and pleadings, she sat down and I made a big drink for her. Finally, she calmed down and said how sorry she was for watching me and Sharon together.

I wanted to spend the day with her but she gave some excuse about work and went out, so I took off to Sharon's place. Kim was in school.

She was, as usual, in the mood. As soon as she opened the door, she hugged me tightly and started kissing me on my lips, face, and neck. I locked her bright red lips in a passionate kiss and began caressing her shoulders, neck, and long black hair. Within minutes, we were in her room making love.

After coming, both of us started smoking a cigarette and were talking when Sharon told me that Kim hadn't listened to her and had bought thongs.

"Let me see them."


"I just want to see them, that's all."

"They're just thongs."

"That's what I'm saying."

Reluctantly, she got up and brought three pairs of thongs and two pairs of transparent bras.

I took them from her, felt their smoothness, and wanted to imagine Kim wearing them but with Sharon there, I handed them back to her.

"Let her wear them, if she wants to. Nobody would know she's wearing a transparent bra except her boyfriend. He must have seen everything already."

"Do you think she has a boyfriend?"

"I don't know. I'm just guessing."

"Do you think she has done it?"

"No idea, but one day she will, so why worry about it."

"I don't want her to do it so soon."

"Well, she will suck cocks, take them in her pussy and give blowjobs and your worrying won't stop her."

"That's a very crude thing to say," said Sharon, staring at me.

"That's reality," I replied, placing her mouth back on my cock.

With Kim on my mind, I fucked Sharon and left her lying on the bed naked, with my cum inside her moist pussy.

Back at home, Mom had come back from work and was reading a book in the living room, but I didn't sit with her. Instead went straight to the bathroom and after a shower came out with only a towel around my body. This was the first time I had gone in front of Mom in just a towel but she didn't say anything, at least not until we were about to sit down for dinner when she asked me whether I planned to put on clothes. I smiled and went into my room to change.

The next morning, I again came out of my room in just a towel but this time she didn't ask me to wear clothes, although she didn't come anywhere near me, not even when she was laying out the table for breakfast. I finished the boiled eggs, changed, and went to school.

In the evening, I was coming out of my room when saw her going into her room, so went and hugged her from behind, putting my hands just below her breasts, and pressed my crotch against the back of her green skirt. She instantly tried to get away, but I tightened my grip and kissed her sleek neck.

"Stop it," said Mom, turning her face toward me, her cheeks were bright red and her eyebrows raised.

I was in no mood to listen. Moving my hands to her boobs, I cupped them tightly and started kissing her neck and cheeks. She again struggled to get out but I continued kissing her and rubbing my crotch against her skirt. I squeezed her breasts, her nipples, and, as her breathing increased, her heaving boobs began feeling more sensuous and aroused. After enjoying the feel of her boobs as much as I could and kissing her to my heart's content, I loosened my grip and let her go.

"Are you crazy? What were you doing?" she said, with her breasts heaving, face turned scarlet red and lips pursed.

"You can watch me, but I can't touch you?" I retorted, taking a step back because I thought she was going to hit me.

As soon as I said that, she bowed her head in shame, slowly walked toward her bed, and sat down on it, with her hands on her knees.

"Please don't be angry. I'm sorry if I've hurt you. I'll not do it again," I said as I went near the bed, knelt down in front of her, and took her face into my hands.

She started crying, but somehow I convinced her that I wouldn't do it again, so she cheered up a bit. Although I did promise her that I wouldn't do it again, I had no intention of stopping.

The next morning before going to school, I went to her room and hugged her from the front, with my chest pressed tightly against her blue blouse and my hands encircling her back. She made an effort to get out of my grip but it was a much feeble attempt than the previous one. Her breasts were crushed against my chest and my lips were feeling the soft, smooth skin of her neck, cheeks, and shoulders, while my hands were all over her white knee-length skirt.

I was getting bolder and she wasn't throwing fits anymore.

In the evening, she was sitting on the couch watching TV when I came from behind and started massaging her neck. At first, she didn't say anything but when my hands started moving toward her breasts, she quickly moved her hands to stop me, but I simply ignored her and cupped her boobs over an orange T-shirt. I began playing with her breasts, her nipples and then bent my head down and started kissing her neck, her cheeks, and her exposed shoulders. I could see she was wearing a gray bra under the T-shirt. She tried to move my hands away and escape, but I was too strong for her.

After feeling her boobs for nearly five minutes, left her there and went into my room.

The next day after she came back from the local store, I handed her a package, which when she opened it caught her by surprise. It was a red, low-cut dress, with slits extending to inner thighs on both sides.

"Where did you get this?"

"I ordered it for you."

"For me?"


"I can't wear this?"

"Why not?"

"It's too revealing."

"Then don't wear it outside the house."

She looked at me quizzically and wanted to say something but I cut her and said: "I'm cooking dinner for you, so please go and change into this."

"You want me to wear this now?"


She smiled, said thank you, took the dress, and went into her room, while I got busy with dinner. I was laying out the table when she emerged from her room in that dress and was looking gorgeous. The low-cut was accentuating her breasts perfectly and the slits were completely exposing her smooth thighs. When I saw her standing in that dress, I went up to her, kissed her bright red lips, and walked her to the table.

I was a perfect gentleman and instead of looking at her exposed boobs or thighs, I made sure that she enjoyed the food. After finishing our dinner and drinks, I asked her if she would like to go for a quick swim at the lake.

"Now?" she said, looking at the watch.

"Yes, now."

"Let's go like this," I suggested as she got up to change.

"But won't there be people?"

"Not at this hour."

"OK," she replied, giving a big smile and looking down at her dress.

So off we went for a swim.

We were in the water for more than ten minutes and when she started to come out she realized that the water had made her whole dress transparent, especially the top part, so she hid her breasts with her hands.

"What are you doing?"

"They're completely visible."

"Well, nobody's here."

She continued to walk like that and it was only when she reached the mat that she dropped her hands and lay down on it, with her boobs and thighs fully exposed. I lay down on my side next to her and admired her pink nipples, the roundness of her boobs, her smooth stomach, and her long legs and gorgeous thighs. I started running my fingers through her hair and soon they were circling her exposed pink nipples but instead of protesting she closed her eyes and allowed me to play with her breasts.

Moving closer to her, I started kissing her all over, from lip to cheeks to shoulders to her nipples and down to her thighs. She kept her eyes closed and did not say a word, while my lips and hands caressed, loved, and played with her body. I slowly removed her wet dress, and her blue panties, and we were soon having sex right there on the mat under the moon and stars.

After making love I stayed on the mat, while Mom went for a dip in the water, naked. I joined her in water and we again made love but this time did it in water, which simply made it more pleasurable.

Later we went back to the house. Instead of sleeping in different rooms, we decided that I'd sleep with her in her room.

Around two in the night, I felt her lips on my lips and when I opened my eyes saw her lying on her side, with her naked body resting on her elbow. She looked at me, her lips were curled up in a smile and her deep-blue eyes were searching for my reaction.

Putting my hands around her naked back, I made her lie down and my lips started sucking her nipples, while my hands felt her thighs, her lovely stomach, and her round and smooth breasts. I played with her body and then my face moved toward her pussy and my tongue tasted all her warm juices.

She, meanwhile, sucked my cock and her tongue enjoyed its erectness. Pushing me on my back, she sat down on me and opened her pussy for it, while I caressed, squeezed, and kissed her boobs and pink nipples. Mom made love to me with relish and continued fucking me until she was completely spent.

"Thanks. I love you," she whispered, lying on top of me.

I hugged her naked, sweaty, and still warm body tightly and enjoyed our closeness.

In the morning, I went to take a shower in her bathroom and asked her to hand me a towel and when she stretched her hand out to give it to me I pulled her inside, took off the silk night dress, and made her shower with me.

When I came back from school in the evening, she had not only cooked my favorite dish but was also wearing lovely clothes: A short yellow skirt that barely covered her gorgeous thighs and a deep-neck halter top that displayed the beauty of her breasts.

I first kissed her lips, then her clearly visible, erect nipples, and then lifted her skirt and kissed the front of her white panties. Then we sat down for dinner and after drinks made love in the living room. We were lying naked on the carpet when she asked me how it all started with Sharon.

"You know, she's not shy of her body, so I used to look at her whenever I got a chance, especially when she was wearing those low-cut tops or short skirts."

"That's virtually every day."

"Yes, that's true. Well, once or twice, she caught me looking at her."

"I, too, saw you watching her."

"She knew that I enjoyed looking at her, so one day when I was at her home, Kim was out with her friends, she came out in just a towel and sat down next to me to watch TV and started running her fingers through my hair and one thing led to another," I said nodding my head in agreement.

"She knows how to get guys," added Mom, listening intently.

"That's true."

"How long ago was it?"

"Around a year ago."


"Have you been with anybody since Dad?"

"No. First, the shock of your dad leaving us was too much then I simply got busy in raising you and with running the house."

"Did you think about it?" I said, kissing her cheeks and placing my hand on her breasts.

"Sometimes," she replied, placing her hand on my hand that was on her breasts.

"Well, you should have told me earlier," I said, circling her pink nipples.

She smiled and buried her face into my chest.

Like last night, I again slept in her room and we again made love in the night and that's how we spent the next two days.

On the third day, I went to Sharon's place and somehow convinced her to let me film us making love. I told her it was for my own pleasure. I placed the camera I had brought with me in her bedroom and filmed the whole session.

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