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It Is Always the Quiet One

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Good girl becomes an exhibitionist while on vacation.
2.9k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 10/04/2022
Created 07/11/2013
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Becky was a child of the late 60s and early 70s that was a late bloomer growing up in Iowa. She was the nice quiet type that earned great grades and did what she was supposed to do. In high school she was such a good girl that she was way behind everyone else in college when it came to sex. In college at University of Iowa, she became very interested in sex but everyone looked at her as a goody two shoes and she was not bold enough to change things. Becky did begin frequently masturbating and spent many a night in college touching herself listening to her roommate Kim and her boyfriend Joey screwing in the next room. She did not lose her virginity until her senior year and then it was with George, who was bland and plain as can be. Becky had short strawberry blond brown hair and was very fair skinned.

Five years later in 1980, Becky was living in New York City, with a MBA, making good money and becoming a lot more mature and confident. She was about 15 pounds heavier than in college and the weight had gone to all the right places. Becky had been going out with Steven for about a year. Steven was the rare great guy that is smart, handsome, fun and easy going. Steven also had the biggest penis of the few guys she been with. He had been a homecoming king in high school and a very popular frat boy in college at Penn State. He had been a pretty wild party guy but was now working a lot of hours and settling down with Becky. Five years ago dating a guy like Steven was beyond Becky's dreams. Now they were in a serious relationship and she had never been happier and was well on her way to coming out of her shell. Becky has blossomed into a very attractive women who was becoming more and more comfortable with her strong sexual appetite. In many ways Becky was finding that she was more adventurous that Steven.

Joey had met Kim during the first month of freshman year and they had been together ever since. They mostly hung out with each other in college and fucked like rabbits. They got married four years ago and moved back to Kim's hometown in Asheville, North Carolina where they worked in her families real estate business. They had a baby boy named Robbie three years ago and had a nice quiet life, although at times Joey wished he had not settled down so early. Although it was not discussed, Kim felt the same way. She ran cross country in high school and had recently started running 30 miles a week and lost 20 pounds and was down to her weight before the baby. Kim was thin with a flat chest and an attractive face with black hair and a fair complexion. Joey was an average looking guy with bushy eyebrows and a warm smile.

Becky and Kim talked occasionally on the phone but had not seen each other in several years since their lives had gone in different directions. One night in July, somehow they were discussing how long it had been since they had seen each other and they made plans to spend a long weekend together at the beach on the North Carolina coast in September with Joey and Steven. Becky told Steven and they put it on their calendar and arranged for a couple days off from work. Steven was happy to be meeting a friend from Becky's past since she met many of his college friends and he had never met any of her old friends.

A couple of weeks before the trip Steven was talking to his old college friend, Kyle who was living in Los Angeles. Kyle said that he and his girlfriend, Jill were planning to come visit Steven and Becky, which turned out to be the same week that they has plans to go to North Carolina. They had already bought the plane tickets. It was typical of Kyle to make plans without checking. When Steven told Kyle about their plans for the weekend, Kyle said he loved the beach. Steven said he would check and see if there is enough room.

Steven could be too nice of a guy and Kyle was very hard to say no to. He hated to put Becky on the spot , but what was he going to do. At first when Steven discussed it with her, she was going to say no, but she had a soft spot for Kyle. Becky had only met Kyle once briefly, but she could tell beneath all the brashness that Kyle was socially awkward and she felt sorry for him. Becky knew that Kyle looked up to Steven and that Kyle was struggling to be successful since college.

Kyle was a spoiled guy from a rich family, who meant well, but likely would never outgrow being the crazy guy who would do anything anything for attention. He was a bit overweight, husky more than fat. Kyle was working in his Uncle's TVstudio that made millions producing television shows, trying to learn the ropes but his uncle did not trust him to handle anything important. His girlfriend, Jill who had been so much like him when they met was overgrowing him. Jill had a colorful past and when she met Kyle, she felt safe and found him to be entertaining. However, after three years of being with Kyle, she was no longer charmed by his child like personality.

When Becky talked to Kim about Kyle and Jill coming, Kim said that it would be a little crowded and that Becky and Steven would have to share a bathroom but otherwise it was fine. She did warn Kim that Kyle was loud and crazy but Kim, based on the Becky that she knew back in college, just assumed that any friend of Becky's couldn't be that bad.

On the weekend of the trip, Kyle and Jill flew in to New York and they drove down together to North Carolina. This was the first time Becky had met Jill. Jill had blonde hair with a dark complexion and was curvy bordering on being slightly overweight. Once they started driving, Kyle was his normal hyper self. He got bored very quickly during the eight hour drive and was talking non stop about everything with no filter. At one point, he suddenly told Becky that she should shave her crotch. Both he and Jill were doing it and he highly recommends it.

Steven said, "Jesus Christ. Don't you ever change?"

Jill sighed and screamed at him "that he is so fucking embarrassing"

Becky was bored as can be as well, thought it was funny and was not offended.

"I do some trimming but not completely."

It turned Becky on to be discussing the status of her private parts with the group.

Kyle said that when he started shaving, it made his cock seem bigger. Jill added that he needed all to help he could get.

Becky wanted to keep the conversation going in this direction but was unsure what to say next.

The remainder of the trip was uneventful and they arrived at the small beach house and met Joey and Kim. Kyle was excited about the hot tub that was below the house. Kim was shocked at how attractive Steven turned out to be in person. She remembered the Becky in college who rarely dated. Joey could not believe little quiet Becky had blossomed in to this beautiful women who no longer spoke barely above a whisper.

Kim didn't know what to make of Kyle and Jill. Kyle looked like a big teddy bear but he seemed to be more concerned with going to get alcohol and hitting the beach than meeting Kim and Joey or unpacking. Jill looked like a one of the sorority girls that Kim had avoided in college and did not seem to be very friendly.

Kim led everyone thru a brief tour of the small beach house. The small elevated one story house belonged to to a friend of her parents. Kim and Joey would have the master bedroom which was on one side of the house. On the other side of the kitchen and living room were two small rooms meant for kids. Obviously Becky and Steven would be in one of the rooms and Kyle and Jill in the other. The only bathroom was between the rooms with two doors opening to each of the rooms.

It was decided that the boys would go shopping for food and alcohol and the girls would unpack. It was kind of odd for Becky being with Kim after all this time. However, after putting everything away they fell into conversation easily with Kim telling Becky how different she seemed and asking about living in New York. Becky asked about motherhood and Kim said she loved it, but really needed this weekend away. Becky said she was looking forward to some time away from work as well. Eventually she went to the bedroom to get changed into her bathing suit.

She walked into the bedroom just as Jill was removing her shorts in the open bathroom door and she got a view of her large rump.


"No big deal" Jill said as she pulled her bikini bottoms up. "I think it is going to be some interesting living arrangements this weekend."

"Not a lot of privacy" said Becky

"Like in college when I had a couple of roommates and we usually had boys over on the weekends."

Becky was thinking not like my college . Since it was only Jill in here, she went ahead and started changing. When she was topless Jill said,

"You have no idea how hot you are."

Becky thanked her but felt weird and turned on at the same time as she got her bikini on. She was not sure if the comment was just a innocent compliment or meant something more.

"I will try to talk to Kyle abut respecting privacy but you know he is going to looking for any excuse to show you his hairless dick."

Becky laughed and thought she wouldn't mind seeing it. She said, "I figured he would want to see me naked."

Jill smiled "That too of course but he an exhibitionist. He loves to be naked around women."

As Becky was taking this all in, the guys came back.

The girls waited in the living room while the guys got changed. All the girls had on bikinis with cover ups. Jill mixed a batch of a hurricane type mixed drink that she said was perfect for the beach. After the guys came out Kyle got the cooler and packed as much alcohol as he could fit in the cooler. As luck would have it, just as they got out the door, they heard thunder.

Joey suggested that they wait out the storm in the hot tub. They turned on the stereo and got in the hot tub and started drinking.

Kyle immediately asked if the hot tub was clothing optional and Jill and Steven rolled their eyes. Kyle said that it should be clothing optional which made Kim a bit uncomfortable.

When the girls took off their cover ups, Becky noticed that Kim's boobs were considerably smaller than hers and that Jill's were much bigger. She wondered how normal it was to always be thinking about sex and body parts. The hurricane drink was pretty strong and after an hour they were all feeling pretty good. Joey and Kim in particular had loosened up and everyone was getting along and having fun. They turned the stereo louder and several of them were singing along and moving to the music. The girls were dancing to The Rolling Stones' Get off My Cloud when Becky suddenly noticed that Kim's left breast had fallen out of her loose fitting bikini. Her boob was barely bigger than a boys. She tried to discretely bring it to her attention when Kyle loudly said,

"Kim is flashing her tits!"

Kim immediately turned red and everyone was speechless as she quickly covered up.

Becky could see that her friend was mortified and in her drunken state could think of only one thing to do to help her. She lifted her top and gave everyone a good view of her tits. Her light peach colored breasts immediately hardened.

Joey and Steven both could not believe what just happened . They both sat there with their mouth open. Kyle was cheering with a huge shit eating grin and talking about how this is a great way to start a weekend.

Kim ran into the house. Joey was trying to process that nice shy Becky from college had just flashed everyone. Joey thought that Kim was overreacting but knew he better go calm her down.

Jill told Kyle that he better not get any ideas. However, Kyle had already decided that nudity was going to be a big part of the weekend.

Becky had never flashed a group of people before and could not believe the rush that she got from it.

The four remaining people in the hut tub decided that they should go to their rooms. In their room Becky asked Steven if he was mad. Steven just laughed and said that he was surprised and thought it was funny.

After the shock of having her breast exposed and Kyle making sure that everyone knew it, Kim calmed down and realized it was not the end the world. After a while Becky knocked on her door and they shared a good laugh over what Becky had done.

"I guess you really will take your off shirt or should I say bikini off to help a friend. "

Becky was still on a high from the thrill.

Kyle was busy plotting how to expose himself. He realized that he could likely have fun with Becky but that Kim was going to be more challenging.

Jill was trying to discourage Kyle from getting too wild. However, she knew that she was fighting a losing battle and honestly was starting to get in the mood for having a crazy weekend herself.

When Kim came back out to the living room, everyone including Kyle did not mention the earlier incident.

Since they have all traveled to get to the beach this first day, they simply ordered pizza. The rain stopped around dinner time and after dinner they took their drinks and went for a walk on the beach. Things were fairly quiet as each were busy with their own thoughts.

They came back and watched a little TV and it seemed like it was going to be a quiet evening. However, Kyle decided that it was time to start exposing himself and he went to the bathroom and removed all his clothes. He walked out in the living room buck naked with a towel to sit down on.

Kim was the first to see him and although shocked did not freak out. She asked if he forgot anything?

"No, I just decided to get more comfortable."

Becky noted that his balls was indeed shaved and that although his dick looked to be partially erect he was much smaller than Steven.

Both Jill and Steven knew Kyle too well to be shocked. Joey was enjoying the surprises that have occurred so far this weekend and wondering what else was in store.

Kim who was quite drunk, announced that this was the first penis besides Joey's that she had seen in person since high school.

They sat there for about an hour watching TV and drinking with Kyle naked and everyone clothed. At one point Kyle's drink went down the wrong way and he had a minor coughing fit which resulted in his dick bouncing up and down and cracked everyone up. Most of that time Becky was trying to work up the courage to take off some of her clothes as well. However, it never felt right and nothing more happened. Eventually they all went to their bedroom.

Becky was extremely horny after the sexually charged day. She asked Steven how he was doing and he just laughed and said that Kyle never changes. She asked again if he was all right with her flashing and he said he enjoyed it. She started stroking his cock with her hand and jokingly asked if he would be all right if she walked around naked like Kyle. They were both laughing loudly and became aware of how close the bedrooms were when Kyle asked what was so funny. Steven said they talking about his small dick and then all four were laughing while Becky was still stroking Steven's cock. Soon she put his dick in her mouth and they had glorious passionate hot sex. Based on the sounds coming from next door Kyle and Jill were enjoying themselves as well. After both rooms were done, Becky said loudly.

"Hey Jill"

"Hi Becky"

"I just got fucked "

"How was it?"

"It was great! Did Kyle stick that hairless dick he has been exposing to everyone in you?"

"You know he did"

Kyle added "You know you want it too."

Everyone was laughing and they said good night.

To be continued.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Excellent build up

Great story

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
why Interesting plot ?

its so full of cliche that the story is already written.

Becky does not believe in her guy and instead of talking and developping with him , she fucks up with the loudmouth Kyle.

End of story. the details who gives a shit and for sure it will be the ever so boring story.

RecHikerRecHikerabout 11 years ago
Interesting plot

You did an very good job building up your story characters but it seems to me (just my opinion) you hurried the rest of the story and ended to soon. I'll be waiting to read the next submission since you said it will be continued.


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