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Italian Teases/Pleases Black Ch. 08

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Carmina's sexuality unleashed.
5.5k words

Part 8 of the 9 part series

Updated 10/18/2022
Created 02/14/2012
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Kirk had moved well along in wrapping up what had turned out to be a long week and by noon Friday had everything about finished as he'd planned to let him head to the airport for his flight back east. With the trip now off, he was just keeping himself busy. He wanted to avoid the endless chatter of the executive dining room so he phoned and requested delivery of a club sandwich. He had just taken a bite when the phone chirped.

Gulping to swallow, he managed a weak "Hello". Instead of a voice on the other end, he heard the familiar strains of a mellow saxophone. Following a brief interlude of a track from the CD she borrowed, Carmina's voice cut in.

"Hi handsome!" I just dumped my cheating husband off at the airport and thought I'd check in to see if you needed anything."

"Nope, thanks to you, I've got everything done and am sitting at my desk nibbling on a sandwich."

"Well I'm heading to Victoria's Secret to pick up a few things. Has that agile mind come up with anything special you'd like to see me in?"

"No, surprise me. I'm sure I will like whatever you choose."

Chuckling, "I'll bet you will! You'll like me both in and out of them!"

"You got it!"

"Have you given any thought to our celebratory dinner? I want to be sure that I'm prepared."

"Actually I have. I thought we'd go to the Retreat."

"The Retreat? I don't think I've ever heard of it."

"You haven't. It's a private club at the outskirts of town."

"Oh? What kind of club is it?"

"Its a chic, upscale club with great ambiance, good food and usually a good band."

"Chic? ... Upscale! That sounds inviting what are you going to wear? I want to make sure that I'm wearing something complementary and don't embarrass you."

"Not to worry, there's not the faintest chance of your embarrassing me. I'll probably wear a Zegna suit. It's a tad dressier than my normal office attire. Its steel blue-gray and made of a silk/wool combination."

"That's sounds pretty dressy ... Hmmm, I think I may just have a dress that works. You'll have to tell me when you see it. I'm going to swing by to get a manicure too. What time is our reservation?"

"Its at 8:00 so we'll need to leave at 7:00 to account for traffic and the distance."

"You are going to pick me up right? Or do you prefer that I swing by your place?"

"I plan to pick you up promptly at 7:00."

"Great! And, one more thing -- remember to bring a toothbrush because I don't plan to let you out of my sight this weekend."

"Sounds great to me! ... Sounds GREAT!"

Not having been to her house and knowing only vaguely how to get there, Kirk left his house at about 6:30. Hopefully if she lived only ten minutes away as she'd said, he'd have plenty of time to make a stop that he'd planned and still arrive on time.

He made his stop and found her street with no problem. He surveyed the houses set far back from the street as he drove. He spotted her address in brass numerals on the curbside mailbox and parked behind a car that looked vaguely familiar.

In the fast receding light, he surveyed the nearby homes for signs of life in the yards or windows. Seeing none, he slid from behind the wheel and walked up the curved inlaid stone path that led to her front door. Alternating chimes alerted her to his arrival when he pressed the doorbell.

"Well hello handsome!" she greeted Kirk warmly as she was shielded from his sight (and that of prying eyes) as she stood behind the door with only her head peeking out. "You're right on time so I guess you had no problem finding the place."

Extending his hand to present the red rose he'd stopped to pick up, "Hello Gorgeous!"

Her eyes widened at the sight of the flower and she gushed -- "For me? Oh my!"

When she stepped from behind the door to accept the rose, it was his turn to gush. Carmina looked as if she had just stepped from the pages of a glamour magazine. She had her hair up, which he'd never seen before. Her makeup was flawless and the dress (Oh what a dress!) -- it fit her like a glove!

He whistled as she closed the door and stepped back into the lighted foyer to let him fully take in the stunning beauty before him. The dress was made of a soft metallic fabric of understated blue/silver tones. But it was not the color that left him with his mouth agape. It was its design and how perfectly it fit her. It had a cowl neck that dropped low in front to showcase the silver/onyx choker she wore, her elegant neck and the barest hint of cleavage.

The dolman sleeves stopped just above wrist level to accent the matching silver/onyx bracelet and her freshly done red nails.

But the jaw dropper was the cut! The hem stopped at mid-thigh and with the higher heels than she normally wore, showcased her shapely legs to perfection.

"Oh my goodness! You are truly a vision of loveliness. You look simply beautiful! Breathtaking ...!

She smiled brightly at his response to her dress, twirled around and said "I am so happy you like it!"

"The word LIKE comes nowhere close!" Kirk said stepping forward to embrace her. He gave her a soft kiss before extending his arms to again take in the sensuous lady before him.

"Before you get too carried away and my flower wilts, I'm going to find a bud vase."

"While you do that, I'm going to my car to get my camera. I MUST take a picture of the elegant lady I'll have on my arm."

She positively gushed, and blushed! "Geee!"

As he returned to the house, she was standing near a lacquered oriental hutch where she'd place the rose putting on her earring. She looked Kirk up and down appraising his attire and said, "You look absolutely dashing sir!" stroking his lapel, "Ohh that's soft!"

He quipped "That's about the only thing that's soft! Looking at you in that fantastic dress is causing other parts of me to get hard as a rock. You'd better let me take a picture of my alluring date before I suggest skipping dinner!"

"OK where do you want me?"

Kirk looked around the living room and spotted a cushioned chair with high arms. "How about perching on that arm of that chair?"

"Alright", she said and started in the direction of the chair before she came to an abrupt stop. She whirled around and headed back to where she'd placed the rose. She picked up something silver and then turned her attention to her left hand.

"I won't be needing this!" she said as she removed her wedding band before replacing it with the large silver/onyx ring she had cupped in her palm.

She returned to the chair and posed elegantly as he took a few snaps. He followed with more of her standing, sitting on the sofa with her legs sexily crossed and a close-up or two of her elegant make up and hair. "I want one more!" she said as she rested her chin on her left hand with the new 'fun weekend' ring on prominent display.

Standing up, she said "I hope your batteries are fully charged."

"Mine or the camera's?"

"Both, Sweetie, BOTH for sure!"

"I'm ready if you are!" Carmina said picking up a small clutch that perfectly accented her outfit. "The only challenge now is getting in your Porsche without showing my ass off to the world. This dress is short!"

"Not to worry gorgeous, I love looking at your shapely ass anytime. But that will have to wait since I brought my Jaguar instead of the Porsche."

"Oh my! I've never even been in your Jag. This must be some elegant place you're taking me too."

"It is. It befits both you and our long overdue celebratory dinner. It also has a swivel passenger sit to let you easily sit and swing your legs up while preserving your modesty."

"That's impressive!"

She took his arm as they strode down the path towards car. "I wonder if there are any prying eyes." she said "Although I really don't care that much."

"Let me know if you see anyone nosy because I've got a plan."


"Yes, I'll just pretend I'm your driver and seat you in the back!"

"She broke out into gales of laughter -- "You don't miss a trick!"

With no one in sight, the plan wasn't needed. Kirk opened the door swiveled her seat and watched her slide in and thought -- "Oh my! What a lovely sight her beautiful legs in silky smoke hose presented!"

Traffic was unusually light as they pulled onto the freeway and the sky unusually clear. Stars were sparkling brightly and a shimmering moon was rising on the horizon. He selected some mellow jazz which filled the car as they drove. With his elbow on the console between the seats, Kirk held her hand, caressing it softly with his thumb.

"As I've said before, you've got the best hands. Where did you ever learn to touch a woman just so to make her feel so special?"

"All I can say is that you bring out the best in me."

"You're so sweet!"

They drove with only an occasional word as they drank in the beauty surrounding them, each left to their own thoughts. As he exited the freeway, she looked about as if to get her bearings. "I don't think I've ever been here." As they drove further into the canyon, she remarked about the hillside mansions. "Wow, those are lovely homes!" About a mile further, she remarked. "I just noticed something, there are no street lights."

"No, out here, the homeowners voted against them. They want to get away from the city."

"Well they succeeded because it seems like we're in a forest with all these tall trees."

Approaching the turn into the club, he slowed down.

"Are we lost?" she asked.

"No, we're almost there." Kirk said as he turned into a barely perceptible driveway.

They drove about a half mile down the tree-lined path with the fronds on each side almost touching above them.

When the club came into view with its softly lit understated presence, she whispered "How secluded and posh is this?"

As Kirk turned into the large circular entrance, two tuxedo clad attendants emerged, each approaching opposite sides of the car. He waited for Randall, the passenger side attendant to open her door before pressing the control to swivel her seat. "You might need to lift your feet slightly, sweetheart." She did as she was glided into position to make an easy and modest exit.

He turned off the engine as Jerry opened his door greeting him -- "Doctor K, its good seeing you!"

Kirk walked around the car where Randall stood with Carmina, guiding her hand to his arm and gave Kirk an approving nod of the head.

As they approached the entrance, she whispered "How classy, you must be well known here."

"Well yes and no, the staff must know all members by name."

"Well, I'm impressed!"

The doors opened as the door attendant saw them draw near. "Welcome! I trust yours will be an enjoyable evening." Two strides inside the door, Harry the tall grey haired and distinguished looking maître d', greeted them nodding to Carmina "Madam" and then extending his hand to Kirk. "Lincoln will be seeing to your needs this evening." Linc smiled brightly as he approached -- "This way please." as he gestured to the sunken dining room.

He led them up to the tiered booths three steps above the main floor, swiveled one side of the table to allow Carmina to slide in and then smiled in approval as he repeated the motion on Kirk's side. He unfurled the elegant napkins and placed them on their laps.

As he walked away Carmina commented "This has to be the most elegant place I've ever seen! The booths are spread so far apart!" Kirk explained that discretion was at a premium here and that the booths were purposely spaced to prevent conversations from being overheard. "Many business deals are done here and, he paused, some conversations between couples deserve privacy."

"I also noticed that the entire staff is Afro American."

"Yes, that's because it's a black owned club. It was conceived to provide black professionals and business people a retreat from their workaday worlds. There are two others in the country with another one under construction. Each has full facilities -- meeting rooms, a few for overnight guests, pools, tennis, you name it."

She started to say something else when Linc reappeared carrying an ice bucket that contained a bottle of Cristal. "May I pour?"

"Yes, please."

He poured two glasses, placed them within easy reach and said "Enjoy!" as he turned on his heel.

Kirk felt Carmina's hand on his thigh rubbing slowly up and down, "I knew this evening would be special but I had no idea just how special."

They sipped their champagne and talked.

"When a special celebration like ours finally comes along, I thought it best to celebrate in grand style."

The pianist had begun to play softly when Linc returned with menus. He recited the specials of the day, all flown in fresh and opened the blue leather bound books for their perusal.

Already knowing what he wanted, Kirk asked Carmina her preference. "One of each, I think! How nice that they have both descriptions in both English and Italian. Kirk smiled and paused before commenting. "Actually the menus are customized for each guest. In honor of your presence, I requested English/Italian when I recalled hearing you speaking Italian to your mother on the phone recently."

"Boy you don't miss a trick! Hmmm, why are there no prices?"

He smiled but before he could answer she chuckled, "I get it -- discretion!"

They ordered -- deciding to share a Caesar's salad, while she had an Italian fish dish and Kirk ordered veal. Freshly baked bread was served along with a tasty entrema pause between courses.

"Will you take dessert now or later?" Linc said.

"Later I think if I can talk this lovely lady into joining me on the dance floor."

"You can indeed! Dancing is one of my favorite things."

The band had arrived and set up discreetly while they ate and started the set off with a samba. Not knowing how well she might dance, it would be easy for her to pick up the steps.

He needn't have worried -- "This woman can dance!" Kirk thought. He didn't mean frenzied booty shaking and spastic gyrations, he meant graceful, poised and fluid. She followed beautifully as they danced slowly and showed off some graceful and alluring moves on fast numbers. She later shared that she'd studied dance a few years before abandoning her pursuit of a fine arts degree. Being a good dancer with some training too, Kirk felt they'd have a doubly enjoyable evening. They broke only when Carmina indicated she needed to visit the powder room.

After retaking their seats and polishing off the remaining Cristal, they took to the floor again. They danced a few spirited numbers before the band went silent and the pianist began playing and singing a Lionel Ritchie tune -- Three Times a Lady!

Kirk drew her close to him as they glided slowly around with the floor to themselves. "That's magical!" she said as she pressed her breast into his chest and rose to kiss him on the cheek. "You make me feel so incredibly good and that song is perfect!"

"I'd hoped you'd feel that way. That's why I requested it!"

"Her eyes softening, a soft smile crept across her lips and she whispered -- "I love you - for making me feel so good!"

He kissed her softly on the lips then suggested they skip dessert here in favor of what awaited them at home. Her eyes danced as she quickly agreed. Kirk signaled Linc as they approached their table. He came over, bade them a good evening and shook Kirk's hand.

"Aren't we going to wait for the chec ..." her voice trailed off "I know, I know ... its that discretion thing!"

The car was waiting upon their arrival, doors opened and the passenger seat swiveled for her easy entry.

As they drove, Carmina held Kirk's hand and alternately stroked and planted soft kisses on it, her tongue flicking between his fingers. "You are one special man!"

As they drew closer to her house, her mood changed and she seemed agitated. He guessed that she might be wary of the prying eyes of neighbors.

As they turned onto her street and he drove towards the same car he'd noticed earlier she said "Pull into the driveway!" As he did, she reached into her purse, removed the door opener and pressed the button.

"You're not the only one who planned ahead!" she said with a smirk. "I parked Gio's car out front!"

Kirk pulled in as she closed the door and moved around to assist her out. But she'd hurriedly beaten him to it and seemed anxious to get inside. He retrieved his leather suit bag and followed her as she quickly dashed into the house. "Make yourself comfortable I'll be right back!" he heard.

Upon hearing her footsteps coming down the hall, he glanced up and saw the most awesome sight he could have imagined.

She stood posing with her hands above her head.

She had removed her dress and stood there showing off a cock hardening sight ... she was wearing a black camisole, thigh high hose and shoes -- nothing else. A tiny pink bow rested above her cleavage matching the hard pink nipples poking through the opaque lacy fabric.

"Oh wow, wow, WOW! You look fantastic! You absolutely look like you could be a Victoria's Secret model!"

With her legs spread wide, her hands on her hips -- "If I look like a model, you'd better get that camera working!"

He took several shots from different angles with one particularly hot shot of her looking back over her shoulder alluringly, bra strap dangling on her arm and an engorged nipple proudly on display.

Before he could take another, she strode to where he stood, took one of his hands and pulled it to her crotch to show him how wet she was. She was pouring hot cream!

"When I asked you to treat me like your slut you said no. So I told you that I wanted to explore my sexuality with you. My exploration starts right now! Take off your clothes!"

As he quickly stripped, she turned and walked quickly to the hutch where she'd earlier deposited her wedding band. Removing the silver ring she'd worn to dinner, she slipped her wedding band back on her finger and said "Come over here and bring your camera!"

By the time he grabbed his camera and moved towards her, she'd slipped onto her knees.

As he stood before her, she wrapped her left hand around the base of Kirk's hard cock.

"I want a picture like this and make sure you get a good shot of my face and my ring!"

With that she started planting soft pecks on the head of his cock as he snapped away. A shot of her rubbing his cock on her face ... planting soft pecks on the tip ... her tongue swirling around the shiny black bulb, then extended catching a drop of precum ... her mouth wide open preparing to accept his meat ... her warm wet mouth surrounding his cock with her head tilted to let the camera catch her eyes that were fixed looking up at his face.

She rose quickly, grabbed his hand and said "Come on!"

She led him into the den, perched on a settee that had one of Gio's professional magazines lying on the seat. She lay back, opened the snaps at the crotch of her outfit raised her legs and spread her engorged lips wide.

"Take several shots of my hot wet pussy!"

Kirk took full body shots before zooming in on her snatch.

"Rub your cock up and down my slit and take some close ups!"

"Now slip the head of your cock in me and take a shot of that. But don't go too far in because I don't want to cum yet!"

With that shot taken, she whirled around, kneeled and looked back over her shoulder.

"Get a good shot of my ass!" as she reached back grabbing it and spread her cheeks to put her tight rosebud and wedding band on display.

"Take one of your cock approaching my asshole!"

"Can you take one of your cock sliding into my ass?"

"No, I don't want to hurt you. I'll need to loosen you up before you can accept my hard cock."

She was a woman possessed -- "OK we'll get that one later!"

She dashed into the living room, quickly lay down on the sofa with one leg extending over the back. She began cupping her mound and motioned for him to stand near her head. "Stick it in my mouth!" as she reached up to encircle his cock again with her wedding band aging on prominent display.


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