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Jackie Pt. 04


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"Oh John, I love the red cross one. I may have to try it on."

"That is my favorite."

"Here is a toast to getting the club open and organized," Henry said. "I know just how much work it is to get this far. Edward, Jackie, Shannon, and team has done outstanding job."

"Thank you Henry, that means so much to me and everyone," I said. "We want input. While much of this is like any club, the club is also unique. So Henry, please do not hesitate to offer suggestion. We will take them seriously."

Marilyn interrupted, "Oh Jackie it is all so perfect. Just to have a nice dining experience where I can dress like I want is fabulous. And I just love that the servers are dressing so sexy. I am so looking forward to the tennis lesson with Bruce. He was so sweet."

"I know Bruce is looking forward to it also."

Penelope arrived back just as Henry and John had finished their cocktail. "Would you like another?"

"I want a gin and tonic," John said.

"I would like to talk to the bartender," said Henry.

"Do you want to order dinner or wait?"

"Let me talk to the bartender and we will order when he comes back. I don't think the ladies have had time to decide," Henry said.

I noticed that Penelope took orders from her other 2 tables as the bartender came up.

"Yes sir, can I help you," the bartender said as he delivered John's Gin and tonic.

"Do you have Tanqueray No 10 gin?" Henry asked.

"Yes sir!" he said like Henry was a staff Sargent.

"Use it instead of the gin you used and add a little more lime. What is it called?

"Yes sir. It has not been named. We will not charge you for the first as it is a new blend I tried. So sorry if I disappointed you."

"Oh there was nothing wrong with what you did the first time. I just thought it could be improved. If you like the change call it the 'Henrytail'.

"Yes sir and thank you."

"Wow, I am so impressed," I said.

"Me too, Henry you are amazing," Marilyn said reaching across the table patting Henry on the cheek. It was either loving or lusting gesture.

"This is my business after all."

The bartender came back with Henry's drink and sat it in front of him and waited for a reaction. Henry took a drink, looked at the bartender, asked, "What did you think?"

"Sir, I thought the improvement was clear. Did you?"

"I think it is very good. I approve."

"It is now the Henrytail," the bartender said with a big prideful smile. "I appreciate it so much."

Penelope took our orders. I felt Henry find the slit in my skirt and quickly was rubbing the area just above my pussy and the clit hood. It was a good feeling. Marilyn lifted her butt to take her bejeweled thong off and pulled her skirt up to her hips. We continued the conversations but Marilyn was much quieter, I think concentrating on the finger in her pussy.

Penelope returned and asked, "Gentlemen, do you want to get comfortable, can I take you coat, tie, and pants?"

Henry did not answer, just got up and started removing his jacket and tie. John followed. Penelope opened a small clothes hanger attachment to the Love Seats and hung up the guys clothes.

"Isn't that better guys?" Penelope asked.

"Yes it is," John said.

"Here at Swinger's, pats on the butt for the servers is not only allowed but encouraged. We find that a sign of appreciation."

John, Henry, and Marilyn all patted Penelope on the butt and Penelope smiled.

"You have a good one there," Henry said. "I would like her to work at Phantom's."

"Hands off Buddy," I said slapping Henry on the shoulder.

We went back to manipulating each other's genitals. Henry was hard and I knew he was going to cum soon. I already had my first orgasm and the look on Marilyn's face told me she had several. She loved this public display.

"Oops, I dropped an earring," I said. "Marilyn want to help me find it." Before I could get the words out of my mouth she was between John's leg with his dick in her mouth. I did the same to Henry and I was right, it would not take him long. Marilyn reached and found my butt and rubbed until she found my spread open pussy. I did the same for her. She gave me small pleasant orgasm as I did the same for her. Henry came as I sucked as much in as I could.

I could hear Marilyn rapidly licking up John's discharge. As we were finishing Penelope came up with a pair of damp towels.

"Let me help you clean up," Penelope said. She reached down first and rubbed the residual fluid from John's groin and handed the towel to Marilyn.

"Thank you Penelope," Marilyn said. She handed the towel back to Penelope and repeated the sequence with Henry and I.

She filled our glasses and asked, "Would you guys like another cocktail?"

"No, bring us a bottle for Malbec," Henry said. "Thanks Penelope." He slapped her on the ass as she left. She returned immediately with our salad. The bartender returned with the Malbec and poured a glass for Henry and John.

"Girls that was great," John said. "John and I are going to take care of you before this meal is over. Just give us a little time to recover."

"I never doubted it," Marilyn said smiling. She was now very talkative and talked most of the time we were eating our salads. As we finished, Penelope came and removed the salad plates. "John, baby, is it ok if Jackie and I swap. I think you need to get to know Jackie a little better."

"Well, I like the idea if Henry and Jackie are good with it?" John asked.

Henry and I looked at each other and shrugged. So we swapped. Just as we repositioned Penelope came with our meals. The guys had steaks while Marilyn and I had the fish. We had finished the bottle of white, so Penelope asked, "Do you ladies want more wine?"

"I can only have one more glass, so I will be OK with a glass of house Chardonnay," I said.

"Bring us another bottle of Chardonnay," Marilyn said. "Henry, be a dear and pick one out. Penelope, put it on our bill."

Henry looked at the list and picked one. Not the most expensive but I think he knew what he was doing. The bartender was back almost immediately with the bottle of wine as Marilyn took care of the tasting and declared it good. We concentrated on finishing our meal. Marilyn and I finished first so we started talking about fashions while we started working on Henry and John's limp members. Penelope came bringing the red cross swim suit, hung it on the rack, and said, "Here is the suit you wanted to try." She cleared our dishes, glancing at the hands still holding the 2 guys dicks.

I looked over the room and no one was completely dressed and it was easily clear everyone had some kind of sex. The room was dimly lit now as per Shannon's directions, but still light enough to see the room. Nancy and Clarice were close enough for me to see they and their dates were now nude and close to round 2.

I had been moving my hands up and down John's penis and it was beginning to respond. I reached down, releasing the waist clasp on my dress and pulled it over my head. I took John's hand and laid it on one of my wanting bosoms. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed while I still worked on his penis. He was now getting hard quickly. I wanted something in my pussy quickly, so I bent down, sucked on his dick to get it a little harder, and sat on his lap with my legs spread on either side of his and slipped his dick into my wanting pussy. That way I could take some of my weight off John while I had the ability to control how his penis struck my engorged clit. I looked over and Marilyn was already in Henry's lap sideways, so Henry could kiss and knead her breast. He was manipulating her mammilla, I could tell giving her orgasm. My breast were also sensitive. I push up and down on John's dick. I knew it would take some work to get him off a second time. John was getting older.

It was clear to me that I got turned on by powerful, successful men, probably more than young physically fit men. It felt like their aura was conveyed to me when I was close. I had that feeling with Edward, John and Henry.

"Henry, let's sit beside my sweet husband and BFF," Marilyn cooed. "I want John to see you stick that big hard dick of yours in my tight butt hole." I felt John get even more excited. I concluded he liked watching his wife get screwed and she had made the swap for him. Henry complied and sat touching John's thigh. "Take some of the butter and stick it up my sweet anus," Marilyn instruct while she squatted over Henry legs spread and wide as she could get. Henry took a couple tabs of the real butter and with his finger pushed them up her beautiful ass. "Honey are you watching what Henry is doing to my tight little ass hole."

"Yes dear, it is amazing to watch," John said.

"Henry do that once more then spread some over my ass, I want John to see my ass shine while you do your worst to me." Henry did as instructed. When she was ready she pushed back where her anus lined up with Henry's dick. His dick slipped into her anus easily to where the tip was hidden in her beautiful ass and the shaft waited to be impaled. "Sweetie can you see I am ready to take it all in?"

"Yes dear, I can see." I had to admit this was something I did not expect. I could see why he loved this lady.

She dropped her ass on Henry's lap impaling his dick in her anus. She sat there for a couple of minutes. "Henry tell John what you feel," Marilyn said.

"She is contracting and relaxing her sphincter, making it feel like I am masturbating."

"Very good Henry. Your sweet wife has a very talented ass hole. It has had lots of practice." This banter was intended to turn John on and it was working for all of us.

She grabbed my hand, putting it on her pussy. I took the hint and manipulated her clit. I could feel her orgasms. I twisted and kissed Henry as Marilyn started slowly bouncing up and down. She at first was taking in then releasing about an inch of Henry's shaft. Henry had one hand on my tit and one on Marilyn's. John did the same. So I had John's very hard dick in my pussy and both tits being manipulated, while I masturbated this includible sexual creature.

"Darling, are you watching this man's dick going in and out of your loving wife's anus? Is it making you hot? Do you love your wife?"

"Baby it is so hot I can't believe it. Yes I love my wife." Marilyn picked up her pace as I did with John. She was now lifting almost completely off his penis and quickly dropping to take it all the way in. I was now moving back and forth and up and down on John penis. We were both building to big orgasms.

Henry went first. I could feel him start so I pressed hard on Marilyn's clit. I could feel her largest orgasm. "Honey he is filling my ass with his jism. Can you see the pleasure your loving wife is giving your friend? Are you taking care of my BFF?"

"Yes I can see his pleasure, and 'some kind of animal emoted from his lips' your BFF is being taken care of." I moaned as I felt his orgasm start making me have one last nice orgasm for the night. We sat on our guys until their penis softened and uncoupled from my pussy and Marilyn's ass. She twisted and kissed Henry as I did the same to John. I then reached over and kissed Henry.

Marilyn then kissed John as she slipped off Henry and said, "Thank you sweetie for signing us up for the club. You are so good to me."

"And you are good to me."

Penelope came up at just the right time. She had obviously been watching this. "Ladies I will clean up your guys and get them dressed if you want to go to the locker room and get cleaned up. Mrs. Knight your swim suit is here. We got off the love seat, not bothering with putting on clothes, and walked across the room as others were beginning to do the same. No one was concerned with being nude. I looked back and Penelope was wiping both men, helping them redress.

I put my arm around Marilyn's waist as we walked nude to the locker room. "Marilyn, you are a lot of fun. We are my BFF."

"I told you we would be. John likes you and that is good for me. I really love him but I like variety. I guess you noticed John likes to watch."

"I did notice. We are going to have lots of fun at the Swinger event."

"Yes we are," Marilyn said as we entered the locker room, she stopped, hugged me and French kissed me. So we sponged off, getting the stickiness off, and I redressed in my red dress. Marilyn put on the red cross swim suit.

"Marilyn, that really looks great on you. It is my favorite."

"It does. We will have to find a place to wear them at the same time like sisters."

We both fixed our faces and went back to the dining room. It was somewhat chaotic with most ladies showing off their swim suit asking other tables their opinion. Most looked really good in these sexy Anna suits. Marilyn was going from table to table asking people opinion. I went back to the table. John and Henry were now dressed without their ties. They were talking as I walked up. "Sorry to interrupt, want me to come back."

"Oh, we were just talking about how lucky we are," John said. Before I was seated, Clarice and Nancy came over modelling their swim wear. They had both chosen bikini and with their hard bodies they looked great.

"What do you think?" Nancy asked.

"You girls are sexy as hell," Henry said with John shaking his head.

"I think I am going to have to pick up my game to compete with you girls tomorrow morning at the pool."

"You are on," Clarice said. "Let's see who gets the most attention tomorrow morning. Beth will be joining us tomorrow and she is going to be jealous. Her loss."

Several other of the girls and a few guys came by the table modeling. Marilyn came back and asked John and Henry what they thought.

"I think you look mighty sexy in that suit," Henry said.

"I am buying it for you without you asking I like it so much," John said.

"People will begin to leave in a few minutes so I need to go to the door and thank people for coming. Henry want to join me and let these love birds finish their night in private."

"I think so," Henry said. "John it has been a pleasure. Thanks for sharing your lovely wife."

"We enjoyed having dinner with you and Jackie. You make a good couple."

Henry then hugged Marilyn who was naked as she was going from swim suit back to her dress. Henry put both hands on her ass as they said good night.

"I will say good night at the door," I said to John and Marilyn.

So Henry and went to the entrance as people redressed and collected their purchases. They were each given a Swinger Club bag for their purchases. Almost all the females and many of the guys purchased at least one suit.

"Are you going to the pajama party?" I asked Henry.

"Absolutely, want to join me?"

"I have someone else that I am thinking about going with," I said. "Bob Adamo wife is in the last stages of career. He has been taking care of her for some time. She wanted him to find an outlet to release some of the tension. When he heard my pitch at the Downtown Executive Luncheon, he discussed it with her and she all but insisted he join. I however have not heard from him since. I have an idea that he will come with me to the pajama party and that may be enough to get him started. Any way I know I am a busy body for even thinking of it but there you are."

"I know Bob. He owns a large construction company and he did a lot of work for John. You might want to rope John and Marilyn into this effort. I think they are friends with Bob and his wife. For what it is worth I think you are on the right track. Yes, baby, you have a big heart. I thought it was your tits and ass I was attracted to but now I think it is that big heart. Let me know if it does not work out, otherwise I will bring someone you will like and I know Bob will."

"Thanks Henry, I will let you know."

Penelope brought Henry his share of the bill. He looked at it and said, "Where is Jackie's meal?"

"She eats free at the club."

"See I am a cheap date." I said.

Henry frowned, wrote something to Penelope, and signed. Penelope looked at it, smiled, hugged Henry, and said, "Thank you, Mister Soprano."

"I feel bad I could not buy you any thing tonight. But I guess Edward is taking care of his girls. You have an open tab at Phantom's."

"I will come soon but we are so busy here not sure when it will be."

As each couple left, I said we appreciated them coming out and hoped they enjoyed the evening. I also asked each to make suggestions on how to do things better and warned them we were going to eMail a questionnaire.

After the first couple came by, Henry hugged me with both hands on my bare ass and said, "Miss Jackie, thanks for a wonderful evening you big hearted sexy baby. I really want us to do this again."

"We will." With that we French kissed until we heard a throat clearing that broke us out of our trance. Henry smiled walked away waving.

It was a steady stream of people leaving. All saying they had a good time. Nancy and Clarice were the next to last. "We had such a great time," Clarice said. "We plan to be here this Saturday and certainly the Pajama party."

"All five of us will be here both Saturday nights so put us down. And Clarice is right this is the most fun we have had in a long time."

"Will you be accompanied by these hunks?"

"We will let you know." I hugged all 4.

That left only John and Marilyn. "It was a terrific evening," John said. "You have a real winner here, my lovely lady."

"Oh John, it was the best night we have had in forever and Jackie you are forever my 'fav'."

"Marilyn, are you going to be around some time this week?"

"I have tennis lesson with Bruce tomorrow morning. Why?"

"Just some girl stuff I need your help with. Nothing but good."

"Well, I will for sure see you tomorrow. John and I love you." She again kissed me on both cheeks, grabbed John and hugged us together. They both left and waved as they walked out the door.

It was close to 10. The 6 servers were helping clean up. I called them over saying, "Let the kitchen staff clean up. How did y'all think the night went?"

"We had a blast," Penelope said and made a lot of money besides. The tips at my three tables were a week's worth at any other place waiting 3 times as many tables. All nodded their heads.

"I was preoccupied some of the night but I know Penelope did an outstanding job. I would like for you to discuss what worked and did not and improve. Any suggestions will be appreciated. Will you all be back?"

They all shook their heads. "Ok get dressed and leave the suits in the basket in the dressing room and know that we appreciate your work here."

Alex sheepishly said, "I kind of messed up my suit. That Clarice is a pistol and she saw me in some distress and well, you know. I am sorry."

"Don't be. Clarice will be bragging about it for a week. You made her night I am sure and well Anna knows that stuff happens. Ok guys go get some sleep and be here Friday night." I went home happy.

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