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Jacuzzi Ch. 01


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Consequently, the next few times that Marianne and Bryan were over we repeated much the same acts, but it became difficult to think of ways to divert Marianne's attention. Actually, it became almost routine. If I could get Marianne to look at me or something else, Jan flashed Bryan by holding her robe open as long as it was safe. If Marianne was stubborn and kept facing Jan and Bryan, nothing could be done and both Jan and Bryan were disappointed. However, a different part of the entertainment was continuing underwater.

This was probably the most surprising part of all of this. Yes, Jan's virtual nudity was unexpected, but it was just another step in her developing exhibitionism, from opening her legs to show her panties or cunt to, now, showing everything. On the other hand, permitting Bryan to run his hands over her legs was an experience of a completely different nature. Looking is one thing, touching is much, much more, particularly letting him feel her cunt through that bikini. Obviously, as she said before, the pants were entirely too thick to get any real sense of what her cunt was like, but letting him put his hand right between her legs was a degree of familiarly that no one but me had had since we had started to go together many years ago.

Even more surprising, not only was she permitting that fondling and feeling, she was enjoying it and, even, encouraging it. Now, as soon as the lights were dim, she lifted her right leg and placed it over Bryan's knees and sat there with her own legs spread, welcoming his questing fingers. As she said, he had been hesitant, at first, not knowing how far up there he could go, but he quickly realized that he had her permission to explore. With that permission he, as would be expected, wanted more.

After the last occasion when they were over and they had left, Jan was talking about how eager Bryan was. "You know, he usually runs his hand from my knee up over my thighs and back down. Once in a while he goes onto my pants and between my legs. Last night he really tried to get under the pants! He ran his fingers along the crease where my leg ends and my pussy starts, which he did last time, but then he tried to work his finger under the edge of the crotch part of my pants. This suit is very well built and fits very closely there and is way too tight to get under. Finally, he just gave up."

"Wow, he'd better be careful! Just sitting there quietly feeling your legs causes no problem with the bubbles in the water and the dim light, hiding things, but we don't need other people, particularly Marianne, noticing things."

Then came something of a real surprise. "Yeah, we certainly don't want that! As I said, the leg openings on this suit are very tight, so that is no way that he could get in that way. It's hard to believe, but when he was trying to get under my pants between my legs, I got very hot. At that point I was almost ready to reach down and pull the crotch piece over so that he could get in! Actually, it's so tight that I don't think that I could do it anyway. You won't believe this, but I was actually wondering if I could pull my pants down part way, just over my hips, as I got in and under the water, but I don't think that that would work. Anyway, I could never get them back up in a hurry, so that wouldn't be safe."

I will admit that I was shocked that she was even thinking of letting him touch her bare cunt by working a finger under the crotch piece of her suit. And she was right - the idea that she had, even for a second, contemplated pulling her pants down underwater so he could actually feel her cunt was beyond belief. This was such a jump from simple exhibitionism that I couldn't fathom it and I just sat there with, I'm sure, an astonished look on my face. Finally, I was able to assemble my faculties and ask, "Do you want to let him feel your cunt?"

Undoubtedly, my amazement and disbelief came through in my question and, I'm sure, my expression, leading her to reply, "I know. The idea sort of shocks me too, but if we had been alone or if we were more concealed, I think that I would have just pulled my pants down and let him play with me! I don't understand it, but the idea just turned me on. It's not Bryan, himself. It's just the thought of doing something so wild. I think that if I were sitting beside almost any attractive man that I would have had the same reaction." Then, hesitantly, "How do you feel about all of this? Maybe it was just a moment of...well, madness. Am I getting too wrapped up in this?

"Well, yeah, you do seem to be pushing it a bit. Frankly, whether he got his finger under your suit or if he just felt your whole cunt isn't that significant to me. Obviously, if he got a chance to play with your cunt, he would love it. Gods, I'd do the same thing to Susan if I had a chance. The question is you - why do you want something like that? You've done what you really wanted to do, showing your tits and, surprisingly, your cunt. It's a real jump to want to be felt! Showing off is passive, deliberately getting felt is very active!"

"Damn it, I don't understand it myself! I've already done more than I ever had imagined. He was running his hand over my inner thighs and it was feeling sexy but all I was doing was wondering if Marianne would keep me from showing off later. He was massaging my pussy through the suit and, unexpectedly, he started trying to work his finger in. For some reason, I had this sudden urge to help him!"

"I'll have to say that I find it hard to imagine that you want him to actually feel you, but, then, I couldn't believe that you would take your pants off under your robe and show him your cunt hair - and you certainly did that. Anyway, if you really want to do it, I certainly don't object - if it can be done very safely! Marianne is still right there and you need to be very careful. I don't think that there is any way that you could have your pants down far enough for him to get in without it being obvious that something was going on."

"This is utterly ridiculous, but I think that I really want to do this if we can figure a way - and I damn sure don't want to risk Marianne seeing anything. I think that I'll see if I can get another bathing suit that is thinner so I could be felt through it. If I got one in which the pants are a bit too big, they wouldn't fit so tightly and they would be easy to get under. My god, I'm getting excited just thinking about!"

"Yeah, it's a good thing that the only time you see him is here in the Jacuzzi! Otherwise, I'd have to hold you back to keep you from being fucked! You're turning into a wild woman!"

"Oh yeah, Bryan's just my type! His dynamic personality and scintillating conversation is just what I want. Imagine the pillow talk - the latest news about the new Caterpillar bulldozer, the size bucket on his new back hoe! Actually, he's perfect for something like this, no threat of any kind!"

"Yeah, I guess you're right about that! All right, you look for your thin, loose bathing suit and I'll be here as a watchful chaperone to protect your virtue - if you have any left!

She looked at me scornfully and said, "My virtue is completely intact - at least physically! I'm going to find myself a nice thin bathing suit. Then that virtue may be bruised just a bit!"

She went shopping the next day and several days afterwards, but it just wasn't bathing suit season. Even catalogs didn't help and, in any case, she needed to feel the suit to find out how accessible it was. Oddly enough, the solution came when she least expected it - in the lingerie department of a department store. I was waiting when she came out, with a big smile on her face. "Wait until you see what I bought! I think that it will be perfect for the Jacuzzi. Very respectable but it will do just what I want!"

I was puzzling about that because all I could picture coming out of the lingerie department were bras and panties, and, while the pants certainly would be thin enough and quite accessible, they would pretty obviously be panties - not exactly "respectable." Maybe if they were really dark and opaque? I'll admit that I was eager to see what she had. To my considerable surprise, she came out wearing a plain black one-piece suit. It fit quite smoothly, but it hardly was sexy and not at all what I expected. Actually, it wasn't particularly flattering since it had no built-in bra like a regular suit and it flattened her breasts into shapeless mounds.

"Well, that certainly is not what I thought you would come up with! Very modest, but I didn't think that modesty was the plan! You can't even show your tits in that with straps over your shoulders."

"Do you remember the sheer, black bodysuit I had to wear under that sheath dress I wore at New Year's last year? Well, this is the same thing except that it is not sheer. The material is very stretchy and these spaghetti straps are easy to get down." She showed what she meant by pulling, first one and then the other, down off of her arms, leaving both breasts bare. "It's not as easy as simply unfastening a bra, but it works as long as I have time. However, I don't think that you remember a very important part of a bodysuit. You don't want to have to completely undress to go to the bathroom, so the crotch comes undone!" At that point, she reached down to the suit bottom and, with a slight ripping sound, pulled a flap away, exposing her entire cunt area. "See, if I'm sitting in the Jacuzzi, all I have to do underwater is pull the Velcro fastening open, and my pussy is ready to be felt! When I'm ready to get out, all I have to do is pull the flap into place. The other bodysuit had metal snaps which would be harder to open and much harder to close, but this is easy!"

"Well, I'll be damned. I never saw anything when you were standing there. The Velcro is completely hidden. If you want to have Bryan feel your cunt, that suit certainly makes it easy! People probably will wonder why you bought such a conservative bathing suit - modesty, your name is hardly Jan. So, underwater, you can be as wild as you want, but showing your tits will be harder."

"Yeah, I may not be able to get the straps down unless we can think of a way to take Marianne away, but, look; the material is stretchy enough that I can just pull it down below either one or maybe both tits. This is going to be fun!"

"You really are taking exhibitionism beyond anything we had thought of, touching as well as seeing, but if that will get you hot, go for it. Actually, I doubt that you will be able to do and real exhibiting unless we can get Marianne completely out of the way. You have enough trouble getting your top, much less your pants, off and showing your tits now because she is right there and finding ways to keeping her from looking in your direction is getting a bit difficult. You'll probably have to trade showing yourself for letting him feel you under the water. I don't think that you can do both. I don't see any way that you'll be able to get your arms out of those straps safely. We'll just have to be very careful - particularly you making sure that your cunt-cover back in place before you get out!"

"You may be right, darn it. Maybe you can think of some way to get Marianne out of the way for a few minutes. I guess we'll just have to wait and see how it goes. For now, I think that we had better get in the Jacuzzi and let me practice opening and closing - well I prefer calling it a "pussy-cover." It sounds nicer!

We did as she suggested, practicing in the Jacuzzi. There was no major problem for the Velcro grabbed quite firmly under the water and, if she was reasonable careful, the cunt - or pussy - cover looked the same after as before. She did have to be careful that the two halves of the Velcro actually were in firm contact with each other so that they stayed together. We found that out on about the third time she got out of the Jacuzzi when, suddenly, she was completely exposed between her legs as the cover fell away. It happened as she stretched to get out of the Jacuzzi. She was standing on the seat, but, as usual, she got hung up as one leg was in the Jacuzzi, the other on the deck - the spot where she needed someone to give her a boost from behind. Spreading her legs that widely was just too much for the Velcro to hold and it just gave way.

I couldn't believe how exposed she was. It looked like a graphic picture of an open cunt that could be used to demonstrate the female sex organs! The lips were pulled open, displaying the opening going up into her body. She obviously was aroused by the erotic preparation to have Bryan feel her, so even the inter-lips were drawn back exposing the red hole of her vaginal tunnel. I had laid my phone on the deck and I quickly grabbed it and took a photo that demonstrated the condition she was in.

She managed to pull her leg back in and took the phone from me. She looked at the photo and burst out, "Good god, you can see everything! This isn't going to work! Damn, I thought that this Velcro was plenty strong enough that it would hold. It was fine the other times - what went wrong?"

"I don't know what went wrong, but Marianne would die of a heart attack. Damn it, I might too! I told you that I can see up to your tonsils!"

"And I told you that I don't have any tonsils."

"Well, if you did, I'd see them. You're right, though. We darn sure can't risk having Marianne see you like that. Boy, would Bryan like that view!"

"That is quite a picture. You know, I've looked at my pussy in a mirror, with my legs open, of course, but I certainly have never seen anything like this. Gods, I've wondered what I look like with my legs in those stirrups in the doctor's office, but I doubt that even that view would match this. Oh, I thought that this suit would be perfect. I guess it's 'back to the drawing board.'"

"Let me see before you give up." She moved over in front of me, standing on the seat so that I could look closely at the cunt-cover. I took the crotch material and carefully aligned the two halves of the Velcro and put them together. They connected immediately and seemed to be quite firm. "Try it again, Jan, and see if it holds." She turned and stretched her leg up over the Jacuzzi rim, really putting as much strain on the Velcro seal as she could, and it held firm. She sat down in the water and pulled the cover open and resealed it, being very careful about the contact. It worked time after time, making the failure seem like a one-time fluke. Then there was another failure!

"Damn it all, what caused that? It works all those times and, suddenly, it doesn't! I did exactly the same thing every time!"

"I think that you did something different. Let me see again." Once again, she stood there while I checked the Velcro connection. This time when I aligned the two joining seams, I overlapped them only about half way. "Now try it." This time, as she moved her leg onto the deck, the connection held - but barely. I could see it straining. I had her sit down in the water and then make the same stretching motion. This time the cover fell away, completely exposing her cunt again.

"Ok, that's the problem. When you don't get the Velcro of the crotch cover all the way up to the top of the Velcro on the suit, it works fine until you put a real strain on it. Obviously, you won't be able to see that the two pieces are completely together, so you'll have to do it by feel. Try it."

She sat down under the water, pulled the Velcro apart and felt for the part on the suit. She brought the other part up and felt the point of the alignment and made the connection. After experimenting a number of times and, later, looking at the seam in the mirror upstairs, Jan was able to make the proper joining every time if she paid attention - and, with Marianne sitting right there, she certainly would do so.

Frankly, the whole thing sounded a bit bizarre - practicing so she could get her cunt felt and, then, have it carefully hidden afterwards. I don't know how many times she went through that procedure of stretching her leg over the rim and placing strain on the Velcro closure, but it was a lot! However, I don't want to give the impression that this planning and testing was a major focus of our lives. All the Velcro-checking took place in our regular use of the Jacuzzi, not some special "training" sessions. It was fun to talk about it, particularly in bed since it really aroused Jan, but it certainly did not dominate our conversations. It was just a fun thing to play with, to speculate on.

Still, as I said before, the whole idea was a quantum jump from just showing her breasts to deliberately engaging in what would be a ...well... I guess..."minor" sexual act. If someone groped her during a party, in the pool or Jacuzzi or wherever, it would just be something in passing - maybe enjoyable, maybe embarrassing or perhaps infuriating, but it would be a solitary (probably) incident over and done with. This was different. We had coolly planned her exhibitionist fun, but scheming to have intimate, physical contact was something that never would have crossed either of our minds a few months ago. Now the scheme was to be made reality and I couldn't help but wonder what would come next.

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elling50elling50about 9 years ago
Love the build up

Love the waay you describe small steps getting bigger.

WatcherRobWatcherRobover 9 years ago
Sounds like fun

Too bad the other wife us such a drag,but it dfoes mean the exposure needs a lot of planning. The story does move a little slow. It's distressing that there is no sexual contact between Jan and her husband.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
all right

I have been eagerly awaiting your next story. I love the slow burn and buildup... too bad, though, that I'll have to wait for the next chapter!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Fun stuff

The wife and I have fun with stuff like this, the planning is even more exciting than the doing.

Her tan bodysuit has snaps, she wears it to the gym and once in awhile has an "accident." Usually on the leg press machine, it's a kick to watch the other guys race to "help" her since on that machine she faces the wall with her feet.

She can actually cause the snaps to give way with some effort. We never thought of Velcro, good idea.

hannsghannsgover 9 years ago
Good read

Actually I liked the longer read, it builds up the intensity of the action. It could be reduced to flash tits, possible pussy feel, but it would not be as interesting

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