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Jade Eyes

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A vampire and a young man find each other.
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On this particular night I had decided to step inside a café. Not one of those trendy ones with surly employees and background music more suitable for night-clubs, but one with a warm and friendly, relaxed atmosphere that smelled of cinnamon. Just the kind I like. Sometimes I almost felt like one of them, sitting there and sharing that warmth. It was a soothing feeling but it always faded quickly. I am not of their kind, and I don't have much in common with most of my own kind, either. It's lonely. I didn't like it, but I didn't complain either. I'd gotten used to it.

I had a cup of tea in front of me (Darjeeling), and some type of vanilla tasting bun sprinkled with sticky sugar. I took small bites, carefully measured; I can eat if I want to, but I have to do it slowly and chew thoroughly, or else it just comes right back up. After all, my body is not used to solids. I had a book in my hand but I wasn't reading. Instead, I looked around at the people there, observing them and listening to their conversations. This is pastime I never tire of. Humans never cease to interest me. Perhaps they spark memories of the time I was human myself.

The café wasn't busy that night. In a corner was a trio of chatty girls with shopping bags drinking smoothies and comparing their finds, occasionally looking in my direction with whispers and giggles. A middle aged couple sat close to the window, comfortable small talk flowing between them. At the table next to mine was what looked like a young man, but I couldn't quite make out his face; he was hunched low over the table behind a stack of library books, deeply immersed in reading. Only two staffmembers were present at the moment: a young girl in a ponytail and an older, red-haired woman, casually talking while waiting for more customers. The reading young man suddenly sat upright, stretching. Glancing at him, my eyes met his.

He was just a boy, no different from normal human boys, but somehow he was still more beautiful than anyone I've ever seen. His hair was a shiny golden blonde, and his eyes were green like jade, innocent and expressive. A blush appeared on his heart shaped face when he looked at me, which I found so irresistible that I smiled at him. He smiled shyly back. Before I could stop myself, I opened my lips and a "hi" came out.


The boy's smile widened and he seemed pleased that I had spoken to him.

"What are you reading?"

"Uhm... 'David Copperfield'."

"You like Charles Dickens?"

He nodded enthusiastically.

"He's my favorite." He noticed the object in my hands. "What book is that?"

It was 'One flew over the cuckoo's nest'. I showed it to him.

"Oh!" he exclaimed interestedly and took it to look at the cover. "I haven't read this yet, I've only seen the movie." He handed it back. "Is the book as good as the movie?"

"Better," I said. "The movie is outstanding, but the book is definitely better. This is the third time I'm reading it."

I extended my hand.

"I'm Aidan."


When his hand took mine, I could feel a sensation inside me that I hadn't felt in ages. The sensation of butterflies in my stomach. It seemed as thought he felt the same, as he was blushing again. Reluctantly, I let go of his hand. We were both silent for a moment, and then I asked him about his other books.

Toby really loved books. Once he started talking about them, his forgot all about his shyness. I have always loved reading myself and it was a rare treat for me to sit there with Toby and discuss our favorites. Toby didn't talk much about himself. All he said was that he was eighteen and lived with his father.

At about nine o'clock, Toby sighed.

"I should go home."

As we took our things and left the café, I noticed Toby seemed very worried about something.

"I hope I haven't caused problems for you."

"No, no," he said shaking his head. "I'll be fine. It's no big deal. So..." he fidgeted a little. "It was nice meeting you."

I tried to force myself to just say goodbye and walk away, but it was useless.

"Can I see you again?"

His smile almost blinded me.

"Yes! I mean... I'd love to."

"Here, tomorrow at seven?"


After exchanging cell phone numbers, I took his hand and gave it a light squeeze.

"See you tomorrow, then."

"See you... Aidan."

We parted and went our separate ways, but I only walked a few feet before I turned around and began following Toby. I knew I shouldn't, but I had to make sure he got home safe. And there was something about his expression before that had made me worried. Toby was hurrying, sometimes almost running, and I followed swiftly and silently.

Toby lived three blocks away from the café in a rather boring apartment-building. I had placed myself in a shadowy corner and was looking at the windows wondering which one was Toby's, when I heard an angry voice drift through an open window on the second floor:

"If you don't watch it, I'll throw you out into the street like the useless sack of shit you are! You little punk!"

A door slammed, and Toby's tear-streaked face appeared in the window, closing it and lowering the blinds.

I stood motionless. Immense feelings of sadness and anger over what I had just witnessed were raging inside me like a violent storm. It took a long time for me to snap out of it. Finally, I shook myself and slowly began to make my way home, thinking of Toby's glowing smile at the café, and his pained expression just now.

"I swear... Somehow, I'll show him happiness," I thought to myself. "Whatever it takes."

When I got home, my apartment somehow seemed larger and colder than usual. I suddenly felt very tired. I went to the hallway mirror and studied the face that sadly looked back at me (yes, I do have a reflection). The hair was short, brown and thick; the eyes an unusually deep blue color. The skin was very pale, and the lips pink: classic vampire characteristics. I sighed, and took a glass of blood before going to bed. Toby never left my mind, and as I thought of an idea of something I could do for him to make him at least a little happier, I relaxed completely and drifted off to sleep.


I showed up at the café early. I was a little nervous, thinking Toby might not show up. I hadn't been nervous for more than fifty years. I waited outside, taking deep breaths of cold winter air. When finally I saw a smiling and waving Toby hurrying towards me, I felt a sense of relief so overwhelming that, as Toby came up to me, I embraced him without even thinking about it.

I heard Toby gasp softly, and then he just sort of melted into my arms and slipped his own around me. I held him close, savoring the moment and the sensation of his breath against my ear... his scent filling my nostrils. I suddenly became aware that I was becoming aroused, and reluctantly let go. I had planned to treat him to something inside the café, but now I wanted privacy with Toby.

"Would you like to come home with me? I have something I would like to give you. A gift."

He didn't speak, just smiled and nodded. I hailed a cab and we rode in silence. When we arrived at my home and I had paid the driver, Toby looked up at the old, impressive building with a gaping mouth.

"What is it you do for a living...?"

"Oh, I'm not working at all right now," I replied and Toby looked at me questioningly. "Old money," I shrugged. "Now and then I make some investments, otherwise I just do what I want."

I took his hand and led him inside taking the elevator to the top floor. As I opened the door to my apartment and let him in, Toby gasped.


I was pretty certain that his admiration wasn't of the spacious apartment or the elegant yet comfortable, inviting furniture, but the many books on shelves and in bookcases all around the apartment.

"I have more books in here," I said and opened the door to a room. My apartment had four bedrooms. One I used myself and two were guest rooms (hardly ever used), but this one was completely filled with my books.

"Now I know what you do with all your spare time," Toby said and walked around looking at the books, fascinated. "This is... amazing."

"You can borrow as many as you like. But I have something special for you. Something I want you to have."

I took Toby to the living room and had him sit down on the couch. I took a book from one of the shelves and gave it to him, almost shivering with anticipation, hoping to see his wonderful smile again. But he didn't smile. His perfect mouth just fell open in shock.

"Oh God," he croaked. He traced the guilded letters on the cover with a small, trembling finger. "Oliver Twist..."

"First edition, in excellent condition," I said, sitting down next to him. Given to me by the author personally, no less, but needless to say, I kept that part to myself.

"I can't take this."

"Why?" I asked. I was starting to worry that maybe he'd gotten the wrong idea by this gift. "Don't you like it?"

"I love it. But... this is too much. I can't..."

"Toby..." I placed a hand on his shoulder and he tore his eyes away from the book in his hands. "You would make me very happy if you accepted it."

Finally, he smiled and a warm sensation spread throughout my body. I watched, both amused and moved when Toby reverently opened the book and lightly caressed the pages and even held it up to his nose, inhaling deeply.

"Old books have a very special smell that I've always loved." Carefully, he placed the book on the coffee table, his smile fading a little. "Could I... could I keep it here for a while? My father..." he sighed. "My father hates books but... well, he would know that this is valuable just by looking at it, and I'm afraid he might sell it if he found it."

I clenched my fist but kept my anger in control and reassured Toby that he could keep it here as long as he wanted.

"And, like I said, you can come over whenever you want to borrow books."

"Thank you, Aidan." He looked at me, glowing. "You're so kind to me."

I couldn't take it anymore. I put an arm around him and pulled him closer. I placed my hand on his neck, tracing his trembling lower lip with my thumb; the feeling his pulse under my palm fuelled my lust and I had to remind myself to be very careful with Toby. I lowered my head to his slowly, giving him an opportunity to resist, but instead he tilted head giving me better access. With a smile, I pressed my lips to his.

I lost myself in the kiss. All that mattered was the young man in my arms, the softness of his lips, his arms over my shoulders. His lips parted and I slipped my tongue inside, relishing the sweetness of his taste as I caressed his tongue with my own, coaxing it to dance, and as I did so a small "Mmm..." rose from Toby's throat, going straight to my groin. I lowered him onto the couch, placing myself between his legs. I moved my lips away from his lips and placed them on his throat, kissing and licking as my fingers quickly undid the buttons on his shirt. I longed to bite down and taste his blood; I could do it without causing pain, but it wouldn't be right. I contented myself with nibbling carefully at the skin, causing more enticing noises to spill from Toby's kiss-bruised lips.

I raised myself a little, looking down at the angel beneath me; shirt open revealing creamy white skin and pink nipples on his heaving chest, his eyes large and burning. He was so beautiful I ached. Hungrily I dove down and fastened my lips around his nipple, feeling it harden in my mouth. I could feel Toby's hands fastening in my hair.

"Aidan," he whispered huskily.

"Does it feel good?" I asked, my own voice just as husky.


"I'll make it even better, my angel."

Returning to his nipples, switching between them to pleasure them with lips and tongue, my hands undid the button and zipper to his jeans. Reaching inside, my hand wrapped around his member, making Toby cry out and arch his back.


"That's it," I whispered, stroking him rhythmically. "Let me hear you. Let me hear your pleasure."

"Ah... aah!"

I sped up my strokes; moving away from his nipples I kissed his collarbone, running my left hand over his hip, reaching down and squeezing one perfect, rounded cheek. His fingers gripped tighter at my hair, and I knew he was close. I ran my thumb over the head of his shaft, and with a shudder and a broken cry of my name he came.

I withdrew my hand from Toby and looked and the warm semen that covered it. Greedily, I licked it up until there was nothing left. Wonderful. Ignoring my own throbbing erection, I laid down, gathering the small form in my arms.

"Toby... how lovely you are," I whispered in his ear, kissing it. To my horror, Toby began sobbing and tears spilled from his eyes.

"Toby! My God, what's wrong?"

"Nothing... I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. It's just that... I've been alone for so long. I have no one. I'm always afraid of people... but not you. They way you are... so wonderful, so gentle... no one has ever been so kind to me before."

I tightened my arms around him protectively, feeling a lump forming in my throat.

"I know what it's like to be alone. Believe me, I know." I sighed. "Toby... what's it like for you at home? You seemed afraid to go home last night."


"You mentioned your father."

A small sob.

"He mistreats you, doesn't he?"

Toby cried heartbreakingly at my shoulder.

"He hates me. He says so all the time. He was never kind to me when I was a kid, but when my mother died he became downright cruel. If he calls me a bastard punk he's being unusually mild."

I tilted Toby's chin up, making him look me in the eye.

"Does he ever hit you?"

Toby didn't say anything. He didn't have to. I could see it in his eyes.

"That son of a bitch!"

Hate was burning inside me, like acid.

"I'll have a little talk with him."

"No!" Toby shook his head. "Please don't -- it won't do any good."

"Toby..." I took a deep breath. "Come live with me."

A look of pure surprise spread across his face.


"You don't have to decide now, I know we only just met. It's just that... I want you to be safe and happy... with me. If you were willing to give me that chance. Just think about it. Okay?"

He nodded slowly.


I caressed his tear-stained cheek.

"Will you stay the night with me?" He looked at me nervously. "Just to sleep. I would never do anything you weren't ready for."

"I know..." He toyed with a button on his shirt. "It's not that I don't want to... make love... it's just that ... it will be my first time."

I pressed a soft kiss on his forehead.

"I can wait, love. Forever, if I have to."

"I'd love to stay here tonight."

Toby sighed deeply, and I could sense he was already drifting off to sleep. I rose, scooped him up in my arms and carried him to the bedroom, placing him on my bed. I removed his clothes, leaving his underwear on and, after having undressed myself I laid down next to him and pulled him close, smiling to myself as he instinctively snuggled up against me. But still, my own stupidity was nagging at me. How could I suggest to Toby that he would come living with me? He didn't know what I was. If I told him... he would be afraid of me. The thought of those jade eyes looking at me in fear made my heart ache. How could I ever tell him? But that father of his... I had to get Toby away from that bastard.

All the while Toby slept, I held him and stroked his silky hair. I racked my brain, trying desperately to figure and answer as to what to do. I came up with none.


It was early in the morning, sometime between three and four, that there was a loud knock on the door. That could, of course, only mean one thing. One of my kind. There were a few who I kept in touch with who sometimes visited me, but I knew them to be scattered around the world at the moment; it couldn't be one of them. Carefully disentangling myself from the sleeping Toby, I donned a robe and hurried for the door. I took a look in the peephole; when I saw who it was outside I groaned. It was the last person I wanted to see right now.

"Oh no!"

Sighing deeply, I opened the door.

"How did you find me?"

Christian laughed melodically.

"Oh, it wasn't easy. But, I had few people keep a lookout for you and... here we are."

He looked wickedly good, as always. His hair fell over his shoulders in a straight, shiny curtain, one single strand dyed blood red. He was dressed in black pants and a long black high-collared coat, and his pale blue eyes were enhanced with black eyeliner. Once, he would have made my mouth water, but now all I felt was repulsion.

"I see you've gone goth," I said. "It's totally you."

"Hey, I'm a vampire, so why not look like one?"

I folded my arms over my chest.

"So you had people scouting for me, huh?"

"Of course." Christian smiled crookedly. "They said you were living like a monk, but it seems they were wrong." He took a step closer to me, sniffing deeply. "You smell like human. Do you have a little lover in there? Or is it just a snack?"

I growled.

"You know I don't...."

"...don't feed on humans, yes, yes. What a broken record you are."

I rubbed my forehead.

"What do you want, Christian?"

His smile disappeared.

"You know what I want." He took a step closer, putting his hand on my arm. "We were great once."

"Once and never again."

"You can't just break my heart and leave."

"After what I saw you do, I'm positive you have no heart."

He snorted in disgust.

"Humans are our natural food. Why shouldn't I feed on them?"

"They were innocent children! And we were human once, too."

"Don't act like such a saint. I saw the look on your face when we offered you human blood. I saw how much you wanted it."

Christian placed a hand on my cheek.

"My love, do yourself a favor. Go to that human you have in there and feast yourself. It will do you a world of g...."

My hand shot out a gripped his throat, lifting him off the ground and squeezing hard, making him choke.

"Don't call me love! I can't stand the sight of you. Your very presence sickens me. Just leave me alone, and never come near me again."

I dropped him. He glared at me for a second, rubbing his throat. Then he stood up, straightened his clothing and turned away.

"As you wish, Aidan."

I watched him walk down the hall, then I closed the door and went back to the bedroom. Toby was still asleep. I laid back down next to him and took him back in my arms. I held him like that until he woke up.


In the morning when Toby woke he needed to leave right away for school, which conveniently solved the problem of what to do about breakfast. All I had in my fridge were plastic bags filled with blood. I gave him some money to get a cab and made him promise to get something to eat on the way. Toby said he was unable to meet me later, since his father had asked him the day before to come straight home after school.

"Sometimes he couldn't care less what I do, but when he tells me to do something it's better for your health to just do it."

"I'll call you later tonight," I said. "To make sure you're allright. And... you'll think about what I said?"


I pulled him close and kissed him softly, and then he was out the door. He turned back, however, and kissed me again before making a run for it down the hall. Smiling to myself, I went back to the bedroom to take my rest.


It was about five p.m. when I woke, and I knew something was very, very wrong. Something was wrong with Toby. I just knew; I felt it in my gut like I'd been punched. I grabbed my phone and called his cell. No answer. Frantically I threw on some clothes and left my apartment. While outside, I hurried off in the direction of Toby's home. I climbed the fire escape on a building and ran with all my might, jumping from roof to roof. I didn't care if anyone saw me, all I cared about was getting to Toby. I didn't take long, but it felt like I ran for hours. When I finally I landed at the roof of his house, I hurriedly lowered myself onto the fire escape and down to Toby's window. The blinds were down, but there was a gap in them and I looked in. What I saw made my blood boil, and I felt my canines extend and my nails sharpen in my fury.

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