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Jailhouse Reunion

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An ex-con's past comes back to haunt him.
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CONTENT WARNING: This story contains elements of reluctance/non-consent, spanking, forced feminization. If you don't want to read those topics, you have been warned.



"Coming! One sec!"

I'd been vacuuming the house in anticipation of my wife's return from vacation when someone banged on the door.


"I said I'm coming!"

The second round was even louder than the first and I didn't know who needed to see me so urgently. My wife and I had only just relocated to this small town, so I could move on from my past, but we hadn't yet made any friends. Who could it be?


"Jeeeez.... Relax a little, would ya?" I muttered while opening the door.

"Hello there, little birdie," a deep voice resonated. I looked up at the towering figure.

"Oh fuck...."

Upon seeing my guest I nearly puked then tried to slam the door.

"Uh, uh, uh," he chided while easily blocking me.

"W-what are you doing here?! Y-you can't be here!!" Freaking out, I contemplated whether to make a break for the back door.

"Why not?" he asked smugly. "I just got outta the joint so I came to pay my bitch a visit, just like I said I would. What's wrong? Don't you miss your ol' man."

This seriously cannot be happening!!! What the fuck!!!!!!

"Pleeaaaase! Please!! I'll give you money! Anything! You just have to leave!" I was on the verge of tears while begging.

"You know I don't want your money, sweetie," he smiled. Hearing him call me that brought back dozens of depraved memories.... Fuck!

"I can't do this anymore! P-please!! I have a wife!!"

"So do I, little missy, and she's right here. So are you gonna keep bitchin' or are you gonna invite me in?" He started pushing through the door and I backed up in fear.

"M-mark.... P-please...." I babbled, my back against the wall.


"What'd you call me?" he growled angrily after a painful slap.

"Sorry! Sorry!!" I apologized on instinct, immediately reverting back to that submissive state I'd once been so accustomed to. "D-daddy, please...." I corrected, to his amusement.

"Mmmmm, I missed hearing you say that. Come here, baby."

Mark, Daddy--the man who'd once totally controlled my life--pulled me into his classic bear hug. His big, hairy paws groped all over my ass like he'd desperately missed it while his scruff nuzzled against my neck. I squirmed with shameful pleasure at each nibble. I'd forgotten how good he could make me feel....

"Unnnhhhh..." I moaned as he squeezed and kissed me.

"That's right, I knew you missed me," he gloated when I couldn't control my wanton chirps and hardening shaft.

I hadn't been in the arms of a man since the joint and forgot how electric it was. But I couldn't do this anymore! He couldn't be here! He was part of my past and I intended to keep it that way!

"Please, Ma-.... Daddy.... You have to leave. Please. Please! Pleeeeaaasee!! Just go! Get out!! LEAVE!!"

He easily held me still as I futilely flailed and wailed, then looked me deep in the eyes.

"Now, sweetheart, do you remember what you said when we were in that cell together, just us two? You promised yourself to me forever. You said you were mine til the day you die, and now I'm here to make sure you keep your promise."

He can't be serious! Sure, I said plenty of shit to appease him when we were in prison. But of course I did! I was terrified!

"I know what you're thinking," he continued. "You're thinking you didn't mean it when you said it. But we both know you did. We both know the real you."

Oh god! He needs to leave! I can't do this again! I thought that chapter of my life had ended and I could move on! Be a normal man again!! But his hand slipping down my shorts and caressing my crack brought back all those shameful memories.

"We both know how well you took to being my little girl. We both know how much you liked it." His confident leer burned into me as he dug deeper.

"Remember how happy you were on your knees, baby? Remember how much you liked suckin' Daddy's dick? I'll bet you've gone to the glory hole since you got out, huh? Couldn't help yourself. Had to get back on your knees didn't you, you horny little bitch!"

Nooo!!! How did he know?? This can't be happening!!!! I tried to look away but he held my chin.

"Tell me!"

God, he fucked me up so badly in prison! I'd never even sucked a dick before we met and definitely didn't want to! Well, maybe that's not true.... But I was never actually gonna do it!

But then my dumbass had to get locked up with him as my roommate. It was only a six month stint but he broke me in quick, made me his punk, his prison wife, his girl... Showed me my true nature.....

After release two years ago I quickly got hitched as a distraction but those terrible thoughts kept bubbling up. I love my wife dearly but I couldn't stop dreaming about my Old Man, so I'd sneak off to the local glory hole and get on my whore knees where I truly belong.

"Y-yes, Daddy, I've been s-sucking d-dick," I admitted with a pathetic stutter.

"That's a good girl," he cooed. "Practicing for Daddy. You can take the bitch out of prison but he'll always crawl back to where he belongs. Now why don't you go on and do that. Strip down, boy, get on your knees. And don't forget what happens when you disobey."

He rubbed my red cheek menacingly but he didn't have to remind me. How could I forget? Daddy had beaten my ass into submission on the first day in our cell, and he wasn't afraid to dole out reminders if my behavior wasn't up to par. Blistering spankings were his preferred method and, dreading one, I began to denude.

"Look how much you missed me," Daddy teased, flicking my rock-hard erection once it was free. His warm, strong body felt so good as he encased my slim, naked frame and brought me to the floor.

My dick pulsated as I got comfortable below him. I was now in the place where a man is at his lowest, literally and figuratively: on his knees for another man. But this is what I craved..... He tilted my chin up and asked me what I wanted to do.

"C-can I please s-suck your dick, Daddy?"

The request was a mixture of truth and coercion, desire and repulsion. Yes I wanted to suck him--suck his perfect pole that I'd secretly missed--but did I want everything that came with it? The terror, the lack of control...

And what about my wife?! We'd only been together a year and a half but I still loved her! And fuck, she'd be back in a few hours!!! I had to deal with this before she came home and ensure he never returned.

"Oh fuuuuck I missed this mouth," Daddy rejoiced when I engulfed his tip. "I got another bitch once you left but he didn't have half the skills you got."

I loosened my jaw, letting his tip poke my throat. He snapped so I looked up while halfway down.

"You see, the difference is that you were born bitch. He was always fightin' me, tellin' me to fuck off, but not with you. I never had to force you. Well, maybe once or twice.... But the point is you were made for this, plain and simple, and that little wife of yours ain't never gonna change that."

Oh god, was he right? Was I really born for this? A tear fell as I realized my cock was harder while sucking him off than it ever was with my wife. And that my enthusiasm for pleasing him was of the purest form; I felt at peace. But this is real life, not prison! I can't keep doing this shit!! This isn't how men act!!

"Let's see if you remember your training," Daddy laughed, pummeling my throat before I could get up to fight him. As if I had the balls...

His technique was fast and relentless and I was sure a bruise had formed in my esophagus. I could barely breathe, spit flowing, yet my body was on fire and my cock nearly bursting from his rough treatment! Maybe he was right!


"Keep it up, honey. You gotta get it nice and slick so Daddy can break that tight pussy of yours back open."

I cringed when he reminded me of the inevitable. Though I'd gone out and sucked anonymous dick, I hadn't had one in my butt since prison. Daddy's was still the only cock that had gone up there and I shivered anxiously at the thought of its homecoming. Its dastardly ability to bring me incomparable pleasure....

Daddy cut off my daydream and pulled me up. "I wanna get a good look at you. See if you kept that little twink body tight for Daddy."

I stood self-consciously a few feet away, turning and bending over when commanded, spreading my cheeks like a prize bitch.

"Very nice, baby. Your body's lookin' slim and tight and that pussy's just as pink as I remember. That bubble ass is lookin' rounder than before too!"

I blushed at his compliments and my dick lurched again. He always knew how to make me feel pretty. But he was also right. I'd been working out hard as a way to release sexual frustration and stress. Contrary to what you may think, it's actually quite easy to put on weight while sitting around doing nothing in prison. But now that I was on my feet all day, I'd slimmed down and was looking toned.

Adding squats into my routine also helped. I found myself getting aroused while doing them at the gym, knowing my ass was getting bigger and more fuckable..... And clearly it had worked. Daddy came behind and started kneading my supple cheeks, kissing my nape. I'd missed this feeling so much.....

"So, how's that wife of yours? You meet her after you get out?"

He turned me around and I looked up. "Mmmhmmm...."

"Does she know about what happened between us?" he asked between kisses. I'd missed his prickled mouth and darting tongue terribly. It felt so much more erotic than my wife's smooth face....

"N-no...." I whispered, chest full of hot shame.

"So you thought you could just forget about everything we did and go on being a man?" he asked condescendingly.

"Y-yes...." I peeped out.

"You know that's not how it works," he said in the same belittling tone.

It put me right back in our cell where I was small, meek, obedient. I curled into his arms out of need for protection, even though it was from him.

"You know once you're a bitch, you're a bitch for life. I creamed in your pussy more times than I can count and that makes you my girl. And there's no use in tellin' me I'm wrong cuz that hard dick of yours is givin' you away. So why don't you lead me up to your bathroom so we can make sure you fit the part."

What could that mean..... Cognizant of the time, I tried to bargain with Daddy and finish him off with a blowjob. I could swallow his nut, kick him out, then my wife and I would immediately move to another city. I didn't know what I'd tell her, but it didn't matter. What mattered was getting him out before she got home.

"Ummm... Daddy, I was thinking.... Maybe I could just suck you off real quick then we can talk about this later..."

"Come on, don't be silly. Let's go on upstairs and get you pretty."


"What was that?"

Daddy's jovial mood turned hostile in a split second upon hearing my back talk. Without warning, he gripped my wrist and dragged me up the stairs.

On the master bed, he laid me over his lap and began wailing on my poor bum. His hands were so big and each crash burned like a brand! I was pleading and crying with him to stop but he just kept going until I was a blubbering mess, too weak to fight back.

"I know we've been apart for a while but that doesn't mean you can be disrespectful. Now let's move."

In a daze, it was hard to concentrate on the tight deadline before my wife's return. I considered running to a neighbor's, but I was naked and he'd surely beat me to the door. Could I reach the phone and call her?

Before I could think of a solution Daddy shoved me in the shower. It was uncomfortable to have him watch me clothed from outside but I couldn't do anything about it.

"Grab that shaving cream," he instructed once I was warm and wet.

It was a flowery can my wife used for her legs. He told me to cover my whole body, all the way up to the nose, then watched as I ran the blade over every inch. My body hair was scant, yet I felt even more exposed and vulnerable when totally smooth. Daddy had me bend over and spread my cheeks for the last bit so he could personally shave my hole. My dick was throbbing by the time he finished....

"Much better," he sighed once I was dolphin-like.

He pulled me out and dried me off, then sat me at my wife's vanity in the bedroom.

"Ummm..." I uttered, but a severe look from Daddy shut me up.

"I want you all pretty for me now that we're out of the joint. It wasn't easy getting makeup and lingerie in there, but I'm sure your wife has plenty, huh? And by the looks of this," he'd already rifled through her drawer and pulled out a sheer set. "It'll be a perfect fit."

He wasn't wrong. I was a petite guy, just 5'7" 130, with nearly identical proportions to my wife. I was sure everything would fit, even the shoes, and dreaded the final product.

"You've seen her do this before, right? I bet you've even thought about doing this for me, ha! Go on now, work some magic. Do what you girls do best."

He stood close by while I pulled various tools, creams and powders from the drawer. I followed her steps and relied on the practice I had from the few times Daddy procured lipstick or mascara in jail.

As the foundation was dabbed and eye liner applied, I began to feel strangely sexy. The bizarre sensation of prettying myself up so a man could later obliterate me was titillating. And to be honest, I looked good. My dainty nose and slim chin were accentuated by the feminine makeup, and the pink gloss made my plump lips pop.

"Delicious," he salivated while I brushed my hair to the sides. I'd let it grow upon release since I enjoyed having body autonomy again, but now it just made me look more feminine!

I felt extremely delicate on my feet, totally smooth, thin, my face painted like a doll. I looked at Daddy in a panic but he just ushered me over to the closet and began handing me items.

"We're lucky you have a girl's body," he commented while rolling the sheer white stockings up my svelte thighs.

He was 9 inches taller and so hirsute and muscular, I truly felt like a girl next to him. He pulled a white garter up my waist and attached it to the stockings then followed up with tiny lace panties. I realized that this was my wife's bridal lingerie, the same garments she'd worn when we pledged our eternal love. And here I was about to deface them!

"Such a darling," he cooed while placing the fur trimmed teddy over my head. He lifted my hand up and spun me twice.

The sensation of sheer stockings on my shaved legs, silk and lace wrapped around my slim hips made me harder than ever. I was hyperventilating from embarrassment, fear, unbridled lust, sheer desire. I felt insane but also amazing. And SEXY!

My pitiful size 7 feet fit my wife's size 9 heels perfectly. Once they were on and my ass was popped, I looked downright rapeable. Gussied up, petite, girly, I wouldn't have lasted a second in prison like this!

My dick expanded exponentially while imagining walking down the cement corridor, men in cages shouting to get a piece of me, then ultimately being delivered to Daddy. Luckily for me, that fantasy was actually happening...

"I always knew there was a perfect little girl in there," Daddy smiled while kissing me, transferring some of my gloss onto his lips.

I was horribly humiliated by my feminine state, but even more by my inability to stay soft! My cock leaked profusely as it rubbed against the lacy thong and even left a little wet patch.

Daddy's hug only made it harder, and when he swayed my body slowly, sniffed my hair affectionately, I could no longer pretend I was upset. With the inevitable return of my wife forced to the back of my mind by his seduction, I rested against his chest and swayed back.

We danced like this for a few minutes in perfect silence and I wondered if I actually did love him. There was something so serene about being taken to this level, but I also couldn't forget he'd just whooped my ass a bit ago.

Not a man to give one time to ponder, Daddy suddenly picked me up like a bride and dropped me on the bed. I was in awe at his strength; I could never pick my wife up like that.

"Lie down and pull your legs back, baby girl. Daddy wants to see that pretty pink pussy."

My tight hole winked feverishly at being called a pussy, the most emasculating name possible. But that's what he'd turned it into in prison. Coring it out nightly, filling it with so much seed I had to wear tampons. Or, maybe it was always a pussy.... Maybe he'd just been the first to realize....

I did have an unusual affection for it. My hole. Rubbing my taint while masturbating would quickly turn to grazing it, then pushing in a finger til I reached that spot. Some of my ex-girlfriends must've sensed it too because a few stuck a digit up there while blowing me. But he was the first to treat it how a man treats a pussy.

He'd devour it, his coarse facial hair scraping and tearing at my soft flesh. While in our makeshift double bed (he undid the bunks and combined our mattresses), he'd finger my hole, pry it open with both pointers til he could look inside. Then, of course, he'd plow it. Plow it wherever, whenever he liked. "That's my pussy," he'd remind me before emptying another load inside.

"That's my pussy," I heard now from between my legs as Daddy pushed them outward.

I was splayed back holding my stilettos as he pulled aside my thong and chowed down on my pristine pucker. He started with a few exploratory licks and sniffs, like a dog trying to remember his friend, then went to town.

"AHHH!!! UNNNNHHH!!!" I shrieked with each sloppy lick, suck and bite.

He was making out with my smooth, pink hole, jamming his beard into my skin til it tore. I squeezed my thighs around his big head and started bucking against his jaw to scrape more. I didn't want to like it.... But I did, so why not get some pleasure too?

That pleasure wrestled with my anxiety for my wife's return, but I had little time to think as Daddy got on his knees and locked my legs onto his shoulders. He grabbed some lube from his pocket before shimmying down his jeans, though his white button down stayed on.

While slicking his cock, he tore off my panties and teddy. I was just in stockings and a garter as he lined his thick tip up to my well-eaten hole.

"Let's see how tight you kept this thing. Make sure you didn't cheat on Daddy." He suddenly got serious. "You didn't, did you? I told you no one else can get in this cunt!"

"N-no, no! I promise Daddy!"

I felt a strange sense of pride knowing I hadn't "cheated" on my man while he was in prison. He felt it too, and the sick affection between us grew deeper and more profound.

"Mmmmmm, I believe you," he nuzzled, his tenderness returning as he tried to poke it in. "You're tight as hell so I know you stayed loyal. And that wife of yours doesn't count, ha! Such a loyal bitch. Now don't forget to relax. Let Daddy back in, baby."

I exhaled and released my sphincter then suddenly he slid right in. I mewed weakly at the foreign invasion but this was far from my first time, so soon the intense pleasure of being opened took over. I winked my hole all over Daddy's cock hoping he'd push in more, but he made me wait as he marinated his head.

"Look at you begging me with your eyes. You need this more than I do," he laughed.

His ego-shattering cut, which was likely the truth, drew out confused, lustful tears. I was so bewildered by the scenario, by my own depraved desires, that it was my only response. I cried in pleasure and fear as Daddy drove his cock deeper into my ass, rubbing his thick rod along my walls until my moans were incessant.

"Fuck yea, baby, take Daddy's dick," he said, just like he used to in our cage.


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