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Jamie's Family Ch. 03

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Sharen exposes the plan and the group has fun together.
3.7k words

Part 3 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/14/2023
Created 03/19/2023
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All characters in this story are at least eighteen years old.

I waited patiently for Sharen to come back into the room. It was a little awkward sitting naked in the living room with my daughter who was also nude and her nude friend who was calling me daddy less than an hour before while my dick was in her. I didn't make eye contact with either of them as I waited for Sharen to come back. They were both having a conversation of their own, the subject of which was lost on me as I was running through a million possible scenarios in my head.

Before long, Sharen came in with some beer, wine and a platter of crackers, cheese, and pepperoni. She set them down and sat next to me. The girls stopped conversing and looked at me briefly before resting their eyes on Sharen. Sharen looked at them, then at me.

"I guess I should start from the beginning since you probably see me as the ringleader here, yes?" She asked.

"The beginning is always a good place to start," I confirmed.

She thought for a moment before starting, probably ensuring that where she begins is the actual beginning, not missing anything I might have a question about.

"Some of this will be new information for one person, but not to another so I'm just going to tell the whole thing from the beginning so everyone has all the information, and we can see what we think at the end. Fair?" she said, looking around for nodding approval.

We all agreed, and she began.

"Jamie, when I first met your dad, your mom and I picked him out of a crowd because we intended to share him with each other. There was no other purpose at that time for him that we had planned out. It ended up being as if he were dating both of us, but we would both have sex with him at the same time," she said, preparing to go on.

I interrupted her, "I think you might want to start a little earlier than that. It would make sense for some of us to hear that part.

She looked at me and made a face as if she just had a revelation.

"Yes, you're right. Okay, Jamie. Your mother and I, despite being sisters, sometimes...," she paused, "had sex with each other, instead of finding other people to satisfy our needs. The history behind that isn't relevant right now, but if you want to ask me about that later, feel free. That's the short version. Back to him," she added, pointing at me with her thumb.

"So, he would come over sometimes and we had fun as a small group. Well, that lasted a while until your mom started liking him, and I was sort of throwing my attention to another guy who ended up being your uncle. That situation didn't create strife between us, we just went our separate ways in that department.

"Fast forward to when your mom died, your uncle left me soon after. Well, your father and I resumed the activities we enjoyed a while back. The difference is, we were always very discreet, and you were younger. A couple years later, do you remember when we sat in your room and discussed things?" she asked, looking at Jamie.

She nodded, then Sharen looked at me.

"That was when we talked, and she asked if we could do... things. As I mentioned, she was under age and I didn't have your permission. Well, on her eighteenth birthday, she called me up and we talked on the phone for a while. After the pleasantries, we talked about the discussion we had almost two years prior and I told her I would not mind being with her, but I would still require your permission. I didn't require your permission simply because you and I were having sex, but because it's a taboo subject, she's your daughter, and I didn't want any kind of rift forming in the family.

"Well, that night we talked for hours. I don't remember what you were doing or if you were even home. We ended up devising a plan. This plan, actually. It went pretty much exactly how we envisioned it and I think everyone made out happily in the end?" she asked, again seeking my approval.

"I would agree, but are you saying this is the end?" I asked.

"No, that story brings us to today and like I said, we just have to figure out where to go from here."

"I see. Well, it's certainly a lot to take in and today has been quite the um, adventure. Plus, we're all sitting here nude and I don't know about any of you, but because of said adventure, I think I'm pretty worn out," I said, looking casually around the room.

Jamie looked a little disappointed, but Kat looked fairly unaffected. Sharen also didn't appear affected.

"Well, you may be, but I don't think I am," Sharen said, getting up from the couch and sipping some wine, "Jamie, are you up for a bit more fun?"

I looked at Jamie to see how she reacted to an open sexual advance by her aunt. She smiled broadly and nodded quickly, opening her legs as an offering. My cock stirred a little. Sharen walked over to Jamie and pulled her down to the floor on her back. Sharen laid on her stomach with her head between Jamie's legs, kissing her inner thigh. I shifted my gaze to Kat who was watching it unfold, running her hand up and down her leg slowly. I reached for a beer.

As I continued watching, Kat was becoming more and more turned on, occasionally dipping her hand between her legs or on her tit, pinching her nipple. She looked at me as if waiting instruction on what to do next. I looked into her eyes and quickly moved my head to Jamie, indicating that she should join them. She surveyed the action on the floor, no doubt attempting to figure out where to insert herself into the action. It would seem she decided, as she got up and put a foot on each side of Jamie's head.

Jamie opened her eyes, seeing her friend above her and smiled. She reached out her arms, welcoming Kat to sit on her face. Kat didn't waste any time, lowering herself down to her knees, positioning her pussy right at Jamie's mouth. Jamie put her hands on Kat's ass and gave it a smack as she danced her tongue around Kat's slit. The scene taking place in front of me was enough to bring my cock to attention once again. I took a sip of my beer and set it down before I wrapped my hand around my cock and began stroking it.

None of these women were paying any attention to me, but my focus was on Sharen. Her position on the floor was one of my favorites. Legs open enough for me to lay between and slide my cock in her pussy. Plus, in that configuration, the awkwardness of Jamie watching me fuck her Aunt is gone with Kat sitting on her face. I figured it would be a great time to dip into the action and it might be the ice-breaking event I needed to ditch some of the inhibitions I had about moving forward.

I got up and stood between Sharen's open legs. She must have sensed my presence, opening her legs up wider, permitting easier access for me. I knelt, putting one arm next to Sharen, and using my other hand to guide my cock into her pussy. As soon as I penetrated her, she stopped eating Jamie's pussy and let out an audible moan. Jamie must have heard her and guessed at what was happening.

"Mommy, is Daddy fucking you?" she asked, apparently resuming the role play from earlier.

"He sure is. It's nice to have his cock buried in my pussy," Sharen responded between breaths, and I continued fucking her.

Unlike before, the scene playing out in front of me was not bringing me closer to the edge. I expected it would since everyone has joined in with each other but was happy being able to pound Sharen without worrying about cumming too soon again. Sharen seemed to have other plans, as she raised her ass slightly so she could get her hand under her and rub her clit as I fucked her. I could hear Jamie's progressively louder moaning. It seemed she was not long away from having her orgasm.

Kat began shrieking and grabbed Jamie's head and pulling it into her pussy. She was clearly about to finish. I felt as if this was all another scripted event, but it didn't matter, I guess because whether it was or not, it was happening, and I was a part of it.

"Oh, God, I'm cumming, sissy!" Kat squeaked out.

Her body began to shake incredibly as her orgasm was hitting her hard. Just as hers began, Jamie's must have as well. I could see her legs shake as I continued sliding my cock in and out of her aunt. Kat almost leapt off Jamie, onto the floor next to her and almost just as fast, Jamie announced her impending wave crash.

"Mommy! Keep sucking my clit!" she squealed.

Sharen must have done exactly that, but instead of Jamie closing her eyes and tensing up as her orgasm hit her, she looked directly at me and held her gaze as I watched her tense her muscles, crinkle the skin on her forehead and grab Sharen by the hair.

"Put something in me, Mommy. I need it!" she breathed out.

I watched Sharen adjust herself and insert two fingers into Jamie's pussy. She held them there and twisted them around back and forth. She kept that up as I continued pumping my cock in and out of Sharen. I watched my daughter probably have the most intense orgasm of her life. It seemed to last forever, and I was getting lost in the moment.

As soon as Jamie came down, I gave her a second to recover.

"Jamie, stand above your aunt, facing me." I said, about to give into my inner desires.

She stood up as fast as she could and wobbled over to where I asked her to stand. I steadied myself on one arm and put my hand on her bare ass, pulling her closer while I simultaneously stuck my tongue into her pussy as soon as it was near enough.

She instantly grabbed my head.

"Daddy, it's so sensitive!" she whimpered.

I released her as soon as I got just the simple taste that I craved. She almost collapsed when I let go but managed to control herself until she was laying on the same side of Sharen as Kat was. I continued fucking Sharen until I was about to cum when it hit me what I had just done. I crossed that line I had been admittedly tiptoeing on. The thought, however, brought me over the edge and I pulled out and shot my load. There wasn't much since I hadn't had enough time to regenerate, but it shot out like a cannon. I heard Jamie's breath catch in her throat as she watched my cum splatter all over her Aunt.

I instantly felt ashamed of myself. I got up and walked to my bedroom to shower and lay in bed and think about what had just happened. I spent most of the day justifying that adventure by saying if I never made sexual contact with Jamie, it was okay, but it wasn't. I went straight to the attached master bathroom and turned on the shower. I put both hands on the sink as I waited for the water to warm up and stared in the mirror.

What have I done? I asked myself.

I felt like a moment just happened that I will forever randomly think of and cringe. I knew the shower would not wash it all away, but I would be clean and could possibly think about all that happened with perhaps a different perspective.

"Daddy?" Jamie said from behind the door.

"Yes, honey?" I responded.

I couldn't take out my feelings on her. She didn't force anything, even though there was a plan. I could have stopped at any time. Sharen, being the other mature adult, could have also not started the whole thing. I wasn't mad at her either, though, since she and her sister had been involved in such things before I even met them. Like mother, like daughter I suppose.

"Can I come in?" she asked hesitantly.

I didn't answer. Instead, I grabbed a towel, covered myself and opened the door for her. She was still nude and immediately walked in, closing the door behind her.

"Dad. Are you upset?" she asked.

"A little, honey, but not with you. All other things aside, I should not have gone over the edge and done that to you."

"We were all involved and, to be honest, it's not like I didn't want you to do that."

"I know, babe, I just needed to come in here and collect my thoughts."

Jamie walked up to me and put her hands where the towel came together and tugged on it, releasing its hold on me.

"I'd like to shower with you, if you're okay with that?" she said, looking at me in a way that melted my heart.

I looked down at her body, from her forehead to her feet and back again. I sighed, looked her in the eyes, and held my hand out for her to take. She did and I opened the door of the shower, adjusted the temperature and led her in with me. I positioned her under the shower head, watching the water flow over her head and droplets of water bounce off her shoulders and hit her breasts on their way down.

Leaning in to kiss her on the forehead, she closed her eyes and put her arms around me. We stood under the waterfall of warm water for a couple minutes before I took the bar of soap from the holder and had her turn around. I didn't know where that situation was leading, but I figured at that point, if she was willing and still loved me after the fact, then what harm could come from it. If her mother were still alive, I suspect it might have been a thing after a while, anyway.

I looked her over again before applying soap to her skin. She resembled her mother in so many ways. She had bigger than average thighs, but not what you might call thick. Her ass was also bigger than normal for a girl her size, but perfectly round shaped and didn't sag. I lowered myself down and began soaping her ankles. I slowly moved up, applying soap evenly as my hands glided up the side of her legs. Near the top, I moved my hands inside her legs, and I watched as she shivered under the warm water.

She never looked back at me to see what I was doing as I continued moving my hands across her cheeks, up, and around to her stomach. As I briefly ran my hands just above her pussy, I saw goosebumps on her arms. I stood up and put more soap on my hands. Eventually, they found their way to her tits, and I cupped them in my hands and leaned in to whisper in her ear.

"How do you feel right now?" I asked.

"Daddy...," she whispered to the wall.

I pinched her nipples gently.

"Baby, I need to know you're okay," I told her, whispering still.

"I'm more than okay, daddy," she replied, her hand gathering soap from her body and reaching behind her to apply it to my cock.

"This will be the last time I genuinely ask if this is what you want."

"I want all of this," she said.

I turned her around slowly and her eyes opened and locked with mine. She continued working her hand back and forth on my cock, getting it hard again. I was certain this wouldn't be able to happen again, but she had the magic touch it seemed.

The soap was rinsing from her body as I guided the clean water over her it. She was completely rinsed when I knelt a little, placed my hands on her ass and lifted her up. She instantly wrapped her legs around my waist and balanced her weight on my hips. I wrapped my arm around her back and positioned my cock at her entrance.

"Put it inside me, daddy. I want you to," she said, straight faced.

I lowered her down until the head of my cock was just inside her and I backed her up against the tiled wall. Putting both hands back on her ass, I lowered her completely until I was buried all the way inside her. We both sighed as I waited to begin fucking her.

"You're just like your mother," I said, "She used to love doing this, too."

"Did you ever have sex with Aunt Sharen in here?" she asked as I pulled my hips back, sliding my cock out of her.

"Yes, I did to her exactly what I'm doing to you," I said, pushing myself back into her.

I continued pumping her for several minutes, enjoying her little moans and squeaks. It was enjoyable for me to have her in that way, despite knowing I was not going to cum any time soon, if at all. I told her as much and she responded the same way. I also began to consider what would come of the four of us from then on. It would make sense for Sharen to move in with us.

What about Katerina, though? I should have a sit down with Jamie tomorrow to get her thoughts on this, I thought.

I put those thoughts aside and focused on Jamie for a little while longer.

I lifted her off me, and turned her around again, facing the wall. She turned off the water and I entered her from behind. She reached behind her and put my hands on her hips.

"I like feeling like you're in control. It makes me feel safe," she said.

"You're always safe with me, Jamie."

I pumped a few more times before letting her know I was done.

"I think I'm drained for today, honey," I said, slowing my pace almost to a halt.

"That's okay, Daddy. This was fun, I enjoyed it."

"Me too," I said, turning her around and give her a soft kiss, "Would you mind if I invited Sharen to sleep in my bed tonight?"

"Of course not! Kat is staying over with me, so she will be in my room."

"What are you two going to do tonight?" I asked, genuinely curious, "More 'planning?'" I added, laughing.

"No, Dad, you're not the only one who's tired, you know. We'll probably just chit chat and fall asleep quickly."

I smiled at her and suggested we get dressed in something and go out and get them for bed. She agreed and went to her room briefly to put something on. I did the same and we met out in the living room. As I turned into the room, Kat was kissing Sharen's neck and holding one of her tits in her hand. Sharen laid with her head back and arms free enjoying the attention.

"Ahem," Jamie sounded.

Kat stopped what she was doing and looked at Jamie and smiled.

"We've decided that we're all pretty tired and should probably get some sleep," I announced to the room.

Kat briefly nodded but Sharen looked confused. She stared at me, and I had a feeling I knew what she was thinking.

"Sharen, you're welcome to sleep with me tonight if you would like," I told her.

She looked relieved and smiled a little. It wasn't the mischievous smirk I'd seen most of the day, but a genuine smile indicating she was happy to share my bed. I was glad to have her, and I was glad Jamie would have Kat with her. It seemed for that night, we would all sleep peacefully and cozy in bed with someone we cared about. I offered my hand to Sharen, and she rose from the couch and took it. Jamie did the same with Kat, and together we led our partners down the hall to our rooms.

Sharen asked me how the shower went.

"It went... well. I had to think for a moment about what had happened, but she has her mother's charm."

"I know. She was upset that you got up and left without a word said, so I told her maybe she should go to you and reassure you that it was something she wanted," Sharen said, her hand on my arm.

"It was the right thing to say to her," I said, turning to look at her.

She smiled and placed her other hand over mine.

"I think this will be a good thing. I'm sorry I planned this without your knowledge, but it all went as I hoped, and I think Jamie is as happy as I've ever seen her. She has loved you dearly forever and, to be honest, I think she is showing it the way her mother showed her affection to me," Sharen explained.

"You don't have to apologize. It was all just so sudden, even having you call me 'brother' while I had you over the kitchen table was an assault on my logic. Everything after was just adding onto that. I think it could also be good, but I will have to talk to Jamie tomorrow about some things before I can continue."

"Okay. For now, though, I'm going to take a shower and clean up before bed. Will you be asleep soon or will you wait up for me?" she asked, headed towards the same bathroom I just had Jamie in.

"I'll be up, going over the conversation to be had tomorrow. I'll wait for you," I said.

After a few minutes of me lying in bed thinking of what to say to Jamie the next day, I felt myself drifting in an out of consciousness. My last thought before allowing sleep to take me was that perhaps Jamie was as happy as Sharen suggested.

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JustmeWBJustmeWBover 1 year ago

This is getting more delicious by the moment.

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