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Jamie's Family Ch. 04

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Jamie confesses deeper feelings to her father.
4.1k words

Part 4 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/14/2023
Created 03/19/2023
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All characters in this story are at least eighteen years old.

I woke up the next morning with Sharen lying next to me. She looked so peaceful sleeping. She reminded me of her sister almost as much as Jamie did. I lay back down and replayed the events of the day before in my head along with the conversation that I wanted to have with Jamie. As it turned out I needed to have a conversation with both Jamie and Sharen since they planned everything together.

Sharen was lying on her stomach with her head facing me. I kissed her on the cheek and while still under the covers, I climbed on top of her. Thinking about fucking the three of them the day before got me worked up and I wanted to have Sharen before I got up to make breakfast for everyone.

While bracing myself with one arm, I used my other hand to brush my cock up and down Sharen's slit, hoping to get her wet. My hopes of slipping inside her before she woke were broken when she opened her eyes and turned slightly to look at me.

"Ready to fuck me already, are you?" she said.

"When have I ever not been?"

She spread her legs open just as I felt moisture at the head of my dick.

"Then fuck me, babe," she whispered.

I did as she requested and slowly slid inside her, inch my inch. I exhaled when I was fully in her and began to slowly fuck her. She moved her arms so that her head was resting on her hands, still looking the same way.

"Sometimes it's nice to just sit here and feel your cock, slide in and out of me," she said.

"I like this position. I'm also an ass man so, that helps I guess."

"You? An ass man?" she asked sarcastically.

I snickered and quickly buried my cock deep in her pussy before fucking her hard and fast for a bit. She grunted loudly.

"Fuck me hard, little brother," she whispered with her eyes closed.

"I am sis!"

I had to admit, the role play turned me on even more. I kept going until I felt the cum that had been building up in my balls give signal it was on its way.

"I want to cum on your ass, sis!"

"Do it, baby brother. Shoot your cum all over my ass," she said, looking back at me again.

I pulled out of her pussy and stroked my cock, pushing the head against her asshole.

"Coat my asshole with your baby juice!"

Just then, I released. It splattered all over her asshole, but some managed to jump out and make little pools in the small of her back.

"You have a powerful shot, little brother. I think some went in my ass," she told me.

"I would guess I did if that was the case," I said, laughing a little, "I'll get you a towel then I'll go make breakfast for everyone."

I handed her a towel, then got dressed in my pajamas. I felt that day was going to be a lot like the day before, so I didn't even bother getting into regular clothes. I swung by Jamie's room to see if they were up. The door was open, and they were both sound asleep. It seemed they were either playing around all night or they had been as worn out as I was. I continued to the kitchen to make pancakes and eggs.

Sharen was the first one out. She came up to me and kissed me before fixing herself a cup of coffee.

"What did you want to talk to Jamie about?" she asked as she poured the creamer into the mug.

"Well, I want to talk to both of you. I don't want an answer now from you, but I'll ask you both what your intentions are or maybe were when you developed this plan. Maybe you had one intention when you started, but another now? I don't know but what I do know is that I can't just keep fucking the three of you every time I get turned on," I said.

"I actually have all of those answers." She said, sipping her coffee.

I turned around and looked at her.

"I'm not sworn to secrecy, and we honestly have no further plans. I don't know if she planned to ever talk to you about it or not, but I assumed she would now that every part of the plan worked out."

"Do you think she would want you telling me?" I asked, neglecting breakfast.

"Flip those pancakes. I'll tell you the story, but you have to promise to at least give her until tomorrow before you broach the subject with her."

I turned around continued prepping breakfast when Sharen came up and stood next time.

"I asked her the same question when she first asked to have sex with me. That was when she was sixteen and she didn't have an answer. I asked her again that night we talked for hours. That was the same night she shared that she would maybe one day approach you."

"Okay, so, she had a plan the second time?" I asked.

"Yes. So, her plan didn't start off that far-fetched," she said, "and remember, you promised not to say anything today!"

I nodded at her, and she continued.

"She wants to marry Katerina," Sharen said.

"That's it?" I asked, feeling like she wasn't done.

"No. She hinted at us getting married."

"You and her?!" I asked, turning my attention away from breakfast again.

"No, dummy, me and you," she said, looking at me, trying to judge my reaction.

"Okay," I said, "that's not way off base like you suggested."

"I'm not done," she said, still staring at me.

I put the utensils I had on the table, faced Sharen and folded my arms.

"Spit it out."

She stared at me for a few moments before speaking again.

"She is bisexual, but she is in love with Kat. She wants a child one day, but doesn't want - "

"Stop right there!" I demanded.

She didn't press the conversation, but continued staring into my eyes, looking for something. In my heart, I knew what she was about to say but I spent a long time going over every other possibility before I allowed myself to feel something about what I knew she was about to tell me. When not another possible outcome presented itself, decided to resign myself to what I knew was going to be said.

"She wants me to get her pregnant?" I asked, hoping it wasn't true.

Sharen looked around the room for an appropriate response. She sighed and looked back at me, then sipped her coffee.

"Remember, you didn't hear it from me. I hope she comes to you about all of this," she reminded me.

I returned to breakfast right as Kat walked in. Jamie was shortly behind her. They had the best and worst timing that morning. I had to contemplate everything in my head until she came to me about it. I put the food on four plates as Jamie approached me. She turned me around and hugged me and I noticed Sharen staring me. Her eyes were wide, and she was gently shaking her head, seeming in a panic that I would confront Jamie about what we talked about. I nodded slightly to try and reassure her.

"Good morning, Daddy!" she said, kissing me on the cheek before going to sit.

"Morning, baby. Do you want bacon or sausage?"

"Bacon for me. Kat wants bacon, too. We could smell it all the way in my room. That's why we came out here."


"Just pancakes for me, please," she replied.

I finished filling the plates and brought them to the table and sat. It seemed almost an awkward silence. I occasionally looked around for a bit before striking up conversation.

"Kat, will you be here again for dinner?"

She looked at Jamie, then back at me.

"No, I've got some work to do at home tonight that I've been putting off. Wish I could, though!"

I looked at Jamie.

"What about you? Have anything planned today?" I asked, feeling a little weird acting the role of a father after what happened the day before.

"Nope, no plans. Thought I would just hang out with both of you," she said, looking between me and Sharen.

"Sounds good to me. I didn't have anything planned either. Might mow the lawn, but that's all that's in the cards today," I said.

I looked over at Kat and she looked a little restless.

"You okay, Kat?" I asked.

She looked around the table at everyone, took a bite of her bacon and just blurted out what everyone was thinking.

"So, are we just going to pretend we all didn't fuck each other yesterday?"

I snorted a little, Jamie snapped her head to stare at Kat and Sharen covered her mouth, attempting to hide her laughter. She wasn't very good at hiding it and after a few minutes, she was belly laughing but still trying to hide it. Eventually, we all joined in with her.

After we calmed down, Jamie spoke up.

"I don't think we're pretending anything. I just think we should take some time this morning and let it all sink in and maybe talk about it later?" she ended up asking, looking at me.

"If you want to talk later, that's fine with me. Like I said, I have nothing planned today," Jamie said.

"Great!" she said, smiling.

I looked over at Kat again and she still looked a little perturbed.

"Well, you three enjoy your day and with some luck, the awkwardness will be over by tomorrow because I enjoyed the shit out of fucking each of you. That's your icebreaking comment for the day. You're welcome!" Kat said snickering with a sense of confidence.

I looked at Kat and took note of what she was wearing. She had on a white t-shirt and plaid pajama bottoms.

No bra, I see. She's probably not wearing any underwear, either, I thought to myself.

I set a quick plan in motion. I got up and made like I was putting my plate into the sink, which I did, but on my way back I approached Kat. I pulled out the chair with her in it and forced her to stand up. I moved the chair out of the way and immediately pulled her pajama bottoms down. She wasn't wearing panties as I figured. I grabbed the back of her neck and pushed her forward over the table between Jamie and Sharen. She didn't put up any fight, instead relenting to my every physical command.

I slid my pajamas down and my cock sprang up, already hard.

I leaned over and told Kat "You seem to think we needed an icebreaking comment, but what I think you really wanted for a good fucking before you had to leave."

"Yes, Daddy, I do," she said, looking straight at Jamie.

I rubbed the head of my cock against her pussy, moving her juices around before sliding the entire length inside her in one, slow stroke. She cooed as I fully entered her pussy. Jamie leaned in and kissed her full on the lips. She kept the kiss up as I began to fuck Kat while turning to look at Sharen. She was watching my cock disappear between Kat's legs. I knew from a long time ago that the scene playing out before her was one of her favorites. I continued staring at Sharen while Kat kissed my daughter. It wasn't going to be long until I came.

Kat began to push back on my cock, so I stopped and let her fuck me. Jamie got up and walked over to me. She put one hand on my back and reached under Kat to rub her clit with the other. Kat continued fucking me until she announced she was cumming. I took control at that point and grabbed her hips and fucked her a little faster and harder. I finally heard Kat gasp and hold her breath as I felt her inner walls grip my cock a little harder.

"I'm... cumming," she squeaked out, "keep fucking me!"

"I'm going to cum right after you," I announced.

Just as she finished, she removed herself from my cock and got on her knees in front of me. Jamie joined her and they both opened their mouths as I jerked my cock. That sight put me over the edge. My first shot landed on Kat's nose, the next in Jamie's mouth with a little on her cheek. The rest was shared between them until I was done.

"Holy shit that was hot," I said, catching my breath.

"Yeah, it was," Sharen chimed in.

I looked down and Jamie and Kat were kissing each other, no doubt sharing the cum I deposited in each of their mouths. I leaned down and kissed each on the forehead.

"I'm going to get my morning shower. No company this time!" I said, wagging my finger at Jamie, then at Sharen.

I spent a long time in the shower going over the conversation with Sharen earlier. I wasn't exactly in my prime anymore but, was certainly within the range of being able to impregnate someone. I couldn't determine if I wanted to do that to Jamie. She probably didn't see it as something being done to her, but for her. I couldn't fathom why she was in a hurry to enter that chapter of her life, though.

I decided then that I wouldn't bring it up at all until she started the conversation. She might have done it that day or two years from then. I was still conflicted about whether it was right for me to do that for her, despite me knowing she probably didn't see it that way.

One day at a time, I thought to myself.

When I came back out to the living room, Jamie and Sharen were finishing the dishes.

"Did Kat leave already?" I asked.

"Yeah, she wanted to get started with her stuff at home. She's going to call me later to see what I'm up to if she gets done early enough," Jamie answered while loading the dishwasher.

"Oh, okay. Well, thanks for doing the dishes. I'm going to see what's on TV," I said, turning to walk to the living room.

"Okay, we're going to shower and get some normal clothes on, then we'll join you," Sharen said.

I wasn't sure if that meant they were showering together or what, but I either way, I knew I had the TV to myself for a while. I flipped on a movie I hadn't seen in a while and kicked my feet up.

The movie was almost over when Sharen came out. She sat on large portion of the sectional that was almost as big as a bed. About twenty minutes later, Jamie came out. She was just like her mother. She got fully dressed even if she wasn't going anywhere, shoes included. That day she was in a nice fitting pair of jeans and a thin sweater style top. She looked around and walked over to where Sharen was sitting and crawled between her legs, resting her upper body against Sharen's. She had always done that since her mother died, so I never thought twice about it.

The movie I picked ended and I started to flip through the guide.

"Anything you two want to watch?" I asked, still flipping through the guide.

I looked over at them and Sharen had her arms wrapped around Jamie. They were both looking at the TV.

"I don't see anything particularly interesting," Jamie said.

"Okay, I'm just going to pick something then."

I put on a network show and looked back over at the two girls. Sharen was rubbing Jamie's stomach, her hands seemed to naturally be raising her top a little. I kept watching to see if Sharen would confirm my suspicions and sure enough, she did. She raised Jamie's top a little more until her hand was entirely on Jamie's bare skin. Jamie had her eyes closed but didn't appear to be sleeping. A few minutes later, Sharen's hand was worming its way into Jamie's pants. Her fingertips would dip in, slide across, then come back out.

Sharen continued that motion a few rounds until Jamie took ahold of Sharen's hand and guided it to the button of her jeans. She unbuttoned Jamie's jeans and slid her hand inside a little more than she did before. I watched her repeat the same movements until she changed course. This time, her hand went inside Jamie's panties. Her hand lingered longer there before coming back out and repeating. The next time her hand went in, it stayed.

I couldn't tell what she was doing, but Jamie's eyes were closed, and her head leaned back against Sharen. I felt blood rushing to my cock and reached in to give it a rub while I watched Jamie's pleasure build. Sharen whispered something in Jamie's ear, and she raised her butt off the couch. Sharen hooked her thumbs into the waist band of her niece's jeans and panties and slid them both down just enough for Sharen to have full access to Jamie's pussy.

"Keep rubbing my pussy. It feels so good," Jamie said, her eyes still closed.

I slid my own pants down a bit and freed my cock from its prison and stroked it while I watched Sharen play with my little girl's pussy. She occasionally dipped a finger into Jamie's hole to keep it wet, then went back to her clit, circling her fingertip around it over and over. Sharen looked at me and patted the seat next to her. I'm not sure what was about to happen but being close to both of them recently was more interesting than not. I moved over and sat down slowly so to not disturb Jamie's pleasure.

"What do you want, Jamie?" Sharen said, bending her head down close to her ear.

Jamie enjoyed the pleasure silently for a moment before answering.

"I want Kat," she said unsteadily.

"What do you want to do to her?"

Again, Jamie sat silent for a while enjoying Sharen's attention on her clit. Jamie looked over at me before answering.

"I want her to marry me, Daddy," she said, still looking directly at me.

I nodded my approval to her, and she smiled. She bent her knees outward a little more allowing Sharen more access.

"What else do you want?" Sharen asked her.

Jamie grabbed Sharen's hand and pushed it into her pussy. She didn't answer the question for several minutes, probably debating on whether she should even answer.

"I want Daddy," she said, breaking eye contact with me.

"Is that all?" Sharen asked.

She didn't answer then and showed no sign she intended to in that moment. Sharen looked at me and I returned her gaze. Neither one of us made any gesture or said any word. My cock was iron hard at that moment. Instead of using what I knew and let the moment pass because she didn't say answer the question, I took her for what she said. She wanted me.

I got off the couch and knelt in front of Jamie's feet and tugged on her ankles. She read me correctly and lifted her butt and helped me slide her down. Knowing she was already wet from Sharen's playing, I lifted Jamie's legs and positioned my cock at her pussy and pushed in easily. I pushed slowly into her until I was all the way in and rested in that position. Sharen got off the couch and, piece by piece, took her clothes off. Jamie was then flat on her back, her legs up on my shoulders, and my cock buried inside her.

Sharen straddled Jamie's mouth and lowered her pussy down onto it.

"Fuck our baby, Brother," Sharen said to me, eyes closed as Jamie went to work on her.

I began to slowly move in and out of her, attempting to read every bump and groove inside her vagina. She was smooth as silk and all I could think about is what Sharen told me earlier. Jamie wanted to marry Katerina and have my baby. I was surprised at how easily I was able to dismiss the fact that she would have her own son or daughter and brother or sister. I never gave it another thought before picking up the pace slightly.

I leaned down to kiss Jamie's nipples.

"I love you, baby girl," I said, hastening my pace even more.

I could hear her squeaks and moans as I pumped my cock in and out of her. I raised up and sucked on Sharen's nipple one at a time. She put her hands behind my head in a more loving hold than she had in the past day or so. It seemed this who experience was more about love than getting off, though the latter was about to happen sooner than I had hoped.

"I don't want to cum yet," I whispered to Sharen.

"Let Jamie decide."

"Slow down, Daddy, don't cum yet," Jamie said, muffled, "I want to see your face when you do."

I did as she requested. It didn't stop the sensation at all, just prolonged the inevitable. Sharen saw me struggling and put her hand on my shoulder, raising herself off Jamie and coming around to sit where I was before. She leaned down next to Jamie and began caressing her breasts while I continued pushing my cock in and out. She leaned in and kissed Jamie on the lips.

"It's okay, baby," she said.

Jamie looked at her then to me.

"Daddy, I want you to finish," Jamie said quietly.


"I want you to cum inside me," she said apprehensively.

I slowed even more but didn't stop.

"Please," she said again, raising her arms and wrapping her hands around the back of my neck.

The thought of what was happening had me ready to explode.

"Do you want a baby?" I asked softly, not trying to sound like I thought she was crazy for saying that.


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