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Jana's Adventure "What If"

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Beautiful Czech wife shares secret thoughts and other things.
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This story has been inspired by others who have generously shared their stories. I thank them. And also in no small way by my wife. It is a subject husbands with beautiful wives think about often. Jana exists in reality exactly as described. And "The Adventure" still goes on for us. This first time, as detailed here, profoundly affected both of us. It opened up a world of honesty about ourselves and our desires and brought us closer. I completely understand though how something like this could turn out very badly, but we were lucky. I have had three years to think about every detail of that first night, so please forgive a first time writer his penchant (obsession?) for details. They were happily gleaned from (very!) many viewings of the video and dissecting the experience with Jana's perspective. Your comments will be greatly appreciated. We have a few more 'Adventures' to share if anyone is interested.


Beautiful Czech wife shares secret thoughts and other things...

She sat at the outdoor café in Greenwich Village focused on her mobile phone. I didn't let her know I happened there by chance. I watched her. Every so often she looked out at the lunchtime crowd filing past. Was I imagining things or was she discretely checking out men from her vantage point? She seemed to be daydreaming and shifting uneasily in her seat. Her tastefully split, mid-length business skirt showed off her tanned, naked legs. They crossed one way and then the other. It was a warm day and I knew what that did to her. Who knew what was going on in her mind? The voyeur in me kept watching and a pattern emerged. An attractive guy would walk past, she would speak a few soundless words and her eyes would follow him until he disappeared. Was this my beautiful, faithful wife thinking not-so-faithful thoughts?

I texted her. "Are you feeling naughty?"

She looked down at her phone, smiled that beautiful smile and laughed to herself. Her eyes then followed the muscled butt of the next guy who walked by. I saw it clearly.

My phone vibrated. It read, "Ahoj. I've been thinking. There maybe a little surprise tonight..."

I had made a very significant discovery. It was the beginning.

And there it was...

We had nearly finished off a particularly nice bottle of Pomerol. It seemed to have made my wife even happier than was usually the case. Although being Eastern European, Jana's tolerance for alcohol reached its limit at two or three glasses.

Suddenly she disappeared from the sofa. A few minutes later she returned and stopped in the doorway of the living room. This was a bit different. To my surprise (and approval!), she had changed into a pair of black stilettos and an oversized, white t-shirt that covered just the very top of her legs. Possibly (hopefully!) that was all she was wearing. Strangely she was also holding a plastic watering can.

"Sometimes I think I'm a pot plant."

"Excuse me?" What was this?

"I need to be watered and I like my voda cold." She raised the watering can and poured it all over the thin material of the t-shirt. There was definite confirmation that Jana wasn't hiding underwear beneath her new fashion statement. Her large nipples pointed through the wet material and reacted very well to the cold water. The rest of her showed through too in exquisite goose-bumped detail. She slowly turned around to show off the full effect. The effect was agreeable...

She walked over to where I was sitting on the sofa, leaving a trail of water in her wake. She stood facing away from me, just out of arm's length.

She turned her head towards me then looked downward. "Oh, my shoelaces are undone," with a look of mock surprise. Her shoes did not have laces.

She bent all the way down, grasped the heels of her stilettos and kept her legs completely straight. Her t-shirt lifted in just the right way.

"What if he touched me just here? Or rubbed something a little bit over there? Really, what if?"

She wiggled her gorgeous butt right in front of my face as she touched herself 'just here' and rubbed 'a little bit over there.'

What had gotten into her? I made a mental note to get lots more Pomerol. I guessed the café episode must have scratched the right itch?

"Are you already imagining what he might do me tonight? I'm feeling very naughty! If he wanted to, look at what he could touch. I might let him too. And she is already prepared. Are you horny?"

"I am now!"

"You should be. I'm going to go and get ready now and make you really horny." With that, her damp trail disappeared again.

I heard the shower come on. "When I'm showered you should get ready too. We are going out."

Whatever was going on?

I went into the bathroom and she peeked from behind the curtain, her body hidden. I had already stripped to my underwear. I was ready now!

"John, we are going somewhere tonight to try out this 'Adventure' idea of yours. We've had fun with 'He' for a long time and I know what the idea behind it does to you. I like what it does to you." She smiled. "Let's do this for real so I can see what that does to you. Just imagine if we make 'what if' real and 'He' isn't a little machine...". With that she reached out, pulled me close and kissed me deeply. As I reached for her she retreated into the shower.

"No, no, no! I'm getting ready now. I'm going to do this completely crazy thing and flirt for you for real, just as you always wanted. I'm nervous and a little bit drunk, so go away and let me get ready before I change my mind. This will be our real 'Adventure' for the first time. You should go and get dressed." She disappeared into the shower.

"Before you go could you please hand me the razor? Oh, and please book a room at that hotel. We are going to need it." We had been there before. We had fond memories of previous visits to that hotel, New York's well known Standard Hotel.


"Yes. Seriously hand me the razor. And then book the hotel room at the Standard. Better book a table too in the Boom Boom Room. And then I'm going to flirt for you in real life. Go!"

I said nothing more and walked away with an immediate stomach full of butterflies. Neither of us spoke after that.

For a long time we had used 'He' the vibrator playfully as a pretend other man ravishing her. It made us both hot. Using our imagination in the heat of the moment, sometimes I teased that she should open herself to some male attention, flirt a little bit and get a wicked thrill. Soon after our innocent foreplay she would get taken by both the vibrator and me. It was just teasing, a little bit of naughty fun. None of it went beyond our four walls. But this time there was a quantum twist and I was a bit slow to realise what was going on. It was clear now she wasn't talking about the vibrator at all. A tipping point had somehow been reached and my beautiful wife was upping the ante. I didn't realise just how horny recent events had made her. Or until the café thing that she had been thinking in this way at all. The combination of hot men everywhere, sunlight on her naked legs, my unexpected text and the naughtiness of her thoughts, had brought us to this mysterious point. Pomerol helped more than a little bit too. We were nervous, mellow from the wine and now both actively fantasising in overtime about her flirting with someone else, not her beloved 'He'. Or me. Whether it was made more real by my chance voyeurism that day, or for whatever reason a man has to be aroused by such things and his wife, it surely made me hotter than any other sexual thought that had ever entered my head. This was definitely a bit different. Confronting, and hot! 'What if' indeed. I wasn't even aware my teasing had evolved to such an obvious fascination! Had it?

As we both went along with the blur of our private thoughts and ran with the moment, I had enough sense of mind to use a disposable alcohol breath tester. Maybe my heightened senses contributed to metabolizing alcohol quickly, because I barely registered. I could hardly remember how to drive during the silent 40 minute trip across the city, the bridge and on to Manhattan.

The adventure begins...

It has always been obvious to me how people observe and do double-takes on Jana. Maybe it was because it was spring or I was just more attuned to the fact, but I had noticed it happening more and more lately. Jana always made out that I was imagining things or teasing her, but her beauty constantly attracted admiration whether she admitted it or not. I had used the resulting titillation as an excuse to broach something with her. It was a naughty 'Adventure' for us both plucked from my imagination, sort of an extension of the 'He' scenario. In this 'Adventure', Jana would go to a bar alone and be open to the possibility of being picked up. She would just unobtrusively put herself out there and we would both see what would eventuate. Quite a familiar story, but not for us. I would play the voyeur, keeping a close eye (hmmm, yes I would) and that things were safe also. If (when!) there was interest and things seemed to be moving forward, I would show up. If she introduced me as a doctor, I would be a friend coming to save her and would get her out of the situation with any half-believable excuse. If I was an engineer, I would make polite conversation and leave. Whatever followed would be up to her and her new friend. It was awkward and weird to contemplate, but the possibilities were profoundly exciting. As we explored 'The Adventure' over and over, it always ended with breath-taking sex. Never though had our comfort zone been breached. Nor had it gone beyond the confines of the bedroom. I would never have imagined that she would do anything to make it real. Fantasy is one thing, reality another.

She exited the bathroom and an exhilarating feeling came over me as I looked at her. It was like seeing her for the first time and I transposed this to the perspective of someone who might meet her tonight. No doubt their reaction would be the same. Jana is from a small village near the Czech/Polish border, long blonde hair, blue-eyed, tall and slim, thirty three years old. Hers is a beauty that gets better the closer you get. You see the striking model-like form from a distance, "Wow, look at that!" But as you get closer you think "My God!" She is always smiling. Hidden mischief is never far. Czechs have an amazing sense of humour. Her legs are long and impeccably toned. Beautiful Czech women have impossibly gorgeous behinds. Perfect, tight curves and their wonderful, unique attribute, the gap. From in front or behind, daylight is visible from the opposite side due to the hereditary trait of their legs being joined a long way apart. And she has all of that! Jana's rear view is fine art! She has the gap, intelligence and that accent...

For this special night Jana wore an elegant, form-fitting dark grey dress, split sexily at the sides of her legs, tastefully showing just enough, but not too much. It also billowed a little at the front, so if she bent forward or when viewed from above, it was possible to see quite a lot. There were tantalising glimpses to be seen in all the right places, perfect. A short designer jacket, simple Baume and Mercier watch and Prada heels completed the picture. She looked beautiful. And she had taken off her ring, a small but hardly insignificant detail. Hmmm. Razor, ring, big details. So I ditched mine too.

Jana looked at me with that mischievous smile, "John, I'm really nervous in so many different ways. I know what your imagination is like, so please don't expect anything unrealistic to happen. I just thought it would be a fun thing to do to shock my husband a little to get him all hot and bothered! I'm sure nothing will go beyond a little playing, so don't get too excited. Not until we get back to the room anyhow! It will be fine if it stays in your imagination for the moment." Her expression spoke quite the opposite. And she carefully didn't define who she meant by 'we' or inferred by 'for the moment'! She was really winding me up.

I looked into her playful eyes and wondered what was going on behind them. "It was your idea to come here!"

"We both brought us here and you know it. I just had one of those days where coincidences run into one another and somehow my thoughts popped out. You know how I am with alcohol. And I also know how your thoughts and other things run away with you sometimes."

"It's not just my imagination going crazy here and you know that! They must have been very large coincidences!" It seems I had been right.

Whilst I checked in to the hotel, I asked Jana to wait with our luggage in the lobby next to reception. We had a porter take the luggage up to the room.

We directly took the elevator up to the famous bar of the Standard. I whispered, "I can't believe you... we are doing this." And there was no chance whatsoever that she would remain alone for long looking like that.

Jana leaned back, gave me a seductive kiss and rolled her eyes, cheeks flushed, likely from imagining what really might happen than she cared to concede. "I'm really going to do this for you, John, but I'm nervous. And maybe just a little excited. It's like I am back in high school. I completely blame you and the Pomerol. Now let me go to the ladies room to put myself together. I want to make an impression on you. And maybe some others too?" She knew how to tease in just the right way. Why was I imagining her dressed in school uniform?

I smiled and stood silently as she left to arrange herself. A deep excitement stirred within me. Jana too it seemed, although she had been reluctant to ever admit it. She was probably right, nothing likely would go on, save for a little harmless flirting. A little harmless flirting works fine for me though! After getting each other all hot and bothered in bed by the long-running, recurring 'Adventure' theme, this was the first time she/we had even come close to playing out any fantasy for real. The thought of her being with someone was a conundrum. No doubt the thought of it was hot, but it had only existed in my imagination until now. And it was obvious that Jana was thinking much more about it than she let on. Like in the café. So this was a very big thing for us. She was going out to flirt and... 'What if'...

Jana returned. "Okay, let's be clear about all this. If I call you Dr John, you are my friend in shining armour and that is it. You will save me."

"And what's the other option?" She was teasing mercilessly with her dumb blonde impression. She knew very well. "I don't remember what it was?... breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breath out."

"I'm sure you don't blondie!"

"Okay." She continued, eyebrows raised in mock indifference, "If I call you John the engineer, you may need to spend the night wondering what I'm doing. And that would be terrible, wouldn't it?" The mischievous smile again.

"Do you think you would be able to engineer another drink for me please John?" She waited for my reaction.

"So when we are done with this tonight, be ready. I hope you have been working hard in the gym this week. I'm imagining what I am going to do to you when we get back to the room. You will like what I am thinking."

I gave her a long, passionate kiss and pressed against her. "You know what this will do to us afterwards don't you! It's already doing it as you may have noticed. It's going to be better than good. Flirt away beautiful wife. See what you can do for us."

With a wink and a smile she turned and walked toward the bar.

Here she goes I thought to myself. Stunning, well dressed woman sitting alone in a bar. What am I doing?

Before she left, she whispered in her best taunting tone, "Look at what you may or may not get to touch tonight." As I watched her leaving, she threw her hair back, held up a split in her dress for a moment and exaggerated the wiggling of her bum. Hmmm. She was definitely in good form tonight.

I was shown to the table I had reserved. It was close to the large windows looking out at the beautiful panorama of New York at night, but set back quite a way from the bar. I gave the attractive hostess my credit card guarantee for the table and ordered a drink. I sat alone with a glass of red wine and my turbocharged thoughts.

The bar was quite busy. As always in the Standard there were many striking, seemingly unattached women in two's and three's and larger groups. There were obvious couples. One consisted of two couples, maybe in their late thirties, engrossed in conversation with one another. There were a few recognisable celebrities and predictably their attendant hangers-on. Another group included three men and one very bored looking woman who looked like she wanted to escape. There were numerous after work boys in business suits talking their usual alcohol-fuelled nonsense.

Jana has always either ignored or been ambivalent to the subject of her beauty. It is true that in her country of birth there are many, many beautiful women. She is most certainly one of them and the fact that there are many does not diminish the extent of hers. When taken out of the context of her country, to somewhere like New York where we were now, she clearly is abnormally beautiful.

I watched her at the bar seated on a bar stool. Almost every man nearby did a double take to get a good look at her. A group of suits began to obviously talk about her.

She ordered a drink.

After the first minutes had passed, Jana made some small talk with two quite attractive women about her age seated next to her. She had nearly finished her first drink. It was fortunate there was a few hours between drinks at home and here, as she would already be drunk again. Or maybe that was the idea? The men in suits were joking amongst themselves and obviously checking out Jana and her two new friends.

One of the suits walked towards her. I watched intently. He looked at her closely in a studied way, but he wanted to appear that he was on his way to the men's room. I laughed to myself. Her beauty was probably intimidating for him, but come on, this was New York.

When I looked back at Jana, out of nowhere a man was standing next to her. He was like the stealthy butler with the sneakiness in the movie Mr Deeds. Oh shit, here we go I guess. The pit of my stomach was almost painful with anticipation. I felt like a spy rather than a modest voyeur. He was leaning against the bar, talking to my wife. I watched raptly as the man ordered a drink for both of them. I could see Jana laugh once and nod in agreement. Her smile and natural Czech friendliness can disarm any man in in an instant, and true to form, had. I felt a bizarre mix of fear and exhilaration as I watched enthralled. Jana turned to face the stranger. Their conversation continued easily, with the man leaning in closer as the minutes passed. I moved across the room and observed him moving in very close to Jana. He said something in her ear and then walked away. Was I relieved or disappointed?

I moved toward the bar with my mixed emotions. As I was halfway there I stopped. Another man had now taken the vacant space next to Jana. He immediately struck up a conversation with her and ordered yet another drink. Jana was nodding her head and smiling, and interestingly for me, occasionally playing with her hair (I wasn't sure if it was real body language or she was winding me and/or him up. Smart girl!). I approached them. I was extremely nervous. I went over 'The Adventure' code in my head: Dr John, I get her out of this; John the engineer, ouch and game on.

Jana saw me. She had the expression of a child caught doing something naughty. This was definitely awkward. Perversely I somehow liked the awkwardness. I continued walking past and just winked at her discretely. So far she was crushing me, so that was one for me.

She wrinkled her eyebrows together in a look that said all it had to. I backed up behind another group but close enough to see and hear proceedings.

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