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We accepted a new legal intern for a month.
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Our law firm has an excellent reputation, and frequently we were asked to train legal interns for a short time. This year we decided to accept 3 of them. They were randomly assigned, and I ended up with Jane Dalton.

We interviewed her beforehand and she seemed like a good candidate - She graduated from Princeton with good grades and showed adequate knowledge in several areas of the law. She was quite shy, but we've seen multiple candidates who were scared and talked in a low tone during the interview.

On Monday morning, I came to work at 9 because I had to finish a personal errand. I entered my office and saw Jane sitting in the waiting room. I smiled, apologized for being late, and let her into my office. She wore a formal suit and waited for me to talk. I called Mila, my secretary, asked her to make my coffee, and gazed at Jane. She mumbled, "Tea, please, with a sweetener."

In the next 2 hours, I explained to her some of the logistics and administrative rules in our offices, and later showed her 3 cases I was involved in. Jane listened patiently and rarely talked. Her questions were reasonable and verified she was a smart gal.

At 11:30, it was time for lunch. Most times, when I was too busy, I ordered simple foods to be delivered to the office, but that day was nice and I took Jane to my favorite Thai restaurant nearby. Both of us had Pad Thai and a cold drink. Jane hardly talked. I asked her about her life outside work. She timidly said she had none. Noticing her reluctance to share details about her life, I decided to let go; after all, it was her first day.

When we returned to the office, I suggested discussing one of my cases and finding out if she had any ideas, comments, or suggestions. It was a robbery case, and I was the lead defense lawyer. There were no witnesses, and the defendant claimed innocence, but his fingerprints were found inside the house. According to my client, he worked on the electrical system a week earlier, thus his prints. With no witnesses or other suspects, and only circumstantial evidence, it was a case I was quite sure I'd free him. When I presented the case to Jane, she stayed silent for a while and then said, "Your client may still be guilty, but if there are no definitive proofs he did it, he will be freed." I chuckled, "You are right. He is my client and my job is to represent him as best I can. If there is no clear evidence he did it, I feel good winning the case."

She grinned, "Lawyers are judged by the cases they take and their winning percentage. What happens if you know your client is guilty?"

"My responsibility is to be there for my client. Period. I am not going to lie, but I'll do my best to win the case for him or her."

"Any regrets when you know your client is culpable?"

"Unless it's a murder case, I learned to live with it. Having too much conscience is a bad thing for a lawyer. However, about 5 years ago, I had a client who confessed to me he killed 2 women. The prosecutor was new and inexperienced. From the beginning, it was obvious, the case was over her head. I could not let my client roam free and continue killing other women, so one evening, I slipped a hint under her office door. It led to his conviction. I felt good about it, although, if anybody found out my role, I would have been disbarred."

Jane looked at me admiringly, "So you are not a heartless money grabber like most lawyers..."

I laughed, "I did it only once. And most times, I am not as nice as you think."

We stayed in the office for another hour and gossiped about another interesting case I participated in a year earlier. I noticed Jane began to open up. Her initial hesitation changed to talking logically, but still at a low tone.

At 5 pm, it was time to leave, and I asked her if she needed a ride. She blushed, "No, thank you. I'll take the bus."

"Where do you live?"

"I rented a room about 10 blocks from here."

"Do you have family or friends in town?"

"Not really. I heard that your firm is one of the best around and decided to dedicate my time to learning from you. I assumed I'd have enough time to socialize when I start working."

"Jane, not having company to talk to for over a month is not a good idea. Tell you what; our annual anniversary party is a week from now. Will you join me?"

"Shouldn't you take your wife?"

I smiled, "I am 38, but not married yet. Anyway, I think it's a good idea for you to be seen there: All the partners and the staff will attend, so I can introduce you to everybody. It will be fun. And when it's too much for you, let me know, and I'll drive you home."

"Even if I wanted to go, I do not have evening clothes here..."

"Jane, that's unacceptable. Tomorrow afternoon, I'll have a 2 hours break. We'll go to one of the luxury stores on Main Street, and you'll pick a dress and shoes. I do not want to hear any excuses."

She gazed at me, "Why are you doing it? You do not owe me anything?"

"Because I'll feel bad if you miss a good party and sit alone in your room."

"Sir, I hate to impose..."

"Jane, that's an order. For the next month, I am your boss, so you better obey."

She whispered, "Thank you, sir."


The following morning, I arrived at 8:15. Jane sat in my office. When she saw me, she exited and returned 5 minutes later with a cup of coffee and my favorite donut.

"How did you know what I like for breakfast?"

"Yesterday, when you were busy on the phone, I asked Mila about your favorite food and habits..."

"Thank you. I want to discuss the second case I am part of with you, and tomorrow we'll go together to present it in court. Don't forget about buying a dress and shoes this afternoon. We'll have 2 hours, so find out which stores you want to check. I'd start by talking to Mila; she knows everything."

In my second case, I represented a middle aged man, who was caught selling drugs. I represented him twice before, and we both knew his punishment would be severe. My job was to minimize the time he'd spend in jail. The maximum he could get was 10 years, and I hoped to reduce it to 2 years, a rehab program, and a reasonable fine.

In the afternoon, I went with Jane to a small store Mila recommended.

Jane checked the stickers, blushed, and mumbled that everything was too pricey. I stared at her and blurted, "You are my date for the evening, so you should look fantastic; otherwise, it will reflect badly on me."

She watched me, "I do not know what you like."

I strolled between the various clothes, selected 3 dresses I liked, gave them to Jane, and said, "I have no idea about size, but anything similar that fits you, I'd like to see you try."

The first one looked good on her. It was loose around the shoulders and longer than I expected, but the color and overall impression weren't bad. She took a smaller size of the second dress and showed me. It was perfect! A long light blue dress that emphasized her cleavage. I asked her to try the third one. This dress was black and shorter, and her ample chest looked good in this one, too.

I said, "Jane, any of these 2 will be fine. Let's take both."

Next, we moved to a shoe store. I told Jane to buy 2 pairs of shoes that will go with the dresses we purchased. I suggested one pair with 3" heels. Jane measured several of them, and it took us almost an hour to find the right ones. She blushed when the seller announced the price, but I calmed her down, saying I had too much money. The following days flew rapidly - My client, who dealt drugs, received a year and 8 months of jail time, 5 years probation, and $10,000 fine. My 2 other cases required the help of private investigators.

During these 4 days, Jane and I started feeling more comfortable with each other. She began to talk more. She told me her relationship with her last boyfriend ended a year earlier because he was a wimp. Curiously, I asked what she meant. She responded that she needed a stronger person to date. I didn't push further and let it go.

On Friday, I reminded Jane I'd pick her up and we'd drive together to the party. She hesitated when I asked about her address. Apparently, she lived in a not-so-nice apartment or neighborhood. She wanted to meet me in front of a church near her place. I promised to be there at 8 pm.


I arrived 5 minutes early and waited for Jane. Right on time, I saw her walking toward my car. She looked amazing: Her blonde wavy hair was loose. She wore the short black dress with the 3" heels black shoes. Her walk was very sexy. It was more a sway than a stroll and emphasized her nice hips. When she was closer, I could tell she had on makeup and red lipstick. Her appearance was very different than the way she looked in the office. She looked very attractive!

I opened the door for her and commented, "Jane, you look gorgeous! I am very proud to have you as my companion at the party."

She blushed, again, "Thank you, sir. I am happy to hear it. By the way, you look very handsome too."

I laughed, "Good. Does it mean I have a chance with you?"

Her initial blush turned crimson red. She did not respond.

I grinned, "Jane, it was a rhetorical question. Anyway, I noticed you blush a lot. It looks good on you."

She remained silent.

We arrived at the party place at 8:30. Most of our staff was already there, drinking and chatting. I introduced Jane to 2 senior members and watched them ogle her body. Next, I grabbed her by the hand, and we went to the bar. Jane wasn't sure what to order. I asked if she preferred a sweeter or juicier drink.

She glanced at me and murmured, "You decide."

I ordered a Mojito for her and Gin & Tonic for me. She started drinking and seemed to like it. Jane moved to a faraway table, and we sat there. She finished her drink in the first 20 minutes. I smiled, "Are you used to drinking alcohol? The drink is sweet, but there is good amount of alcohol in it..."

She giggled, "I loved it."

"Jane, later, if you want, I can bring you another drink."

The orchestra started playing, and several couples began dancing.

I asked, "Care to dance?"

"I am not very good, but if you want to dance, we can try."

The first dance was a shake. Jane started shaking her body. I joined her. Toward the end of the song, she seemed slightly unstable. Fortunately, the next song was a slow one. I hugged her waist and moved slowly around the floor. She leaned her head on my chest, and her body crushed into mine. I didn't expect it. Her perfume was intoxicating, and the feeling of her soft tits against my lower chest had an arousing effect. My penis started rising...

At one point, I was sure she had to feel it, but she continued to follow my lead as if nothing was happening. I tried to separate our lower bodies, but she whispered, "Please, don't. It's so good to feel your body against mine." I noticed her eyes were closed, and her face displayed immense pleasure.

We continued moving on the floor for the next 2 slow dances. The 3rd one was a salsa, and I guided Jane back to our table.

She sat down and mumbled dreamily, "Riley, I loved to dance with you. You dance very well, and I felt your pulse."

I bet she felt more than just my pulse, but I said nothing.

We went back to our table. Several people who worked with me, came by to say hi and talk. They were happy to mix with the bosses and enjoy free food and drinks. Their jokes and loud mouths revealed they drank too much already. I talked to them for 10 minutes and then stood up and told them I was tired and needed to go home.

Jane was quiet the whole time other employees surrounded us and smiled at the right moments. When they left, she tried to stand up but was unsteady. I caught her in time and helped her. I held her hand, and we went to my car.

I opened her side door and ensured she had the seatbelt on. Then, I moved to the driver's seat.

I noticed her watching my face as I started driving. She mumbled, "Riley, you are such a nice man. Everybody in the firm likes you. I appreciate you dancing with me." Subsequently, she unclasped the seatbelt, leaned her head on my chest, and hugged me.

I chuckled, "It's not a good idea. It is dangerous to drive without a seatbelt."

"I don't care. I feel very good with you around."

"Jane, I don't know where you live. Give me your address, and I'll take you home."

"I prefer you take me to your house."

It was clear the alcohol affected her mind. I didn't want to embarrass her and take her to the apartment she was reluctant to let me in before. Instead, I decided to take her to my house, and let her sleep in one of the guest rooms.

She dozed off in the car. When we arrived home, I carried her in my arms. I placed her on a bed in a guestroom, covered her with a blanket, closed her door, and went to my room. I showered, put on new underwear, and fell asleep almost immediately.


I woke up feeling movement in my bed. In the darkness, I saw Jane lifting the blanket and slipping in. She moved closer and wrapped her arms around me, whispering, "I missed you." Her familiar scent began stirring my prick.

I said, "Aren't you tired? I think a good night's sleep will help you feel better."

She had a dreamy voice, "I feel much better in this position already."

I laughed, "Maybe you... but the closeness to your body has an unwanted effect on a certain part of my body..."

Next, I felt her tiny palm enveloping my covered growing pecker, and she whispered, "Riley, you wanted me on the dance floor, and you want me now. I like it. I want you, too."

I tried to move away, but she didn't let go, "Riley, please. We want the same thing. Why fight it?"

"Because you drank too much alcohol, and when the effect dies down, you'll hate yourself... and me for taking advantage of your vulnerable state."

"You are wrong. The alcohol just gave me the courage to do what I didn't dare do otherwise."

"I am not going to do it. I am your mentor, and it is immoral and unethical. But we can compromise - You stay here, and I'll sleep in one of the other rooms.

She whispered, "Party pooper..."

I entered a guest room, locked the door, and slept like a baby.

I woke up smelling fresh coffee. Unfortunately, last night, I didn't bother taking clothes with me, so I came out wearing only my underwear.

Jane was in the kitchen, making toast and fresh coffee. She saw me and smiled, "Riley, you look very handsome in your underwear. At work, I didn't appreciate your athletic body, but now that I see it, I am impressed." She stared at my groin and smirked, "And I notice one organ is still bulging. That's your punishment for refusing me last night."

I lowered my gaze and realized she was right - My morning woodie created a big tent in my boxers. I rushed to the bathroom and peed. During the time it took me to freshen up, my penis returned to its deflated resting size.

While I was in the bathroom, Jane also made scrambled eggs. We ate breakfast, and I commented, "Girl, I haven't eaten such a wonderful breakfast in ages. Thank you."

Her eyes glistened, "Riley, we have about 4 weeks to spend together in the office. I intend to do whatever I can to impress you and get a good recommendation from you. And then, one day later, I plan to seduce you."

"Jane, by now the cocktail's effect should have disappeared. Can't you see I am too old for you?"

"Call it a father-complex if you wish. You are very mature but not old. The way I see it, we strive to excel in the same profession. You are smart, extremely nice, considerate, good-looking, and... dominant. You are exactly the person I need in my life now."

"You plan to work together for a full month and have platonic relations, knowing you intend to tempt me?"

"Well, sir, that's your choice. Even now I am available to fulfill your wishes. The only hurdle is your super-ego."

"Jane, as you said - I am a dominant male. So now that our breakfast is finished, I'll take you home. On Monday, please, show up in baggy clothes. I wish we could do constructive work for my client without being distracted by your intoxicating smell and terrific body. Capisce?!"

She grinned, "I'll try, sir."


On Monday morning, upon arriving to work, my coffee and donut were ready on my desk. Jane had on a baggy brownish dress that was 2 sizes too big on her. I said, "Thank you."

She chortled and was about to sip her coffee when the cup fell on her dress and stained it. She blushed, "I am so sorry, I'll have to change. I'll be back in 10."

I began looking at the file of one of the clients when she entered my office. She was wearing the tight short black dress she had on during the party. The high heeled shoes were on her feet as well. And now, additional makeup and red hot lipstick were noticeable...

I stared at her gorgeous body and said in a stern voice, "Jane, you like to play with fire. OK, I'll do my best to mentor you while you try to distract me. But I suggest the first day after your internship ends, run away as fast as you can. If you stay here and try to apply your charms to me, you'll be treated differently. You'll see how dominant I can be!"

Jane smiled, "That is how I WANT you to be."

I mumbled, "You have no idea how much I'd like to spank you..."

She smirked, "Do it! Get it over with. I know I deserve it."

"Girl, I am limited by the rule of mentorship. For as long as you are still under my supervision, you are protected, but not for long!"

The following month was a torture: Jane found ways to distract me at every step. Her brain grasped our job much better than any of my former students, but her tricks to make me ogle her kept me on my toes. For example, one day, she came to work braless with a loose blouse. Multiple times she bent before me, explaining her strategy to win our case. My eyes were mesmerized by her exposed tits, and I wasn't sure which case we were discussing... Another example happened on a different day; her top was covered adequately, and she wore a short skirt. She litigated the case, while sitting in front of me and spreading her legs apart. The longer she talked, the higher the hem of her skirt climbed. I expected to see her panties any minute, but then I noticed she went commando... Her bare cunt was front and center as she passionately described her strategy. When she finished talking, I stood up, pointed to the huge tent in my pants, and said, "I don't remember much of what you said, but my buddy here was impressed." Afterward, we had a good laugh.

Despite all the distractions, the 2 remaining cases ended up with positive results. In one case, the defendant was found not guilty; in the other, my client got 8 months in jail when he deserved at least 2 years.

On the evening before her last day, I wrote her an outstanding recommendation letter. I also bought a bouquet of red and white roses. I arrived early to work, put the flowers in a nice vase, and waited for her.

It was a rainy day. Jane arrived 10 minutes late, covered in a long coat. She saw the flowers and grinned.

She closed my office door behind her and complained, "I hate it when the weather is so ugly. I become depressed and lose the will to dress up."

While talking, she removed her coat. My eyes widened - she was naked as the day she was born!

I could not take my eyes off Jane's gorgeous body. My eyes were glued to her creamy C-cup tits with the darker nipples. I had to stop my legs from running toward her and abuse her terrific mammaries. In the center of her flat tummy, there was a nice silver ring with a blue stone that pierced her navel. The scant, dirty-blonde hair of her bush partly hid her pretty labia. Wide hips descended to form a pair of shapely legs.

I ogled her breathtaking nudity as my pole extended and hardened, creating a massive bulge in my pants. She just watched me with a seductive smile.

I blurted, "You know I am going to ram your body, but before I do that, I intend to punish you for all the grief I went through since you started here."


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