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Janice Goetsch of South Africa

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South African beauty connects with Nigerian stud.
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"Can you guess where I'm from?" Janice Goetsch asked, a wry grin on her face, as she sat opposite Mamadou Saraki inside the Carleton University library. They were on the third floor, the so-called quiet floor, and instead of working on their Death Penalty: Opposite Viewpoints assignment, they were bantering while a fresh sheen of snow blanketed campus, and the rest of Ottawa.

Winter had come to the City of Ottawa, Ontario, and Janice Goetsch was enjoying her first snowfall ever. As an international student originally from the tropics, she was amazed at the beauty of the snow and the wintertime in general. Unfortunately, this sentiment was not shared by her good friend, classmate and fellow international student Mamadou.

"Germany," Mamadou replied, and Janice winked, and shook her head. After living in the City of Ottawa, Ontario, for a few months, the young woman quickly discovered everyone's favorite phrase. Canadians liked to ask people where they came from, based on appearance and accent, or mild curiosity. In Janice's case, they could never place her accent, and her rather misleading last name helped confuse them further...

"Nope, I was born and raised in the City of Johannesburg, South Africa," Janice replied, with a triumphant smirk, and Mamadou stared at her. This was definitely not what the tall, dark and handsome young Nigerian Muslim was expecting, that's for damn bloody sure. Mamadou stroked his goateed chin and then did what he often did when perplexed, steeple his fingers and adopt a thoughtful expression.

"South African, eh? Nice, we don't get a lot of you guys up here," Mamadou remarked, and Janice fell silent, not quite sure how to take that statement. Mamadou was nice and friendly most of the time, but he was also quite blunt. The West African's raw honesty was one of the many things that Janice liked and admired about him, but sometimes, he could and did get on her nerves...

"Can't speak for South African guys, Mamadou, as you can see, I'm a South African woman," Janice said smartly, and she 'accidentally' bumped Mamadou's foot under the table. This caused Mamadou to suddenly groan in pain and jerk awkwardly. He fixed his wuthering stare on Janice, who flashed him a sweet smile. This blonde cutie definitely has claws, Mamadou thought to himself.

"Okay, my bad, anyhow, let's continue with the assignment," Mamadou suggested, and Janice nodded. For the next half hour, they talked about the death penalty, both within the U.S. context and the Canadian context, and went back and forth on the efficacy of lethal punishment as a deterrent for crime. Mamadou disagreed with the death penalty, on all levels, while Janice thought of it as something to be reserved for the worst offenders, such as serial murderers and rapists...

"Look, Mamadou, I know that the death penalty isn't applied equally in western society, for example, minority males are more likely to get it in places like Texas, but I do think that in some cases, like serial killers and terrorists, where it should be used," Janice said, and Mamadou stifled a groan. This chick has conservative tendencies and that's a damn shame, he thought.

"Janice, western society is biased against people of color, that's what systemic racism is all about, you'd get it if you weren't so," Mamadou said, and he stopped abruptly, as a look of shock and anger spread across Janice's face. Janice looked at Mamadou silently, biting her lip, and Mamadou fell silent. He knew he'd crossed the line somehow, and wasn't sure how to proceed...

"So, Mamadou, because I'm white, I can't possibly understand what prejudice and oppression feel like, is that what you're saying?" Janice said, her anger rising, and Mamadou sighed, and then, when he finally spoke, he chose his words carefully. This requires delicate handling, Mamadou thought, as he gazed levelly at Janice, who seemed quite agitated.

"Janice, that is not what I meant, I just mean that you are new to the west, and their history of mistreating Blacks, Natives, Asians and others is long and merciless, you lack pertinent information about this society, as a newcomer," Mamadou said, and Janice's expression shifted from outraged to bemused, and he fell silent. Hope I got my point across, Mamadou thought earnestly.

One of the first things that Mamadou noticed after moving to the City of Ottawa, Ontario, from his hometown of Kano, Nigeria, was the differences in how men and women interacted. There were female politicians, female soldiers and female police officers in Nigeria, but the ladies over there were more respectful of their men. In western society, if Canadian society were any indicator, women had very little respect for men. Mamadou firmly believed in respecting the fair sex, but he damn sure wasn't about to let any woman disrespect him. A man had to draw the line somewhere...

Janice pondered Mamadou's words. The handsome Nigerian seemed to have forgotten a lot about her homeland of South Africa's long history of racial hatred. In fact, Janice opted to study outside of South Africa partly because her fondness for 'exotic men' was frowned upon, even in the post-Apartheid era. Janice came to Canada to sow her wild oats, and apparently got herself stuck dealing with cute but argumentative brothers...

"You like to man-splain a lot, Mamadou, but you're cute and I like you," Janice said, and then, she leaned forward, grabbed Mamadou by the collar of his starched blue shirt, and then kissed him on the lips. If lightning had struck Mamadou right then and there, the Nigerian brother wouldn't have been more shocked. Janice looked at him and smiled, amused by his shocked expression.

"Well, you've got sweet lips, Janice," Mamadou said, leaning back in his chair and smiling at Janice, a few seconds later. Janice licked her lips and then rubbed her foot against Mamadou's, and when he looked into her eyes, he The come-fuck-me look that men and women have been giving each other since the dawn of time. Easily recognizable regardless of racial or cultural differences. It's encoded in human DNA...

"The rest of me is even sweeter," Janice said, smiling wickedly, and Mamadou looked her up and down, then smiled. Laughing, they left the library and headed to Janice's dorm on Dundas, and once there, they got down and dirty. All the tension that Mamadou and Janice had been feeling in the classroom and every time they got together bubbled to the surface, and hidden passions were unleashed...

"Now that's what I call booty," Mamadou said, as he watched Janice undress, revealing her curvy body, and that thick, pale ass of hers. He'd been checking out Janice's ass in those leather pants and short skirts that she insisted on wearing to their Criminology classes, and he knew that she was teasing him. Janice shook her ass at him, still being a damn teaser...

"Us South African girls got ass for days," Janice said, and she rubbed her tits, then stuck her tongue out at Mamadou. The tall Nigerian stud took off his shirt, revealing his burly, muscular chest. Janice nodded in appreciation, and drew closer to him. Mamadou pulled her into his arms and kissed her, then grabbed her ass cheeks and gave them a firm squeeze.

"Now that's what I like," Mamadou said, and then he laid Janice on the nearby couch, and went to work on her. His eager mouth found her tits, and his hands slid between her thighs. Janice moaned softly as Mamadou began fingering her pussy. Janice patted Mamadou's groin, and then unzipped his pants, freeing his dick, which came out thick and dark, like a snake.

"Hmm, nice," Janice said, as she stroked Mamadou's dick, and he continued to suck on her tits while fingering her pussy. Janice pushed Mamadou, and he looked into her eyes, seeing the maddening desire there. Janice smiled wickedly and then rubbed his dick against her pussy. Mamadou got the hint and then thrust into her. Janice hissed and then wrapped her arms around his torso, holding onto him for dear life as he began to fuck her.

"Hmm, fucking nice," Mamadou said, and he made sexy grunting noises as he slammed his dick into Janice. The young woman screamed passionately as her ardent lover fucked her. Mamadou fucked her like this for a while, then turned her around and put her on all fours. Mamadou slammed his dick into Janice's pussy from behind, loving the way her thick pale ass swayed this way and that as he fucked her.

"Fuck me harder, Mamadou," Janice squealed, and Mamadou was more than happy to oblige her. Emboldened by her wildness and willingness to get freaky, he decided to try something else. Gripping Janice's long blonde hair, Mamadou yanked her head back and rammed his dick into her with all the force he could muster. Janice screamed like a woman possessed, and her screams mingled with Mamadou's, who simply couldn't get enough of her tight, juicy hole...

"Been wanting to hit that ass since I first saw you on the first day of class," Mamadou said, much later, as he and Janice relaxed on the couch. The sultry blonde looked at him and smiled, and then tugged on his chest hairs, yanking out a big tuff. Mamadou screamed, surprised by her casual meanness, and a bit turned on by it, to tell her the truth.

"Mamadou, if you argue with me in class again, I'll ride that dick so hard I just might break it," Janice said, laughing, and with that, she got up and headed to the washroom. Mamadou sat there on the couch, stroking his dick with one hand and massaging his chest with the other. Janice is a beautiful, crazy, sexually adventurous and a bit sadistic white chick who clearly likes her chocolate. Exactly what a bored Nigerian brother needs to spice up his lonely winter nights in cold-ass Canada. When Janice came back from the washroom, they began another round...

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