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Jason's problem Ch. 01

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Jason had a problem with his cock head.
14.3k words

Part 1 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 07/29/2019
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Author's Note:

I know this is very similar to some other stories on this site, but I hope all of you like it!

Many thanks to Deborah Fogt and Jonathan Tyde for editing and improving this.


Jason Logan awoke slowly stretching out his young body, pleased with the knowledge that school had closed for the summer months and there would be no need to hurry about getting out of bed. Summer was his favorite time of the year because there is no school and having so much time to spend with his mom or just with himself. Jason was 18 and he was a tall, attractive, very athletic but he only had one problem after visiting the pool last week. His glans had a red spot, making it itch. It was time he to mention it to his mom.

"Mom, I've got a bit of a problem," Jason said feeling awkward even bringing up the subject.

"Of course, Jason. What's on your mind?" Kelly, Jason's mother, gave him her full attention.

"It's very embarrassing..." Jason stuttered.

"Oh...sweetie, I'm your mother. You can tell me everything," Kelly said anxiously. In the past two years since her husband left them for a younger woman, Kelly had been her son's protector and friend. She has taken total and complete care of him during his growing up years.

"Err...well it's about my...err...," Jason hesitated, "... my penis," he finally said in a low tone, squirming uncomfortably.

"Come on Jason, speak up. What is the problem then?" Kelly replied rather sternly this time.

"Well, the skin on my...penis...has a red spot. It's some kind of infection I got after swimming at the pool," Jason was blushing a deep shade of red as he spoke.

"How serious is that ... infection?" Kelly's voice took on a more serious tone.

"I'm not sure," Jason shrugged, and then added, "I visited my personal doctor yesterday and he found I had an unusual type of penile fungal infection that required a specific treatment and extra care. So, he gave me a referral to the therapist errr... Dr. Sara Wood, who could help me. However, my personal doctor emphasized that you should call her."

"Me, why me?" Kelly asked in astonishment.

"The doctor said that it was her way of working. You have to be involved in the therapy, too," Jason replied uncertainly.

"Of course, you're my son, and I must be involved in your therapy," Kelly confirmed thoughtfully. She wanted to take care of her 'little boy' like all good loving mothers would. And she did what any fearful, protective mother would do. In her opinion, she thought his problem should be seen to as soon as possible, so she immediately went straight to her room to start some searches on her computer. She found that Dr. Wood was a very successful highly specialized therapist, working primarily with young adult men and mature women. So, Kelly wasted no time making the call to Dr. Wood to set up an appointment for her Jason.

"Hello, my name is Kelly Logan, my son's personal doctor referred me to you, it's my son he has a problem with errr... his penis, it has some kind of fungal infection," Kelly felt so embarrassed explaining it over the phone.

"Was your doctor able to identify the fungal infection?" Dr. Wood asked, trying to make Kelly feel more comfortable.

"Yes, it is ..." Kelly proceeded to read the lab report.

"Hmmm, that is a rather problematic type of fungi, very unpleasant and often troublesome," what Dr. Wood said was Kelly's worst fear.

"What does it means? What can be done?" asked an extremely worried mother.

"It means he will require a special type of treatment," Dr. Wood answered and added, "But don't worry, Mrs. Logan. If you accept the treatment l am offering, everything will be fine. I suggest a home visit because I can meet with patients who have 'special needs' when there are no other patients waiting. Will this be okay with you?"

"Yes!" Kelly replied desperately. Then she gave Dr. Wood her home address, still feeling concerned about what Dr. Wood had said earlier.

"Now it is 9.00 a.m. I see your home is very close to my clinic, so I will be at your home in one hour. I want to make sure we have enough time for our first appointment!" Dr. Wood said.


At 10.00 a.m. the doorbell rang, Kelly quickly got up and answered the door.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Wood. It's a pleasure to meet you," Dr. Wood said with a nice smile.

"Welcome, Dr. Wood. I'm Kelly Logan. Thank you so much for seeing us on such short notice," Kelly enthused.

"I am pleased you contacted me," Dr. Wood responded. "I've reviewed what we spoke about on the phone this morning and I'm sure I can help you both. I have a had long and successful career, especially in matters like yours, my client list is heavily weighted towards young men and their mothers."

Even though at that time Kelly did not completely understand what Dr. Wood meant exactly, she felt relief and sure she could trust Dr. Wood. So Kelly responded, "It really is wonderful of you to see us, you come very highly recommended."

Dr. Wood, on the other hand, was pleased with what she saw. Jason was a young, handsome, strong boy. His mom was beautiful, with her short brown hair and strikingly pretty face. Two years had passed since her divorce, Mrs. Logan kept herself in pretty good shape. She was in her late 30s but most people would assume she was in her early thirties. She had a body just made for sex, great legs, nice full hips, rather plump bum and obviously very large breasts. All in all Kelly had lots of curves in all the right places.

"Jason, your mom told me your penis-head had nasty fungal infection, making it itch," Dr. Wood directed her attention to Jason.

"Errr... yes," Jason answered shortly and blushed.

"Don't worry, Jason. We are here to take care of your problem right there," Dr. Wood explained emphasizing the words 'we' and 'take care'. Then she continued, "Penile fungal infections typically begin with a red and itchy rash. It is not uncommon to see small red spots on the head too. As I said earlier, you both must remember fungal infections on the penis can be quite uncomfortable and should be treated properly. The most common treatment for this fungal infection is a fungicidal cream which contain steroids. However, such a cream can have a wide range of side effects."

Kelly nodded and sighs, "So what do we have to do for Jason to help him?"

Dr. Wood pretended to think for a moment, she was pleased with her question, "Well, what do WE have to do for Jason? WE need to find the least damaging solution. So instead of a fungicidal cream I suggest special natural herbal gel that is designed to be used without side effects."

"Oh, I'm glad to hear it. I agree with you that we should use this herbal gel," Kelly said with relief.

Dr. Wood smiled and added, "Yes, it's much better solution. However, this requires more effort on your part, Kelly?"

Kelly nodded and Dr. Wood continued, "First, the gel should be used at least four times every day."

"At least four times every day... okay," Kelly repeated carefully, as if to confirm.

"Second, the gel should be rubbed in for at least 10 minutes, every time."

"At least 10 minutes, every time... okay," Kelly repeated again.

"Third, somebody needs to help Jason with applying the gel properly!"

This time Kelly was silent, she just stared at Dr. Wood in fear and wonder, so Dr. Wood added, "You're the best choice for this job, Kelly. I know that!"

"What!? Do you think I should apply gel on his... errr ... penis?" Kelly asked not believing what she had heard. But, there was a part of her mind that wanted to help him in that weird way, so she tried to shove that part away.

"Yes, Kelly. I'm not sure Jason will do it properly, you know... lube some gel on his penis. You must control him. In fact, this kind of treatment requires you to adequately lube his penis. It is important to the success of the treatment!"

"Can someone else help him," Kelly asked, although she knew the answer.

"No, Mrs. Logan. But we can use fungicidal cream instead of herbal gel," Dr. Wood offered a solution.

"No, we don't want to use this cream which contain steroids," Kelly said and paused, "I don't know... I don't know... If I must do this... I will help my son, to prevent anything bad happening on his errr... penis," Kelly said finally, surrendering to Dr. Wood's authority. After some hesitation Kelly agreed to this request, mainly because she wanted to help Jason. She'd be touching his cock under the guise of medical treatment.

"I'm glad to hear you understand, Kelly. Also, it pleases me that you chose to involve yourself. You're now part of your son's therapy!" Dr. Wood announced a little too loudly. She was obviously pleased with Kelly's cooperation, so continued, "Well... we can start. Jason, please drop your trousers, so your mom and I have a look at the problem!"

For a few moments Jason stood frozen in utter astonishment. He couldn't believe that Dr. Wood was asking him to expose himself not just in front of her, but his mother, too. Jason then looked at his mom as she stared back at him. Without a doubt, his mom was so embarrassed too.

Dr. Wood noticed that and said in a serious voice, "Both of you have to come to terms with Jason's condition and accept it. I don't want either of you to be embarrassed about it, so both of you need to get over your shyness."

Then Dr. Wood looked at Kelly and continued, "Unfortunately, there's no dignified way to go about Jason's treatment, Kelly. I hope you can understand the difficulties we go through with this particular treatment!" Her words were so soothing and comforting. It was clear that she wanted primarily to support Kelly and help her feel safe and free of guilt.

"Yes, I understand," Kelly answered softly. She felt it was her duty to ease her son's worries and make him feel safe and comfortable. "This is for Jason," Kelly reminded herself and sighed.

"Kelly, let Jason know it's ok with you, with his mom," Dr. Wood added.

"Go ahead, honey. You can do it," Kelly finally spoke, "It's ok. I've seen your body already, no need to be shy, honey. Please, show us your problem."

Jason couldn't believe the situation had escalated to this point, but he actually needed help. Also, he loved the way Dr. Wood talked to him and loved the way his mom cared. She wasn't angry at all. She was instead supportive and nurturing. All of that filled him with tingly sense of excitement. This was a whole new level.

"Come on, honey. Don't be shy," Dr. Wood added encouragingly.

Now feeling relaxed and with his mother's approval, Jason finally started to undo his belt glancing toward his mother. Speechless, Kelly watched as Jason unzipped and removed first his pants, and then his underwear, exposing his sexual organs. He gave Kelly and Dr. Wood a good frontal view and displayed his nice-sized cock with long uncut foreskin. Although it was flaccid, his cock was about six inches long! His balls were huge too! They were the size of small oranges and hung low from the base of his cock.

"Wow! That is really impressive! Your little boy is now really, really big!" Dr. Wood said, she did not hide her verve.

Jason blushed and watched for his mom's reaction. Kelly was breathless at what she saw. It was very obvious that she was seriously besotted with his cock. She couldn't believe how long and thick it was, the girth of his head and shaft was incredible. Their eyes meeting shortly, he then noticed his mother's eyes move down toward his exposed genitals again. He interpreted her look as one of unbelief with perhaps awe and adoration.

"Look at me, Kelly. There's nothing to be ashamed of," Dr. Wood encouraged her.

"I had no idea that Jason was so..... so well ....well, you know... hung. So huge!" Kelly gasped inwardly. She had a difficult time trying to avert her eyes. Her mouth was open just slightly, making her look especially sexy as she gazed at her son's package. "It's so much bigger," she stammered and added, "I mean, errr... compared to his father."

"Jason must take after your side of the family if his father is not near this big," Dr. Wood noticed and added, "As a doctor, I see many naked men and I have to tell you that I've rarely had the pleasure of seeing a penis and testicles as big as these. This is truly a magnificent specimen. You must be proud, Mrs. Logan!"

Kelly unconsciously nodded an affirmation, so Dr. Wood added gently, "This will really strengthen the mother-son bond between you two. Also, don't forget, you can trust me, there is full assumption of patient confidentiality!"

Kelly nodded again. Before her was the biggest cock and balls she had ever seen. Her son was extremely well endowed and as a matter of fact she was pleased to hear that. Her mood suddenly changed from 'scared' to completely hypnotized.

"You're doing great, Jason," Dr. Wood said in that warm, reassuring voice, "Kelly, please sit down on the couch. Jason, now you can come closer and stand between mom's knees."

They did what they asked and now his cock was so close that Kelly could smell it. She gazed up and down his enormous cock and balls, mesmerized by their size. Dr. Wood noticed that and asked her, "Kelly, are you telling me you never touched such a nice huge penis before?"

"No," Kelly replied in horrified embarrassment.

"I'm genuinely surprised honey, but don't be afraid. I'll help you learn to handle that huge penis and also I'll help you to apply some gel on his penis for the first time. Go ahead and take it, sweetie," Dr. Wood said softly.

Kelly felt her heart flutter. She didn't move yet.

"Oh Dr. Wood," Kelly whined, "Must I?"

"Yes, I'm afraid so, Kelly. It's for Jason's good, for his health. Liberate yourself!" Dr. Wood was clear with her and suggested, "Use your left hand and slowly lift his penis upwards."

"Dr. Wood wants me to hold his cock. This is a medical situation and I've no reason to feel embarrassed for touching him. It's not sexual, it's medically necessary... If this helps him ... then I have a motherly duty to do it," Kelly was thinking feverishly. Finally, she placed her left hand under Jason's huge cock and lifted it in the open palm of her hand as if testing its heft. She tried not to get aroused, but her body was reacting to the feelings.

"It is absolutely gorgeous, is it not?" Dr. Wood teased Kelly. She was very pleased with Kelly's willingness.

"Yes. It's huge and heavy... difficult to lift," Kelly admitted in a low voice as she inhaled sharply. Her eyes was following her son's cock, which now was lying in her left hand, huge and thick, completely covering her small palm. She could feel his full weight, despite being flaccid. She marveled at it, she was both excited and scared, and she took a deep breath in an attempt to relax.

"Now, with your right hand pull the foreskin back," Dr. Wood demanded.

This time, Kelly pulled back his foreskin without thinking about it and now Jason's massive cock head was fully exposed. Rolling back the uncircumcised head, a drop of pre-cum emerged and Kelly gasped.

"Oh yeah, look at Kelly, here are the red spots, all right?" Dr. Wood asked, deliberately ignoring his pre-cum.

"Ahhh... yes, I see," Kelly responded in innocent manner, as she leaned her face closer to Jason's lap. She was so close now that Jason could feel her breath on his glans every time she exhales.

Dr. Wood took the gel from her bag and richly applied it to Kelly's right index finger.

"Slide it gently over his glans, especially to abraded areas until gel is completely absorbed by his penis," Dr. Wood instructed Kelly.

Kelly gasped again. "I must do it for Jason and his health," she thought, as if trying to convince herself.

Jason watched in amazement as his mom ran her fingers lightly over the small read spots. Then she continued rubbing slowly in gentle circles over his glans. Jason lifted his head and let out a howl of bliss. He had never seen anything so exciting in his life and felt his cock rapidly swelled in mom's left hand! It was so embarrassing, but he couldn't help it.

Kelly saw it also and paused with the lube. As her eyes were locked onto his cock, and her jaw was hanging free, Jason's cock continued to harden. It grew to its full marvelous length, until it was fully erect! Now, his cock stood right and firm, without any of Kelly's support, so Kelly slowly lowered her left hand to her knee. Her face was red with embarrassment and she was just praying it would be over soon.

"Mrs. Logan, please don't be embarrassed by your son's erection. This type of treatment always causes this reaction in a normal, healthy male. I assure you it is quite normal, it's natural for a man his age to be erect so quickly. If his penis was still flaccid, then I'd be concerned," Dr. Wood said this all so matter-of-factly and continued, "Also, an erect, swollen penis is much better for lubrication. It opens up the pores of his glans and helps the gel go in. So, just continue rubbing slowly until gel is completely absorbed by his penis."

Kelly nodded trying to understand what Dr. Wood was saying, "It opens up the pores of his glans ...". But her thoughts were preoccupied with Jason's huge cock, "Dear god," she thought, "It must be nine inches long!"

"Now, when his penis erect, you don't have to hold his head from below. Wrap your left hand around the base of his penis and hold it straight maintaining his erection throughout treatment to ensure that pores of skin are fully dilated. Remember, you have to lube his glans for at least 10 minutes," Dr. Wood demanded.

Kelly hesitated and Dr. Wood took her left hand slowly and wrapped it around Jason's erect cock. Her fingers put gentle pressure on his penis, but couldn't reach all the way around because of his vast circumference. Jason couldn't get over how small his mom's hand looked wrapped around his huge cock. Her hand barely covered 1/4 of his meat.

At the same time, Kelly marvelled at its girth. The thick pulsing veins seemed to throb in her soft hand. She struggled to comprehend its thickness and her hands squeezed it. She realised with a sense of disbelief and a certain dread that her fingers could not meet when they closed around it.

"Oh god! It was huge!" Kelly couldn't help but compliment, surprising both herself and Jason with that statement. The mixture of shame and excitement created sensations within her that she could barely comprehend. "I mean he is so thick! My fingers don't even reach all the way around. I'm not used to this," she complained to Dr. Wood, trying to justify herself.

"You're doing fine," Dr. Wood reassured with calm, "Don't worry Mrs. Logan, I'm sure you'll get used to his huge thick penis quickly."

Kelly squeezed his cock again in her hand to try to touch her fingers on the far side, but it was not even close. Kelly had never felt anything quite like it, huge piece of meat pulsing gently in her fist. Small stream of his pre-cum flowed freely onto her leg as Kelly just hold his now pulsing cock. She noticed that, but did her best to ignore it. Unfortunately her best wasn't good enough and she was horrified as she felt the lips of her vagina begin to moisten. She tried not to get aroused, but her body was reacting to the feelings of her son's cock and her head was trying to tell it not to.

"Kelly, take some more gel and continue to lube his glans," Dr. Wood reminded her what her role was.

Kelly shook her head to get this huge cock out of her mind and tried to focus on her new obligation and responsibility. She assured herself that her new motherly duty was making sure her son was healed from this weird fungal infection, and if this was the way to make sure he was fully recovered, then so be it. Imbued with new strength and vigor, she continued to spread gel along Jason's glans with light circular motions of her finger.

"Do I work well?" Kelly asked more confidently and looked at Dr. Wood.

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