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Jeannie's Shopping "Strip"

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She starts streaking, and discovers more than just ONE kink!
11.1k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 02/26/2016
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"Oh my god, would you look at that?"

"What?" I asked.

"Over there." Jeannie pointed across the street. "Check it out. Did he put her up to this?"

I turned around in my chair and stared. We were finishing up an afternoon of shopping with lunch at our favorite outdoor restaurant, and I had been busy looking at my menu to notice anything. As I looked in Jeannie's direction, I saw it: a young girl of nineteen or so, wearing only panties and flip-flops, being followed along the sidewalk by her boyfriend, who was carrying her bags.

The girl was lithe, with the sort of nice pointy, perky breasts that required little to no support. She was tan all over, and her pointy tits bounced as she jogged in front of her very amused boyfriend.

"Hmm," I said. "Probably a silly dare."

"You think he put her up to it?" Jeannie asked.

"Who knows?" I said. "She may have come up with the idea herself. Or maybe she chickened out, and he held her to it."

Obviously they had walked somewhere from the mall to this point, and being as it was a busy Saturday, much attention would have been paid. It certainly seemed so, since the girl appeared more than a little embarrassed. Her skin was flush, and she walked a little faster than normal. However, her face registered no anger or shame; just excitement. Her boyfriend was grinning ear to ear.

"She doesn't seem to mind much," Jeannie said.

"Probably likes the attention," I said. "Do you think she'll get caught?"

The girl looked from side to side to see if she was in view of anyone in the vicinity who might cause trouble. Satisfied that there were no cops or guards, she moved on, paying no attention to the onlookers who registered looks of shock or appreciation.

"No, there's no ordinance against public nudity," Jeannie replied. They might complain, but if you're outside the mall on public property, only the cops can arrest you on a complaint. And it's a hot summer day, so who really gives a fuck?"

I took a sip of my iced tea. "What do you think of that?"

Jeannie stared at the girl, who was now turned away from both of us. The view of her little ass wiggling from side to side was too cute to ignore. Jeannie stared, intrigued, smiling. "She's good looking. I think it's cool. You know, flaunt it if you got it."

"Would you do anything like that?" I asked.

Jeannie paused. ", probably not."

"Why not?"

"I don't have a problem being naked. We do it when we're at the right beach, or on vacation abroad."

"How about here?" I asked.

Jeannie flashed me an amused-annoyed look. "Because we shop here all the time. I don't want to get noticed."

"So..." I asked, "does that mean you'd do it in public elsewhere?"

Jeannie paused, then said, thoughtfully, "yeah, why not? But it would have to be really far away so I don't get recognized."

"How does the thought of that make you feel?" I asked.

"Well, I'd probably feel nervous doing it, but that would probably make me excited too."

I took a bite of my appetizer. "So how about after lunch we make a mad dash to the car with you stark naked?"

Jeannie swatted me with her menu. "I'm not going to do that here, today...and if you keep it up I might not do it at all!"

"Alright, alright," I laughed, waving my hands in mock protest. "I'll stop."

"Good," Jeannie glared at me, half-serious.

"She had a nice pair of tits, though."

"I liked her ass better."

"You think she waxes?"

"Shut up," Jeannie said. Then she shifted a little in her seat, preening. "Hey..."

"What?" I said, looking up.

"You like her tits?"

"They're cute."

"You like them better than mine?"

I looked down at her blouse, which was billowing open with one too many buttons undone. No bra. I could see the outline of Jeannie's smooth, pale C-cups, which hung naturally like tear drops. Each was adorned with a beautiful, pink and puffy nipple that I needed to lick every time I saw them. Jeannie smiled when she caught my stare, and then she pouted.

"Hmm...I dunno," I said. Maybe you should take your blouse off and conduct a straw poll."

"Fuck you."

"Anytime." Her foot trailed up my leg, and slid along my inner thigh, stopping to rub on my crotch, which immediately swelled to life at her touch. Then, just as suddenly, she pulled away before any of the other diners could see, and went back to reading her menu.

Jeannie was not a prude by any means. She was athletic, loved to work out and show the results of her lard labor. She dressed just provocatively enough to give an eyeful of her shape, and just enough skin to make you want to see everything underneath. Today she was wearing a tight mini that went so far up her firm thighs that the wrong move would have ripped them in two. That and the aforementioned blouse...only two things to undo and she'd have been jogging in front of me instead that afternoon.

On the drive home, I asked, "Would you walk around naked on a dare?"

"I might, depending on my mood."

"What about on your own?"

"Of course not!"

"Why not?" I asked.

"What is this, some new fetish of yours?" Jeannie asked.

"No, I'm just curious," I said. "You seemed like you might be interested in the idea."

"I was just reacting. We saw a naked girl in a crowded public area, and sometimes I wonder what things like that might be like if I tried them too."

"Yeah?" I asked.

"It's just momentary speculation. Would YOU strip naked and walk around for everyone to see?"

"Come on," I scoffed.



"You want me to do it, but you wouldn't do it yourself? That's sexist. You just want to see me naked in front of other people."

"No, I was wondering how you'd feel doing it. We've been together for what, two years? We're fairly open, and this sounds new coming from you."

"It's not new," Jeannie said. "You asked me about it first."

"You pointed her out. And you seem to know about the laws on indecent exposure here."

"That doesn't make me an exhibitionist," she said.

"What does?" I asked.

"An exhibitionist...I don't know," she said. "They seem to live for some kind of sexual charge. Like habitually."

"Like her?"

"Yeah, you know? She seemed to enjoy it, like she wasn't pressured. Like she had done it before a number of times and wasn't bothered by it."

"Doesn't it have to start somewhere, then?" I said.

"Right, you have to get used to it. I'm sure you're nervous as fuck trying it and then it gets to be more second nature. Like her. She was looking out for cops, it seemed."

"Okay, so if you were to do it, you'd feel nervous the first time?"

"Will you stop!" Jeannie said, laughing. "I don't know how I'd do it, if I were to at all."

"So, if I were to make your clothes disappear somehow, and you were forced to be nude in public, how would you feel?"

"Don't you fucking dare."

"I'm not. This is purely speculative."

Jeannie sighed. "Maybe once. Alright? Now shut up. For reals."

I traced my hand along her thigh, and squeezed it just shy of where her panty line ought to be. I felt no seam under the skirt. I felt a warmth coming from her leg that I only felt when we made out, and we were just at the point of confirming our mutual sexual desire. Hmmm...I thought. Gingerly I slid my hand further inside her thigh, and felt the first hint of her trimmed pubic hair grazing my pinky, slightly damp from summertime perspiration, or...

Suddenly Jeannie slapped my hand away. I looked up. She glared at me, but her face was flushed, and her breath was heavier than usual.

"Knock it off," she said.

"Okay, okay." I said.

Two days later I came home from work and found Jeannie on the deck, sunbathing topless. I went over and kissed her, and then gave each of her breasts a small peck. They glistened in the sunlight from the tanning oil.

"Hey babe," I said.


"You giving the neighbors a show?" I grinned.

Jeannie rolled her eyes. "Nothing they haven't seen before."

"I like how you're comfortable with your body."

"Well, you either can be or you can be ashamed about it. Most people fall into the latter category, unfortunately."

Well, you're very comfortable in the back yard," I said. "Maybe you should kick it up a notch."

"What do you mean?"

"You know, like last Saturday," I said. "Maybe you should go public sometime..."

"Jeez, are you still on about that?" Jeannie said, laughing.

"Hey, who knows? Maybe you'd like it. You've got a great body, and I think it'd be cool if you showed it off sometime. And you'd get to put some prudes in their place."

"Come on."


She sighed. "I think you'll get more of a charge from it than me, what with you asking all the time lately."

"Hey, I'm not opposed to giving people a good view of your assets."

"Fuck you; you don't own me."

"That's not what I mean! I have a beautiful girlfriend, and I see people noticing you all the time, and I'm never the slightest bit jealous. One glimpse of your ass and people regret their life choices in a heartbeat."

Jeannie blushed. "You know, maybe I would...but I don't know how I'd feel about it. It's one thing to enjoy being nude at the beach, or here in the privacy of our home."

"Because it's safe," I said. "I think you'd feel on edge if you ever stepped out in public the way that girl did. And the effect might have some...erotic benefits."


"I think you were turned on. And I think you're thinking about what it would be like being in her place someday."

"Just speculative, if I ever were to think about it."

"Hey, you might like it. That's all I'm saying."

Jeannie turned and looked at me over the rim of her sunglasses. "You know what? You're a lot of talk. You say you have no problem with me showing off, but you sound like a guy who feels like he's showing me off."

"Sorry; I didn't mean it like that."

"Okay. What if I got a charge, like you say, from being an exhibitionist? Does it stop there?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, is there some limit with you to the extent I would show off, if that were to happen? You don't feel jealous when other people look, but what if they ended up wanting more? What if I wanted more?"

"Like what?" I said.

"People look at an attractive woman in the nude and they think about fucking them. You have no problem with that? If I were doing that like that girl?"

"No," I said. "I'm not jealous. And I'm very comfortable with our life."

"Does it stop with them thinking about fucking me?"

"Come again?"

"What if someone made a move at me?"

"I'd draw the line where it would be inappropriate, like if your safety was at stake."

"Okay, what if it were somebody that was decent and good looking, and wanted to fuck me?"

"I'd applaud his taste in women."

"And if I felt the same?"

"Ah..." I said. "I get it." I thought for a moment. "No, I wouldn't feel jealous. Is this your idea of a fantasy?"

Her hand trailed over her breasts. "Not necessarily. But things like this sometimes have a way of opening doors that are hard to close. You like watching me turn on men and making them think about fucking me, but how would you feel about me being turned on like that to the point where I'd consider fucking them back?"

"Hmmm...well, it wouldn't be fair for me to have you put your money where your mouth is if I didn't do the same. I'm good if we promise to be open with each other."

Jeannie smiled. "Well, maybe then I might consider streaking for you under the right circumstances."

"And I'll be cool seeing how things develop," I said.

"I'm just saying don't be a Neanderthal. I'm not going to get into a public gang-bang. I just want you to be open about things if I agree to being open, too.

"Do I get to watch?" I said, smiling.

"We'll see."

That night, Jeannie woke me up.

"What is it?" I said sleepily.

"Alright, I've thought about it. I'll do it. But I want to lay down a few ground rules."

I sat up, fully awake. "Name them."

"First of all, I don't want to be recognized."


"That means we have to be somewhere where there's little to no risk of me being seen by people I work with or know."

"Fine," I said."

"It also has to be in a low-risk area for legal issues. I don't want to get arrested, and I don't want to be somewhere that cops can get to me easily. We need a getaway plan."


"And it has to be very public. If I do this, we're going all the way, right?"


"Fully naked in a crowded area with few cops. Where could that be?"

"How about the Ontario outlets? That place is huge and teeming, and far enough outside L.A. You'd definitely make an impression."

"If we park in the right area and make a perfect circle back to the car, we can get the hell out without a cop getting wind of it. We'd just evade the mall cops."


"And we'd need a friend to come along for extra protection."

"That wouldn't be a bad idea," I said. "That way we could fend off anybody troublesome. Do you think they'll go along with it?"

"We don't have to tell him the plan."

"Right," I smiled. "How about Kevin?"

"No, he's too jumpy. He'd balk, or worse, panic."

"Okay. How about Matt?"

"The other problem. He'd dig it too much and tell everyone."

"Okay; do you have any suggestions?"

"How about Colin? He's coming over Sunday anyhow."

I thought for a moment. "Yeah, why not? He'd be cool with it."

"But don't let on. We'll make him an unwitting accomplice."

"Gotcha. Are you sure you're willing to do this?"

"Better commit before I chicken out."


"Awesome. Now let's see what we can do about that hard-on of yours..."

Jeannie gripped the shaft of my cock, tenting through my pajama bottoms. All her talk and finally agreeing to go nude in public made me flush with excitement, and all the blood in my body seemed to gravitate right towards my manhood. Jeannie slid my trousers down, straddled me and eased me inside her warm, slick pussy. Judging by how wet she already was, it seemed she was finally into the idea, too.

Jeannie sighed as she sank down into a sitting position on my pelvis. I lay on my back and held on to her thighs, staring upward into her dark green eyes. Her brown hair trailed down over her shoulders and onto her bosom, stopping two inches short of her nipples. Her face registered a particular adventurousness I'd seen when we were first dating and trying new things with each other; perhaps she was looking forward to a new sexual thrill.

She stared back at me and held still, breathing deeply. My penis was happily lodged inside, but desperate for the pleasure of fucking. After what seemed like an eternity she slowly rocked back and forth on her haunches, carefully and deliberately eliciting slow yet intense jolts of pleasure up and down my rigid shaft with every movement.

Jeannie's movements became more forceful, then quicker as she picked up the pace, moving in time with her deep breaths. As she did so her breasts jiggled almost independently of her frame, like two large servings of jello. I could watch them move all day, and Jeannie would often dress provocatively in the summertime to give me an occasional, titillating view. She clearly loved being watched by me, and I held her gaze as we silently rocked together on the bed.

God, this is magnificent. I can't believe I get to see her like this when other guys only get a glimpse...what would really happen if she showed more? What if she really liked it like she said...would she accept another man's offer? How would that all go down if she went for it and I was forced to watch it take place?

My thoughts were interrupted by the sudden gasp of Jeannie crossing the threshold of excitement. "Oh fuck, I'm gonna come," she whispered hoarsely, and she writhed rapidly on my pole, her composure and self-control of the last quarter hour or so completely gone. "Oh shit, I'm cumming, I'm cumming, I'm cumming..." Then suddenly she froze, her pelvic muscles twitching wildly around my cock. Quickly she ground her pussy as hard as she could, furiously rubbing her clit as her orgasm shook her entire body. Then she fell on my chest, panting.

I rolled over, pulling Jeannie with me, then pushed her back on the bed and began to fuck with all my might. The sight of her slowly pushing herself to a wild, uncontrollable climax was enough for me, and I slammed into her like a jackhammer, desperate for release. It finally came and I plunged into her again and again as my aching cock burst, every nerve on end and exploding like Krakatoa.

Jeannie laughed in hysterical exhaustion.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

"Just how excited you get at some things," she said. "That's kinda hot."

"I can't wait until Sunday," I said.

That Saturday, I saw Jeannie in the bathroom. She had gone through an entire regimen of pre-swimsuit waxing and plucking and was now giving herself a mani-pedi. She smiled and spread her legs, revealing a neatly trimmed landing strip.

"Is all this for tomorrow?" I said.

She nodded. "You gotta do it right when you've got an audience."

"Well, you certainly are not going to disappoint them," I said. "Need any help down there?"

Jeannie felt the bulge in my pants, smiled, and patted it. "Let's see how much this is going to charge me up tomorrow," she said. "I'm sure you'll appreciate the results too."

"Hey, you're out of beer," yelled Colin from the kitchen.

"Oh, uh...have you tried the garage?" I yelled back.

"Nothing there either," he said, coming into the living room. "And your lack of snacks is pitiful. You have no love for your guests."

"Sorry, man," I said. "Jeannie and I were talking about groceries last night, but I guess we crossed wires. I'll go to the store now."

"I can wait. It's almost lunch. Come on, let's get started," Colin said as he pulled the joysticks out of the drawer under the TV.

"I'll be really quick, and then we'll have stuff for later in the afternoon. Besides, beer and lunch on Sunday is mandatory."

"OK, let's be quick about it," Colin said, and grabbed his baseball cap.

"Jeannie?" I called into the hallway. "Colin and I are going to get beer and stuff, okay? You need anything?"

"Let me check," she called back. "Hey, what time is it?"


"Um...hang on, I'll check the fridge," Jeannie called out. Then, suddenly I heard a scream coming down the hall from the bedroom, followed by Jeannie yelling "Oh, shit! Damn it!"

"What's the matter babe?" I yelled.

Jeannie burst out of the bedroom, wearing a towel around her body and another one turbaned on her head. Colin looked up, bemused. "I can't believe I let this happened! I'm so stupid!" she said.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I just checked the bills, and I realized that I still have that outstanding charge for those two dresses I need to return, and today's the last day."

"Well, can't you just go to the mall?"

"It's the outlet store, the one in Ontario. I have to return them there. God, I can't believe this..."

"It's a bit of a drive, yeah," I said. Do you have anything important you need to do today?"

Jeannie shook her head. "No, it's just a pain in the ass...ohhh, shit. My license expired!"

"That's a lot of bad luck," Colin said.

Jeannie looked at me, pleadingly. "I don't suppose you could come with me? We really need to return these so we can stay afloat until you get paid Tuesday."

"Alright, I said." I turned to Colin. "Sorry, man."

"No problem." Colin was trying to look nonchalant, but he was gazing in Jeannie's direction as she fiddled with her towel. Jeannie removed the turban from her head and rapidly finger-combed her hair to untangle her tresses. As she lifted her arms, her towel came undone and fell apart. Jeannie gasped and caught it, but still exposed the tops of her breasts just briefly in full view of our guest. "Alright, I'm gonna get dressed, and then we can go." She dashed down the hall again.

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