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Jennifer Finds Joy

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Anger and Alcohol makes a wife do regretful things.
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This is my first story, please read and give me feedback. I have a great ideas for future stories and extensions for this one but I do think my writing needs a lot more improvement. Also read till the end for a twist

It was a hot summer July afternoon; the sun was shining in its full glory. Jennifer had just finished lunch, it was a club sandwich at the closest café from her office. She tipped the waiter and was off to work again. Walking the few metres in the sun, "Thank God it's Friday" was the only thought that gave Jennifer hope.

The work day had started with an argument with her boss, Tanya. They just couldn't come up to an agreement as to where the direction of the team needs to go. Jennifer being new to the team and directly reporting to the Director had loads on her plate and she had reservations about how the finances of the team were allocated. Jennifer also felt that this place can use a lot of modification and from Tanya's POV things have been working fine from the last 5 years, why change?

"Why Change?" Thought Jennifer, "we all need growth" was the argument Jennifer made but at the same time Jennifer didn't want to hurt Tanya's ego so early in her tenure.

When the day couldn't get worse for Tanya, her husband Matt dropped a message to Jennifer which infuriated her.

"Hey Jen, sorry but I need to fly to Copenhagen urgently today with the board. I will see you on Wednesday, I will call you, Miss you" the text read. It wasn't the context of the text that infuriated her but the frequency of these trips. She understands that he is on the board of a multi-million-dollar hedge fund but these trips had started to bother her. They had been married for 3 years now. Initially, the lifestyle was lavish and fun for Jennifer, coming from a middle-class family. She was ambitious too and she was ready to take a break for him after marriage and its only now that she had restarted her career. Earlier it was easy to travel with him but now after getting this job, they hardly could spend time together.

Frustrated, Jennifer entered the office, and James from admin gave a big smile to her. Jennifer smiled back; he is extremely nice thought Jennifer. She was never interested in him, but he was cute and in his late twenties like herself. Someone her age in the office at least. Jennifer sat back, prepared herself and got right back at work.

Soon it was 4pm and it is enough thought Jennifer, she called Matt, the first thing.


"Hey Jen, sorry, I have to take this trip again but you know how it is." Said Matt.

"Yeah, I do, so when is your flight?" asked Jennifer.

"At 8:30 pm, we have to catch it from New York, so we are heading there now." New York was two hours away from the suburban centre where Jennifer lived.

"Alright, take care, I will head home and probably watch Netflix, I will be fine," replied Jennifer.

They exchanged goodbyes and Jennifer drove home. Jennifer felt the need of getting some of her frustration out. Mandy one of her BFF was not in town, so she chose to call Maria to catch a few drinks. Maria was a Latin woman, married with a 6-year-old son and she was in college with Jennifer. Ever since the kid their interactions became less but with hope Jennifer called her and asked for a drink at the city centre.

"Hey, well Sean is home today and he did something bad and he is apologising to me, so I can pin the baby to daddy tonight and catch up with you girl!" Maria had said excitingly.

Jennifer was overjoyed, after taking a quick nap, she started to get ready. First it was time to take a shower and then choose a dress. Jennifer's mind always worked with pointers. While in the shower, she started noticing herself. Ever since her job has started, she had less time for herself. She liked pampering herself. She started admiring herself in the mirror at the end of her shower. She looked carefully at every detail. Her breasts were shining from being wet. They looked perfect. Jennifer was always petite but she noticed that she may have started to have some curves now, which she really liked.

Her ass had become a bit bigger, which always gave her naughty thoughts and a wicked smile on her face. Matt has always been a good lover to her. She was loving the new changes in her body, made her feel more mature and confident. She had gorgeous red hair and a slim face but clearly there were tiny signs of wisdom as well.

She chose a black dress for the night. It wasn't too short, just above her ankles and cleavage was not too deep either, just a peak at her still perky breasts. The dress was tight, hugging her figure well. After the dress, was the makeup. She wore red lipstick but kept other stuff to the minimum. She was glowing anyways. That thought made her giggle. She wore a silver bracelet that Matt had bought her from Amsterdam and finished her touch up with a slender beautiful necklace which went well with her dress. After the day she had she needed to feel better and dolling her up made her so much better. She was also meeting Maria after ages it felt and it was exciting. Add some alcohol in the mix she was ready for a great night out with her friend. Some gossip, alcohol and some more unleashing of her frustration.

Maria texted her, "I am reaching Club 16 in 15 minutes, I am driving, do you want me to pick you up?"

Jennifer sighed and replied "Why are you driving? We will be drinking! :/"

"Jen, I can't drink more than two, sorry, remember I have a kid, I will come pick you up anyway." Maria said.

Jen replied "Ok, waiting for you, come soon, you are dropping me home as well as I am not gonna stop on the alcohol today, I desperately need it!"

As she waited for Maria to arrive, Jen rolled a joint, a good fat blunt but she thought she will smoke it later, she didn't want to mellow down just yet, maybe after some alcohol she thought.

Maria arrived and she honked and out came Jen. They hugged; Jennifer couldn't contain her happiness at seeing her friend. Soon they drove off and reached Club 16.

It was quite busy even for a Friday night, it was tough for them to find a place to sit down but they found a quiet corner not too far away from the dance floor. Looking around they saw that the crowd boasted of college kids, they can see a couple of college folks making out in a dark corner but they weren't bothered about it.

After ordering their first drinks and sitting down, Maria lit up a smoke and signed "Ahhh, smoke after ages, so tell me Jen what's up? Matt travelling again?

"Pass me the cigarette as well, I need it today, well yeah, he has been travelling, I thought I really needed him today and was looking forward to spending time with him but he had to run in short notice. To be honest I don't mind the travelling, just a bit of heads up would be good. And in reality, I am not pissed at him, I am pissed at my boss. Tanya can be a bitch and is a control freak..." Jen continued to vent for some more time about her work and in that short duration had finished her first drink and the smoke that Maria had passed her without even returning it back. Maria didn't say anything, just listened to Jennifer intently and lit another cigarette.

As Jen finished her words, Maria took out a hand and patted her on the shoulder and said, "looks like you are a bit mad at Matt as well, you needed to get laid tonight which you won't!"

Jennifer thought to herself for a moment and finally said, "Didn't think like that, but maybe you are right I needed that, you know me more than I know myself." With a pause, "Hey finish up and I will get refills."

"No! you go ahead get one, I will be on this one for sometime and I just miss these smokes" Maria retorted.

Maria got out of her chair and was moving towards the bar, when she noticed two college guys, a bit of rugged handsomeness in both, eyeing her from top to bottom. She walked away as she didn't even notice them but in her head, she was smiling, she still had it. After ordering, she was returning to her seat.

This time she made eye contact with both the guys and one of them said, "A single lady, would like some company Ma'am."

"I am not alone, with a friend but Thank you." She replied.

"That makes two single ladies and two of us." The other guy said winking.

"We both are married and you two are quite young for our liking." Jennifer smiled back and didn't stop for a reply and went straight to Maria.

They started talking and chatting again, an hour had passed already since they were here.

Jennifer said "Now I need another one and you are getting your second but last one."

Maria muttered hesitantly, "OK, but girl you are drinking like a fish, its my last ok and then we can head out."

Jennifer returned soon and she remembered she hadn't asked Maria about Sean and what did he do?

"Maria, sorry I have been so busy with my stuff today, tell me about you and what did Sean do?"

"Oh! Nothing really, he got drunk and puked all over at his friend's party and he came home on two arms with his friends carrying him. So, he is getting punished for that." Maria said dismissingly and took a gulp of her drink.

As Jennifer was going to ask for more details, they were disturbed by a 20-year-old college kid, he was black and handsome and was around 6 feet in height.

"Hello, are you Jennifer Butler from Grayson Street?" the kid asked.

Jennifer seemed confused, she said, "Yes, but now I am Jennifer Jenkins, who is asking?" the kid did indeed seem familiar.

"I am Jamie Hill, Joy you would remember me by. You used to babysit my little sister and me." Joy replied.

Some fond memories passed her mind before she replied "Oh you are Joy, you are all grown now, It must have been more than a decade that I used to babysit you guys, How's Mr. Hill?" Jennifer enquired enthusiastically.

"He is all good, still living in the old house. I was just here and thought I recognised you and would say hi" Joy mentioned.

"That's great you chose say hi, meet my friend Maria and Maria this is Joy, like you know already he was the son of my dad's friend and I babysat him sometimes when I was a sophomore." Jennifer introduced them.

"Hi Joy, you are a handsome young man! Who are you partying with here?" Maria enquired.

"Nice to meet you ma'am! I am with my college friends; we are just celebrating the end of our semester." Joy said.

"Such a gentleman, call me Maria! Have a seat for a drink, join us." Maria smiled at him.

"I see you ladies are almost done with your drinks; I will get one for you as well." Joy said.

"Please not for me, I am driving, get one for Jennifer, she really needs it." Maria mentioned hesitantly.

"Right away!" Joy went and came back with a drink for him and for Jennifer.

"What course are you pursuing, Joy? and how is little Janet?" Jennifer asked.

"I am studying Literature and Philosophy and Janet is doing great, she is in school." Joy mentioned.

With all the talks, another hour had gone by and Jennifer had started to feel quite drunk by now.

"Hey Jen, its time to leave now, I need to get home." Maria said.

Jennifer after talking with Joy was enjoying herself and was now had forgotten everything that had happened today. Inside her she was reluctant to leave.

Before Jennifer could say anything, Joy jumped in, "Oh not so soon, Its only 10pm."

"We are old!" Maria retorted laughing. "Have kids and husbands!"

Joy looked a bit disappointed but still protested, "You don't have work tomorrow, it's Friday!"

He had a point but Maria wasn't having it. Jennifer reluctantly got up to leave, she hugged Joy and started to leave.

Something was different about tonight and Jennifer was getting tipsy and didn't want to leave, so as she and Maria were heading to the door, she caught hold off Maria and said, "Maria please stay back with me for a bit more, I really need to let lose and I am just starting to forget my day." Jennifer pleaded.

"Jen! You know I need to get back and now I am in a hurry, the kid won't sleep without me. You know Joy here, drink a bit more and take a cab but text me when you get home and stay safe." Maria replied. With that Maria was gone.

Jennifer felt a bit odd, never had Maria been in such a rush. Maybe kids change you, Jennifer thought.

"You stayed back!" Joy was overjoyed when he saw Jennifer returning.

"SHOTS!" shouted one guy and within a minute, everyone had a shot glass in their hands. Jennifer felt weird with people so much younger than her. She also felt young again and without a hint of guilt gulped down her shot.

Jennifer started dancing on the dance floor without any inhibitions and she was moving herself around. Her eyes were closed and she was really letting it lose. As soon she came back to her senses, she opened her eyes and she say herself surrounded by a swarm of guys and a few girls all dancing around her and maybe a few guys trying to get near her.

She saw a guy and thought he has fine, so she went into his arms and danced with him. The guy was overjoyed and started touching her waist. She danced a bit more with him and when his hands started sliding down her ass, she hit his hand and moved away. She was enjoying herself, enjoying the random company and the attention and she was happy she had her alcohol in control or she thought.

She saw Joy from the corner of her eye, he was looking at her and laughing. As she went to him, he asked "More shots?"

"No," was the answer, "I need my joint!" Jennifer muttered.

Joy was surprised and mentioned, "You are the envy of all the women here! Jason there had a time of his life when you danced with him"

Jennifer laughed it off and started looking for her joint and the realisation that she forgot it at home made her cringe.

"Damn, I left it at home!" Jennifer cursed. A new side of herself was coming out now. A wilder side which she thought she had forgotten.

At the same time, she saw a text from Matt, "Boarded the flight"

Another one from Maria read, "reached home, be safe girl!"

Then Jennifer saw the time, it was 11:30! She had been on the dance floor for more than an hour!

The sudden realisation of time and her joint, made her wanna go home.

"Joy, it was lovely meeting you! Give me your number, be in touch!" Jennifer said.

"Sure, here it is, and how are you going home?" Joy asked

"I am calling a cab!" Jennifer replied.

"No way, I have my car here and I just had that one drink with you, so I am fine!" Joy said.

Jennifer thought for a bit and then in a haze replied, "Sure, take me home!" with a bright smile.

As soon as they got in the car, Jennifer shouted "Blast the music!"

Joy started laughing, "Oh Mrs. Jenkins you are drunk!"

"Yes, I am, I am extremely frustrated today, I need this and now I need my joint!" Jennifer kept on babbling as they drove off.

Her house was a 5-minute drive from the club, Jennifer's loose sense of directions at that time took them 10 minutes.

As they reached home, Jennifer got out and said, "Come have a joint with me!"

Joy was taken aback but could not pass on the offer.

They entered the house and into the living room, and there on the table laid the lighter and the joint that Jennifer had prepared.

"There you are! See I forgot it here" Jennifer then took Joy by the hand into the backyard and gave him the lighter to blaze.

As he blazed it and smoked some, "Good stuff!" he mentioned.

Jennifer winked and kept on smoking with him. As they were finishing the joint, an awkward silence took place with only the sounds of a cricket in the background.

"It's so peaceful here" Joy said.

"Yeah" saying that Jennifer turned and bent over to pick a few flowers laying outside.

At this time, things changed, Joy couldn't help himself, he slightly touched Jennifer's ass. Jennifer was still busy with the flowers. Joy again touched her ass and this time caressing them with both his hands.

This time Jennifer noticed and she was taken aback, she got up and faced him, "What the fuck are you doing?"

Joy was aghast, "I didn't want the joint, I wanted you!"

"I am married!"

"I know you are but I always had a crush on you. My heart broke when I caught you making out with your boyfriend when you were at my house all those years back, my heart broke again when you chose Jason to dance like that!"

"Like what?" Jennifer raised her voice.

"Like a seductress, you do not know how sexy you are! My friends all were betting who could get you but when I saw it is you, I just wanted you!" saying that Joy took a step forward.

Jennifer was terrified at this point; she didn't know what to do!

Her drunken state and now the joint, it was hard for her to think straight.

Joy took another step, caught Jennifer by the waist and started kissing her. Jennifer just let it happen. Joy pushed her against the backyard door and started sliding his hands all over her body. Her ass, her waist and her thighs.

Jennifer's hands till this moment were motionless. Then Joy stopped kissing her lips and kissed her neck, licking it and sucking it. At this point, Jennifer couldn't endure anymore. Joy was 6 feet tall, dark and handsome while she was a mere 5 feet 4 inches. She couldn't fight him, but another thought came into her mind, did she want to fight him but this is so wrong? Wrong was an understatement. But did she want him? The taboo made her a bit kinky and she understood she gave him all the signals, left Maria, he dropped her and she asked him to come in when her husband was not in town, which Joy also knew.

Jennifer started enjoying the kisses and then put her hands on his body. They both started kissing again, the kisses were extremely passionate. Joy took his right hand and he squeezed one her tits.

She moaned a slight feel of pleasure and then she pushed him away. They looked at each other, Jennifer smiling wickedly.

Joy only thinking, I am going to get so lucky tonight!

She winked and led him through the door. As she entered the living room again, her heart was racing, Joy locked the door behind him.

"This is so wrong!" Jennifer muttered.

"I don't care!" Joy grabbed her from behind. Jennifer thought only if this poor kid knew but she could feel her pussy dripping by now.

Joy was squeezing her tits from behind, smelling her hair and kissing the back of her neck. Jennifer could also feel the hard strong erection Joy had on her ass. That made her so horny. She was going all in now. She turned and started undressing Joy's shirt, started feeling his body. So well built, could feel all his muscles and she was just grabbing his entire torso. With passion burning inside her, she started unhooking his jeans and then she saw it, it was big, dark and rock hard. Exactly how she liked them, she thought, she went down and started sucking on his cock, she loved the taste of BBC. she fondled his testicles and licked the tip of his cock.

Joy was moaning and Jennifer just kept on playing with his cock and giving it deep heads. At this point, Joy had enough, he pulled her up and said "Take me to bed!"

"That's your job!"

Joy held Jennifer's ass with both hands and started carrying her. She wrapped her legs around his waist and kissed him with so much passion, "The door on the right, there is the guest room, take me there."

"No! I want to fuck in your husband's bed!" Joy replied kissing her back.

She didn't know why but this made her want Joy even more. Yeah take me on his bed she thought. She was pissed at Matt and pointed upstairs.

Joy carried her upstairs, and she was so impressed by his strength and as they reached the bed, Joy threw her on the bed. Pulled just her panties and could see how wet she was. Joy went right in and started licking her pussy.

"Ahhhh! Oh my.... Ohhhhh!" These were the only things Jennifer could mutter. Joy's tongue was working its magic and she was in a pleasure zone. She held his head and started moving her hips on his face.


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