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Jessica's Change Management Ch. 11


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A gush of piss jetted out of his cock! He was pissing. Again! He was pissing into my mouth!

Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck! Gag me with a spoon. Oh, boy! Matty had totally tricked me. Again.

The stream of piss caught me so unaware that it rushed down my throat. The taste, however, was so sickening that I instantly retched and heaved. Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!

"Keep it in your mouth 'n gulp it down, bitch." Matty said oh-so casually. "You don't wanna reject my gift, do you?"

Despite my genuine disgust, it would have never come to my mind. Oh Lordy! What a horrible truth. Really, really horrible. Really, really hilarious.

After letting the first gushes of piss run out of my mouth corners, his demand prompted me to dutifully close my lips around his shaft and let the rancid pee gather in my mouth. The arrogant host had super impressive control over his bladder. He filled my mouth with the bitter, yellow fluid, only to stop peeing once again.

Holding the icky liquid in my mouth, I hoped for him to allow me to spit it into the toilet bowl. Really expectantly, I looked up to him and waited and waited. The permission, though, didn't come.

"I said gulp it down, bitch!" Matty reminded me really harshly.

Holding the acrid fluid in my mouth was already sickening. I was literally getting nauseous! Swallowing it would only be worse. My cunny, however, was throbbing harder than ever. I couldn't push back. I simply couldn't.

"Urgh! Uuurrrggghhh! Urgh!" I gagged and heaved when I finally gulped the piss down.

Barf! The bitter, rancid fluid ran down my throat like acid. My whole body convulsed and my stomach churned. However, I managed to keep the vile pee down, which made me kinda proud.

It also sobered me up instantly. My head was clearing. No more buzz. No more babbling. With my head getting clear, though, the taste only got more disgusting and the situation more debasing.


As soon as I had swallowed, another gush of piss sprayed out of Matt's dick. Even though it was more of a splash than a torrent, it made me screech and twitch again. Holding the bitter fluid in my mouth, the presumptuous douche waited for me to swallow it.

Splash. Swallow. Urgh! Splash. Swallow. Urgh! Splash. Swallow. Urgh!

Purposefully, the presumptuous douche spurted spatter after spatter of piss into my mouth, letting me gulp it down drop by drop. My head was spinning, my mouth was reeking, and my tongue felt furry. Yet, my pussy was close to exploding.

I was barely expecting it any longer, but finally, Matt's bladder was empty. The ordeal was over although it left me sober and deflated. Had it really been such an ordeal, though? After all, it had sent my pussy into a flurry of ecstasy. Nonetheless, it had been the most disgusting thing I had experienced yet.

"Now Missy Bitchface, go downstairs, show my bros how I marked you as my bitch." Matt astonished me with his final command.

With my head glowing like heated metal, I scrambled to my feet. The humiliation was raging through me. I felt like frozen to the floor, barely able to move. However, the party was far from over, and yet D-Rod and his plan weren't even in sight. Would the plan work? My doubts were bigger than ever although I hadn't even thought about the plan since the party had started.

*to be continued

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fritzeflinkfritzeflinkover 8 years ago
Bit too much of the same

It was nice but also predictable and a bit boring. The frat party could go only one way, abuse of the silly drunk bitch, so this is a departure from the otherwise exciting and surprising settings in the other episodes

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Good work!

I hope she gets gangbanged and used as a urinal by all 20 guys before the night is over!

kakwannkakwannover 9 years ago

i hope she is forced to get some permanant change in the next chapter... like tattoos or plastic surgery...

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Good preparation for the continuation of the story.

Good preparation for the continuation of the story. 20 guys could provide more enjoyment Jesika using her pussy for sex. Jesika has undergone a major transformation since the first stories to 11 so that it is ready for hard sex in loss of consciousness. I hope that the continuation soon

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Making "coochie coochie" with her pussy lips in front of all the frat boys is... Priceless! What a silly bimbo... I also like when she giggles! Tihi!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
great!!! haters gonna hate!!!!!

Dont listen to the haters. The people that enjoy the stories you write understand charcter development and building a story line. Hopefully you will continue to write the next chapters. Love the degrading elements in this chapter. Hopefully the next chapter will see jessica being roughly gang fucked, physically and mentally abused!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
I agree!

It will be permanent damages on her personality and even on her career.

Just take a look on what happens when Jessica trys to answer to her intern's work questions, while is dancing.

I wonder what will happen on monday, during Matt's presentation...

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