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Jessica's Change Management Ch. 26

Story Info
Jessica hosts a business party for the local high society.
37.1k words

Part 26 of the 28 part series

Updated 03/07/2024
Created 11/23/2013
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-- Wednesday --

This was it! The big finale!

It was make-or-break time, 'cause it would be my final appearance in the business world. It was all-or-nothing, 'cause it would be decisive for my future. The task was clear: Host a cocktail party for the local high society and broker some contacts for LGZ. The goal was just as evident: Become the most valuable puta for the gang by sweetening some deals.

Damnit, diva! We need to be cautious more than ever! Cheer, chica! We're tailor-made to be the hottest host and bubbliest broker ever. As you see, beautifool and bimbecile were still bickering and squabbling like brattish twins! Anyhoo, let me start back at the prison...

After Perez had sent me outta his trailer, I had to wait at the prison facility before D-Rod was ready to go. Apparently, they had some additional stuff to discuss that wasn't meant for my ears. Like it mattered! All that mattered was my man's return. He was finally back from his exile thingie. So hard to put into words how elated and cheery and joyful I felt. Now, all would fall into place and be brilliant. So awesome!

I was ultra excited, so much so that I was super chatty and babbly. That was why I told my man all the stuff that had happened since he had been sent away, like the way Ortega had exploited me and Shelly had competed with me. In addition, I showed him all the upgrades and enhancements I had gotten. So amaze!

By contrast, Sir Da-Rod didn't really say lots. He excused it with all the stuff occupying his mind 'cause there was so much going on with LGZ. Anyhoo, he enlightened me about his exile thingie. Following our coup d'etat at the frat party, Ortega had sent him to a consulting office in another town. Now, that the four weeks of his internship were over, he had returned home.

More importantly, though, we had a business event to organize. In a way, I was outta my depth, 'cause I had never really planned any kinda thingie on that scale. Fortunately, Perez had given D-Rod clear instructions. All I had to do was to reconnect with my old business contacts, as in call the managers and executives from the local business network and invite them to a cocktail party.

Gosh, damsel! We so moved on already. We've literally left the corporate world in the dust. We're so ready to concentrate on our blissful bimbo life in our bouncy barbie world. Get a grip, vulg-ho! It is what it is! We all gotta make hard choices one time or the other! With our knowledge of the local business community, it's a home-field advantage!

No matter the pros and cons, it still rattled me. That was why I probably paced through my house for about an hour after returning home, with the devil of restraint and angel of temptation bickering and moping. Or was it the other way around?

Anyhow, I had a new resolution. Remember? Teamwork was dream work! As their strengths and weaknesses complemented each other, bimbecile and beautifool had to work in unison. Only if they played in tune, literally like a bimbo band, did I stand a chance to sex-ceed! For this reason, I needed a solid plan first before putting it into action with some cheeky behavior.

My advantage? I had Sir Da-Rod at my side now, so this wouldn't be a problem anymore. Why? Cause he would be my pillar of strength and rock in the waves. His calming influence would bring me back to earth when I got too dramatic. Yay! At the same time, his macho instigations would incite me when I wasn't bubbly or bouncy enough. Yay! Yay!

Thinking about my man, I clutched my golden necklace with the ruler trinket resting in my silicone valley. It instantly worked as a calm anchor, silencing the squabbling voices. So amaze! As a consequence, I finally managed to gather my courage to pick up the phone and call my contacts. See? It worked already! Sorta. For starters, I only contacted local businessmen, 'cause I didn't dare calling my fellow entrepreneuses just yet. After all, the first step was the hardest, right?

-- Thursday --

Of course, the cocktail party was kinda last minute and short dated. That was why we had some problems securing a location for the event. In the end, I had to make a decision that I had totally hoped to evade. Anyway, it was what it was, right? So, I made a trip to the local country club.

I had never liked or enjoyed attending the club, 'cause I had never really fit in with the crowd. Mostly, there were only two types of members, the smug city slickers and stuck-up prigs on the male side and the materialistic gold diggers and vain trophy wives on the female side. Basically, different versions of Ortega and Shelly. Tihi! But wait! Materialistic and vain? Sounded like Jessie the B.I.M.B.O. Duh!

Truth be told, I had toyed with the idea of canceling my membership 'cause money issues. For the moment, though, I was kinda glad that I hadn't gone through with it as the country club was the purr-fect location to tout our cocktail party. Anyhow, I first had to secure the place, hadn't I? That was why I dressed kinda conservative even though I totally despised it. In the end, I opted for a somewhat simple white minidress that ended just above my knees with a pair of black, lace stockings to hide my nude legs.

Grin and bear it, diva! The goal's to meet our girlfriends without scaring them off. Boohoo, chica! Our new babies are totally hidden. That's too boring and half-assed. Hold your horses, bimbo band! We can strike a balance. Let's add some flashy yet unrevealing details.

See? The calm anchor at work. It helped me keep the bimbo band in check 'cause compromises. After all, T.ogether E.very part A.chieved M.ore, right? That was why I chose a jacket with a faux fur hood. Flashy? Check! Unrevealing? Check!

On my way into the country club, I ran into the security guard called Tucker. He was the most ill-mannered dude I had ever met and that meant lots, what with the men I was hanging out lately, right? The dude always made sure to check the ladies' IDs and membership cards way too long so he could eye them up super lewdly. What a creep! Today, however, he was too busy with some preparations for a big event.

Pout, damsel! Totally flying under the radar here! Any attention's better than no attention. Gross, vulg-ho! That's the creepiest dude ever. Steady, bimbo band! We're on a mission here! No flashing our silicone valley or tossing our bottle blonde tresses unless it helps lure in a businessman!

Bad thingie? As the big event was about to take place the next weekend, the preparations were well advanced. For this reason, we couldn't book the club for our cocktail party. Dang! I had attended this annual gala called 'Monte Carlo Ball' once before. It had been the most overblown, pompous extravaganza ever, so much so that I had sworn to never take part in any comparable event again. Yet, here I was planning a ball just like it. Duh!

What a flop! What a setback!

Snap, chica! Can you say drama! Time to panic! Jeezus, diva! We never liked the location in the first place. Now, we can dodge that janitor creep. Focus, bimbo band! We need a solid idea for a location and sexy seduction to secure it.

In fact, teamwork was of the essence here. In reality, however, it would be practically impossible to find a replacement on such short notice, no matter my seduction skills. That was why I had to clutch my necklace to keep myself from going into hysterics 'cause calm anchor. Phew!

Silver lining? Even if I had failed to book the premises, I still managed to get a buncha local high society ladies to agree to attend the cocktail party. How? By telling them that it was a test run for the 'Monte Carlo Ball'. So clever, diva! So bold, chica! Such planned audacity, bimbo band! Oh, I also told them that it was a 'Bad Taste Ball', so I could dress in one of my super skimpy, super saucy bimbo outfits without making myself too conspicuous. Totally savvy, vulg-ho! Totally daring, damsel! Total rash intent, bimbo band!

Phew! That had been hard work, so much so that I felt stressed already. Anyhoo, I first had to tell Sir Da-Rod about my failure to secure the location. Then we had to come up with some new ideas for a venue. Gasp! It was so much more hard work that it left me really exhausted.

For this reason, I made off to a wellness center to get an awesome massage while D-Rod headed off to meet important men to find the right location. Actually, I was kinda glad that I didn't have to do that exhausting and strenuous stuff. By contrast, I could really use the quiet and relaxation. After all, I had to be the hottest host and bestest broker at the party. I had to be really relaxed to pull off all the socializing 'cause it was all about matchmaking to find the right partners for LGZ. That would be stressful enough.

-- Friday --

After my wellness day, I woke up all refreshed. D-Rod was still busy organizing stuff for the cocktail party, so I was on my own for the day. Again! Anyhow, we had another long phone conversation where he told me that one of my business contacts had stepped in and offered to provide his house for the cocktail party. Yay! One less worry! That party saver also had a catering service at his disposal, so I didn't have to mind that stuff either. Yay! Yay! No more worries!

As a result, I didn't have any kinda assignments for the day, so I decided to do what a bimbo does best. What exactly? Shopping! Duh! After all, most of the clothes that fit my new 36f bust came from the adult store. As I was a full-blown bottle blonde with black undertones nowadays, I focused on two looks that suited my hairstyle.

First, all thingies pink! I chose several super cute pink minidresses, some slashed and some skintight. Along with them, I also bought a few skimpy pink crop tops, some with zip-up front and some spandex. So sweet! Second, all thingies animal print! I selected several outfits in Leopard print, like a corset and wetlook leggings. On top of that, I bought a few outfits in Cheetah-style, like a bolero jacket and mini skirt. So roarrr!

-- Saturday --

After two days without lotsa attention or sexual activities, I was getting super edgy and agitated. That was why I spent most of my time trying out different outfits, 'cause I was way too hyped for my new clothes not to use them. After all, they were purr-fect for the 'Bad Taste' motto, weren't they? However, I had bought way too many clothes to use on a single day or party or whatever.

Heads up, diva! We so can't overshoot the mark 'cause brilliant broker! Come on, chica! Gotta set a good example 'cause 'bad taste' motto. For fuck's sake, bimbo band! Let's strike a balance 'cause T.ogether E.very doll A.chieves M.ore.

Okie! Compromise was the topic of the day. That was why I combined several styles. As the super tight and extra flimsy spandex had worked purr-fectly before, I put on the neon pink spandex crop top that barely ended underneath my boobastic boobies and sported huge 'Fabulous' lettering across my fat fake funbags. You content, diva?

In addition, I paired it with the vinyl Cheetah-print mini skirt that was tight but not too short as it reached down to my knees. On top of that, I wore the Cheetah-print bolero jacket that just about covered my nippies and somewhat shielded my monster melons. You satisfied, chica?

To round off my style mix, I had found the purr-fect boots. Actually, I had spent lotsa time driving around town to find them. Putting them on sufficed to make me feel all glittery and glammy. Why? Cause it was a pair of 7inch Cheetah print ankle boots with 3inch neon pink platform and stiletto heels. The special effect? The Cheetah upper had been made with a shimmering print whereas the platform and heels were sprinkled with glitter. Content and satisfied, bimbo band!

There was never too-much accessorizing, so I kept the ring harness on my right hand and the ring bracelet on my left hand. Remember them? The ring harness comprised two golden chains that connected a golden ring on my forefinger and pinky. The golden ring bracelet consisted of a wristband linked to a ring over my middle finger by a golden chain. Totally unique and stylish! Totally shiny and flashy!

As I had already worn those two accessories before, I added some more rings to change stuff up. With my right forefinger and pinky already blinged out, I put two golden knuckle rings on my right middle and ring finger. With the wristband connected with a golden ring on my left middle finger, I added the golden 'cunt' band to my left pinky and the broad gold band to my left thumb. Of course, I didn't leave off the golden zipper-shaped clit piercing and the golden necklace with ruler 'cause calm anchor. So sassy, vulg-ho! So trashy, damsel! So ready, bimbo band!

In the end, I was geared up way too early, so I had to wait for D-Rod's arrival. As I was kinda nervous about the whole matchmaking mission for LGZ, I spent the rest of the time in fronta the mirror, checking me and my outfit from every angle. I even shot some selfies and sent them to Sir Da-Rod as appetizers. Tihi!

When the doorbell finally rang, I totally raced to the door despite my sky-high Cheetah-style platform heels. Grabbing the doorknob, however, I hesitated. I was so super nervous, almost like anxious and panicky. I so wanted to make the purr-fect impression for my man.

That was why I got myself into position first. Leaning against the doorframe, I pulled my cheetah jacket aside and flexed my back to make my new bosom buddies stick out to the max. With the new super size, it wasn't really hard to put my babies into focus. Tihi! Putting a long, fake stiletto nailtip at my inflated lower lip and twirling a strand of bottle blonde highlights, I tried to emphasize all my bimbofications. In purr-fect position, I let the door swing open super slowly.


My cheers got stuck in my throat and my smile froze on my face.

"Hey dollie, did you miss me?" I got greeted. "I'm your driver for the day."

Did you recognize the pet name? It wasn't a name D-Rod had ever used. As if! It was Justy! My former intern! Gulp!

"Yeah, I know. You expected someone else to show up, didn't you?" He chuckled when he saw my astonishment. "D-Rod was too busy, so he sent me."

Um... That was coming outta the blue! That was a development I hadn't expected. That was why I looked totally confused and bewildered.

I was ready to turn this into a drama! For real, chica! However, I clutched my pearls, or more like my necklace, instead. For sure, diva! There had to be some kinda explanation after all. For a fact, bimbo band!

"No worries, dollie! D-Rod's making final arrangements. You'll meet him at the location." My ex-intern reassured me while he strolled into my house without so much as waiting for an invitation.

"Who the fuck cares! You ready? Cuz I ain't got all day." He quickly dropped the nice act and returned to being the prick I knew.

"You should be ready 'cause you look like you just finished your shift at the street corner, you cheap-ass hoe!" Justy told me while mustering me from head to toe in his typically friendly way. "Actually, take that back. You look fucking different!"

"Fuck! If that ain't no boobjob if I've ever seen one!" He exclaimed with a whistle. "Show me, bitch!"

Jeezus, diva! Justin's still a sleazy bastard. We're not here to meet some ex-intern's approval. See it as a chance, chica! He's noticing our beautifications and praising our huge efforts! He deserves a treat! Come on, bimbo band! We're still at home. So let's give him a quick peek and be done with it.

There was no denying that the youngster's attentiveness struck a chord in me. For this reason, I presented my new-and-improved hardware in the bestest way ever. Shaking my shoulders and gyrating my hips, I slipped the jacket off super sexily before lifting my top over my bosom buddies.

"Damnit, dollie! Those fake fuckin' fleshcans are fire!" Justy was super thrilled. "For fuck's sake! Each sack-of-meat's bigger than my head! Or should I call them sacks-of-silicone? Hehehe!"

"With that size, they're way beyond general terms like boobs. Gotta say it as I see it! Those are fuckin' jugganauts!" He added all over the moon.

Seriously, vulg-ho? Sacks-of-silicone? Total eye-roll! Nevermind, damsel! Let's drink in the compliments. Total praise. Come on, bimbo band! We settled on quick and dirty.

"Now, that's dedication." Justy was getting in the mood. "I bet you gotta do back exercises now, just to give random dudes a better view."

Oh Lordy! Could he read my mind or stuff? He was right 'cause the weight was constantly pulling on my shoulders. It didn't really matter 'cause I was totally fine with doing back exercises. After all, no great thingie ever came easy. The end result was totally worth it. Actually, the way dudes saw it as dedication to bimbotainment made it that much better!

"Whatever, bitch! I require payment for the drive, of course."" My ex-intern was only getting started.

What a surprise... not! Actually, it totally fit the dude's character. Yet, I hadn't expected to meet the slimeball today 'cause the internships had ended last week. For some reason, D-Rod musta felt like he was the right dude to assist us. The way he was checking out my bosom buddies and leering at my prominent curves, it started to feel that way for me too. Making my skin tingle, it basically squashed any reservations.

"Oh Justy! Ain't you, like literally, super pleasant 'n super nice. Just as always!" I responded kinda sarcastically.

What a surprising reaction... not! After all, I was determined to keep the bimbo band together. I guess I had learned some stuff from my last bimbo adventures, as in how to get attention in a safe space. That was why I was trying to rile him up while we were still inside my house.

"What kinda payment can a cheap-ass cunt offer anyway?" Justy asked, already sounding a bit more aggressive.

Oh, I totally knew a buncha methods. Yet, I didn't get to suggest any.

"Whatever! I ain't got time to waste. All I want for now is for you to jerk me off, dollie!" My ex-intern cut me off as he produced his dick. "When I cum, you'll lick it up. Gettit!"

Okie, fine! It wasn't like it would be the first time I ever sucked his cock. Besides, I could easily make short work of his dick. Mostly, though, all of it would happen in my house. Just as planned! Just as the bimbo band had ordered!

There was an obstacle, however. A stumbling block I noticed only now 'cause I had been distracted by his compliments. Duh! What it was? Justy hadn't closed the door. Dang! What was more? There was a glass block wall on each side of the door, 'cause I really liked the light and brightness it brought to my hallway. Right now, however, it offered a perfect view from the street. Darn!

Nevermind! This wasn't a thingie my dream team couldn't fix. I could always lure the sleazy dude away from the hallway with some sexy moves. I didn't get very far, though, as my ex-intern grabbed my arm and rudely pulled me down onto my knees. Oh fudge! Better to get going before some unforeseen event happened, like my neighbors walking by or stuff. So, I reached out to caress his prick.


The blow stopped me in my tracks with my left cheek glowing in pain. Ouch!

"I see, as stupid as ever, bimbo ditz." Justy chided me. "You think you bought these jugganauts for nothing?"

"That cleavage gotta be wet before you jerk me off, dollie!" He instructed me sharply.

"Get spitting, bitch! Or you want my fingers down that throat? Your fake dick-suck-lips look like their screaming to get crammed anyway."

Oh Lordy! Was that a hidden compliment about my fabulous fakebags and inflated pouty trout? As if! It didn't sound pleasant or kind at all. Anyway, I was too determined to be dissuaded that easily. That was why I acted all obedient and drove two fingers down my throat. I had endured enough skull drillings to know how to get the gagging going. So I pushed my fingers straight past my uvula and kept them down my gullet until I started choking. After all, this was supposed to be over quickly, right?

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