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Jim Cox's Summer of Sex Ch. 01


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Putting his dishes in the sink he turned and found his mother standing behind him in her long cotton robe, "Hey Mom; when Dad finishes I'm gonna' shower and hit the sack."

"Alright honey, I told your Aunt Jane that you'd be up tomorrow, probably about 10; so you get a good night's sleep." She gave him a quick hug before leaving for bed.

Leaning against the kitchen sink he heard the shower stop and then his father opening the bath room door followed by his footsteps past the stairs to his bedroom. Jimmy sighed then went around to the bathroom. Once inside he stripped tossing his clothing into the dirty clothes bin and stepped into the shower.

He wanted to jack off to images of his Aunt Jane naked but he was deeply tired so he simply leaned against the shower wall until the water began to turn cold. Toweling off and brushing his teeth he opened the door and walked into the hall naked, 'why bother, nobody can see me,' he thought. And then he heard it, the sounds of sex, low moans and regular grunts, deep grunts.

He stepped softly to his parents' bedroom door and very gently turned the knob. Easing it open just a crack he could see his father's back and naked bottom as he pounded into his mother. There was just enough moonlight filtering in through their window that he could easily identify his mother's naked legs up high on his father's back. Pushing his head in a little more he could see the side of her right breast and her hands as they grasped the headboard.

As if on automatic pilot his hand found his swollen cock stroking it rhythmically, following his father's regular in and out. His father shifted position, rotating his hips appearing to use his cock to stir his mother's pussy pot. When he moved his mother's face came into the light, 'she looks so happy,' he thought.

Just then she opened her eyes, looked directly at him and smiled a sweet loving smile. He immediately moved from the door and upstairs to bed where he splattered his chest with pulse after pulse seeing his mother smiling in his mind's eye.

Opening his eyes the next morning he lay there a moment attempting to develop a plan to deal with his mother seeing him standing in the doorway naked watching her last night; nothing came to mind. Finally, he walked to his door quietly and listened. The house was very quiet and the sun was well up, 'fuck it, she must be gone' he thought and went downstairs naked into the bathroom. He stood in front of the toilet and pissed a mighty stream, 'fuck man, it feels so good to piss,' he thought.

He stood there a minute before shaking it off and leaning down to wash his face. Looking in the mirror he dried his face, combed his hair, "Not too bad Jim; maybe a little Janie pussy today!'

He gave his cock a few strokes to stretch it out a little, and then walked boldly into the kitchen.

Ellen Cox sat quietly drinking coffee at her kitchen table. It was nearly 10 am; she'd been waiting quietly for nearly an hour. 'I wonder if he's ever going to wake up,' she thought. 'Oh well Miss Ellen, patience will out.'

She looked him over carefully from his freshly combed hair to his toes and back to his lovely thick cock, 'He's become a fine young man and he has a great looking cock ... stop it Ellen, that's your son, just forget about it!' she thought. Jimmy was startled, her presence was unexpected. She smiled when he blushed from his belly all the way up to his hairline, 'So sweet,' she thought.

He stood there for a moment shocked to see her before dropping his hands over his cock, "Oh Mom, I'm sorry ... I thought you'd gone out ..."

She smiled, "Honey, I thought I told you I've seen a young man in the morning before. You have a lovely penis, no need to be ashamed." Her voice was warm and reassuring.

He slowly dropped his hands and relaxed a little; however, his cock ignored the need to relax as it grew harder and full. His mother smiled as she saw it throb softly, then she rose walked over to him and patted the top of his cock like a friendly dog.

"You can run around naked anytime you want baby, it's alright with me; I am not easily embarrassed. But, you might want to take care of your little man before he busts."

He looked at her incredulously, "Who are you and what have you done with my mother." She rewarded him with a deep full laugh.

"Baby, has your father ever talked to you about sex?"

He thought for a moment, "When I was 13 or 14 maybe, something about the birds and the bees. All of us boys at school got most of it from Coach Sampson in Health Class."

"Oh Dear Lord! Alright then, just between you and me, feel free to be naked, but I don't think your father would approve, so that's just between us. Oh yes, if you decide to stay naked be sure and put a towel on the furniture before sitting down. We all have ... ah ... emissions, so use a towel. OK?"

Jimmy could only nod in amazement.

"Really mom, you don't mind?"

She laughed softly, "I'm not the prude you might think. Just mind your manners. Now, I'm going over to the supermarket at Planters Corners. Is there anything you want?"

He still looked confused, "Umm, not that I can think of ... how are you getting there, I thought Dad was taking the truck?"

She smiled, "Mrs. Perkins gave me her car keys, we can use it anytime we want." She leaned in and kissed him on the cheek, then patted his still hard throbbing cock again, "Like I said, you might want to take care of that."

Mrs. Perkins lived just next door and was in her later 70's as was her old Chevy. Jimmy regularly washed it, gave it an oil change and a minor tune every few months, so he knew it was a dependable car even though it was as old as the hills.

He watched his mother wave as she went out the front door and suddenly felt a powerful sense of exhilaration. So much so, he literally jumped up and down, flopping his cock from side to side before standing over the kitchen table jacking off to a glorious cum blast.

"Oooooh shit, life is fuckin' great!" he shouted to the house and himself.


Although she was happy for Robert and Ellen, she was disappointed that Jimmy would not be able to be with her the next day. She slept fitfully and while Robert and Jimmy were working to finish his projects she fed Liz, Gracie and herself a big breakfast of pancakes, eggs and sausages; once fed they were off to watch children's television shows for most of the morning.

After pouring herself a hot cup of coffee Jean walked through the living room checking on her girls and then out to the back porch. She sat in the large wicker chair sipping her coffee and thinking about yesterday with Jimmy.

She thought, 'Did I really screw up ... he seemed happy and he was so sweet after. I so loved sex with him, so young and so hard ... umm, so good.' Her eyes wandered over the trees, just then her cousin Sophie came in with her own coffee.

"I see you helped yourself ..."

Sophie grinned, "I sure did, it smelled so good. Thanks for having it ready." There was warmth and humor in her voice.

"Where are the kids?"

"They're watching TV with your girls, all is good," Sophie said quietly. They sat quietly together enjoying the warm morning and old friendship. Finishing her coffee Sophie sat the empty cup on the bamboo side table.

"So dear cousin, tell me about Jimmy; you said you would."

Jean took a deep breath and took her time sharing every detail of her experience with Jimmy a complete description of his cock right down to the rosy red cockhead and coiled veins around his shaft.

Sophie was a quiet during Jean's telling, finally she said, "Is there another Jimmy around; I sure could use some real attention ..."

"Oh my God, your husband comes home at night and from what you've told me he can rock your world; what's the deal?"

"Jeanie, Randy works really hard and he's a great provider. He loves me and the kids, but life takes its toll. I still love him; it's the passion I miss. You know when a man can't wait to get his hands on you ... the heat and the rush ..." Sophie voice was wistful and her gaze was far away.

Jeanie reached out and put her hand on Sophie's, "I know Soph, I know."

After a moment Jeanie said, "Randy's not like Bill. He's faithful, but apparently Bill's not giving you what you need. Have you talked to him about it?"

"Oh NO, shit NO. He would go nuts. No, that's not a conversation we're gonna' have."

Jeanie sat for a moment and then replied, "So, are you serious about Jimmy? I mean if he was here right now with his big cock just bouncing in front of your mouth would you jump him or run away?"

Jeanie grinned broadly and quietly picked up her cup and Sophie's as she walked out to the kitchen for more. Sophie just shook her head ...


At the same time in a grimy, poor Southside Chicago neighborhood Darryl and Romero Kurtz sat naked on their bed finishing a small bowl of meth. The two were referred to as the "twins" in their neighborhood. Over the years they'd terrorized the old and weak. They were thought to be crazy with a complete lack empathy. Even the Rolling 6's street gang avoided confrontation; to their credit, the "twins" avoided problems with them as well.

Darryl was tall and lean with long arms and knobby hands while his younger brother Romero was just 5'6" thick and frighteningly strong. Obviously not twins but always seen together as though they were joined at the hip.

Romero's dark swarthy coloring and jet black hair was a marked contrast to Darryl's dirty blond hair and pale white skin. All their lives they'd been close and always acted together to terrorize their neighbors. Children learned to stay far away or face pain and humiliation at Darryl's instruction enforced by Romero. They called each other Romy and Dee.

Their mother Doris was a fulltime druggie and part-time hooker working truck stops and motel parking lots offering a $ 20 suck or a $ 30 suck and fuck. She had no idea who the boys' fathers were. Dee was the oldest at 23 and Romy the younger at 21. Her only concern was that they leave their sister Angela alone. Angie was 17, strikingly pretty in that way some mixed blood girls can be; really smart too. Doris hoped that she could have a good life if she could just get out of High School safe and go far away.

To placate the boys Doris started having sex with her sons 4 years ago when Angie began to fill out and mature. Whatever the boys wanted Doris would do just as long as they left Angie alone. So far her strategy had worked. Doris was still a handsome woman with a pleasant face and large abundant breasts. Tall nearly 5'9" and slender largely due to her drug use and resulting lack of appetite. Her long hair had been dyed red so long she no longer remembered the exact color of her youth.

Romy and Dee had spent the last hour playing with each other, at the moment Dee was sucking Romy's thick cock. As he approached his orgasm he pushed his brother off his cock, "Gotta' stop now Dee. I wanta' save it for mom. I love cumin' in her mouth, ya' know ..."

Dee looked up at him with bloodshot eyes, "Well then you suck me for a while, she ain't up yet." Romy giggled, it was an odd sound coming from such a big muscular man and then he sucked his brother's long thin cock into his mouth and down his throat.

Romy had little style but he made up for it with enthusiasm and suction, it didn't take long before Dee began trying to push his cock even deeper into Romy's mouth and then gushed streams of thick cum down Romy's throat. As he softened Romy pulled off and smacked his lips, "Dee, am I queer? I'm askin' because I just love the taste of cum ..."

"Naah, you ain't queer. You're not sucking any other guy are ya?"

"Nope, just you."

"Well that settles it. Let's go wake her up, I wanta' fuck her up the ass," said Dee.

The two men padded up the short hall past Angie's door. Romy stopped, "Hey man, let's bust this door and break Angie in proper. You could fuck her virgin ass and I could fuck her mouth; she can't get pregnant that way ... come on whatca' ya' say?"

Dee grinned a big snaggle toothed grin, "Naah, we made momma a promise. It's temptin' though huh? That girl sure is fine." He grabbed his brothers' arm and led them on down the hall to their mother's door.

Dee slowly turned the knob and swung it open. Doris lay on top of her sheets on the small bed. She was wearing a long dirty slip; laying there she had an innocence about her that evaporated when Romy reached out taking the edge of her slip in his big hands. He squeezed and then ripped it apart tearing it off her body. She flipped over on her back startled, her eyes wide, "What the fuck Romy?"

"We needs some pussy momma, you been sleepin' long enough," with that he grabbed her head and pulled her mouth to his hard cock. "Open up momma, I wanta' cum and then I want you to suck my balls till I get hard again." He was beside himself with excitement as he jammed his thick cock in her mouth, "Suck it momma, suck it!" ... and she did.

His cock wasn't long enough to reach her throat but its thickness filled her mouth. She had to calm herself and relax so that she could breathe comfortably while she licked and sucked his big cockhead. Every now and then she bit down enough to make him grunt, he liked it and she knew he'd finish quicker that way.

In the meantime Dee crawled up on the bed and twisted her naked bottom to the side so that he could work his cock into her asshole. There wasn't much resistance after many years of truck stop and parking lot sex. Many men and more than a few women had used her asshole for their pleasure, she was used to it. For Doris this was not sexual, it was simply more work. She used her body to help her sons get off; she felt almost nothing although she still savored a mouthful of hot cum. Doris thought of cum as power and she loved the taste.

Romy grunted out a large gush of cum and continued to fuck her face while she swallowed, "That's a good job momma; now suck my balls." He pulled back and flopped his ball sack in her face; to satisfy him she sucked first one and then the other testicle into her mouth and chewed each gently. She knew he felt some pain but he liked it.

Dee continued to pump into her rectum finally jetting hot watery cum up her ass. They lay quietly for a moment and then he pulled out crawling up behind her to snuggle while Romy blasted out two more streams. Then he too snuggled up to his mother on the other side; the two brothers reached across her body holding hands as they slipped off to sleep. Doris was trapped between them and then she too slept.

An hour later they stirred and the boys got up going to the kitchen. Both men loved coco puffs and poured large bowls to the top adding milk. They sat there naked eating when Angie walked through the kitchen carrying her backpack. Doris was making coffee and asked her, "Where you off to baby?"

Angie looked around the kitchen warily, "To the library, gotta' study." There was no warmth in her quiet voice or any love, only a sense of distance.

Wearing an old pink cotton robe her mother stepped close and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek, "You be careful baby." Angie only nodded and left quickly. For Angie, her home was only a little better than being on the street.

Every day she wondered if her brothers would attack her. She'd worked hard in her 3rd rate high school and done well with straight A's. Using a cheap commercial postal box she'd written colleges looking for scholarships; finally she'd been accepted at a small school in the Ozarks. It specialized in taking bright inner city kids on full scholarship. She only needed to graduate in December, a full semester early, and then she'd be gone forever. She'd told no one, it was her secret.

The "twins" made their money stealing anything not nailed down and extorting the weak and helpless, they liked it; but the money wasn't enough to get them to California. They dreamed and talked endlessly about sunny California. Recently Dee had gotten a job at a big steel wholesaler loading trucks; he was hoping to find a way to steal but nothing much presented.

He'd only worked for a couple of months and then he saw an opportunity. There was a fat cat sales guy who traveled all over the Great Lakes selling steel. He couldn't believe the kind of money this guy made and plus, he was fucking this fine blonde broad. She as some sort of assistant or something; shit sometimes she went on the road with him ... what a sweet deal.

The question was how did he turn this into some real money?

Talking with Romy one night in bed it came to him ... not the sales guy himself but from his family. Rumor had it he had a really fine old lady stashed out in the sticks in Illinois. Together they figured that he would pay some real cash for his old lady. One afternoon Dee managed to jimmy open a personnel file while everybody was celebrating some fat broad's birthday.

In the file he found the address and names of his wife and two daughters, telephone numbers, even this Bill guy's cell phone. He was certain this would turn into money. Over the next 3 weeks he and Romy poured over plans to grab the wife and kids and force the guy to pay to keep them safe. Dee thought $ 50,000 was a good number, but Romy argued that was not enough, so the plan was $ 100,000 cash. Rich guy like that, no sweat.

After breakfast Doris went out, "Just goin' out," she said.

Dee and Romy looked at each other, "You ready brother," asked Dee.

"Yes I am, let's get to gettin' California is waiting," said Romy.

The day before the brothers had found an unlocked plumbing van outside a residential housing project. With very little effort they were able to steal it and on the way home they stopped off at Gordy's Supply and Resale. He was a full time wholesaler and a part-time fence. In short order they were able to sell contents of the van to Gordy for $ 350 cash. At the time Dee laughed and told Romy, "Food and Gas for the trip!"

Two days before that the brothers went to the apartment of an elderly widow for their monthly $ 100 protection money. The money protected her from them. While they were there Romy tossed the place, looking behind things and in drawers where he found an old time Colt 45 and a box of bullets. At the time he held it up to Dee and said, "Lookie, Lookie here; don't need to buy one now!"

They packed two cheap backpacks with a few personal items and left, not bothering to look back, California beckoned.


The next morning while Jimmy was splattering a load on the kitchen table, Jeanie's cousin Sophie was picking up Gracie and Liz taking them to the Presbyterian Church in Centerville. The church was having a special camp for area children all day Saturday, Saturday night and until after church Sunday. Sophie told Jeanie yesterday, "This is perfect; with the kids in church we can entertain Jimmy. What do you think?"

Jeanie grinned shaking her head, "Soph, you're nuts; but I like it. You know we're gonna' paint naked ..."

Sophie grinned, "Do you think he'll go crazy seeing two naked women?"

Jeanie laughed; there was excitement and anticipation in the air.

Bright and early the next morning Sophie sent Randy off to his big job and gathered up the children and their backpacks. At Jeanie's she found Gracie and Liz eager and ready for their new adventure. The camp started at 9:00 am with breakfast and stories. By 10:15 Sophie was pulling into the drive, parking her Jeep Cherokee next to the kitchen side door.

Stepping into the kitchen she was greeted by a completely naked Jeanie with a fresh cup of coffee in her hand, "Fuck Jeanie; you don't waste any time ..."

Jeanie smiled, "I figured why wait; what about you?"

"Where do you want me to put my clothes?"

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