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Jim Cox's Summer of Sex Ch. 01


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I rolled up on my side and began to caress them only stopping to nuzzle her nipples, after a few minutes I felt her hands in my hair directing me further down. Then she stopped, "Jimmy, tell me the truth, are you a virgin?"

I stopped cold, "Yes."

"It's alright sweetie, nothing to be ashamed of. I just thought you might have gotten some from that Murphy girl. You guys goin' to the dances an all." There was no judgement in her voice, she was just talking to me like a friend, I liked it, it made me feel safe.

"Nope, Mary Kate is holding out for marriage. I got to feel her tits through her blouse, but no skin," I said.

She said, "Well that's how it goes in a small town; I was like that too. My folks made sure I was in church every Sunday and Wednesday night. They wanted a good girl and I tried my best until I met your Uncle Bill." She sighed a little and stopped talking for a moment.

"So Mary Kate is just giving you blue balls ... not so nice; don't you want to fuck her?"

"Well sure ... I mean, I'd rather be with you, um ..."

She caressed my cheek, "Honey, I'm just your side sweetie. You can always come to your Aunt Jane and get you sweet cock sucked and give her a good fucking. We just have to pick the right time and place. Do you understand?"

"Yes ma'am; I mean yes I do Janie," I was stuttering again.

She grinned at me, "So if you could fuck Mary Kate, you would; am I right?"

It felt like I blushed as I nodded confirming her question.

"Alright then, as I see it you have two problems. First, you are not very self confident and second, you need to learn how to make a woman crazy. I'll help you with both."

She looked at the uncertainty on my face as I stammered, "What? Well, OK, but you know my dick isn't all that big ..."

"Oh Jimmy, shut your mouth. Your cock, remember, it's not a dick! Your cock, is damn near perfect for starters, you just need practice." She was laughing when she finished.

"Dammit Janie, I shower with a dozen guys at school after Gym and a couple of those guys have dicks way bigger than mine." I was frustrated and nervous.

She moved from the side of the bed and patted the mattress at the middle so I moved. When I settled she said, "Honey, do you know how big your cock is?"

I was suddenly embarrassed, "Well, ah I ...umh ..."

She burst out laughing, "I'm not laughing at you baby; every man I've ever know could tell you the exact size of his cock. Just like every woman can tell you her exact bra size, even if she never wears one. Look at me baby; I'm a 36-C." She waggled her breasts back and forth. "My cousin Sophie's are only a 32; women are competitive too; you stay right there."

She bounded off the bed and across the big room to her sewing machine in the far corner, leaning down she pulled out a large metal chest filled with sewing notions and came rushing back carrying a small tape measure. Watching her gave my sore cock new life, up jumped the devil as they say.

Her breasts were amazing to watch, they swayed and jiggled as she crawled across the big King-sized bed. She reached out and stroked my cock a couple of times and then placed the metal tape end at the base of my cock and ran the tape up to the top, she squinted at the tape and look up at me said with a big grin, "7 and 1/8 inches!"

She tossed the tape off the bed and crawled on top of me brushing my chest with her hard red nipples. "Jimmy honey, 7 inches is a big cock and its damn near perfect, do ya' know why?"

I just shook my head, I really had no idea and I'm not sure I believed her.

She squatted over my legs situating herself so that her pretty brown haired pussy was nuzzling my stiff cock, "It's like this baby, a woman's pussy is only so deep. Not much more than 4, maybe 5 inches at most. It can expand a lot during sex but even so, a huge cock never feels all that good. I mean most women want to fuck a big one a time or two, but mostly we like 'em in the 6-7 inch range. Let's face it; very few women want a big cock banging the shit out of their cervix. It's a great fantasy but that's about it. You baby boy, are damn near perfect!"

"Janie, have you ever had a really big one?" I asked; my curiosity was up.

"Yes I have; you know Karl Klotzman at the Lumber Yard?"

I nodded that I did, his son was the big dick boy of our school. She grinned like a cat, "Well a few years ago at the Fall Festival your uncle and I were fighting and he took off with a couple of his friends. Karl had been watching and after Bill left, he came over and asked me if I wanted to fuck, just like that. So, I said yes, just like that."

"Baby, that man has a cock that's at least 10 inches long and nearly as big around as my wrist. We fucked like rabbits and it was fun; but, I'll never do it again, I was sore for a week. Forget that; give me a beautiful perfect cock like yours! Big enough to fulfill my dreams, but not so big that it hurts, at least not too much; it's nice and thick too!"

She began to rub herself on my hard, hard cock then she leaned forward and began to suck on my nipples. Strange, exciting and pretty great; then it happened ... she moved forward, lifted her hips and slid my cock right inside. It was almost indescribable ... hot, wet, tight, and wonderful. I could feel my cockhead rubbing against the rippled flesh inside ... oh my god it was almost beyond description.

Slowly she began to lift and fall, up and down, so wet and hot. I watched my cock from a whole new perspective. I could see the proud flesh of her pussy clinging to my cock shaft as she lifted herself and then folded itself back inside as she eased down. Her eyes were closed, her head thrust back, her nose flared as she breathed deeply ... I was mesmerized.

And then it began, she put her hands on my chest and leaned forward as she sped up, slamming herself up and down faster and faster until she began to shiver and her pussy clamped down on my cock, squeezing me until I gushed molten cum. It was the most wonderful moment of my life; she fell forward and lay quiet on my chest.

Not knowing exactly what to do, I put my arms around her and held her close. We lay like that for a good while until she stirred and began giving my chest little kisses, "Oh my sweet Jimmy, you are a lovely fuck."

"Janie, being with you today is wonderful. I never knew it could be so good; I was so scared and nervous but you made me feel safe ..."

She put her fingers on my lips, "Shush now, you deserve it. You're my man now." Her voice was warm and lush; it washed over me like warm water. She looked at the bedside clock, "Darn, look at the time, just when we were getting started. Time to get up sweetie, the girls will be back anytime and we wouldn't want them to find Cousin Jimmy with his pretty cock up in the air!" She laughed softly and patted my belly as she slid off the bed.

"Come on, help me clean up the bed and then you go toss the clothes in the dryer, we got about 30 minutes."

Working quickly we cleared away the mess, I put the clothes in the dryer and we slapped a complete first coat of paint on the remaining bedroom walls. Janie brought in the clothes warm from the dryer as I picked up the drop cloths and put up the unused paint.

She stood by the bed watching me, "You know, when you come back tomorrow to finish up we should paint naked, I like watching you move around naked."

Being around her that way I'd almost forgot about my nakedness, it was a sign that I was comfortable with her in a way I'd never have imagined.

"I like watching you too Janie, think we'd get much painting done?"

She grinned back at me, "Put your pants on Mister Big Stuff."

We both dressed quickly and walked out to the kitchen; just then the girls came racing up the front steps chattering a mile a minute about the mouse, the cat and the eagle. Apparently they'd seen an animated feature and loved it. I made my goodbyes and went out to my bicycle.

Cousin Sophie was leaning against the fender of her big Ford convertible, "You guys have a good time?" She had something of a smirk on her face when she said it.

"Well, it was painting and painting can be fun; why?"

"Just wondering," she said, still had that little smirk, "you be careful going home."

"Yes ma'am," I said and a little nudge of fear crept into my happiness.

The ride into town was uneventful; I wheeled up into our garage, parked and went inside. Mom was puttering in the kitchen as I opened the fridge to get a glass of tea. She turned toward me, looked me over and said, "My aren't we clean for painting all day ..."

"You know Aunt Jane, she's a neat freak," I said. "Why?"

"I just noticed you didn't have any paint on ya' that's why."

"Ah, trimming and holding the ladder mostly. I'm still pretty sweaty; do I have time for a shower before supper?" Pretty slick I thought.

I could smell the sex on me as I got in the shower and I wondered if Mom could smell it, probably not I decided. After a good scrubbing, I put on shorts and a clean t-shirt and went out to the kitchen. Supper was meatloaf, mashed potatoes and green beans with a fresh green salad.

We were traditional eaters; the food was hot and delicious. Dad, as usual, ate silently while Mom asked me about the new paint color. "Dark Fuchsia, kinda' purpley, kinda' ... pretty strange if you ask me," I said. Dad looked up and said, "You know your Aunt, it'll be something else next week."

Mom looked at him sharply, "Dan, don't be talking like that. She's bored, Lord knows there's lots of other things she could be doing." Dad snorted and took a bite of meatloaf and looked at Mom knowingly, she just shook her head. I wondered about their tone and worried a little.


Sophie Reynolds watched Jimmy ride off on his bicycle and thought, 'Damn that boy's a hot piece. He looks just like he's been gettin' laid ... I wonder.'

She shook her head to clear the image of Jimmy naked with a nice, big hard cock, 'Fuck Sophie, you better get Randy to give you some cock tonight ... shit, I'm horny.'

Walking up the steps and into the long narrow kitchen she saw Jane staring out the window with a peaceful satisfied look on her face and she knew; no question, Janie and Jimmy have been getting it on!

"Hey Cuz, is he as good as he looks?" she asked knowingly.

Janie snapped her head around, "What? What do you mean?"

Sophie laughed, "The kids are in the back playing, so it's just you and me Cuz ... you been fuckin' that boy haven't you. Don't lie to me now." There was envy and laughter in her voice.

Janie turned and walked through the house to the screened back porch and looked out over the raised backyard pool. She could just see the four kids in the trees about 20 yards from the house. It looked like they were playing tag or something like that.

She sat in a rattan chair and looked cautiously at Sophie, "Why would you say such a thing Soph?"

Sophie shook her head, "Cut it out Janie, you and I have known each other all our lives. Give me all the dirt ..."

Jane grinned guiltily, "All right, you got me. I caught him looking at my tits again today, I mean he's been looking for years; so I decided to let him see'um. I just pulled my shirt off and gave him the full treatment. He was so sweet, looked just like a deer in the headlights. He got so excited he blew a huge load in his pants, and well ... one thing lead to another."

Sophie leaned forward in her chair, "So, how was he, what'd it look like, you know ..."

Jane said, "Calm yourself, I'll tell you more later. For now, I'll tell you he's a natural pussy hound and he's packing a real nice rod; real nice."

All four children came running up the back steps thirsty and hungry, both moms began the process of dinner and drinks for their families.


Randy Reynolds was tired to the bone and it was late, nearly 9 o'clock. He'd been working on a small commercial building in Platzville, nearly 40 miles from home. Randy was the only licensed Master Electrician in 4 counties and he got lots of work, but still, long days and short deadlines were taking the life out of his 44 year old body ... he was tired.

When he finally saw the big farm light near his barn he felt relief wash over his bones. Maybe Sophie had kept dinner warm, it'd be nice to have a cold beer with dinner, get a bath and get to bed to sleep. Once in the house Sophie came into the kitchen giving him a big hug.

"It's nice to see you baby, welcome home," she said as she softly kissed him.

"Man, I am tired ..."

"Sit yourself down and I'll get you a beer and supper," she said patting his broad shoulders. He was a big man, burly with strong muscles and calloused hands. Taking smothered pork chops, scalloped potatoes and green peas from the warming oven she looked at him sitting there.

She thought to herself, 'I do love him, but I really miss the sex, shit-fuck-damn! He works so hard for us; I must be a bitch ...'

She served up large portions with a cold beer in a frosted glass, just the way he liked. Then she kissed him on the temple, "I love you baby, enjoy your dinner, the kids are in bed." Her voice was soft and warm and he felt relieved and safe at home.

While he ate she went into the master bathroom and drew a hot bath knowing how he loved to soak away the aches and pains of the day. Finishing she turned and looked at him standing in the door way naked. His broad shoulders and thick chest were covered with a fine nap of grey brown hair that ran smoothly down to his hips ending in a wiry pubic bush.

She reached out and fondled his short thick cock, "Put your fine self in the tub honey," she said. He smiled and stepping around her eased into the hot water, "You rest, I'll be right back," she said as she returned to the kitchen cleaning up the leftovers and dishes.

When she finished she slipped off her clothes and walked naked into the bathroom. His head lay back on the tub's high edge; he was asleep. She smiled to herself, dipped a wash cloth into the warm soapy water and gave herself a quick wash. After toweling dry she knelt by the tub slipping her hand into the water until she found his cock. She began softly stroking, rubbing and fondling his sleeping meat. Quickly, very quickly his meat grew hard and straight and then gushed thin streams of sperm into the bathwater.

Randy's eyes popped open and he smiled widely, "Thank you baby that was real nice, I do love you." He leaned to her, kissing her lips softly and then struggled to his feet. She patted his belly and taking a towel helped him dry off.

As he stepped onto the bathtub rug she slapped his hard bottom, "Get in bed, I'll clean up here." By the time she finished and got to bed he was sound asleep, snoring loudly.

Talking to herself she said aloud, "Well fuck Sophia; no cock for you tonight ... shit!"

She stood and looked at him for a time and then moved to her dressing chair. Seating herself she opened a deep drawer next to her chair and took out a vibrator. It was large, 8 inches long with a thick knobbed head that rotated when engaged. To make things even better there was a small thumb like appendage that was designed to stimulate her clitoris when it was fully inserted.

Sophie loved her vibrator; she named it "Rocky" because she fantasized it was Sylvester Stallone when she pounded in and out. Just thinking about it caused her to become wet. It took only a few minutes of light caresses and slippery fingers to get ready for "Rocky."

She clicked the base to the vibrate position, flicked the On Switch and it came to life in her hand. The knobby head was about 4 inches long and over 2 inches thick; it began to slowly rotate while she rubbed it up and down her wet slit. Then she gently pushed it into her throbbing hole until she could feel the thumb begin to stimulate her clit.

Spreading her legs, she leaned back and using her right hand began to move "Rocky" in and out while the fingers of her left hand began pinching and pulling her small pink nipples. Soon the room began to heat up and deep moans slipped from her lips until she slammed it all the way home clamping her thighs together trapping "Rocky" as he continued to vibrate and stimulate her through a serious orgasm. After a minute or two she could no longer stand the stimulation and allowed it to slip out and fall to the carpet.

Resting for a moment she caught her breath, reached down and turned "Rocky" off. She sat quietly for a few minutes more and then went to the bathroom wiping and patting her pussy dry, cleaning her little friend she returned him to his drawer. She was asleep next to Randy in just seconds; it was good deep sleep.


"Jimmy, come on now, wake up ..."

Jimmy rolled over in his sheets and looked up into his mother's blue eyes. Squinting in the darkness he said, "What's up Mom?"

"You need to get up; your Dad needs your help. He's got three jobs that need to be done today; so come on, up ..."

Tossing back his sheet Jimmy slide to the edge of the bed, in so doing his boxer shorts twisted and his very hard cock slipped out pointing up proudly. He didn't realize it while he stretched, then he saw his mother staring fixedly at his hard cock. He looked at her, "Oh shit Mom, I'm sorry ..."

She looked up at him quickly, "It's alright honey, not to worry, it's not the first time I seen a young man in the morning." She smiled and turned to leave.

He watched her walk away with a new interest. He'd never thought of his mother as a sexual being before and somehow that thought triggered the few times he'd glimpsed a bare breast or a naked thigh in their small home. He stood slipping off his boxers, picked them up and stood proudly in the middle of his little bedroom jacking off nice and slow. It didn't take long until he blew streams of hot, thick cum into the crumpled underwear.

Dropping the wet boxers into his laundry basket he thought about going to breakfast showcasing his cock to his mother ... 'nope, Dad would kick his ass; still it might be fun sometime.' Dressing quickly he went down to breakfast; bacon, eggs, toast and fresh tomatoes ... nice.

"Dad, I'm supposed to finish painting with Aunt Jane today, what's up?"

Dad smiled happily, an unusual event in the morning, "I got a job offer yesterday; a damn good one, but I need to finish up the ones I have now so I can take it." He was clearly pleased.

His Mom turned from the sink and patted her husband on the shoulder, "Tell him honey; I'm so proud of you," and she smiled broadly.

Dad shifted in his chair, "OK then, last night I got a call from Better-A-Construction. They operate out of Chicago; anyway I supervised the construction of an executive lake house over to Crane Lake last year. Anyway, it seems he loved the work, they need a Project Supervisor for a series of Townhomes just outside west Chicago ... and I'm the guy they want."

"Holy Shit Dad, that's great!"

"Jimmy, words!" his mother admonished him.

"Sorry Mom, sorry; but still, Dad that's great. Is it good money?"

"It's better than good, it's great. Not as good as your Uncle Bill's, but still great," he said happily.

In the background Jimmy heard his mother talking to Aunt Jane, there was laughter and genial conversation. He had hoped for more of yesterday, but he was needed.

Much later that evening he and his Dad pulled into the driveway. It was after 9:00 pm and they were tired, really tired. Getting out of the truck his Dad told him to unload all the tools and put them in the garage, "After all, I'm off to Chicago tomorrow and like as not somebody'd steal anything that's not nailed down."

When he finished he found supper on the table, Macaroni and Ham Casserole, a side of green salad and a big glass of milk. He could hear the shower running and knew his Dad was washing up from the day. He thought to himself, 'He must have inhaled his dinner, but why not.'

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