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Jim Sees Dead People! Ch. 01

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Introduction and a threesome.
4.3k words

Part 1 of the 9 part series

Updated 10/21/2022
Created 10/23/2013
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Note: The characters and events in this story and any subsequent chapters are purely fictitious, any similarities to a real person is coincidental and unintended. Any and all sex in this story is between characters over the age of 18. No actual vampires were abused at any time. This story is part Fantasy, Polyamory, Harem, Romance, Violence etc....

Chapter 1 -- Introduction

My name is Jim Hicks. I am pretty much just a regular guy. I am nineteen years old and in my second year of college. There is one strange thing about me though. I have always been very sensitive to the other side. Ghosts, demons, angels, vampires and other things are all real. I can feel them when they are near, even if I can't see them. Well I can see the vampires of course, just not Ghosts, Demons and Angels.

Not as useful as you would think, I do not remember ever not feeling them, their presence around me undeniable. Sometimes they can communicate to me in my dreams, pass along messages to loved ones. I don't make a habit of this. I don't want to end up in the funny farm or have a long line of ghosts at my bed while I sleep. I believe I know what happened to allow me this insight, but there is no way to prove it.

According to what I was told it was a cold November evening a few weeks after my birth, there was ice on the ground in the hospital parking lot and my father lost control of his vehicle, with me, a newborn, in the back seat. You see, I died that night, for 20 minutes before I was resuscitated. Marie however, the young baby girl in the other car, did not survive. Sometimes I think she stuck around and stayed with me, sometimes even I think I am nuts however.

Now I can't prove it, because for my whole life I can sense when a ghost or other supernatural creature is near. If it has enough power I can even hear them on occasion, but mostly just through my dreams.

This however was the day everything would change, as I in desperation for money signed up for drug testing, a new psychotropic drug that was supposed to open up your mind to make treating the insane easier or some such crap. I didn't really read the paper on it.

In fact I didn't read anything past the 200 dollar promised payment for playing lab rat for these folks. Something I would come to both regret and be thankful for in the coming days. I got to the lab around 4pm. They would keep me overnight so I had a pair of sweats and a t-shirt in a bag to change into for comfort. There were a couple of other people here but no one I knew.

Probably here for the same reason, in college and desperate for cash, after all why else would someone subject themselves to trial medication with unknown side effects? I changed in the back room and was called out. A really hot lab assistant named Mia tied me down to the bed in the leather restraints. I'll admit that made me a little nervous, that restraints were necessary.

Perhaps I should have read the warnings on the trial, but I did not. I tried to flirt a bit, making a lame joke about being tied up, but she just smiled politely and excused herself. Oh well, just trying to pass the time anyway, it came more from nervousness than my libido.

At 5pm sharp she came back with the medicine, told me it would last for 12 hours. She also made sure I understood how to use the call button, but that she and the professor would come by my bed 4 times an hour anyway so I was to only use it during a real emergency.

I remember getting the drug, but after that it's kind of fuzzy. I remember bright lights, people talking around me and bugging me all night. I had thought it was only going to be Mia and the professor, guess not. I regained control of my mind around 4am and I was completely exhausted. Mia didn't look to hot either when she walked in to check on me.

I said to her, "Hey, how did it go, I don't really remember much, just bright lights, voices... How many people did you bring around anyway?"

Mia replied as if I was crazy, kind of in a monotone, "Well, you didn't react well to the medication. Instead of opening up your mind to the possibilities so we could evaluate your sanity you had quite a few hallucinations, a couple of them bordering on violent."

I actually felt guilty when I saw how much she looked bummed about it, "Geez, sounds creepy, I hope I didn't throw off your stats, I assume a certain percentage had that reaction?" I was hopeful anyway.

Mia shook her head, "No, some vomiting, headaches, a few people had muscle spasms. You are the only one to hallucinate. It does throw off the results quite a bit."

Mia bit her lip and asked, "I don't suppose you have a family history of mental illness? Specifically hearing voices and hallucinations?"

I was offended by her hopeful voice, as if that would be a good thing. "No, no family history."

I left out the fact that I had been feeling the presence of ghosts all my life, after all she didn't ask about that, and I didn't feel like going through a mental exam for competency. I did that once when I was younger and a teacher caught me talking to thin air, one of those powerful beings I could hear on occasion. The testing almost drove me crazy...

Mia nodded looking disappointed that I wasn't a loon and walked out of the room while another woman walked in. It was at that moment I knew I was fucked. My life had irrevocably changed due to this medication.

I have already shared that I have dreams from ghosts, but I didn't mention the details. I was never sure if she was really a ghost or just hormones. I had been having dreams about Marie my whole life, the other baby, the one that died that night when I was just a newborn on my way home from the hospital.

She grew up with me, we used to play all the time in my dreams, we still hang and talk in my dreams to this day, but I was never sure she was real, because frankly she is so damned beautiful and sweet I figured my subconscious horny male mind made her up.

She had long flowing brown hair and twinkling hazel eyes. A beautiful face, the kind on a super model, but her body was a different story. No petite skinny no weight to her at all crap, which is seen as popular now. She wasn't fat either though, she was..... Curvy. If she was alive she would be wearing size 12 clothes. She was all woman, C cup breasts, a small waist then big hips and a really nice ass.

So back to the knowing I was fucked part, because as Mia was walking out it was my Marie that was walking in. She looked amazing. She took me in then smiled, I got the feeling she was relieved I had come out of whatever it was last night and appeared to be fine now.

She turned to look over my shoulder and said, "Hey Nikki, he looks much better this morning, don't you think. I can't believe he saw us for real, but was too messed up on that drug to really have a conversation with. I'm so relieved he is okay."

My head snapped around and looked up at a pretty blonde dressed in all white when I heard her say, "Yeah, he even saw me, even though it's supposed to be impossible for a mortal to see his guardian angel."

Nikki's voice sounded like velvet, she was short, about 5'2", her face had a pixyish look to it. Her eyes were storm gray. Despite the rest of her body looking 19 or 20, the eyes had an ancient look. They shone with wisdom and experience beyond my comprehension.

Her blond hair was cut shoulder length. Normally I don't like short hair except on some rare few exceptions when I thought it looked hot. She was one of the few exceptions. She had a petite figure and her B cups looked perfect on her. Any bigger would just look wrong.

I looked away from Nikki back to Marie, my Marie. My best friend I had told all too in a very anti guy like fashion. She knew everything about me. I figured either fake or dead, so who could she tell right? Well, almost everything, I never told her she was beautiful. She is dead after all, talk about a dysfunctional relationship, not being able to touch. So I just never went there.

Let's just say having a crush on your dream girl when she is nothing but a dream girl while you're in the animal house called Jr. and Sr. high is depressing. I actually played possum for a bit, pretending I couldn't hear them talking about me. I was busy listing the options in my head.

I was either nuttier than a fruitcake and the drugs made it worse somehow, or something happened to me when I died to open myself up to the other side, and the drug just gave it a major boost, kicked the door open so to speak.

The other reason I didn't acknowledge them was simple, I was still tied down for the next 30 minutes or so, and I was betting the room was being recorded. After coming down from the medicine I would rather not interact with my ghost or guardian angel, at least until I am in private and can avoid a one way ticket to crazy town.

I noticed Marie looked depressed because she didn't think I could see her anymore, I imagine it would be pretty lonely. I'm curious why she would be stuck with me though, seems like that would be a punishment. She doesn't know either, obviously we talked about it in my dreams a number of times trying to figure it out. She has always said she doesn't mind following me around though.

I'm surprised they didn't catch on though, Marie was very smart. I certainly turned around to check out my angel more than once, maybe they thought I was looking at the clock, or out the lab window where false dawn was starting. By the time 5am rolled around I was almost out of patience. Finally Mia came back in and released the restraints, had me sign some paperwork saying I got paid and handed me 200 bucks.

"Thanks, good luck with the trials," I said on my way out the door.

That's when a guy ran at the door to get inside, dressed in a football uniform. He was running like I wasn't even there so I got out of his way, or tried to anyway. I was shocked when he ran right through me. I started shivering from the sudden cold. I looked around and sighed in relief that I was alone, or at least there weren't any other living people nearby to witness my crazy.

This would be an issue if I didn't get a handle on it fast, I would need to learn how to identify ghosts quickly, either that or live with a nut label. That was always an option. I paused for a moment examining my senses of the area, concentrating more on Nikki and Marie. With the angel it was harder, but it didn't take much effort to sense the energy around Marie, once I was open to it anyway.

It's hard to explain, it feels a little like the feeling you get with static electricity, before you touch it and cause a spark. Feels like... Potential rather than solid. Goose bumps on the skin and all that, raises the hair up, but only the feeling of all that in my mind, I didn't actually get goose bumps.

Eventually I got back to my dorm room. My roommate was out, which was a good thing. I turned to Marie and said in a low voice, "Hey beautiful, hope I didn't do or say anything too dumb last night. But apparently whatever that drug did I can now bask in your beauty during my waking hours."

Marie's mouth dropped open in surprise, not at the silly flirting, we always do that. One thing she never talked about though was my guardian angel, so I really freaked her out when I turned to the angelic pixie and said, "Nikki, I hope your well. Any idea what has happened to me?"

I admit when I went for nonchalant I failed badly. Bad jokes and humor always seem to spring to my thoughts when I am nervous. Luckily it doesn't happen too often, or at least not until today that is.

I shake my head in mock sadness, "I finally get a couple of hot babes in my room and I can't even touch them."

Apparently rendered speechless but still having motor control Marie takes a playful swipe at me. To the intense shock of all three of us, we heard the smack of flesh against flesh as her palm hit my arm.

I say, "ummm, how..... BTW, the office thing pretending I couldn't see you was because of the cameras."

Nikki nodded absently at my apology, her wise ancient gray eyes showing confusion.

She said, "I'll be right back, need to find someone that knows about this sort of thing."

I hardly noticed what Nikki said and that she left, I was still staring at Marie in amazement. Slowly, with trembling nerves, I reached out and took her hand. Her hand was warm and solid, at least to me it was. I had expected icy and cold, but nope. I watched as she ran her other hand through the wall.

I pulled her to me and gave her a hug, smiling I looked down at her and she looked nervous.

"I know this is weird Marie, I don't understand it yet either. And who knows if it will last." I caressed her cheek with the back of my fingertips and said, "But this is a priceless gift, to be able to touch you, something I have wished for a long time. Tell me Mare, what's wrong?"

At least that drew a smile from her. Mare is what I called her when we were little toddlers, when two syllables just weren't in the cards. When my body finally caught up to my brain I was overwhelmed with the urge to kiss her. I was only able to fight it due to my concern for her, she was already freaking out, as far as I could tell anyway.

Marie smiled up at me, "I am worried about what this means and if it puts you in any danger. Feeling your touch is... Wonderful, amazing, I fell in love with you years ago you know. I am just waiting for the other shoe to drop."

Then she gave me my desire, she reached around my neck and pulled me down to her face. Her lips touched mine as I wrapped her in my arms, caressing her long brown silky hair as our lips explored each others.

At the time I didn't think about right or wrong, the possible dangers or if it would last. The thought she was a ghost never even crossed my mind. All I knew, all my body knew, was my best friend, the most beautiful girl I had ever seen, the girl I had quietly fallen in love with long ago, was now impossibly in my arms.

Her warm soft lips were teasing mine as I caressed the skin on the back of her neck, running my fingers through her hair. The sweatpants I was wearing had an obvious tenting in them as I grew hard. I sensed Nikki behind me and slowly broke the kiss. I did not relinquish Marie's hand however. I squeezed it lightly as I turned.

Blushing a bit I said, "Didn't hear you come in, did you learn anything?"

Nikki winked at me and said teasingly, "There isn't one thing about your life I haven't seen Jim, it's what I do. So please don't blush, I've seen a lot more than a kiss out of you. I figured it could wait, plus I didn't want to interrupt, it was just getting interesting."

I blushed harder as she waggled her eyebrows. I noticed out of the corner of my eye Marie did as well. Damn sexy angel teasing us... Unbelievable, maybe I am nuts.

"So what did you find out?" I asked. I needed to know what was going on. It felt very surreal and the longer it went on the harder I had to struggle for equanimity.

Nikki smiled, "It's nothing to worry about as far as your health. Oh it will complicate your life to be sure, but it won't go away either.

"You see there is an energy to the afterlife, sort of power for ghosts. Not really, but that's as close as I can get that you would understand. Anyway when you died, you were almost through to heaven when they pulled you back from death. That opened a... Trickle. The power trickled into you, so you were able to power up ghosts enough to talk to you in your dreams, like Marie here.

"The drugs well, they seemed to have enlarged the connection, quite a bit actually. You see the bottleneck for the trickle of power was in your head, now that small leak is a torrent. That enables you not only to see us, it also enables you to feed Marie the power she needs to be warm and solid. I doubt after that kiss she can still put her hand through solid objects."

They watched as Marie tried, her hand banged against the wall and she gasped.

Nikki continued, "No one else will be able to see her still though, just you. It is also under your control, or it will be after you practice. You did it instinctively with that football player. You didn't want him to hit you, so he didn't get any energy from you and passed right through you.

"By the way, you should be able to touch me as well, since I am made up of that same energy. Or any angel for that matter, we have always been able to touch you so nothing different there."

Grinning knowingly she said, "And don't think you got away with checking me out, I've been around the block a while, I figured you had a reason to keep silent so I didn't say anything. I admit I didn't think of the cameras though, they've only been around the last two centuries or so."

The knowing look in her ancient eyes contrasted deeply with the fresh innocence of her face. It was both disturbing and a huge turn on. Her knowing gaze also held an invitation, and hunger. I was deeply surprised when I figured out she wanted me, I could feel it in her energy as well as see it in her eyes.

I saw two beautiful ladies that both watched over me my whole life, and now had the opportunity to be able to touch me and be touched by me.

Well I guess that's fair, she has been my guardian angel my whole life, so she knows what I would be thinking about and how attractive I would find her. I looked over to Marie, surprised to find a speculative look on her face as she looked from Nikki to me and back.

I realized this would be an unconventional relationship and practically doomed from the start. There was no way to interact with other humans for these two, there was also no possibility of procreation, and those instincts can be strong.

But right now I didn't care. I had the woman I loved and a beautiful angel who wanted to join us. Sounded like the beginning of a joke to me, a human, a ghost and an angel all get in bed together... There I go again with the nervous bad jokes.

I pulled Marie to me and kissed her with passion, my tongue brushing her lips then darting between then as they separated. I isolated her clothes and cut off the power to them, they faded from existence. I quickly took off my sweats and t-shirt and pulled her back in again for some heavy kissing.

Her naked breasts pushed against my chest, her nipples hardening against my skin as I caressed her hair and lower back with my fingers. I grabbed her hair and pulled her head to the side and kissed my way down her neck on to her shoulder. I could hear her breath speeding up against my ear as she moaned in pleasure.

Nikki now also naked pushed herself against my back, her b cups squished against me, her nipples hardening against me as she kissed my back and massaged my shoulders.

It was a heady feeling, my love and lust mixing for my beautiful Marie, my rock hard member crushed against her stomach as we kissed and caressed and fondled each other. The angel adding a dimension to the lust, and yes even the love. How could I not love her too though we had just met, the one who faithfully watched over my whole life from my birth.

Nikki started playing with my ass crack and teasing my puckered hole as Marie fondled my balls and caressed my long hard pole. I put one hand behind me and one in front, and started to tease their honey pots with my finger tips. I massaged their clits with my thumbs in small circles, doing the best I could through the intense pleasure these two ladies were giving me.

I must have missed the signal but suddenly they turned me around, my hands not leaving their places, just pivoting in the same semicircle. I felt Marie's large breasts on my back now, she slid a finger past my hand to wet her middle finger on her dripping core. She then teased my sphincter for a few moments before pushing her honey covered finger inside me.

In front of me I saw my lovely angel completely naked, her petite and pixie like but very nubile body made my cock jump. I leaned down to kiss her for the first time. Her mouth tasted wonderful, her lips soft and yielding. I grunted and gasped into her mouth as I felt her start to massage my balls and jerk my cock with the other hand.


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