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Joanie Turns the Cane on Her Mom

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Joanie takes in her disgraced mother at a price.
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By Cynthia Blaine

[This story involves severe spanking, whipping, and caning, as well as references to bodily functions. If this is not to your liking, please read no further. The characters were introduced in two previous stories: 'Joanie's Embarrassing Caning' and 'Another Shaming Caning for Joanie.' All characters are well over 18.]

Joanie's mom, Kathryn, now in her late 50's, had taken her daughter back to the UnderCover, where Joanie had been spanked and caned quite a few years earlier. Soon thereafter, however, Kathryn needed to ask Joanie for a huge favor.

Kathryn had been caught cheating by her husband, Joanie's father, and had been thrown out of the house she had lived in with him for more than 35 years. She knew that divorce papers were on their way. She was not in any position to fight the divorce nor to get much in the way of alimony or other benefits because their daughter, Joanie, was in her 30's and because Kathryn was the clearly guilty party.

It had just been a quick fling. Kathryn was tired of her husband not wanting to engage in lovemaking. This had gone on for years. She met a man at her health club who was her age, in good health, and attracted to her. Indeed, he had already suggested that they consider marriage. Kathryn told him she was intent on becoming free of her current husband.

They went to bed shortly after they met. She was absent so often from their home that her husband became suspicious. He hired an investigator who had little trouble finding the man's residence and getting pictures of them in flagrante without even being seen.

When Kathryn's husband was presented with such conclusive evidence, he spoke to his lawyer and asked him to draw up the papers. Then he confronted Kathryn and ordered her to pack up right then and get out. Surprised, Kathryn was not ready for what was happening. She called her paramour who told her he couldn't be involved in anything scandalous. So, she was on her own.

She called her daughter and told her she would be at her house in a few minutes. Something had happened that she needed to speak to Joanie about.

When she arrived, Kathryn seemed more distraught than Joanie could ever recall seeing her very self-assured mother. Kathryn explained what had happened and said she'd have to stay with Joanie and her family until she could get things together.

Joanie responded in a way that shocked her mother.

"Mom, you behaved very badly," Joanie told her. "Now listen to me before you go off because I'm only going to say this once. You took me to be disciplined at the UnderCover twice. It was humiliating. If you want to stay here with us after you have been such a naughty girl, you are now going to be subject to my disciplining you. I alone will decide if and when you require punishment and there will be no appeal. Got it?"

Kathryn thought to herself how awful her situation now was. She, a truly dominant woman, was going to be subjected to total control by her daughter, whom she had always regarded as submissive and had spanked herself as well as taking her to the UnderCover for the humiliating sessions with Janine, one of the senior disciplinarians who staffed the shop.

But she saw that she had no choice whatsoever. She needed to do what her daughter demanded. She reluctantly told Joanie that she would turn over control to her.

"So, you agree to accept my decisions on disciplining you, whether by me or at the shop, with no argument and no appeal?" Joanie said demandingly.

"Yes, dear," Kathryn said. "I hope I won't be a burden on you and your family for very long. You now have complete authority over me, including any kind of discipline or punishment. I hope you will consider that I have only taken you to the UnderCover twice over many years. But you are now in charge, dear."

Joanie was still relishing what had happened: how disciplining her mother, which she had always yearned to have the power to do, had fallen into her lap.

"You will have the guest bedroom upstairs," Joanie told her. "You are welcome to join us for meals or fix your own at your choice. You will let me know when you are going out and where you are going. You will not engage in any relationship involving sex without clearing it with me and securing my written approval. I will discipline you for any and all occurrences of naughty behavior, which shall be determined in my complete discretion, with no appeal. Is that clear?"

"Yes," her mother said, knowing she had no other options. But worse was coming.

"I will decide what you will wear every day," Joanie continued. "Fortunately, you can fit into my clothing, and I have some juvenile stuff that you made me wear when you punished me. You will wear those when you are informed that you have been naughty and will be disciplined. I also will obtain some Spanx control panties that will fit tightly and which you will wear every day. I may decide to have you pull them down for my inspection at any time. Do you accept all of what I have said?"

Kathryn again nodded her head and said, "Yes, dear. I'm in no position to refuse."

"That's right," Joanie remarked sharply. "You're not. You are a naughty woman who went off and had sex with a man you hardly knew and now neither my father nor this man wants to have anything to do with your soiled self."

This made the normally stern and severe Kathryn cry in shame. Joanie was amazed at how effective her reciting the conditions of her accepting her mother into her household had been in securing Kathryn's agreement to be compliant with Joanie's decisions and whims.

"Just so we get everything clear from the start, Kathryn," Joanie said, using her mother's first name as if she were a younger woman subservient to Joanie, "I intend to discipline you right now for your atrocious behavior."

Joanie sat herself on an armless chair in her living room. She was wearing a gray flannel skirt which was fashionably short, and a crisp white blouse with a gold stickpin. She summoned Kathryn with her forefinger to come stand in front of her.

When her mother complied with the direction conveyed by Joanie's finger, Joanie ordered her to lift her skirt above her waist and make sure it stayed up and did not fall. Kathryn lifted her skirt and secured it in her belt. Joanie noticed that Kathryn was wearing worn white cotton panties that had lost their attractiveness and were shamefully gray and even had some tears in them.

"Your panties are a disgrace," Joanie intoned. "Take them down below your bottom right now. I will have you turn them over to me for disposal. I will get Spanx panties and other underwear for you."

When Kathryn had pulled her panties down below her bottom, Joanie motioned to her to get across her lap, which Kathryn proceeded to do. It was strange for her to be across anyone's lap for punishment, much less her until-now submissive daughter. Joanie patted the broad bare bottom across her skirted lap. She rubbed it a little as Kathryn had done to her when she had spanked her for many years, even after Joanie's marriage.

Joanie had a happy marriage and she and her husband made love often and enjoyed each other's charms. Joanie had submitted to her mother's disciplining out of habit and her husband's approval, as he did not want to hit his wife under any circumstances. He would ask Joanie to report to her mother; she did not like this aspect of her marriage but complied with it out of her love for her husband Stephen.

Joanie also ran her finger through Kathryn's legs and felt the wetness in her sex and furrow.

"You're already wet," she commented in a dismissive voice, "so getting spanked must get you going, I imagine." She let her finger move back up far enough to insert it gently into Kathryn's anal crack and actually into her anal opening. Kathryn had performed this embarrassing invasion when spanking her daughter and now that she was the recipient, she was dumfounded.

Joanie's finger soon encountered something firm inside Kathryn's rectum.

"It feels like some little girl will have to make a doodoo soon," Joanie said disparagingly. "Well, you will have to hold it until your discipline has been completed." Kathryn knew this was what she had often said to Joanie when she inspected her in this humiliating manner.

Joanie took her finger now and held it right under her mother's nose, who had no choice but to sniff the smell of her own forthcoming bowel movement. This forced sniffing soon ended as Joanie began spanking Kathryn for the first time.

She started out slowly but gradually found her rhythm and increased both the force and the speed of her spanks. She watched as Kathryn's bottom grew rosy then red. She must have spanked her mother more than 100 times when she took a break. Kathryn's bottom was now deep crimson, and she was hurting.

"Please, Miss," she pleaded with respect to her daughter. "You have disciplined me seriously. I will promise to be a good girl."

"You definitely will," Joanie snapped in reply. "Do you need to make your doody now?"

"Yes, Miss," Kathryn answered in a shameful voice. "I do and it's becoming imminent."

"Well, come with me to the bathroom and we can take care of this little situation," Joanie responded as she told Kathryn to stand but keep her skirt up and her panties below her bottom.

Kathryn was grateful that she needn't pull her panties up because any underpants would irritate her burning buttocks. She walked with her daughter to Joanie's well-appointed bathroom.

"You may sit on the toilet," Joanie told her crisply, "but do not start to pee or make your doody until I give you permission."

This requirement that she hold her pee and bowel movement in made Kathryn feel horrible and also fearful that she might lose urinary and anal control. She now really needed relief in both areas.

"You may now pee," Joanie said blandly, "but you cannot defecate."

She heard Kathryn's pee stream burst from her urethra and hit the water in the toilet with a splash.

"I'm afraid I can't hold my poo in anymore," Kathryn pleaded. "It's starting to come down despite my trying to stop it."

"You will be punished for your lack of control but go ahead now and do your business making Number Two," Joanie said condescendingly.

Joanie immediately heard a loud plop as Kathryn released a large, long bowel movement into the toilet into which she was also peeing. Joanie thought that her mom really needed to go because Joanie knew she would rarely defecate until she had emptied her bladder first.

"Are you finished?" Joanie asked demandingly when she heard no further noise caused by her mother's excretions.

"Yes, Miss," Kathryn answered in a now small voice befitting her reduction in status. She was starting to regret how badly she had treated her daughter over the years.

"You may wipe yourself and show me the paper before you deposit it in the toilet," Joanie now ordered.

Kathryn took a few sheets from the roll and wiped front to back. Her red face showed her shame at this added humiliation. Joanie looked at the paper, which had several large brown streaks and patches of soft brown feces that had adhered to the skin around Kathryn's anus, as well as wet yellow spots from Kathryn's urine.

"You will wipe again now, and you'd better have a clean asshole and cunt when I inspect you afterward," Joanie told her.

This time, she pressed deeply into her vulva and bottom-hole and wiped very thoroughly. The paper was presented to her new dominatrix, her daughter Joanie, who told her to stand and bend over the toilet with her legs spread and for her to hold her labia apart for inspection.

This was the most humiliating position Kathryn could even imagine. Her own daughter was peering into her anus to make sure it was pristine and then looked between her mother's glistening labia to inspect her most private organs: her clit, peehole, and vaginal opening.

"Do you still get your period?" she demandingly asked an exceedingly personal question of her mother.

"Yes," Kathryn almost mumbled and her voice fell in volume, "but it has become irregular and scanty, so I'm fairly sure I am going through the change."

"When was your last period?" Joanie proceeded with this embarrassing inquiry.

"Two weeks ago," her mother managed to respond.

"Did you use pads or tampons?" Joanie asked, actually curious as to what kind of sanitary protection her mother used, since the two had not discussed this subject since Joanie began menstruating.

"I now use maxithins," Kathryn admitted, "because I don't flow enough to need a tampon." She was ashamed that her womanhood was now being examined and obviously coming up short.

"Did you use lubricant when you fucked the man with whom you were caught?" Joanie now proceeded.

"Yes, dear," Kathryn said quietly, aware of how intrusive this questioning had become.

"I assume you enjoyed it," Joanie observed.

"I did, Miss," Kathryn responded blankly.

"You may pull up your panties and let down your skirt now," Joanie said bluntly. "It's about 5:30 so you will be going to bed without your supper today. You will be able to join us for breakfast and other meals beginning tomorrow. Let's go to your bedroom and get you changed for bedtime."

When they reached the bedroom Kathryn was now using, Joanie took a pair of juvenile pajamas from a dresser. She knew they still fit her and would thus be able to be worn by Kathryn. They had a pattern of small ducks on them and a dropseat. Kathryn had made Joanie wear these until she left her home. Kathryn often lowered the dropseat to give her daughter an impromptu spanking in her bedroom for some wayward comment or behavior. Rarely were these occasions such that Joanie deserved to be punished so severely.

"If you need to use the toilet tonight," Joanie advised her, "you will find me if I have not yet gone to bed. If I have you will not flush so that I will be able to inspect what you did when I get up the next day. Do you understand?"

"Yes, dear," Kathryn replied calmly, as she experienced a broken feeling because of the constant adding of new humiliations. She had not inflicted these on Joanie, despite her harsh treatment of her daughter. There would be time for her to ask for relief from some of the more onerous ones from Joanie.

The next day, Kathryn was told to stay in the house while Joanie went out. She had decided to take a few days off from her job in order to set up her hosting and domination of her mother.

Since Joanie knew Kathryn's sizes, she purchased the only items she really needed: the Spanx control panties. The ones she bought had a slit in the gusset which could be used by a woman to pee without taking the panties down. This made life easier for the wearer, but it did require learning how to direct her pee stream, so she did not wet her panties in the process. Joanie grinned as she thought about her mother's slow adjustment to using the slit. She decided that when Kathryn wet the gusset as she grew accustomed to the panties, Joanie would reinforce the lesson with the cane she had acquired.

When she came home, she had Kathryn try on the Spanx, which fit quite nicely. Joanie explained that she would be using the slit when she peed and would need to get comfortable with this process quickly.

"I've never had to pee through a hole before," Kathryn said, almost crying again in fear and shame.

"You'll learn right away," Joanie cracked, "or my cane will drive the lesson home, Missy."

After Kathryn had put on the new panties, which fit nicely if tightly, as they were intended to, Joanie took her to the bathroom and watched as Kathryn carefully held the slit open directly below her peehole as best she could position it and tried to let a little pee out. Showing great control, she managed to aim her pee stream through the slit. She knew it occasionally hit the sides of the slit but decided this was something she could master.

Joanie watched her carefully and when Kathryn was finished peeing, she checked the panties and saw that there were only a few small wet spots on the sides of the slit.

"You did very nicely for your first time," Joanie complimented her. "You will not be punished for the small spots on the sides of the slit. "I'm quite proud of you, mom," she gushed.

Kathryn did not need to pull up her panties, of course, so they returned to her bedroom. Joanie now took out her old parochial school uniform, which fit Kathryn perfectly. She first was handed one of Joanie's old training bras which Joanie helped her adjust as much as possible and then hooked for her. The small bra did press Kathryn's womanly breasts but did contain them without causing Kathryn real pain. Kathryn then donned the shameful short plaid skirt and middie blouse, along with the little white socks, brown oxford shoes, and green-and-brown blazer.

* * * *

Kathryn adjusted fairly quickly to her new life in her daughter's home. Joanie had kept all of her parochial school uniforms, so Kathryn was able to wear those all week. Joanie assigned her cleaning chores in the house to keep her occupied. She was also allowed time to watch television and read but was not permitted to keep her cell phone or use the computer, so she was divorced from social media.

Her legal divorce came through soon. Her husband had thoughtfully provided for a regular payment to her each month, but specified in the agreement that it would be paid directly for Joanie as her legal guardian. Joanie told her she would be getting an allowance every so often so that she would have some spending money.

Joanie had allowed Kathryn to invite any of her friends over; she was not required to inform them of the regimen she was now living under. Kathryn decided to ask two of her closest pals--Janice and Adrienne--to visit her at Joanie's home.

When they arrived, Joanie allowed her to wear a nice top and skirt instead of the childish school uniform, as well as her own bra, but she still did have to have the tight Spanx control undies on. Joanie welcomed the two friends but then left Kathryn and her friends alone.

The two were anxious to hear about how Kathryn was doing, as gossip had circulated about her marriage breaking up.

"How has it been living here with your daughter and her family?" Adrienne asked.

"It's been all right," Kathryn said with a smile, "but my daughter has become rather strict, so I have to toe the line she sets for me."

"That must be awful," Janice chimed in. "Do you want us to speak to her?"

"No," Kathryn answered. "Please don't. She's been very considerate in taking me in and I'm afraid she's getting some payback for how I treated her."

"I remember your saying she was a difficult girl," Adrienne ventured.

"She was," Kathryn said, "but I'm now sorry that I was so strict with her. I actually took her to UnderCover, the lingerie shop that has disciplinarians who will execute orders for disciplining on site, at a price, of course, but a fair one. I had them punish Joanie some years ago and then again, a little while ago. I shouldn't have humiliated her so seriously, but now I'm paying the price as she returns the favor."

"Do they still offer those services?" Janice asked. "I also took my daughter there once she was 18 and she was given a good spanking and six of the best with a school cane. It seemed to correct her bad attitude both at home and at school."

"Joanie responded similarly," Kathryn responded. "But she continued to report to me for spanking when she felt it was needed, even after she was married."

"That's rather surprising," Adrienne observed.

"Well, when I was thrown out of the house for being a very bad wife," Kathryn confessed, "she was good enough to take me in, but the price was that she's in charge: in the most intimate ways as to which I'd rather not go into detail."

"Is she likely to take you to UnderCover for disciplining?" Janice queried.


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