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Joining the Pack Ch. 05

Story Info
Anahid and Kaev return to his pack.
7k words

Part 5 of the 15 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 02/26/2021
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AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is my first story and I'm writing it in bits and spurts (ha!) so chapter lengths will vary! It started as Non-Con and they'll still be elements of that, but I'll be categorizing as Non-Human going forward. I haven't got any ending in mind as of yet so will keep following the story of Anahid + Kaev as far as it takes me. Comments/messages are appreciated, so please let me know what you like/dislike as I move the story along!


Kaev studied Anahid. She could tell he debated about something.

"What is it?" she asked.

They'd made their way slowly—nakedly—back to camp and now she sat curled again in the thick fur blanket. He'd pulled his clothes back on but he was officially out of spare clothes for her after she'd ripped through the shirt he'd given her the day before. And the lovely green dress he'd found her had been lost in his fight with the vampires.

"I just wish you could change at will, it would make getting back home easier," he sighed then crouched to brush her cheek affectionately.

"I can't?"

He shook his head. "I wouldn't imagine so. Most new Lycans, or rather, ones that we have to awaken from their human form, take several months, sometimes years to learn to control the change."

She frowned. "So I can only be my other self on the full moon? Why is that?

"The moon affects the flow of our blood," he shrugged as if it was obvious. "When it's full the wolf is at its highest. But other times the wolf falls lower, can only be coaxed out with practice...or when your emotions are quite high."

"Is that how you change?" she asked and reached a hand for his, bent to study his fingers. She lifted his hand, softly kissed his knuckles.

He chuckled as he watched her. "No." She looked up to him in surprise. "I've always been awake. My ancestors are Lycans back thousands of years, unlike you who was born to a human woman. You feel the wolf like a separate piece of you, I imagine you feel like there are two warring sides. For me, for those of us born to Lycan parents, our sides are never split. We are both wolf and man all the time."

She studied him now. Slightly annoyed. He didn't know how she felt. Though her body—and now mind as well—called to him she still had only known Kaev a few short days. She closed her eyes. Felt for the wolf within. The part of herself that felt strong, defiant. Yes, she felt her there. She was irritated at her mate for underestimating her. Anahid let her leap forward and felt the change ripple through her.


Kaev stood quickly, but then remained motionless as he watched Anahid burst into her wolf form. Her shoulder now came up to his as she stalked towards him, glaring balefully with her dark green eyes.

Carefully, he reached a hand to her and though she growled low in her throat, she let him caress her muzzle. She stepped another pace forward and pushed her head into his chest and he chuckled, running his hand along her head, relishing the thick, glossy feel of her coat. It was one of the things he loved about his human form. The sensitive fingertips that could appreciate these subtleties.

"All right my love, you've proven your point," he said as he scratched behind her ears. She whined happily and nuzzled at him. "Can you change back though? Sometimes that's even harder."

She chuffed and then sent a long tongue licking up his neck. Then she was changing again. The form rippling and shrinking, the lovely bronze fur retreated until the woman stood smirking up at him. Very unexpected. He'd never heard of any human-born Lycan learning to control the change this quickly. He was missing something...Or she really was more extraordinary than he'd imagined.

"How did you do that Anahid?"

She continued to smirk at him. "Well, I just imagined all the things I'd like you to do to this body."

He threw his head back with a loud laugh. "And I will do all of them."

They lazed in the camp the rest of the day. Kaev was suddenly reluctant to return home. To share Anahid with the rest of his pack. He'd been gone over a year, leaving his serious second Variya in charge of the pack. She'd be surprised. He suspected she doubted he'd ever find Hayk's lost offspring. But he had found her. And she was his mate.

But now they raced through the forest, heading home. He glanced to Anahid, heart full as he watched her lope beside him. She really was exquisite. He still wondered though...how had she mastered the change so quickly? He knew Hayk's blood was strong. The Lycan had been even older than Kaev, though because of his strange loner personality he'd never stayed with a pack for long. Could it simply be because Anahid was the offspring of such an ancient line? His mind drifted to her mother. Who had this human woman been that Hayk put Anahid in? Kaev's mind skittered. Perhaps she wasn't altogether human? It might explain things.

They ran all night. In the morning they curled together, still in their wolf forms, to sleep a few hours. Then they would rise and run again. He watched her always. Probed at her for any sense she was losing herself to the wolf side. For someone so new to their wolf side it was an easy thing to succumb to. To let the human part of you fall away. Hayk had been one of those for a time. Kaev remembered a few hundred years he'd heard nothing of the old Lycan. When he'd shown up, bedraggled and with haunted eyes Kaev had known. Hundreds of years running in only your wolf skin changed you. Kaev loved both parts of his self equally though. He flowed between the two, enjoying and delighting in each sensation each body allowed. And of course, Anahid looked to be the same.

When they were only a day out from his pack he pulled to a stop, changing smoothly back to his human form. Anahid moved beside him, nuzzled at him. She rippled, pulling her human form back out.

"What is it?" she asked, staring curiously up at him.

He took her in, distracted from his worries with how lovely she looked. A week in wolf form did her good. Her thick bronze hair was wild, her eyes bright and sparkling. His eyes traveled down her body and his cock stirred, twitching excitedly at the sight. He was suddenly annoyed at himself. He'd been so preoccupied about her changing, worried about returning to his pack that he hadn't taken advantage of their time together. He reached a hand to her cheek, caressed her velvety skin.

"I've missed you," he said quietly.

She smirked, stepped close to him. "I've been right here."

"We're almost home but...I think I should go on ahead first."

Her face fell and she reached a hand to his that still rested on her cheek. "Are you worried they won't accept me?"

He jerked in surprise, let out a laugh. "Of course not. You're astounding. But I'm afraid you'll be overwhelmed by them."

Her eyebrows knit as she studied him, a slow frown forming on her face. "Well then prepare me. What should I expect?"

"It will be a lot. If I go ahead I can warn them. Bring you back some clothes."

She frowned more deeply. Stepped so she was pressed up against him. His cock was delighted by her closeness, by the soft skin of her belly pressing into him. "I don't want you to return without me."

He began to shake his head but her hand stilled him, soft fingers running lightly up his erect member. He shivered, stilled as he stared down at her in surprise. She met his eye, let her fingers swirl slowly up his length. He held his breath as they teased, closer and closer to the sensitive head. "I want them to see me at your side." Her fingers gripped him, her palm rocked slowly against the round tip. "Okay?" she asked softly, holding his eye.

She taunted him. This little she-wolf with challenge in her eyes. He growled, the sound deep in his throat as he watched her. Her breath hitched and her fingers gripped his cock more tightly. He wrapped an arm around her waist, pulled her in tight to him, locking her in place. "Are you ordering me?"

She narrowed her eyes at him, slowly moved her hips against him. He knew she felt the jerk of his cock, his quickening pulse. "I'm just telling you what I want," her voice was low. And still she moved against him, slowly swiveling her torso into him.

"Get on your knees," he commanded, letting a bit of the packleader tone enter his voice.

She stilled against him, cocked her head as she studied his face. He saw the calculation in her glittering green eyes. But then she slowly slid down his body, all while still holding his eyes. He placed a hand on the top of her head. Her eyes flicked to his cock, back up to him. She knew. She licked her lips nervously. He chuckled.


Anahid resisted the urge to nuzzle Kaev's swelling cock. She saw the dark hunger in his eyes. He liked when she challenged him. Liked it because it gave him a reason to punish her. But this was new. As wolves racing and fucking in the forest she'd come to know him inside and out. Back in her human form she felt truly naked. Vulnerable. And his cock was so large in front of her face.

"Put your hands behind your back. Keep them there," he growled.

She raised a brow, but complied. He took his cock in one hand, touched it gently to her cheek. Slid it across her face, brushed her lips with it. A glistening drop of wetness moistened her lips and she instinctively darted her tongue to test him. The taste of him on her lips sent a shot of heat to her center and she reached a hand to his thigh.

His hand gripped her hair, tugged her head back to she stared back up at him. "Behind. Your. Back," the warning in his voice sent a shiver across her skin. She felt her nipples stiffen, the ache between her legs quivered. She slowly moved her hand back to its place behind her.

He slapped his cock softly against her cheek and her breath hitched. He moved it back to her lips, slapped it a few times. She stayed still, eyes never leaving his face.

"Open," he ordered softly.

She smirked, let her lips part slightly. His eyes darkened and he gripped her hair tightly again. He pushed her against the swollen head and she parted more for him. He pushed her deeper and she struggled as his length filled her mouth. She began to gag, tried to jerk back but he held her tight, forced himself to the back of her throat. He held her there a moment as she struggled against him, heaving a bit on his swollen cock, tears began to run down her cheeks and then finally he pulled her head back.

She gasped, gulping as she met his eyes again. He gently pressed her head forward again and she opened to him. This time he let her go at her own pace. She tentatively licked the bulbous tip, enjoyed the shiver she felt it send through him.

She took the tip into her mouth, swirled her tongue lightly around the smooth ridge. She heard him inhale sharply. She took more of him in. Pressed her tongue against the taut underside, felt the pulse of his blood against her tongue. She slowly licked up, and delighted in how he tensed under her soft mouth. She realized her power. Though she knelt in front of him she was in control. She understood now why he enjoyed playing with her. The power of giving pleasure was nearly as intoxicating as receiving it.


She pressed her lips tight to his length. Sent her tongue darting and swirling, flicking at the throbbing head. Then she began to pump, back and forth, back and forth slowly. She heard his breaths come fast, felt as he began to press his hips into her face. She picked up speed, sliding him along her mouth, taking more and more of him. Eventually she felt him hit the back of her throat again but she was ready this time. She held him there, forced down the urge to gag. She swallowed, enjoying the feeling of how vulnerable they both were in that moment. She glanced up to him, found his eyes heavy, watching her with barely controlled need. She swallowed again and his eyes closed as he groaned.

She eased back and began to work slowly again up and down his cock. Every swipe of her tongue seemed to send chills through him. He began to pulse gently against her, his hand gripping her hair more and more tightly as his hips moved. She sensed his rising excitement, his breath now panted as he thrust his cock into her. Eventually she stilled, letting him set the pace as he fucked her mouth, keeping only the firm pressure of her lips and tongue against him. His thrusts grew more urgent and he was again pounding into the back of her throat. His heaving breaths, the roughness of the hair around his base against her lips sent shivers into her own groin.

She felt the moment he came to the edge, his cock jerked in her mouth, she felt the tension of his seed within it. He tried to stop, tried to pull her mouth away but she flung her hands to his heavy testicles, she cupped them, tugged lightly as her tongue took back over flicking against that sensitive underside and up to the tip as she sucked hard against him. He moaned, tried weakly to pull her hands away but she pushed him over. Forced his seed out of him. He climaxed, jerking his hips into her, thrusting and gasping. She felt his molten seed explode into the back of her throat, she continued sucking, milking his climax, taking everything. She felt his balls twitch, and she continued to softly massage them. He grunted, tried to jerk away and she grazed her teeth along his length as she pulled her face back.

He panted as he stared down at her, wonder in his eyes. "I think you enjoyed that too much."

Anahid licked her lips, ran her hands to his thighs, gently wrapped them around to his butt. "Not as much as you."

He growled, grabbed at her wrists and pulled her up to him. His mouth crashed into hers and she melted against him. Her own need was hot within her and his questing tongue only sent it higher. One hand squeezed tightly on her butt while the other grabbed at her breast, gripping it harshly as his tongue mimicked his cock in her mouth. She moaned into his mouth as the hand on her butt slid between her thighs, moving to cup her sex.

He nipped her lip. Pressed his palm into her moist heat. A finger found her tight little nub, slowly circled it, tapped gently, then moved slowly back down to her entrance. He swiped her dripping wetness back up to her clit, circled it lightly and she whined, bucked her hips into his hand. He chuckled, moved his lips to her throat. As he grazed his teeth along her neck, swirled his tongue against her heated skin his finger moved into her entrance. He pressed a thumb softly to her clit as he eased the finger in, slowly, much too slowly. She let a soft growl rise in her throat as she tilted her hips, trying to increase his pressure.

The hand that had been massaging her breasts snaked around her waist, pulled her tightly against him as his finger moved deeper. But then he stilled except for the slow circles his thumb made around her swollen clit.

"Can you make yourself come I wonder?" he whispered into her ear.

She growled again, but began to move her hips, rocking into his waiting hand. With his arm circling her waist he supported her, let her find a rhythm as she began to fuck his hand.


Kaev trailed his mouth over Anahid's throat. He could feel her moans against his lips, the panting that began to rise higher within her as she found her pleasure against his hand. At this rate his cock would be rock hard again before she climaxed. He grinned, bit down a bit harder on her neck. She trembled, her moan turning into a high, excited whine.

She ground her pussy on his finger, chased the pressure of his thumb against her quivering nub. Faster she rocked against him, her breath desperate and jittering as she bucked into him. She was close, and he suddenly changed his mind. He wanted to own her pleasure. He wanted to be the one that took her over the edge.

He suddenly removed his hand from her dripping pussy. Dropped down in front of her. She swayed in surprise, grabbed at his shoulders to steady herself. He grabbed one of her legs, tossed it over his shoulder as she clutched at him for balance. His mouth was on her throbbing and waiting slit in an instant. She gasped, her fingers digging into his shoulder, grasping at his neck.

He swiped his tongue up her slit while his hands grabbed at her ass, pressed her tightly into him. He devoured her, took her throbbing clit in his mouth and sucked viciously as she keened and bucked against him. He took her up, then retreated, sliding his tongue back down, forced into her entrance, then pressed his entire mouth against her hot folds. Then back up he swiped to tease her clit right to the edge. She was heaving, her nails dug into the back of his neck to steady herself and to press his face into her frantic folds.

He nibbled at her clit in the way her knew would drive her mad. Took it in his mouth, sucked hungrily on it, knowing he would draw her climax from her in only moments. Her high, howling cries sent his cock back jerking up in interest. She exploded, screeching and clawing at the back of his head. Her body convulsed under his mouth and he felt her shuddering, pulsing climax radiate from her center out, into her belly, her limbs, he imagined her hair floated happily with it as well. Her leg buckled under her and still her held her to him, supporting her trembling body as she rode her climax.

He was too aroused. His cock too excited. He finally let her drop backwards onto the forest floor. She looked up to him, surprise and languid need in her eyes as she saw his hard, ready cock. She spread her legs and he scrambled on top of her welcoming heat. He grasped her hip with one hand and guided his cock into her molten entrance with the other. She bucked against him, sighed deeply as he entered her. He pumped into her, fast and urgent. The taste of her, her slowly rising whines made his cock strain inside her.

Anahid wrapped her legs around his waist, pulled him in tight to her as he rammed into her slick folds. They matched movements, finding a perfect rhythm quickly. As he thrust urgently into her he moved his head down, found one of her nipples. Growling and sucking at the swollen bud he brought her back up to her ledge. His tongue flicked with every thrust of his cock and her breaths again rose, turned to high whines of need.

He felt her climax again build as she bucked urgently into him, arching her back and grinding her breasts into his mouth. A long, high howl rose in her throat as she began to come and he lost control, pounding desperately into her. They slammed their mouths into each other, warring and biting and unable to tell where one began and the other ended as they both found their second release.

She clutched the back of his head as they convulsed, pulling him tight into her. She moved her lips to his ear as she ground her hips into him, milking the last of his hot seed from him. "I will never leave your side," she whispered.

He shuddered, his mind able to only focus on the feel of her enveloping him. He finally chuckled as he came down, as he nuzzled into her neck. "Fine, you get your way. We'll return together."

She sighed happily, pulled him tight against her. He eased down next to her, pulled her against him. Her smell, the smoothness of her skin was all he needed. He felt he could live off this, with only her in the forest for the rest of his-very-long life.

He wondered how he'd lived without this? He'd seen the other mated pairs but had never understood their need for each other. How insatiable they were. He understood now. The only thing that existed was Anahid. Her skin against his. Her sweet, slightly spicy scent. She matched him in every way he hadn't known he was missing. And she was his. His throat closed with emotion and he buried his face in her thick hair.

"Tell me about your pack. What should I expect?" she asked softly, running her lips along his forearm.


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