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Joining the Pack Ch. 05


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He yawned, gripped her to him. "Well. When I left there were about fifty of them. My second, Variya, has been leading in my absence." He considered. "They are...strong willed. Expect them to test you, to want to get to know you inside and out. In a pack everything is shared."

He felt her stiffen, swivel her head to meet his eyes. His heart stilled seeing the concern in her wide green eyes. "Shared?"

He lowered his head, kissed her gently. "You're mine. But they will test you. Lycans...we like to push, we like to see what we can get away with. I think you understand this," he smirked.

She nuzzled her head into him though he could still feel how her shoulders tensed. "So you'll protect me?" her voice was muffled against his chest.

He lightly ran his hands up her back. Kneaded at the tightness of her shoulders. "I will. If you stay by my side they will get the hint." He paused, kissed the top of her head. "But I've seen you Anahid. I've seen the wolf and this woman. You're a queen among Lycans. I do not think you will meekly shadow my side for long. You will show them who you are."

She leaned into him, gripped his arm like a lifeline. "I barely know myself still." Her voice was soft, as if she spoke only to herself. "But I feel like I'm waking up. This part of me that I didn't even know was asleep is opening her eyes." She twisted, turned so she faced him now and met his eyes. "You know I should hate you. Fear you. I don't though. I don't fear anything now."

He frowned slightly, brushed her cheek. "Do you think I should have taken you differently? Asked your permission perhaps?"

She chuckled, pressed her cheek into his palm. "I would have still run screaming. I thought you were insane." Her voiced deepened in imitation of him, "Excuse me miss, may I bite you to awaken the beast within? You'll enjoy it, I promise."

He snorted a laugh and quieted her with a deep kiss. "My thoughts exactly." He sighed and sat up slowly, bringing her with him. "We've delayed too long."

He transformed, the great black wolf leaping out of him to stand over Anahid. She giggled, covered her face as he licked from her chest to her face.


Anahid laughed, swiping at Kaev's muzzle. She stood, surprised again at the size of him in his wolf form. Standing tall she came level with his face. She considered him, ran her human fingers through his lush fur. Black fur, so black she imagined she could almost see her face in its oil slick deepness.

She transformed, leaping out at him with an excited growl. He pranced back from her then turned to lead the way back to his pack. His family. She swallowed as she chased after him. She'd told him she wasn't afraid of anything now...and especially as this monstrous wolf dashing through the woods she felt it. But she was still anxious. This new life she'd fallen into still seemed unreal. Her human life had fallen away but for right she chased through the woods with her mate she felt in-between. Poised between her two worlds.

But Kaev gave her something to focus on. Something to look towards. Something to grasp tightly to. She shivered in excitement and surged forward, nipped at his tail. He glanced back to her, his gray wolf-eyes laughing.

Then she heard the other howls. New voices calling through the trees. They raced towards them. She could sense Kaev's excitement. He was happy to be home. But still he looked back to her, made sure she was close at his heels. She was reassured, at least a little as the sounds of the pack grew closer. She caught scents. Strange and new.

Some were sweet like apple, others crisp like freshly fallen leaves. Three wolves burst from the trees around them and Kaev skidded to a halt, his hackles going up as he snarled at them. She was surprised at how small they seemed. She hadn't considered that Kaev, or even her wolf form might be larger than normal. But Kaev towered over them. The three gray wolves immediately dropped, whining in apology as their leader returned. He stalked towards them, nudged them a bit with his nose as they cowered and avoided his eyes.

Anahid watched, curious to see the interactions. Unashamedly proud at the sight of her mate. Their eyes darted to her, flicking between her and Kaev and she met their gazes. Finally Kaev gave them one last growl and then continued forward again and the three gleefully leapt after him, yipping and howling as they ran ahead. Anahid matched Kaev's stride as they loped slowly after the three.

The five wolves burst from the treeline and Anahid skidded to a halt at the sight of the Kaev's home. It was not what she expected, though she hadn't known WHAT to expect. Rearing above her was a smooth cliff-face. Paths wound their way up, cave openings, terraces, dotted the stone. She let her eyes travel up the walls, Lycans-in human and wolf forms-were watching eagerly as they approached. She felt the eyes on her, they watched Kaev with excitement but she saw they leaned towards her, she imagined smelling, trying to sense who she was. She tossed her head, padded close to Kaev's side.

Kaev came to a halt at the entrance of a large overhang at the base of the cliff. Anahid leaned against him, peering into the cave entrance. It was large, she imagined some sort of gathering hall, meeting place. A huge firepit sat low in the center. Ringing it were tiered ledges-seating it seemed-covered in furs and cushions.

A tall woman, taller even than Anahid strode around the pit, came to stand at the edge of the overhang. She lifted her chin slightly as she met Kaev's eyes, she hadn't even glanced at Anahid yet. Anahid felt a low growl rise deep within her throat. The other woman was striking. Dark skinned with sleek black hair, wearing a simple long dress that left her shoulders bare.

She met Kaev's eye, then carefully dipped her head, dropping her eyes to the ground. "Welcome home Pack Leader." All around the wolves yipped and howled in response.

Beside Anahid, Kaev reared up, transforming smoothly back into his human form. Anahid was reluctant though. She craved the safety of her wolf form. This woman, the surrounding wolves made her anxious. She lowered her head, unwilling to take her eyes from who she assumed was Variya. The low growl continued to rumble in her throat. But then Kaev set a hand on her shoulder, softly ran his fingers through her fur. "It's okay my love."

Anahid watched Variya's eyes narrow as she heard Kaev's words. Holding her eye, Anahid turned her head to Kaev, licked him across the face. Then she reared as well, letting her human form rise out of her. She stood naked beside Kaev as the eyes of the gathered Lycan's examined her. She shivered, tried to hide her anxiety, desperately resisted covering her exposed breasts.

Kaev wrapped a hand around her waist, pulled her close to his side. "It's good to be home. I've returned with Hayk's daughter. My mate Anahid." She took the strength he offered, leaned into him as she let her eyes dart around the gathered people.

Variya nodded slowly, stepped forward, her eyes running up and down Anahid's body. "She's lovely Kaev. I can see Hayk in her. But she's new, I can still smell the reek of humans on her skin." Kaev's fingers gripped her waist more tightly, though he nodded at Variya's words.

"Yes. She only had her first change this last full moon."

Anahid bristled, hearing them speak about her like she didn't stand there as well. But she also noticed the surprise in Variya's eyes, they way she twitched, seemed to look at Anahid with new eyes. "So recently? And yet she seems to have mastered the change?" Variya seemed to loosen, look at Kaev with old familiarity. "Hayk's blood you think? Did you learn anything of her mother?"

"I understand I'm quite interesting, but I'm growing cold," Anahid said softly, letting her fingers run down to twine within Kaev's hand. She glanced up to him, wide green eyes imploring and only slightly annoyed.

Variya snorted in surprise. But Kaev let a smile small cross his face as he gazed down at Anahid, he lowered his head, kissed her lightly on the forehead in apology. "Of course," he whispered to her. Looking back up to Variya he nodded. "We need to wash the dirt from our skin. Bring Anahid some clothes to my rooms. We'll continue this later."

With that he abruptly swept Anahid up. She squeaked in surprise, but instinctively wrapped her arms around his neck as he lifted her, pressing her tightly to his chest. He raised his head, let his eyes sweep over all the waiting Lycans. "My people, I know you're anxious to meet your new queen, you'll have plenty of time tonight. For now though, she is mine alone." He grinned and squeezed her to him, lowering his head to nuzzle into her quickly flushing neck.

Howls of approval and welcome sounded around and above them and then Kaev moved forward, carrying Anahid into the cave opening. She gripped his thick neck, but swiveled her head to examine her new home. They passed through the large gathering area and into a darkened corridor. Behind them she heard the gathered Lycans fall into excited chatter. Kaev walked slowly through the smooth tunnels of the caves, and Anahid tried to memorize their route. To her surprise they began to descend, long winding tunnels took them down, down into the bowels of the mountain their cliff was hewn into.

Her newly-sensitive nose sensed the change in the air. Moisture. Heat. She squirmed in Kaev's arms, trying to peer ahead. She felt Kaev chuckle, his fingers inching dangerously across her butt.

"Stop squirming or I'll have to toss you over my shoulder," he rumbled.

She turned her face back to him, smiled sweetly. "Are my feet suddenly useless?"

"You said you were cold," he said and gripped her tighter to his chest.

They entered a large, low ceilinged cave. It was empty save for the gurgling of water filling a large pool in the middle. All around it were ledges, shelves filled with salt and oils, and a few racks of towels. Anahid jerked in Kaev's arms. She hadn't bathed...other than with her wolf tongue-in over a week.

"This is all for us?" she whispered, taking in the steaming pool.

Kaev smirked as he stepped slowly into the water, "For now." He hissed as he entered the hot spring water. He waded to the center and when he was up to his waist-Anahid's butt barely brushing the warm pool-he released her legs and lowered her down in front of him.

She yelped as the hot water enveloped her, sending arcs of itching heat across her skin. She leaned forward, clutching at Kaev as a distraction from the unexpected heat.


Kaev smiled as he watched Anahid's face contort with the shock of the water. Slowly she relaxed against him, her fingers loosened and began to run lately down his back as she acclimated. Though he stood only up to his waist the water it came up to Anahid's mid-back, so just the tops of her breasts sat above it. He gently pushed her away from him, turned her in the water. Reaching to a nearby ledge he pulled a jar of bath salts from the ledge. Pouring a bit into his hands he smoothed it over her shoulders, massaged it into her smooth back. She sighed deeply, tried to turn to face him.

He held her still though, intent only on running his fingers over silky skin, kneading at the anxiety she tried so hard to master. His little Anahid. Fierce and hot as this spring. She glanced back to him and he saw from the mischief in her eye she intended something... Then she ducked down, submerging her head under the water and kicking away from him across the pool.

She came up a couple lengths away spluttering and giggling. Her bronze hair now sleek and dark around her shoulders. He laughed, followed suit, dunking under the water. The welcome heat hit his face and he could almost believe it was just the water that set fire to his skin. Rising slowly from the water he scanned the pool, found Anahid leaning over a ledge examining a few bottles of oils.

"I can use any of these?" she asked, looking at him coyly over her shoulder. His cock, jerked seeing the smooth line of her back out of the water, her perfect, pale butt just barely peeking out.

"I'm curious which you'd be drawn to."

She cocked her head, turned back to the shelves of oils. She unstoppered one of the small bottles, sniffed lightly. "Jasmine, that's nice." She replaced the lid and picked another up, sniffed. "Mmm, vanilla." She picked another up, sniffed and he saw from the way her body seemed to melt into the scent that she'd found her favorite, "Oakmoss and..." she sniffed again. "Amber." She turned back to Kaev and his heart stuttered at the look in her eyes.

He lowered himself down onto one of the low benches so only his upper chest rose above the water. He watched her move slowly through the water towards him, a small smile playing across her face. Stopping in front of him she unstoppered the vial again, poured a bit into her palm. Setting the vial on the ledge behind him she rubbed the oil between her palms while holding his eye. His breath hitched as she moved between his legs, nudging them apart with her thighs.

Leaning in close she ran her hands over his shoulders. Her delicate fingers slipped easily down his muscled shoulders, working to release the tension like he'd done for her. Slowly she moved her hands to his chest and he sensed her quickened breaths. He smiled. She liked his chest. Merely running her fingers over it seemed to arouse her. Dragging her eyes reluctantly from his chest she met his gaze again, smirked as she saw him watching her.

Placing her hands back on his shoulders she pushed herself up so she straddled him, kneeling with her knees on the bench on either side of him. "So this is your home," she said softly. Kaev's cock was already throbbing as Anahid brought her hips forward to grind lightly against him.

"Do you like it?" he asked, surprised at the rasp in his voice. She defeated him. He felt like putty within her fingers. This strange, beautiful girl that wrapped herself around him like he were the only thing she needed.

She murmured something that sounded like agreement as she began to massage the oil into his chest again. He felt the quiver within her as she touched him, as she teased his cock with the slow movements of her hips. As she worked herself against him they both rose. Her low moans sent shivers down his spine. The tension of his cock ached within him and he sensed it in Anahid as well as she moved more urgently, pressing herself harder into him. Still she teased, like he'd done their first time, not allowing him inside her yet, up and down she slid against him until he thought he'd burst from the tension.

Kaev finally grabbed at her waist with a groan and pulled her into him, biting hungrily at her nipples. Back and forth he moved his mouth, licking and aiming to push her higher, consume her, taste every inch of her tender flesh. She was delicious. Her soft moans rose, turning to the high, needy whines that brought out the wolf inside him. He bit her breast, flicking savagely at her nipple as she gasped and shuddered against him. "Enough," he rumbled and lifted her hips.

She growled and arched into him, let him guide his cock into her waiting opening. They both exhaled, finally coming home as he entered her. They stilled, Kaev held her eye. Felt he was falling, that everything scattered away from him except for Anahid.

She slowly began to move against him again, using his shoulders as leverage to ride the length of him. She found her rhythm quickly, moving up and down his cock like it was what she was born to do. She arched back and Kaev jerked, lust taking him as he watched her breasts bounce in time to her movements. Perfect and milky pale, hovering just above the water.

She suddenly stilled though she still leaned back, displaying her body for him, the heat rising through her. Her nipples stood excited and perked, her neck and chest flushed red as she panted, held his eyes. "I think I love it here," she said in a husky voice.

Kaev needed her now. He grabbed at her hips, finally let himself thrust into her. He gripped at her, knowing she loved the feel of his fingers digging into body. She bounced on his cock, and he rammed into her, guiding her, pounding into her deeper, so much deeper. He felt he couldn't ever be far enough inside Anahid. He lifted her, brought her slamming back down onto him as he thrust up with his hips, frantic and ravenous at the sight of her. The water splashed in their faces, echoing the waves of their passion.

Her climax began with a low keening in her throat, just what he was waiting for. With one last slamming thrust he let himself release as well, pulsing and grinding against her throbbing pussy as his seed exploded within her. She threw her head back, wailing in long, high cries of pleasure while her nails dugs into his shoulder. He collapsed backwards, leaning against the rim of the pool and panting heavily. Anahid continued to pulse against him lengthening their climax, relishing the feeling of home.

She finally leaned forward into his chest again, throwing her arms around his neck as she pressed her face into him. He wrapped his arms around her as well, holding her tight to him, feeling his slowly softening length still swimming inside her.


Anahid clung to Kaev. In this strange new place she suddenly felt more accepted, more understood, more needed than the place she'd lived for nineteen years. If every day of her new life was spent fucking Kaev it still wouldn't be enough. She smiled, thinking of all the ways she would let Kaev take her in just this room alone. She suddenly pulled away, found his lovely gray eyes. For a moment she wondered how she could have ever feared his handsome face. Savage and brutal and the man that would consume, dominate her in every way she never knew she wanted. And she could make him look at her with such tenderness, She smiled, kissed him softly, fleetingly. "I can't wait to see where we're going to be sleeping," she whispered.

He snorted a laugh and then pushed her from his lap. With an indignant yelp she fell back into the water, flailing and splashing at him.

"We must finish what we came here for first," he said.

"I thought we just did?" she said lightly.

He cocked a brow, giving her body an admiring once over. "My hungry little wolf," he chuckled as he tossed her a small towel from the ledge behind him. "Let's get cleaned up, then I'll show you everything." He turned back to the ledge, found a vile of oil. "Here, I want to smell this on you."

She moved towards him, extended a wrist primly. He dropped a dot of spicy, clove oil on her pulse point. She sniffed at it, let a small smile pull at her lips. "I like it."

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AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Such an amazing story

I cannot wait for her to defeat anyone who challenges her - and for her to bare some wolf pups.

cantfightfatecantfightfateover 3 years ago
Great story!

I'm looking forward to seeing her take down those who challenge her and learning her heritage.

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