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Joining the Pack Ch. 10

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A dangerous time.
5.7k words

Part 10 of the 15 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 02/26/2021
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Hello and thank you for reading! I know it's taking me awhile to get this chapter out, I was honestly having a hard time finding what direction to go! I'm going to start the next chapter quite quickly so look for that soon ;) Enjoy!


Anahid held the chair leg steady as Kayl hammered the last peg into place. She sighed, glanced to the group sparring in the field. As her punishment for destroying Kayl's lovely table she'd been helping the cheerful woman build a new set for the last week.

Anahid was ready to destroy this one as well. By the third day she was trying to convince Kaev she preferred eating on the floor of the room anyways... He'd chuckled and shooed her back to Kayl. Anahid longed to let her wolf form erupt. To dash to the group tumbling and sparring in the sun.

Kayl chuckled, "You are all longing glances this week. Is working with wood so terrible?"

"It really, really is Kayl. I'm bored out of my mind."

Kayl howled a laugh as she took the chair from Anahid, turning it this way and that to inspect the seams. "Well. You're in luck. I think we're done."

Anahid grabbed the other woman in a hug and then was sprinting away from her, towards the sparring ground. Yelling as she ran, "Thanks Kayl, I'll never break another table!" Kayl's laugh followed her as she dashed away, into the sun, towards Kaev.

He was already turning, sensing her approach. For a moment he narrowed his eyes, thinking she was again trying to sneak away from her punishment. Then his eyes flicked to Kayl and he broke into a sly smile as Anahid slid to a stop in front of him.

"We finished. I'm free," Anahid said petulantly as she crossed her arms and pinned Kaev with a glare.

He chuckled and turned back to watch Cobb and Varick fight. "I can see that." He glanced down to her, said seriously, "Thank you."

She felt the warmth in her chest. It raced up, reddened her cheeks as Kaev threw an arm over her shoulders and pulled her close to his side. As he stroked a hand down her arm the warmth bloomed downward, racing towards her center. They watched the group spar for a while longer. She'd wanted to join, to work off some of the tension of days spent in boredom, but now with Kaev's arm around her. His gentle fingers brushing along her bare arm she found she couldn't leave his side.

She was startled back from the present by Kaev's loud laugh as he turned her back towards the citadel. The group of warriors closed around them and Anahid was swept along with the tide of them. Into the citadel. Down the narrow and twisting hallways. The rush of water filled her ears. The moisture of the baths curled at Anahid's hair. She grinned. Glanced up to Kaev as he walked along with the press of the other Lycans. He joked with Ash, though his arm still held Anahid close to his side.

The group entered the baths and immediately clothes were thrown to the floor and bodies plunged with splashing glee into the water. Self conscious for a moment Anahid paused in the doorway, watching the relaxing Lycans. Kaev sensed her stillness. Turned back to her.

He smiled slowly, stepped close to her. Anahid was pinned by his stone-gray eyes. He cupped her cheek. Ran his fingers along her arm, to the tie of her dress. She gulped, nodded. He smoothly unraveled the knot, tugged the dress gently down. Anahid let everyone else drop away. It was the only way she could keep from trying to cover her breasts as Kaev undressed her. As he pulled the silky fabric down he brushed a thumb against one of her nipples. She sucked in a breath, instinctively leaned towards him. He pushed the dress past her hips, let it drop to the ground in a green pool at her feet.

"There has never been a woman or Lycan more beautiful than you," he leaned down, brushed the words against her ear. Anahid swallowed, felt again the rush of heat to her center.

She found herself reaching for his loose, linen shirt. Tugging at it she pulled it up above his muscled stomach, revealed that chest she wanted to bury herself in. Then she met an obstacle. He was far too tall. Just tall enough. She looked up to him, gave a sly smile. "I need help."

Kaev chuckled, swiped the shirt off in a smooth motion. Anahid fingered the top of his pants, relishing the feeling of his skin as she tugged at the leather. With deft fingers she untied the front, glanced up to him. She softly ran her fingers along the trail of hair that disappeared into his pants. The rough pubic hair delightfully scratchy against her skin. She pushed the pants down slightly more. Glimpsed the base of his quickly swelling member.

She again looked up to him. Quirked her brow. "You need a bath." Anahid grinned and smoothly twisted around him, leaping into the pool of water to howls of laughter from the gathered Lycans. Behind her she heard Kaev growl in protest as he tried to step out of his tight leather.

Anahid shrieked as he crashed into the water behind her. Slipping around the others in the pool she evaded him, shoving and using the other laughing Lycans as shields. Cobb grabbed her from behind. She immediately felt the swell of him against her back and tried to thrash away. His grip was too strong though. He ground his cock into the small of her back as he laughed. Kaev was upon them then, pulled her from Cobb. Anahid kicked away from the other man, unsettled and craving the safety of Kaev's arms. She twisted to glare back at Cobb as Kaev wrapped his arms around her and pulled her towards the edge of the pool. She felt a growl rise in her throat as Cobb met her eye, winked at her.

She glanced up to Kaev, saw he was oblivious to Cobb's antics. Anahid pushed it from her mind. She didn't want to spoil the mood. Kaev pulled her onto his lap as he sat on one of the submerged benches against the wall. He pulled a washing linen from the ledge against the wall.

"You do enjoy setting me off," he chuckled as he ran the wet cloth along her throat.

"You do enjoy being set off," she retorted sweetly, lifting her head to give him better access to her long neck.

Kaev laughed softly, the sound rumbled deep in his chest, stirred against Anahid. Things were nearly normal again. Another few weeks had passed since their explosive fight and Anahid could almost forget the grief that consumed her. But she didn't blame Kaev anymore.

Only slightly blamed herself. With Kaev's fingers caressing her bare skin she found her anchor. The place she was safe and could be happy for a time.

She shifted on his lap, feeling his member hard against her ass. Knowing her squirming would only ignite him further. He growled, moved a hand to one of her breasts while the other circled her waist. He held her still against him while his fingers fondled her nipple. Anahid sucked in a breath as he flicked the sensitive bud. As his fingers continued their work she felt the ache grow within her. Pressing her face into his neck she inhaled the scent of him. That deep, musky, woodsy scent of her mate.

Suddenly he gripped her waist with both hands, lifted and turned her so she straddled him, her back tight against his chest. "Kaev," she protested, tried to twist back around. She felt on full display for the other Lycans in the pool.

Kaev dropped his head, bit down lightly where her neck met her shoulder. He stilled her. Anahid caught Variya's eye. The handsome Lycan woman sat across from them and watched Anahid, her expression expectant. Her mate, Ash, sat beside her, though at the moment he was distracted, talking to another Lycan beside him.

Kaev tightened his grip on her waist, one arm wrapped around her, holding her still as the other slid back up the fondle her nipples again. Anahid swallowed. As he rolled her perked nipples in his fingers she felt the heat at her center. She swelled for him. Her head lolled back to rest on his shoulder as her body began to arch under his hands. Back and forth he moved his fingers, tugging and flicking and pinching at her throbbing nipples. He shifted beneath her as Anahid let out a low moan. Suddenly he forced her legs wide with his own and moved the hand that circled her waist towards her pussy.

Anahid again squirmed, tried to close her legs for though she was half submerged she felt the hungry eyes of the other Lycans in the pool. Kaev held her still, ground his teeth slightly into her in warning. His hand continued to quest downward. With her thighs held open by Kaev's legs she was helpless to stop his roving fingers.

As he brushed a thumb along her quickly swelling clit Anahid jerked and released a sharp gasp. If anyone wasn't looking, they were now. Kaev continued his circling of her clit while his other hand kneaded at her breast. As he stroked up along her slit and thumbed at her sensitive nub, he pinched a nipple, drawing a high whine from her throat. Anahid bucked against him, desperately trying to grind against his hand, to increase his teasing pressure.

A long moan sounded from across the pool and Anahid flipped opend her eyes. Variya sat on the ledge, out of the water now. Ash's face was buried in her pussy and Anahid felt a surprising shot of heat bloom within her as she watched Variya's face. The other woman growled deep in her throat as she clutched Ash's head to her.

Kaev eased a finger into Anahid's entrance. As his finger worked slowly inside her he matched the rhythm of his thumb against her clit to Variya's pants of lust. "I feel how you like to watch," he whispered in her ear. His lips brushed against her ear, took her earlobe in his mouth as his finger pressed into her. Still his thumb kept up it's achingly slow work against her now throbbing clit.

"Watch them. Don't close your eyes. I want them to see what I do to you," he growled as his finger began to move faster against her. She felt herself begin to swell, to rise to that place of no return. She groaned, her head falling back against Kaev.

He slipped his hand from her breast to her neck, squeezed slightly. "Watch them. Let them see," he ordered softly.

Anahid dragged her eyes open, let her gaze roll across the other Lycans in the pool. They all stared hungrily now at her and Kaev. As she felt her climax close she arched against Kaev, a low growl rising within her, but still she swept her eyes over the others.

Kaev sent her over the edge and Anahid howled, her body bucking in the water against his. He gripped her throat, pressed his thumb into her exploding center and held her as she thrashed. Anahid dimly sensed the eyes of the other Lycans in the pool, but could feel only Kaev's hands on her, could hear only his ragged breaths in her ear.

Her eyes eventually fell on Cobb though and a shot of ice ripped through her, seeing his unwelcome and voracious eyes on her.


Kaev ached for Anahid. As he held her tight against him on his lap, holding her thrashing legs apart he felt the impatience of his cock. It perked, searching for her entrance, though for now it had to be happy nestled between her pert ass cheeks.

Anahid slumped back against him, her climax receding from her. He flicked his eyes over the other Lycans, delighting in how they watched her. There was a bit of jealousy from the unmated males especially. From the mated pairs though, they seemed to just revel in the sight. Ash caressed Variya's leg as he let his eyes run over Anahid's body.

Kaev realized he still gripped her throat, held her head tight against his shoulder while his other hand cupped her sex under the water. Arched back against him her perfect breasts were milky orbs above the water. Her dainty nipples still dark with lust. He eased the grip on her throat, cupped her cheek instead. Turning her head slightly he met her lips in a slow kiss. Working his way tenderly into her mouth, her lips parted for him. Gently returned the kiss. She moved sensually against him, grinding her ass into his throbbing cock. He sucked in a breath, kissed her more deeply.

Suddenly he wanted her alone. He craved the intimacy of lying together in his bed. He gripped her around the waist, rose from the water.

"We're clean," he said gruffly as he tossed her over his shoulder. Anahid squealed a laugh but Kaev was already wading out of the pool. The other Lycans chuckled and waved them goodbye but his mind could only focus on Anahid and his own need.

Bursting into their room, he tossed her on the bed. Leapt in after her. Her lilting laugh drove him mad, the scent of her surrounded him in a giddy embrace. His cock strained for her, the ache turning painful as a still damp Anahid rolled in the bed under him. Her wild hair stuck to his face as he wrestled her, finally pinning her to the bed though she pretended to struggle.

His cock found her entrance, she was warm, still swollen and dripping from his earlier ministrations. Holding her wrists above her head with one hand he froze for a moment, remembering the first time he'd tasted her. The frightened girl in the forest that had nearly overcome him. She was that same girl, but changed. So much stronger. Her green eyes challenged him as she shifted beneath him, this time inviting and excited.

Emotion rose in his throat, warring with the throb of his cock. His cock won out and he thrust into her. She arched beneath him, a sharp moan escaping her pretty lips. As he worked his way into her she trembled beneath him, her hips rocked up to meet his, her head flipped back as she strained to press herself into him. And all this he watched, fascination, deep love, greedy lust all fighting within. He thrust slowly, enjoying every dragging, slippery inch as he pressed in, then pulled out slowly. She whined every time he he retreated, and her whine of need only sent him higher.

His Anahid, only he could elicit this reaction in her. She was his. With every thrust the possessiveness grew until he was pounding into her, growling as she bounced beneath him. He suddenly released her hands, needing to feel her fingers against him. She immediately flipped open her eyes, reached for him. She grabbed at his thighs, matching his tunneling thrusts with her own hips, a long, high keening now rising in her throat.

Frantic now, Kaev circled an arm under her head, grasping at her thick hair for leverage. The other he pinned her hips, feeling his climax beginning as he pummeled at her hungry channel.

He exploded, burying his face in her shoulder as he shot his seed into her. Anahid gripped him all the tighter, grinding into him, letting herself be filled. He convulsed, pulsed against her as his climax went on and on. He wanted to devour her, to take everything. He bit down again on her neck, felt her pussy spasm and then squeeze him all the tighter as she milked the last of his seed from him. She lay panting beneath him, moving her hips in slow circles against him. The little she-wolf was still hungry.

Kaev sluggishly lifted his head finally. Found her eyes. She watched him. The glittering green heavy now with lust and love. "I love you," she whispered.

Kaev's chest swelled at her words. She'd never said it before. It seemed obvious, unnecessary to say and yet...the words tunneled into him.

Their lust, the passion when they fucked, the need for each other was inevitable. But love? That was something new, something even deeper than the way their bodies craved each other.

"I love you too," he choked the words out.

He kissed her. The softness of her lips against his was the only thing he would ever need in this world. The way he could breathe her in, how she molded herself to him. He'd lived hundreds of years but Anahid was the only thing that made it worth it now. And she was his. Forever.


Anahid felt consumed by Kaev. He was the only thing in her world. His mouth still moved against her and they breathed as one. His slowly softening member still cradled within her. She imagined if they kept this up it wouldn't be soft for long. She felt a surge of heat. Wondered if she would ever get used to this? To him. Her need for him.

With a groan he pulled his face from hers, met her eye with a hungry grin. "How can I lead my pack if I spend every waking moment thinking of you?"

"Thinking of fucking me you mean?" she whispered and ground her hips against him playfully.

He growled, lifted himself from her. "Fucking you, kissing you, loving you, protecting you."

"Variya led your pack fine while you were away, they can stand a few more hours or days or weeks without you," she said.

Kaev rocked back, slid his hands down her chest, across her smooth belly as he sat back on his heels. She stretched before him, eyeing his tanned body hungrily, hoping to tempt him back into bed.

He smiled softly, letting his eyes wander over her as well. Just soft, loving pride in his eyes though. He was going to be stubborn. Anahid felt a twinge of sadness. She knew she must share him with his pack. Knew he had important work to do especially with the vampire threat.

But she found only when Kaev was wrapped around her could she have a moment of peace. Only when she had Kaev to focus on could she push away the faces of her dead family. The inching grief. She knew it was selfish. But Kaev was the only one who could keep that threat away.

She realized he still kneeled in bed, watching her.

"What?" she asked, suddenly feeling self-conscious, trying to cover it by again stretching sensuously before him.

"You've got something on your mind. I would chase it away forever if I could."

She sucked in a breath, unsettled for a moment at how he seemed to read her mind. "Forever is a long time."

Kaev set his mouth, looked at her seriously. "It is." With one last squeeze of her leg he stood.

Anahid watched him pad across the room. His broad, muscled back sending a surge of heat to her loins. Even with her change in mood she still craved him. Would always crave him. Kaev pulled a loose linen shirt over his head, tugged on a pair of leather pants. A soft groan escaped her lips as his lovely bronzed ass disappeared from view.

He glanced back to her with a low chuckle as he found her eyes on him. "You're ravenous."

Anahid flipped onto her stomach in the bed as she watched Kaev cross back towards her. "When will you be back this time?" she asked.

He crouched in front of her. Nearly eye level now he peered into her face. His steely eyes studied her, his mood turned serious. "I can stay if you want. If you need me to."

Anahid felt a moment of temptation. She wanted to beg him to stay, to pull him back into the bed and have him chase away each one of her terrible memories. Only his touch could assuage her guilt. Send her mind to that place of pure bliss and ecstasy where the only thing that existed was Kaev's body and hers intertwining and moving as one.

But as he touched her cheek, ran his thumb along her jaw she forced her heart to harden. Forced down the weak need. "No, you need to go. I'll be fine."

"Just one night running the perimeter with Variya. I'll be back this time tomorrow," he promised.

Anahid scooched forward on her stomach and lifted just enough to meet his lips. She pressed into him urgently, willing her lips to show Kaev how deeply she loved him. How much she'd miss his presence. He cupped her cheeks, returned the kiss and she felt ready to burst as his own hunger became apparent. She would never get used to this.


Anahid couldn't sleep that night. After Kaev left with Variya and a couple other wolves she'd locked herself away in her room. Kayl brought her dinner and they shared a quiet meal at their new table, but then the she-wolf slipped away, understanding Anahid's low mood.

Laying in her yawningly empty bed without Kaev, Anahid was left to her own thoughts. Her own creeping sadness. It came in waves lately. The rage of the weeks after finding her family murdered had given way to that dark depression. She'd now settled into a sort of limbo. She couldn't let her mind wander back to her mother's kind face. Her brother's serious, yet gentle eyes as he worked their fields. Without Kaev next to her if she let herself fall back into the memories the grief would consume her. She fell asleep, trying to imagine only Kaev's face, keeping him as her north star.


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