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Joining the Pack Ch. 10


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Anahid awoke feeling as if she was on fire. Sweat beaded her skin, trickled in the valley between her breasts. A dream receded from the edges of her mind, leaving only the feeling of Kaev around her. She rolled in their shared bed, now too large without his imposing bulk next to her. The sheets were damp, clung to her naked skin.

Rolling out of the bed she padded to the terrace, flinging the doors wide to feel the welcome night breeze. The rush of cool air tingled across her skin and her nipples hardened instantly. Heart racing, Anahid moved to the edge of the terrace, feeling as if nothing could cool her burning skin. The air caressing her seemed to only send the fire higher within her, the burning within her belly raced upwards, leaving Anahid breathless.

She needed Kaev. Without him she would burn alive here on this terrace with the chilly moon staring down at her. As soon as she imagined Kaev next to her, touching her possessively where the breeze did now, an ache arced through her center, chased by the burning heat within her. A soft moan of frustration escaped her lips and she sank to the cool stone floor of the terrace.

She imagined Kaev's fingers trailing down her belly, cupping her breasts, fondling her nipples in that teasing way he knew drove her mad. Anahid moved her hand to her own breast, wrenched a nipple in irritation. She let her fingers move down, cupped her own sex and instantly felt the wet heat of her arousal. Kaev hadn't said anything about her not pleasuring herself this time...

She tentatively brushed against her clit and sucked in a breath. Closing her eyes she imagined Kaev's fingers within her, stroking against her trembling slit, working her slickness around the throbbing nub. She imagined Kaev's tongue swirling in those heated circles around her center, sending her higher and higher.

Panting, she worked herself quickly to the edge. As she sent herself over into a blinding climax she writhed on the cold stone. It receded too quickly though.

As the wave of pleasure fell away she was left burning and unsated again. Tears welled in her eyes as she continued circling her sensitive nub. Her hips jerked, hunting for more, more pleasure, more pressure. More Kaev. Angrily now she flicked at her clit. Grabbed a breast in her hand and twisted the nipple. Heat and pain and moisture flooded her pussy and she frantically thrust a finger into her dripping folds. Palming her swollen clit she worked herself again over the edge, letting a scream frustration out into the night.

The climax again faded too quickly. Again left her hungry and burning alive.

Anahid squirmed on the slowly warming terrace until the sun peaked over the valley. She lay trembling and exhausted, yet still unsated. She could not survive this.

Achingly slow she pulled herself to her feet, returned to the stifling room. It was too empty without Kaev. She needed a distraction. Tossing on one of the loose silk dresses from Variya, a shiver rippled through her. Every inch of her skin seemed to smolder. The smooth fabric brushing her nipples made her stomach roil with heat. Growling in annoyance, pushing down the arousal she left the room. Out in the fresh air, chatting with Kayl and Sim as they made breakfast would distract her. Otherwise she'd go mad in this empty room chasing a pleasure only Kaev could fulfill.

Stalking through the halls she pressed down the need, though ever step, every shift of the silky fabric on her skin only sent her higher.

Was she ill? Losing her mind?

Distracted by her racing mind and the thrumming of her body, she ran smack into Cobb exiting his own quarters. Slamming into his bulk sent a trill through her gut, she could almost imagine it was Kaev instead.

"Oh!" she barked in surprise as she stumbled from him.

He darted a hand out quickly to steady her, flinched for a moment as he touched the skin of her arm.

Could he feel the fire as well?

"You look ill," he gruffed, letting his hand linger on her.

"I am ill," Anahid said, taking another step back from him. In the close corridors of the mountain he felt too close, too large in front of her. She suddenly felt imprisoned and the urge to run rose in her chest, left her throat dry and her stomach nauseated.

Still he gripped her arm, ran a thumb along her skin. His unwelcome touch sent another shot of heat through her. He tilted his head, studied her face with his pale blue eyes against his sun-lined skin. As he watched her, his grip on her arm tightened and he took a step towards her. She tried to step back from him but his hand was like a vice on her.

He reached his other hand for her face, his eyes nearly black now in the dark hall.

"Get the fuck off me," she snarled, finally wrenching her arm from him. He stood frozen in the hall as she shoved past him. As she brushed by the feel of his muscled shoulder against her sent another unwelcome rush of heat through her.

Face burning, Anahid exited the dark halls of the citadel to the open air overhang and gathering area. Only a few Lycans were up, gathered in groups of two or three drinking tea and preparing breakfast. Anahid beelined to Kayl, the other woman's broad smile doing nothing to ease the itching need that coursed through her.

"Morning Anahid," Kayl's face fell as she took her in. "What's wrong? You look awful."

"I feel awful," Anahid said, dropping onto a cushion next to the other woman. She regretted it instantly. Every touch against her skin sent the fire in her belly higher. Left her quivering with uncomfortable need.

She stood back up quickly. Began to pace in front of the Kayl.

"Anahid..." Kayl's voice was full of worry as she tried to reach a hand to still her.

"I can't sit still. I'm burning alive Kayl," she growled as she continued to pace. Distantly she noticed the eyes of the few other Lycans turn to her. She was past the point of caring. She sensed Cobb exit the corridor behind her. Felt his eyes burning into her back.

"Anahid!" Kayl now stood, trying to stop her pacing.

"What's wrong?" Anahid whipped around to the comforting sound of Varick's voice.

He'd come around the corner from the sparring ground. The handsome young wolf stopped in his tracks as he took her in. Lust bloomed within Anahid. Though the sight of Varick was more welcome than the looming presence of Cobb at her back. It wasn't right. It wasn't what she needed. There was only one person that could help her now.

Varick's face darkened as he watched her. He took a step forward and Anahid felt the claustrophobia of the other gathered Lycans as they all turned their attention to her.

Beside her, Kayl stiffened. Grabbed one of the Lycan women beside her. Dimly Anahid heard her whisper to the other woman. "Get Ash and Sim. NOW," she snapped as she shoved the woman back towards the tunnels. Kayl turned back to Anahid, grabbed her urgently by the shoulders, "Anahid, you need to run. I'll try to hold them back. But you need to get out of here. You're going into heat." She whispered harshly as she shook Anahid and tried to pull her attention back to her.

But Anahid's mind was fleeing. The only thing she could register was the stalking eyes of Cobb as he moved toward her. The hunger in Varick's face as he swept his gaze over her. Two other young males moved toward her as well, shadowing Cobb as they watched her intently.

She wondered...would it help? She could let them fuck her. Here on the ground, one after the other. It might sate her. At least until Kaev came back. The thought of Kaev, his face, his rough hands holding her, his tongue moving against her sent the need arcing like lightning through her.


Only Kaev could satisfy the fire within her, the throbbing of her sex and the need in her soul. She needed him. A low growl rose in her throat as she watched Cobb stalk towards her. Distantly she heard Kayl beginning to panic next to her as she tried to draw her attention. Rage boiled within Anahid. She would kill Cobb if he touched her.

Beside her, Kayl yelped as Varick shoved her away. His normally kind and laughing eyes were now dark with mindless hunger. Taking a stumbling step back, Anahid ran into the immovable chest of Cobb. His brawny arms circled her as he dropped his head, nuzzling and sniffing at her neck. In front of her, Varick snarled as he leapt at them. Cobb tried to twist away, still clutching Anahid to him, but she went limp, dropping to the ground away from him.

Varick barreled into them, sending Cobb reeling backwards and Anahid skidding across the ground. The other two Lycans that had been stalking behind Cobb fell on them.

"Anahid run!" Kayl shrieked, finally drawing Anahid's eyes back to the other woman. The small golden haired Lycan's eyes were wide with panic as she tried to scramble back to her feet.

Finally Anahid dragged herself back to awareness. Grabbed at the edges of her mind and some sort of sanity. Kayl had thrown herself on Varick's back as the lithe man escaped Cobb and the other fighting Lycans.

Cobb and the two other young Lycans wrestled on the ground, snarling and throwing punches. Several others were filtering out from the citadel, drawn by the commotion. Anahid felt their eyes fall on her. Like with Varick, their faces darkened, a dark hunger replacing their curiosity.

She felt it in herself. The blinding, rage-filled need. It called to them. All of those without mates of their own.

Anahid turned. Ran from the compound and the snarling pack behind her. Her bare feet pounded the already sunwarmed grass of the valley. North. She just needed to run north, towards Kaev. Frantically she pulled at the wolf within her. Tried to call that fleet and savage animal out of herself.

But then Varick slammed into her from behind. They tumbled to the ground and the breath was knocked from Anahid's lungs as she rolled. Varick's hands grabbed at her, clutched her neck, slithered down her stomach. His touch sent the heat directly to her groin and she panted from her own lust.

She could let him have her. It would feel so, so good. For a moment perhaps. Only a moment. It wouldn't satisfy her though. HE didn't deserve her. Only Kaev did. Only Kaev.


Anahid snarled, slashed at Varick's face and sent a knee into his balls. He howled, but miraculously kept the grip on her wrist. He slammed her into the ground, his other hand whipping up to her throat as he ground against her. She twisted, bit his forearm viciously. But then someone else was there, barreling into Varick and knocking him off her.

Sim and Kayl wrestled Varick as Ash in wolf form flew past them.

"We'll hold them off as best we can," Sim yelled to her. "Follow Ash, he's gone to warn Kaev. Go!" Anahid glanced behind them. Nearly twenty Lycans were already fighting behind them. Several had already transformed. Her heart thundered as she watched Cobb break free from several and turn his eyes back to her. As she watched he transformed to his huge, sandy wolf form.

She let her own wolf free at last. Leaping gleefully up, her wolf surged. Hungry and savage with only one thing on her mind: Kaev.

She needed to be fucked by Kaev.

Anahid raced across the valley, following Ash's scent as he led the way to her mate. Though the burning within her loins told her the way as well. She would know how to find Kaev anywhere. Her body screamed for him.

Behind her she heard the howls of a dozen wolves. Though the mated pairs tried to hold them off the Lycans were breaking free. They sensed the heat within her and were overcome by her lust and blind need. Anahid howled into the bright morning sun in challenge. Let them chase her. Only her mate could satisfy her. Only her mate could catch her. And so she ran towards her north star.

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evonnaevonnaabout 3 years ago

Loving this amazing, surprising and intelligently written story. Hoping the next chapter will come soon. Wishing Cobb gets a couple good punches and like someone else said, gets put in his place. Can't wait for the next chapter! thank you for writing this. xxx

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I loved this chapter a s have waited so long for you to update and it was well worth the wait. I hope she falls pregnant during this heat and I cannot wait to read the next chapter and I hope Cobb gets put in his place. Excellent writing and plot.

tattooed_cowgirl15tattooed_cowgirl15about 3 years ago

Oh wow! She's started a shit show in this chapter but not her fault, Kraev should have smelt her heat coming on from a scent change I reckon. Hmm wonder if Cobb will challenge and be put down now?.

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