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Joining the Pack Ch. 11

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Anahid must find Kaev; we meet a new character.
4.5k words

Part 11 of the 15 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 02/26/2021
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Kaev trotted next to Variya. They made their way--too slowly for his taste--back to the compound. Back to Anahid. Completing the long loop around the north part of the valley was normally one of his favorite patrols. But now, with his mate waiting for him back in his bed he found himself itching to race as fast as his long legs would allow.

He pushed the thought of Anahid from his mind, training his eyes and nose on the treeline. Searching for any vampire signs. Still none. It honestly made him uneasy. Atalanta must surely be mustering an attack. The decimation of Anahid's village was an opening salvo. A promise of things to come. She'd traced Kaev's scent there. Could she know of Anahid? The thought sent a shiver of ice through Kaev. Atalanta's thirst for blood was bottomless. Her only thought these last years was for hurting Kaev. Hurting his pack. Hurting Lycans. If she learned of Anahid... again Kaev shook his head. Tried to clear his mind and focus on his duty of the moment.

Beside him, he sensed Variya stiffen, her ears perking and nose lifting to sniff the air. Kaev mimicked her, caught Ash's scent as well. He glanced to Variya, let a low growl rise in his throat. Something was very wrong. Why would Ash come barreling to them?

Variya shifted as Ash came into view. The lithe, pale wolf plunged towards them, skidding to a halt as he shifted to his human form as well.

"What is it?" Variya called to her mate as he finished his change.

"Anahid--Kaev, you have to go now--" Kaev's heart sunk, terror gripped at him. "--she's in heat. At least a dozen of the unmated are on her tail. It was so sudden, we had no idea until it was too late--" but Kaev was already surging past Ash. He didn't need to know more.

His mate needed him.


Anahid darted through the trees. Varick had already gotten too close once, leapt at her and sent her skidding. She'd had to escape into the treeline to give herself some cover, some chance of dancing away from the wild-eyed Lycans that hunted her.

She caught a glimpse of Cobb's sandy coat from the corner of her eye, swerved away from him. Sensed too late Varick on the other side. Snarling, she leapt forward, lengthening her stride to put some distance between them.

And then she heard the howl. The deep, rumbling rage of a Lycan king ahead. Heat surged within her and she changed direction. The sound of Kaev caressed her. The scent of him now filled her nostrils. He was close.

Bursting from the trees back into the valley, she was blinded by the sun for a moment. And then she spotted the monstrous black wolf that surged towards her. Behind her several other wolves broke from the trees as well, still hot on her trail. Anahid let a high yip of excitement erupt from her throat as she raced towards Kaev.

At the last moment she swerved from him, dancing away in challenge. She couldn't make it THAT easy for him. As she ran a long loop around Kaev, she slowed, growling as she eyed him and the other Lycans that now circled.

Cobb charged at her. Kaev leapt at him and the two wolves clashed, rolling across the ground a fury of gnashing teeth and guttural sounds of rage. Varick tried to make a move toward her while Kaev was distracted but Anahid bounded away from him, growling in warning, setting her hackles bristling.

A high yelp sounded and Cobb shrank away from Kaev, chastised and submissive. Kaev turned his eyes back on Anahid, lowering his massive wolf's head, he stalked towards her. His savage eyes dared her to run again.

She whined, lowered to the ground as she watched him move slowly towards her. All around the other wolves still circled, but now gave Kaev his space. Anahid felt their manic desire like a wave of heat against her. She imagined she was like that heart of the volcano. Every sense was aflame. Her need for Kaev was likely to drive her insane.

He stood above her, swept his eyes over the other wolves, one last warning. Then he dropped his head to Anahid, licked her snout, nuzzled into her neck. She growled, shifting on the ground, her body vibrating with impatience.

Kaev snarled, circled behind her. And then he was on top of her. His weight fell on her, pressed her scrabbling body into the ground as he mounted her, grabbed at the back of her neck with his teeth. And then he was thrusting, entering her, filling her finally. She whined as the ecstasy took her. As Kaev took her.

It was the first time he'd fucked her as a wolf since their first time. That first time that had felt like a dream. She'd been so consumed in the last few weeks with Kaev's human body that she'd almost forgotten the beautiful savagery of his wolf form. Of their animal bodies coming together as they were born to do.

Kaev filled her with his seed, going rigid with a last rumbling growl and grinding his teeth into her neck. She was still crushed underneath him. Pinned to the ground with him owning her for the other Lycans to see.

The circling wolves began to growl again, eyeing Kaev and Anahid, looking for an opening. Though she finally had a sense of relief, of complete-ness with Kaev inside her, Anahid still felt the need. More. She needed more. The heat still smoldered within her belly. They weren't done yet.

As Kaev released her, Anahid scrambled across the ground growling in warning at the wolves that continued to eye her. Cobb was still wary but Varick and some of the younger ones inched towards her, watching Kaev from the corners of their eyes. Behind her, Anahid her Kaev snarl. He charged past her, sending a few of them scurrying back. Varick used his lithe quickness to dash around him though. He barreled into Anahid and they rolled across the grass, snapping and roaring at each other. He was slightly larger and nearly had her pinned when Kaev leapt back at them. He knocked Varick to the ground, stood snarling over the smaller wolf as he eyed the others that had now backed up several yards.

Anahid swelled with pride. Whined low in her throat, then whipped around and raced away from Kaev. She was rewarded with his bellow of challenge and instantly heard him thunder after her. They raced across the valley, Anahid trailed by the enormous Kaev, the smaller unmated Lycans yipping and howling after them. Every time Kaev caught her, he leapt upon her. Grinding her into the hot earth as he filled her to the jealous growls of his pack. Over and over he mounted her. Over and over she howled her glee, her fullness. But still the fire burned in her. It rose higher and higher with the sun. She sensed Kaev's fatigue. Every time she raced away from him. Every time he was forced to fight his pack off her, he grew wearier. The pack of trailing lycans grew smaller as several gave into their exhaustion.

Once more she raced away from him. Once more he leapt at her, crushing her beneath him. But then she was changing. Her body moved on its own, shrinking into her soft human form. She curled on the ground, a towering Kaev above her. He froze, a low rumble deep in his chest as he eyed her new form. She met his eye, stood slowly, feeling the eyes of the few remaining Lycans still on her. Kaev let her stand, though he lowered his head, watched her warily.

Anahid smiled, raised a hand and caressed his giant wolf's snout. Kaev nuzzled into her, his huge body leaning into her, pushing her off balance. And then he was transforming as well. He rippled, his muscled, bronzed skin glowed in the afternoon sun. He still towered over her and she suddenly felt that ache again within her center. The light breeze on her human skin taunted her.

Kaev's eyes were dark with hunger. His steely gaze pinned her, then flicked to the other Lycans. "Leave," he said softly in that Pack Leader's voice.

As the other wolves cringed, Anahid swelled at the sound. His voice stroked up against her, leaving her delirious for him. Distantly she heard the other wolves turn to trot away. Kaev snapped his eyes back to hers again. Savage wells of lust that she fell happily into. He grabbed her, crushing her to his massive chest as his head fell to consume her. His lips bit at her, open and hunting hungrily. His tongue shoved into her mouth, leaving her breathless and gasping as he tightened his grip on her.

Their mania rose higher as they clutched at each other. Anahid clawed at his back, desperate for him. And then he was pushing her to the ground, kneeing her legs apart as he fisted her hair and pinned her beneath him. Anahid snarled with need, bucking her hips into him, trying to guide his cock into her burning pussy.

As his bulging length finally grazed her slit Anahid whined, thrust herself up onto him to take him inside her. Kaev snarled and met her with a savage thrust of his own.

"Yes," Anahid moaned as he finally bottomed out within her, as he finally stroked up against that deep part of herself. He began to pump into her, filling her with his own rising need. "Yes, yes, yes..." she groaned as he took her. She writhed underneath him. She wanted to feel every inch of his skin. Needed him to consume her. To own her. To dominate her. Only then could she be sated. Only then would the agonizing heat within her be quenched.

Anahid growled underneath him, grabbed at his head as she met his thrusts with her own hips. Clutched at one of his brawny arms for leverage as she ground her clit into him. Kaev snarled and wrapped a hand around her neck as his thrusts grew more frantic. He squeezed, his fingers rough against her panting throat as he neared his climax.

As he dug his fingers into her Anahid erupted, stars filling her vision. Her entire body convulsed under Kaev's brutal fucking. Wave after wave of pleasure rolled over Anahid and she gasped for air, bucked her hips wildly into Kaev's still thrusting body. And then Kaev exploded as well. She felt instantly as his seed filled her and tears rolled down her red cheeks as she continued to ride the waves of ecstasy.

He pulsed within her, forcing out every last drop of himself. Finally he freed her throat and Anahid let loose a long high moan as she continued to grind her hips into Kaev. She would take everything from him. Nothing else in this world mattered more than taking Kaev's seed.

He panted above her, sweat dripped from his heaving chest onto her own, leaving them slick and sated--for the moment. Anahid found her own breath as well, letting her eyes catch Kaev's again as the mania finally dimmed. He was magnificent. Perfection. A massive, savage king of Lycans and he was hers. Hers alone. He was inside her in every way someone can be.

"My Anahid," he growled as he met her eyes and Anahid swelled with love to see her thoughts echoed in him.

Overcome with emotion, she wrapped her arms around him, pulled him back down into her. She kissed him. Memorized the feel of his surprisingly full lips, the stubble as it scratched against her soft skin, the heat of his chest against her. She breathed him in as she kissed, holding his head still against her own and for a moment they were one softly glowing, creature under the hot sun.

She felt the need again.

Clutching him tighter, she forced him to roll, pushed him onto his back as she rolled on top of him. His member had softened slightly within her, but she gripped at him, insistent and impatient again. He was her mate. He must rise to meet her.

Anahid pushed herself up, straddling Kaev and letting him see her heated, sweaty body. As she ground her pussy into him she was rewarded by a twitch of heavy cock within her. Coaxingly she brought him back to life.

Slowly she rode him, found a gentle rhythm against him, all the while he watched her. His gray eyes sharpening, turning dark again as she forced him back up.

"You deserve a break," she murmured as she continued to rock against him. He growled, moved his idle hands to her thighs, swept them over her belly. He grabbed at her waist, holding her steady as she moved. She felt him swell within her, felt the hard lengths of his cock strain hungrily in her dripping canal.

She rocked faster and the heat race up her spine as she glanced down to see his cock disappearing within her. She dropped her hands to his chest, felt the thrill within her gut as she grabbed at his dark hair. Kaev reached a hand up, grasped at one of her breasts. As he rolled her swollen nipple in his fingers she arched back whining from the glorious pain. She arched again into him, shoving her breasts into his face. He hungrily obliged, taking one nipple, then the other into his mouth. His suckling grew frantic as she ground against him. HIs teeth grazed her, teased and bit at her nipples and the soft flesh of her breasts.

She slid against his length and sensed in his panting that he grew close again. A thrill of pride rippled through her that she could do this to him. That his pleasure was hers. She would force him to fill her over and over before this day was done.

She bounced against him, excitement and hungry lust rising in her as she watched his face contort. He squeezed his eyes shut as he began to climax and she slapped a hand across his face, startling his eyes open.

"Look at me," she commanded, her voice low and urgent. Kaev moaned and gave a final thrust as he again filled her with his molten seed. Anahid hummed with joy as she pulsed against him, milked the life from him as she held his eyes. They were wide now, the steel gray now soft with love.


They rolled for hours in the grass of the valley. Every time Anahid reached for him Kaev rose to meet her. She was insatiable and demanding and so very beautiful. By the time the moon rose they were covered in a sheen of sweat and dirt, panting with exhaustion and happy fulfillment. Anahid lay curled against his chest, his slowly softening member still within her. His semen dribbled down their thighs, the smell tangy and heavy in the slowly cooling air.

He'd done it. He'd caught his mate, he'd filled her need. Pride sent his cock jerking once more and Anahid let out a soft moan against him. Her eyes stayed close though as she melted into him. She seemed to finally be sated. Her body was limp and warm still against his. He held her to him, nuzzled into her damp hair. She smelled of him. Musk and sex and dirty wolf. Kaev chuckled and finally Anahid stirred against him. Her eyes opened slowly, found his in the slow darkness.

"I'm starving," she whispered.

Kaev barked a laugh as he crushed her to his chest.

She smirked, ran her fingers over his arm. "I don't know if I can bear returning to the pack like this though."


They returned to the citadel when the moon was at it's highest. Slipping silently back through the halls, Anahid full of giggles as they crept. Kaev made one detour to the kitchens and together they piled a board full of meats and cheeses. Kaev felt the pulsing of his pack around him. Was almost sorry to have missed out on the night's festivities. A Lycan female's heat is a dangerous time. But after she's caught by her mate? Well then the rest of the pack celebrates. Imagining the manic fucking of their packmates. He'd never seen the effect on a pack from their leader's mating. He'd always led this pack. Had always been the mate-less leader. He chuckled again.

Anahid glanced up to him, curiosity in her glittering eyes as they hurried through the dark halls. "What?" she whispered.

"I was just thinking that the pack is still likely recovering from your heat."

She blushed, quirked her mouth. "You should have warned me. It was terrible."

Kaev pushed open the door to their room, held it for Anahid to slip in. "I know. I thought I had more time. I was distracted and missed your warning signs." Though it was the last thing he wanted to be thinking about...his mind flashed to Atalanta.

"Yes. You should have. I think you still forget how new I am to this," Anahid said petulantly as she grabbed up the thick fur blanket from their bed. Kaev was forced to smile as she struggled to drag the heavy blanket out to the terrace. She loved eating on the ground, under the stars. Little she-wolf.

He followed after her pert little ass with the tray of food. Her bronze hair gleamed in the moonlight as she piled the blanket in a cozy nest on the cool stone. Setting the tray of food down he grabbed her up from behind. Squeezing her tight against his chest, he inhaled her scent. The smoothness of her body once again pressed against his.

"Can you blame me for forgetting you have not been here my entire life. You are in the air I breathe, you have always been a part of me," he whispered huskily into her ear. And as he knew she would, she molded herself to him. Her head lolled back, tempting him with her milky throat. Her hands grasped at his arms as she let him envelop her.

Then her stomach rumbled.

They both broke into hiccuping laughs. Anahid curled forward, heaving with giggles and Kaev was forced to hold her upright as she laughed. He sank down onto her fur nest, folded her still chuckling form into his. And then they fell on the their midnight picnic. Curling around each other, content and finally home.


Atalanta ran a finger down the arm of her newest vampire. She wouldn't have looked at him twice normally. But he had some special qualities. And he had lovely arms. Muscled, tanned. Though, he would lose that handsome tan slowly as he was forced to avoid the sun.

She frowned, returned her attention to Dymion. "And you've really never fucked a woman before?" she asked.

He reddened, looked away from her. Not that there was anywhere safe to look. She chuckled, motioned to two of the guards and they grabbed the new vampire's arms.

"Bring him to my room."

She turned and swept from the courtyard. They'd turned nearly a dozen of the villagers. This handsome dark haired boy was going to be her favorite though.

She entered her room and moved about the space, lighting the few candles and tossing aside the flowing black robe she always wore. The guards pushed Dymion into the room, then shoved the door squarely shut behind him.

She turned back him. Eyeing his tasty body once more. Shorter than she preferred, but years working in a field had given him a coiled, deceptive strength. His thick black hair was lovely as well, though she'd probably cut it a bit shorter...

Crossing the room slowly, she slipped the shoulders down on her dress. Let it slide down her body. As she stepped out of the gown she was rewarded by a jerk of his cock. He was nervous. Scared even, but he also wanted her. Of course he did.

Atalanta laughed as she stopped a breath from Dymion. He stood only a couple inches taller than her. Looked down at her with confusion and lust warring on his boyish face.

"Do you know who I am?" she asked softly, again running her fingers up his arm.

He swallowed, shook his head slightly.

"I am Atalanta. Queen among vampires. Did you ever think you'd get to fuck a queen?" she purred.

As he opened his mouth to respond she snaked a hand to his quickly swelling cock, gave it an abrupt squeeze. He jerked, one hand whipping up to grab at Atalanta's arm.

She smiled, eased closer to him as she continued to massage his cock. His eyes darkened as he watched her face, the grip on her arm tightened, and then he wrapped his other arm around her waist, pulling her into him.

Atalanta grinned as she ground into him. Caught tight against him now she had no room to administer to his quickly swelling member, but he didn't seem to mind. Apparently he was a kisser. He dipped his head, clumsily pressed his lips into hers. She returned the kiss gently, teasingly. She moved against him, helped set the pace. She always loved these first nights with an eager new vampire.

Grabbing his hand, she tugged it up, forced him to cup her breast. He pulled his lips from hers, looking into her face with excitement as he began to knead at her breasts.


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