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Jordan Ch. 02

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A young girl grows up fast and takes control.
36.9k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 05/03/2016
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All characters involved in any sexual activities in this story were over 18 when any sexual events took place.

Part 2 – Jordan goes to university




My name is Jordan and I'm nearly 19 years old, 5 feet 1 inch tall, I weigh 99 pounds and have a 32aa 26 33 figure and dirty blonde hair; your average skinny teenager.

I come from a self-induced poor family living in a not very nice part of a big city. Because of my parent chosen life-style I had to look after myself and often my parents as well. I have a brother who is 1 year older than me and is very much like most of the kids in that area – a loser.

The school I went to must have been forgotten by the education system because it's a dump, run by teachers who (mostly) don't give a shit about the kids; the majority of which were only there because they had to be and were just waiting to go and live on benefits and spending most their time drinking, smoking and going on holidays to do the same but in the sun.

Having said all that, I made the most of my early teen years and had lots of fun. If you haven't already done so you can read all about it in the full version of Part 1 of my story.

The 6th form college that I went to was a 'proper' college with lots of standards and rules. A lot of my mid-week fun was curtailed and restricted to weekends and college holidays. Again, you can read all about it in the full version of Part 1 of my story.



I'd done the impossible. I was both the first person in our family and the first kid from our school to go to university. The fact that I'd found a way to help me on my way was irrelevant. I'd done it.

The debt that I was taking on to be there was terrifying but I had some ideas as to how I could help with that.

The university is in a big city in the north of England; lots of miles from home. The hall of residence that I'd been allocated to is a newish building with a couple of hundred individual rooms grouped together in clusters of anything from 4 to 12. I was in a group of 8 x 18/19 year olds with 3 boys and 2 other girls. The rooms all have en-suite facilities but I wouldn't have minded sharing a bathroom with the boys.

I moved into my room the first day that they would let me; I wanted to get to know the lay of the land as soon as possible; and get away from home. I'd already decided that when I got there I was going to wear as little as I could get away with, and that included our flat.

As soon as I moved in I took off my skirt and put on one of the new see-through thongs that I'd bought. On my top I wore a thin tank top that was quite short, leaving lots of stomach exposed and my nipples making little tents nearly all the time. I'd already decided that a tank top and thong was the most that I was going to wear in and around my room.

I left my old school dresses at home and only brought my ultra-short skirts and dresses. No trousers or shorts of course; and not forgetting, no underwear.

I was the first to move into our flat but the next day one of the boys moved in. I was in the kitchen area when he and his parents arrived. I went up to them and introduced myself. Ben and his father smiled but Ben's mother wasn't impressed by how little I was wearing. She didn't say anything but the look on her face said it all.

Ben's really nice, but a bit nervous. He started to relax a bit after his parents had left and I got him to help me connect my laptop to the WiFi system; just so that I could get him to look at my body.

The others arrived over the next couple of days; the guys seemed impressed that they were in a group with a girl who wore so little. The girls didn't seem bothered by my attire and they soon started walking around in sleeping shorts and T-shirts.

One of the guys had a bit of an ego problem and thought that he was god's gift but I found it easy to lay down a few rules and we soon got on just fine; but I did catch the boys perving at me at times, especially when I forget to put a thong on.

One thing that I did discover quite quickly was that the hall of residence is 1of 3 built next to each other. My window looks directly over to one of the other buildings. I'd never closed the curtains in my room at home and I wasn't going to start when I got to university. I left them open, not caring if any students wanted to spy on me.

Undergraduates have a lot to cope with and learn during the first few weeks that they are there and I was pleased that I had got some new friends to help each other get through all the challenges. None of my flatmates are on the same maths course as me but we still had a lot of things to do that we could do together.

As we went around doing whatever, there were lots of 'moment' where my micro skirts blew up (it's wind up north) or we had to go upstairs or we were sat on low sofas or seats waiting. I saw lots of boys looking at me (and my butt and pussy). I just acted like nothing was on display but my pussy said otherwise.

I did get quite a few guys trying to hit on me but I wasn't interested. I wanted to get settled in and organised for my course. That was my main priority. I was sure that there would be plenty of time for some serious teasing and other such fun later.

The medical examination


I got another thing to get done, three days after I arrived, when I got an email from admin. They told me that I had to go and have a medical exam, telling me that all new undergraduates had to have one; something about them knowing all about the people who they were responsible for.

The university has a medical college and the appointment was in there. I took my thong off (they were for in and around my room only; and I hoped to discard them soon and get the others used to me being bottomless, and topless); and put a skirt on and went searching for the medical college.

When I found it I discovered that the examinations were being carried out by third year medical students. Apparently the professors trust them enough to do those routine tasks.

I was asked if I minded being examined by male medical students.

Of course it didn't bother me and I told the receptionist that as long as they were competent to do the job they could be aliens for all I cared.

The 2 medical students were both quite cute and I could see that I was going to enjoy the experience. They tried to relax me (not necessary but nice) with chat and when I told them that I hadn't been to see my doctor at home since I was 5; that there had never been a reason to so I hadn't a clue what to expect during the examination, I could see their eyes light up. It was like I was telling them that they could do anything that they wanted to me and I wouldn't know if it was necessary or not.

I thought that I'd get it off to a good start and I said,

"I suppose that these examinations are done with the patient in the nude."

That surprised them a bit and after a bit of throat clearing one of them said that it was but I could wear a medical gown if I wanted to. He then asked me to get undressed and gave me a gown.

They both watched me as I got naked in seconds. It was clear to me that they liked what they saw. I picked up the gown, opened it up, laughed and then put it back on the table saying,

"Silly thing; it's not worth putting on."

One of them laughed a little then invited me to sit down. The other one started asking me all sorts of questions, some of which I couldn't understand the relevance.

At one point I had to get up and let them measure my height and weight. When they looked at the numbers they both laughed and told me that according to the BMI figures I was over-weight. I looked down at my skinny body and tiny traffic cone tits and laughed as well then said,

"Well that really does inspire confidence in the system doesn't it?"

More questions followed then they started getting more personal. Well I suppose that everything was personal but they asked me about sexually related things; the first being about how regular my periods were and if I thought that they were excessively heavy or painful.

"No, I'm very regular and they never really hurt me and are over in a couple of days." I replied.

"Are you a virgin?"

I laughed and told the truth.

"Are you sexually active now?"

I thought about Mr Brown then said,

"Not as often as I'd like to be."

That caused 4 raised eyebrows and 2 smiles.

"Have you had anal sex?"


"Have you had oral sex?"


"Do you like corporal punishment?"

That one surprised me and I replied,

"I like the idea but I've never tried it; well not seriously."

"Do you use sex toys?"

Surprised again but I said,

"Yes, the bigger the better."

"Do you like the idea of being naked in public places?"

Again I was surprised but answered with the truth.

"Have you been naked in public in the last year?"

Again I told the truth, giving them a brief summary of the fun at the carnivals (see the full version of Part 1).

At that point I noticed that the student who was asking the questions and writing the answers down has stopped writing. I guessed that he was making it up but I didn't care; I'm not ashamed of anything that I've done and now that I was away from home and family and relatives I didn't care who knew. Also, I wondered if I could embarrass them and maybe get some sort of advantage out what they were doing.

I thought that it may be fun to pretend that I needed a pee so I asked if there was a toilet that I could use.

"Yes, of course, and you can save some time by putting some urine in this bottle for me;" one of the guys said, "we need a sample for testing for drugs and other things. There's toilet just down the corridor on the left. There won't be anyone around to see you but you can wear that hospital gown if you wish Jordan."

I stood up and picked up little bottle, saying,

"No, that won't be necessary but I'll have to be careful filling this, I don't want to pee all over the ceiling."

Stupid thing to say but I was starting to enjoy my medical examination and I wanted to have some fun. I turned and walked out of the room knowing that the 2 guys were watching my bare butt as I walked.

I left the door open and stood just out of sight for a few seconds wondering if they were going to talk about me. They did,

"We've got lucky here bro, who would have thought that a skinny kid like that would be a nympho?"

"Yeah, shame about the tiny tits."

"I like them like that."

"Those hard nipples look very chewable."

"I wonder if she fucks as good as she talks. She can certainly talk-the-talk, I hope that she can walk-the-walk as well.

"She certainly looks like she can; and that skirt and no knickers; I hope that I bump into her around campus."

"You don't think that she's making it all up do you?"

"No, you've just got to look at the way she dresses; she's a girl who knows how to party."

I quickly tip-toed down to the toilet and peed into the bottle.

One of the students was fiddling with his phone when I went back into the room and sat down, leaving my knees apart and lounging back in the chair.

"Have you had sex with a woman?"

"Not solely with a woman." I correctly answered.

"So have you had sex with more than one person at the same time?"


"How many people?"

I paused then mouthed a count. I stopped and said,


"Was that a gang-bang?"

"Yes, I suppose it was."

"Do you always practise safe sex?"

"Well no, but I'm not sure what you mean. If you mean does anyone who I have sex with every get hurt then yes they do. There was this one time last month when I went to a college football match, it wasn't really sex but it would have been if things had gone as they were supposed to, you see we, me and 2 friends, were supporting our team and we were naked and running up and down the side of the pitch cheering on our team when of the boys from the other team told me that he was going to fuck my brains out. One of our team heard and a big fight started and 3 boys ended up in hospital.

"Well Jordan that wasn't what I meant, do you always get the man to wear a condom?"

"No need; I went on the pill when I was 13 to help with my periods."

Then one of them told me that the questions were over and that we had to move on to the physical. Those questions had gone on for ever but I had quiet enjoyed answering them; especially once I'd realised that they were getting me to tell them things that they didn't need to know.

One of the students asked me if I minded if he videoed the physical examination for medical training purposes. I knew what he was up to but it sounded like fun. The videos of me winning the dance competition at the carnival that first year were probably all over the internet so another one from a medical examination didn't bother me at all.

"Yeah sure, no problem but can I ask that you email me a copy please?"

"Oh yes, certainly, I can't see any reason why not, after all, it is your body."

"Yeah, and it's what you are going to do to it that I'm interested in."

I fully realised that I had virtually told them I knew what they were probably going to do to me and that they were probably going to put the videos on the internet; and that it was okay with me.

"Oh, please be assured that these videos are for medical training purposes only Jordan."

"Yeah right," I thought, "like I believe that."

I was asked to stand up and move over to an open space where they got me to do all sorts of bending and stretching exercises. They seemed to linger on ones where my pussy was spread wide. The guy with the camera always seemed to be moving to where he'd got the best view of my butt and pussy.

I was already dripping from all the questions but spreading my pussy for them like that got me so wet that I was thirsty.

After that I was asked to get on the examination couch and lie on my stomach.

One of the guys then examined all of my back with his fingers. When he got to my butt and his fingers went between my legs I let out a long moan. I just knew that he'd discovered how wet I was.

Then I was asked to turn over. As I did I thought that best bits of the examination were about to start.

The other student's fingers started feeling all around my head and neck. My nipples and my clit were starting to hurt.

Then he went passed my tits and examined the bottom half of my ribs and stomach down to my pubes. Was he teasing me, making me wait for my pleasure?

He pressed on my stomach in a few places and asked if it hurt. It didn't and when I answered I realised that my voice sounded sexy.

The hands finally found my little tits and I was soon moaning as he squeezed, poked and pulled my tiny tits and nipples.

"Jordan, I'm sure that you know that your breasts are not the same shape as the majority of women's are. Let me assure you that you are definitely not some sort of freak; thousands of women have breasts like yours; many women have no breasts at all. Have you ever worried about your breasts?"

Thankfully he'd stopped massaging them before he said that and I managed to coherently replied,

"No, I like them as they are, they make me look younger. My brother calls them my 'traffic cones'."

"Oh, I've never heard of breasts being called that before, but I can see how he got that idea."

The massaging started again and I felt my arousal level rise. If he kept that up for much longer they'd be able to watch me cum.

Maybe he had realised what he was doing and was just teasing me because he kept going until I was soo close; then he stopped. Maybe he recognised the change in my breathing.

I heard noises of metal banging together then one of them said,

"Jordan, please can you lift your feet and put them in the stirrups for me?"

I looked down to my feet and saw that the stirrups had appeared. Getting another wet rush, I spread my legs and lifted my feet.

"Can you shuffle down a bit please Jordan; it will make things easier for all of us."

I did, going so far down that my knees were over my hips, but no further; I wanted my head to still be on the raise part of the couch so that I could watch what they were doing to me.

"Thank you Jordan, that's much better. I'm going to start examining you down there so you'll feel my fingers; please don't be alarmed."

I really did want to say,

"Shut the fuck up and get on with it." but I didn't.

Instead, I moaned at the first touch of his fingers.

I orgasmed before he'd even touched my clit or my vagina.

"Don't worry Jordan; it's perfectly natural for a woman to react like that." I heard as I started to calm down. I opened my eyes and saw the phone that one of the students was holding and pointing down to my pussy.

"Is it okay to continue now Jordan?"

I nodded and gasped as fingers touched my clit and moved it around. I had a mini orgasm but managed to keep my body still.

"You'll be pleased to hear that everything looks quite normal on the outside Jordan. I'm just going to insert this speculum into you vagina so that I can spread it apart and check that everything is okay inside. Don't worry, it won't hurt."

I wasn't worried; I'd seen pictures of one of those things and I really wanted one inside me. I wanted to be stretched so wide that I could put my fist in there.

"Err, can I ask that you get a close-up video of the inside of me please; I want to see what I look like in there."

"Of course Jordan, that's no problem."

By then my eyes were glued to the speculum. I couldn't see it actually going in but I could feel it; and after lots of it had disappeared I watched as the knob was turned and I felt myself being stretched.

Oh, that was soo nice.

Both students took it in turns to lower their heads so that they could get a good look; one of them holding the phone so close that I couldn't see it.

"Could one of you touch my clit so that you can video inside me whilst I cum please?" I asked.

The student holding the phone looked up at my face smiled and the other guy's hand moved in.

Twenty seconds later my hands went to the sides of the couch and I held on tight as another orgasm rippled through me.

As the waves subsided I said,

"That was fucking good; did you get it all on video?"

"Yes Jordan we did, it will make excellent training material."

"Fuck the training," I thought, "I want the videos so that I can drive my boyfriend (when I get one) wild."

"Okay Jordan," one of the students said as he removed the speculum; "we just need to check your sexual responsiveness. Can you masturbate for us please?"

I looked up at them, smiled and my left hand went to my tiny tits and my right hand went to my pussy.

"Keep that camera rolling." I said as my fingers got busy.

Just as I was getting close, I stopped and waited.

"Can't you reach an orgasm Jordan?"

"Of course I can, it's just that it's better if I take a break then start again."

"Hmm, I've never heard that before."

My hands got busy again, but my left hand moved down and started finger fucking me. Then I stopped again.

"Can one of you do it please? It'll be so much stronger when a man does it?"

I pulled both my hands away and 2 male hands moved in. As they got into a nice rhythm I said,

"You've had practise haven't you?"

Neither of them answered and 10 seconds later it hit me like a train. My body arched up and went still for a second then I was jerking and spasming all over the couch. What's more, I was getting a bit loud.

When I finally calmed down I looked at the 2 students and said,

"That was awesome; did you get it all on video?"

"Good; now put that phone down and fuck me please."

They did, one fucking my pussy and the other my mouth. After I'd had another orgasm I told them to swap ends and keep going until they had cum.

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