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Journal of an Agent Ch. 03

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Escorting Jessica Alba to an awards show.
4.4k words

Part 3 of the 28 part series

Updated 10/23/2022
Created 05/22/2001
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Chapter 3: Jessica Alba

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This is Part 3 of an ongoing series. Yes I know the celebs don't act like this in real life, but this is a fantasy after all.

* * * * *

Awards shows are always a big deal for us agents. Sure, they are a mixed blessing with all the preparations in getting your star (or stars) ready for the big night, but the payoff comes when they come home with those nice shiny statues that mean bigger and better things for their careers, and our wallets.

One of the firms hottest clients and a quickly rising star is Jessica Alba. We had initially taken her on as a "little fish". Basically a bit part actress. But then when she interviewed for the highly coveted female lead on James Cameron's Dark Angel and got it, we started to pay more attention. The show is a hit and Jessica was everywhere. She was the "it" girl for the fall TV season, something very few stars get to experience. And now here she was, up for a People's Choice award for best new actress. Sure, it wasn't an Academy Award, but anything that can help her resume works for me. So, on the night of the ceremony, I went all out. Julie (my personal assistant) had suggested renting a huge limo for Jessica, as well as paying for the dress she would wear. This would display an air of confidence and would treat her like the star she had become.

We picked Jessica up from her loft apartment at 5, allowing two hours for pre-show traffic. Myself and two bodyguards were in the limo when we pulled up, just as a safety precaution. I was there to see how she did and maybe wrangle away some new clients for the firm. As soon as her and her boyfriend got in the car though, I knew something wasn't right.

"Dean, guys," she said, nodding at the two security guards. "This is my boyfriend Ken,"

Ken was a well built guy, probably in his mid 20s. He had a nice enough face and was dressed very well, but even from 5 feet away, I could smell the alcohol on his breath and his clothes.

"Hi. How are ya doing? I'm Ken," he said in a slight slur, extending his hand for us to shake. When I reached to shake it, he pulled it away.

"Haha! Too slow!" he laughed drunkenly. I looked at the two guards. They too could tell it was going to be a long night. The car ride there was excruciatingly long, not only because of pre-show traffic but because Ken talked endlessly about how he met Jessica and how we had all better "stay away from her, she's my girl", shaking his fist at the two guards. The one on his right just rolled his eyes and politely answered "Yes sir."

To make matters worse, Ken was partaking in the whiskey in the car quite fluidly. Jessica was underage and couldn't drink, although not like I cared if she wanted to or not. Lots of our under age stars partied quite hard. Jessica just sat on her seat in the car quietly, obviously embarrassed by Ken.

When we arrived, Jessica and Ken got out of the car. Julie had picked out the dress for Jessica to wear, and she looked absolutely beautiful. It was down to ankles and all black, with a maroon sash tied around the waist. Her left shoulder was bare, and the back of the dress was slit, exposing her beautifully tanned and perfect skin. When she stood to get out of the limo, I couldn't help but look at her ass. Ken managed to compose himself for the cameras, although it was quite evident to anyone near him that he was totally drunk. Luckily for Jessica and the firm, the cameras avoided him as much as possible.

Before the show began at 8, I walked around the lobby of the auditorium, talking to clients who were in attendance but not up for any awards, as well as managers and owners of studios and other agencies. In the two months I had been in Hollywood since taking over the business from my deceased father, I had made quite a few connections in Hollywood. Grabbing a drink from a cute little brunette waitress, I took my seat in the upper level above the stage.

This was my first in-person award show and I enjoyed it. Granted, winning a People's Choice isn't THAT big of an accomplishment, and a lot of the presenters were b-movie actors and actresses, but it was still enjoyable. When Jessica's category was up and set to be announced by Rob Lowe, I actually felt myself get a little nervous and excited.

"And the winner for Best new actress is....Jessica Alba, Dark Angel," Lowe read from the envelope.

The auditorium erupted in applause, and Jessica made her way to the stage. Her acceptance speech was short and sweet. I was honored when she mentioned me by name as "the best agent a girl could ask for". Strangely though, she didn't thank her boyfriend.

After the show, I finally chased her down in the lobby.

"Congratulations!" I said, giving her a hug.

"Thanks. This is so overwhelming!" she said, a huge smile on her face.

"Well, let's go celebrate. Tell me Ms. Best New Actress, where are we off to?" I asked, leading her towards the entourage of press and limos outside the doors.

"Hold on, I need to find Ken. I think he went off somewhere to get another drink," she said, sounding a little angry about his drinking.

She found him not exactly where she wanted to. He had cornered a blond bartender in a far corner of the room and was obviously trying to get into her pants. His head was less than 3 inches from her face and it looked like he was just about to kiss her when Jessica walked up. Using a move I had seen her do in Dark Angel, she grabbed Ken by the shoulders and slammed him up against the wall. For a smaller woman, she was quite strong. I was across the room but I could tell from her voice and body language that she was giving him a major bitch session. His face seemed to be apathetic, often not even looking at her when she was talking. She finished and started dragging him towards me and the door. We hurried to the limo and drove off.

Jessica was extremely upset, and had her face in her hands crying.

"How the hell could you do that to me Ken? In front of all those important people," Jessica sobbed, trying to control herself again.

Ken was even more drunk than I thought possible, and his attitude showed it. "I was just trying to hook up with a girl to maybe get in on a three-way with you, me and her," he said snottily.

Jessica slapped him hard across the face. Acting out of pure reflex, Ken balled up his fist and raised it back to punch Jessica. Luckily the two bodyguards caught it as soon as it was over his head, one of them palming his fist and holding it back while the other bent Ken’s other arm around his back, immobilizing it. Ken struggled in vein for a second and then relaxed. The guards still held on.

"Ken, I think this is where you get out," I said coldly. "What?? We are in the middle of the freeway!" Ken said, sounding concerned for the first time that night.

"That's your problem. Not mine," I said. With that, one of the guards used his free arm to open the door to the night road outside. We were not going faster than 5 mph, and actually were stopping quite frequently. And even though I didn't give a rats ass what happened to him, I didn't want to go to jail for throwing him out of a fast moving car. Moving with amazing agility inside such a small space, the guards grabbed Ken's legs and arms and as the car came to a stop in traffic, lightly threw Ken onto the shoulder of the freeway, closing the door quickly behind them. Ken rolled a little bit but was back up in a flash, running after the car. He caught up to it and was banging on the windows, quite sober now.

"Jessica baby, come on! I wouldn't ever hit you, you know that! I was only kidding around with the blond girl! PLEASE LET ME BACK IN THE CAR!" he was yelling, his tuxedo getting dirty from the sand along the road as well as the diesel fumes from the cars. When the car stopped, Jessica surprised us all and rolled down her window. A momentary glimpse of hope on Ken's face was just that, momentary, as Jessica said emotionlessly.

"Go fuck yourself,"

This angered Ken and he tried to cram his arm and head through the window to get at Jessica. The guards were quick on the draw though, pulling out a 9mm pistol each and jamming it through the window. Ken got the message and backed away from the car. Jessica rolled up her window and the car sped up, as we were at our exit.

Things were quiet in the car until we got back to Jessica's loft. I took one of the guns from the guards and got out of the car with Jessica, telling the driver to take the limo back after he dropped the guards at their houses. I would stay with Jessica to make sure she got in okay and that Ken didn't try anything stupid. My office was close by.

We walked to her front door and then she stopped before opening it.

"Thanks Dean. I mean, for everything you did tonight," she said, looking directly into my eyes.

"No problem. And congratulations again on winning," I said.

"Yea, thanks," she said. There was an awkward moment of silence and then she leaned in slowly and gave me a kiss on the cheek. This wasn't the usual Hollywood greeting kiss; There was a certain warmth in it. Feeling her warm breath on my cheek, impulse took over and I turned her head slightly, kissing her softly on her beautiful lips. I only intended it to be a momentary kiss, to return the favor, but she kissed me back with more heated passion. I began to feel my body take over as I unconsciously moved my hands up to her soft, round hips. Our kiss became more involved, as she slipped her tongue into my mouth and I moved mine into hers. We stood there kissing like that for what felt like an eternity. Finally, I broke the kiss and moved my hands from her.

"Would you mind staying with me, just to you know, be safe?" she asked innocently, the flames of passion dancing behind her deep hazel eyes.

"I'd love to," I replied softly. She then opened her door and we were inside her apartment. Shutting the door behind us, she took my coat from me and hung it on the coat rack by the door, brushing her small but firm body against my side. Turning around after hanging the coat, she leaned against the wall and I moved in to kiss her again. Our mouths acted virtually on their own accord and our kissing became more fierce. I slowly started kissing her neck and exposed shoulder, reaching my hands around her back to undo her dress. Letting the clasp fall, I gently pulled the dress over her shoulders and exposed her bare breasts.

Her skin was as beautiful as the rest of her, a darkened shade that had to have come from the Italian and/or Hispanic portion of her genes. Her areolas were a deeper brown and very large, covering the front portion of her breasts almost entirely. Her nipples were large and quite soft, as I ran my hands over them, flicking them ever so gently to arouse them. They stood pointed from her large breasts, as Jessica's breathing became heavier from the excitement. Her face was flushed with the erotic attention the rest of her body was getting. I moved my mouth from her shoulders and began kissing her breasts all the way down to her nipples, taking a handful of her left tit into my mouth and sucking lightly on her nipple. Jessica held my head there and ran her fingers through my hair, moving her hands smoothly up and down the side of my face.

I switched to the other breast and started flicking her now very erect nipple with my tongue, running it slowly around her nipple, teasing it.

This continued for a few minutes, me standing there in her hallway in my expensive tux and her even more expensive dress half off of her body. Jessica pulled my head up to her face and we kissed fiercely again. After a few minutes, it was her turn to break the kiss and she gazed deep into my eyes and whispered throatily,

"Take me now. In the bedroom," she said.

I lifted her up into my arms, cradling her head and bare chest against mine as I carried her through the kitchen and into her bedroom. She had an expensive four post bed, blanketed by a rich maroon velvet bedspread. I set her gently onto the bed and stepped back to begin taking off my shirt. Jessica propped herself up on her knees and began undoing my belt and pants, letting them fall to the floor. I stood in only my white boxer shorts, my cock straining to get out of them. Jessica laid back on the bed and spread her legs slightly. I leaned over her and kissed her again, slowly moving from her lips down her neck to her breasts and navel. I stopped and slowly began sliding her dress off of her hips. When I had the dress off, I dropped it lightly to the floor. Jessica lay on top of the velvet bed now in only a pair of skimpy black panties. Her skin contrasted richly to the bedspread, a light brown on top of a maroon red. Her panties were already a little damp I noticed in the soft light of the room.

I crawled on to the bed and laid beside her. Propping her head up with her left hand, she slowly slid her right down my body, running her fingers softly over my chest and abs, tracing unknown little patterns all over my stomach. When Jessica reached my boxers, she slowly put her hand down past the waistband and ran her small, soft, warm hand on to my dick, feeling it up and down. I was quite hard by now, and Jessica seemed to enjoy that. Sitting up slightly on the bed, she pulled both hands up to the waistband and pulled my boxers down, flinging them onto the floor beside the bed. Stroking my cock again with her hands, she slowly began jacking me off. I reached my hand up and began teasing and kneading her breast, pinching and squeezing her nipples softly. She leaned her face down to mine and we began to kiss again, gently and softly. I have to say, she was one of the best kissers I have ever met.

After getting my dick at full attention, she removed her hand and this time it was her turn to slide down her underwear. As they moved past her hips and down to her knees, I saw her pussy for the first time. Shaved in a normal bikini-line sort of way, her pussy hair was a brown about as dark as her areolas, only much softer. I could smell her musky scent and could see little droplets of moisture on the outside of her mound. I moved my fingers down to her snatch and began slowly teasing her aroused clit with two fingers, squeezing it gently and rubbing it between my thumb and index finger. Jessica moaned softly as I did this. Slipping two fingers now into her, I began to slowly finger fuck her. Moving my fingers in and out of her tightness, I got a good rhythm going in her. Soon, soft squishing sounds began to resonate through out the room as Jessica was nearing orgasm. Her moans and cries that used to be soft were now getting louder as she was writhing around on the bed in ecstasy. Reaching her hands up to grasp the sheets, she cried out loudly as she orgasmed, covering my two fingers in her sticky sweet juice. I pulled my fingers from her and licked them clean, tasting her salty honey. Jessica caught her breath and then grasped my cock in her hand and pulled me towards her on the bed.

Without saying a word, I lifted myself over her and positioned my cock at her tiny little hole.

Reaching up with hand to caress my face, she whispered softly "Please be gentle. Your my first,"

This struck me off guard and I almost hesitated to pull away from her. But she was too quick for me and thrust her hips up at me, snaring my dick in between her soft pussy lips and driving in almost all of my 9 inches into her in one quick thrust. Grunting in pain for a slight second, I could see the grimace on her face as I tore into her quicker than she probably wanted. But only a few seconds later, she pulled me on top of her and began rotating her hips around my cock, trying to get as much into her as possible. I lay on top of her, crushing her breasts against my chest. Her pussy was like the soft velvet of the bedspread, teasing my shaft but sucking it in for more. The warm wetness inside her was like an insatiable fire that I could not put out. Being inside of her was like heaven, as I thrust in and out slowly at first.

My speed and tempo must not have been enough for Jessica, as in between my grinding into her and in shortened breath she gasped,

"More! More! Faster! Harder!"

I picked up the tempo as fast as I could, and soon we were literally bouncing up and down on the bed, my full 9 inches sliding into the deepest portion of her, hitting her pussy wall on virtually every thrust. As feverish as our pace was, it was the heat of her virgin, teenage pussy that I knew would keep me from lasting for very long. Beneath me I could feel Jessica shudder as she orgasmed, her juices mingling in with our fucking and leaking on to the bed below in a pool of liquid. Sensing myself on the edge of cumming, I started to pull out of her.

"No! In me!" Jessica gasped, pulling me back on top of her with all of her strength. I was torn about cumming inside of her, what with this being her first time and all, but my body was reacting far quicker than my mind was, and I felt my balls tighten as I shot stream after stream of cum into her. Jessica felt it hit her inside and this triggered another orgasm and she cried out so loudly it shook the pictures on the wall. Thank God she had this floor to herself.

Exhausted and spent, I pulled out of her only to find that I was still hard. Jessica caught her breath again and we laid next to each other, kissing gently.

I guess she wasn't as done as I thought she was, as she lowered my head down to her pussy. I got the hint and started lapping at the outside of her lips, running my tongue against her thighs and inner walls. I could taste some of my cum in her, something that I had never experienced before. Her sweet juices overpowered it though, as I took her clit into my teeth and gently squeezed, licking all around her as I did. Jessica sighed contentedly and I continued to eat her out. My dick was now a raging hard on once more, so I changed positions and we soon lay in a 69 position. Jessica took my cock in her hand and slowly slid it into her warm mouth. I felt it slide down her throat as she licked the shaft as it went all the way down. Lifting my hips up from her face and then lowering them back down, I began to slowly fuck her mouth while I continued to eat her out. My tongue was now deep within her as it probed the inner walls of her hot snatch. My cock was now moving of it's own accord as Jessica would pull it out and then lower it back in, kissing and licking it as slid into and out of her mouth.

Jessica came first, groaning onto my cock as she did. I tasted her juices in full force this time, spilling out onto my mouth and the bed beneath us. The puddle by my head was now getting quite big and sticky, smelling innocently sweet, just like Jessica.

I turned myself around and stood up on the bed, as Jessica continued to suck me off. Grasping her deep brown hair in my hands, I fucked her mouth a little more roughly than the way we had been going all night. She didn't seem to mind though, and in fact sucked more enthusiastically on my cock. I pulled out of her mouth and gave it a quick two or three jerks and then sprayed my load all over her face. This orgasm was just as strong as the one that was still seeping out of her cunt, and it covered her face. Streams of cum landed on her forehead and nose, sliding down to her mouth. Her tongue was extended and willingly taking all the drops that landed on it. Another shot landed on her upper lip and dropped audibly onto her waiting tongue. I aimed my cock lower and shot the final stream onto her large and heaving breasts, as the cum leaked down her cleavage and onto her nipples.


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